Consumer Corner

5 Steps to Winterize Your Home



( Without a little prep work and routine maintenance, winter weather can wreak havoc on your home. Following a few simple steps can help you avoid frozen pipes, drafty rooms and slippery sidewalks.

Watch video for helpful tips this winter!

1. Clear Gutters – Melting snow will have nowhere to go if gutters are clogged with leaves and debris.

2. Protect Pipes – Open cabinet doors under kitchen and bathroom sinks so warm air can surround pipes. Drain outside spigots before temperatures drop below freezing.  

3. Improve Insulation – Cold air can seep in through openings around windows and doors. Install weather stripping and seal openings with caulk to insulate cracks and crevices.

4. Prevent Slips and Falls – Keep sidewalks and driveways clear of ice and snow. Sprinkle deicing salt on steps, sidewalks and driveways to prevent accidents.

5. Control the Temperature – Set the thermostat to at least 65 F during winter months. Consider installing an energy efficient or programmable thermostat.

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