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Embracing the Pickleball Lifestyle After 50: A Conversation with James Main of Seattle United

"James Main and Mike Sleeves Sliwa discussing pickleball and Seattle United in the latest People of Pickleball Podcast episode."

Welcome back to the People of Pickleball Podcast! In this latest episode, host Mike Sleeves Sliwa sits down with James Main, the General Manager of the newly formed Seattle United. Join us as we delve into James’ inspiring journey, both in the world of pickleball, which he entered long before the COVID-19 pandemic, and his new lease on life after turning 50. Additionally, we uncover James’ instrumental role in shaping and leading Seattle United, the latest team to join the National Pickleball League (NPL).

A Lifelong Passion for Pickleball:
In this captivating interview, James Main takes us back to his early introduction to pickleball. Long before the pandemic brought the sport into the spotlight, James discovered pickleball and quickly fell in love with its unique blend of athleticism and social connectivity. He highlights how pickleball became more than just a hobby but an essential part of his life, leading to a newfound sense of purpose and vitality.

Rediscovering Life After 50:
James shares his personal journey of self-discovery and empowerment that began after he turned 50. Realizing the importance of staying active and embracing new challenges, he immersed himself in the pickleball world, harnessing the sport’s positive impact on both physical and mental well-being. James encourages listeners to embrace their passions no matter their age, as it can lead to a renewed sense of purpose and a zest for life.

Seattle United: Combining Passion and Leadership:
Mike and James delve into the story behind the formation of Seattle United, Seattle’s newest pickleball team in the National Pickleball League (NPL). James, in his role as General Manager, shares the team’s vision and goals. Seattle United aims to create a vibrant and inclusive community that welcomes players of all levels, fostering a supportive environment for growth and development. James highlights the team’s dedication to building strong player relationships and providing a platform for talent to flourish.

The Impact of Seattle United:
As the conversation continues, James sheds light on the significance of Seattle United’s entrance into the NPL. Being part of this prestigious league has granted the team exposure to a broader audience, sponsorships, and invaluable opportunities to compete at a high level. Seattle United’s affiliation with the NPL allows them to bring the sport of pickleball to new heights, while simultaneously inspiring and uniting players within the community.
In this episode of the People of Pickleball Podcast, we’ve had the privilege to get to know James Main, General Manager of Seattle United, and witness his unwavering passion for pickleball. From his early immersion into the sport well before the pandemic, to discovering a new lease on life after turning 50, James demonstrates the transformative power of pickleball in enhancing physical fitness, mental well-being, and fostering a close-knit community.

Seattle United’s entry into the National Pickleball League marks an exciting chapter in the team’s journey. With James’ leadership, Seattle United is unquestionably set to make a lasting impact on the sport and its enthusiasts. Be sure to catch this inspiring episode of the People of Pickleball Podcast, and stay tuned for more engaging conversations with influential personalities within the pickleball community.

Remember, age is just a number – embrace your passions and let them rejuvenate your spirit. Let’s keep pickleballing and creating a community that thrives!

watch the interview here…

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Wickle Elite 1: A Game-Changing Pickleball Paddle

Describing the paddle as a game-changer, Sliwa went as far as suggesting that the sport itself should consider rebranding to “Wickleball” in honor of this groundbreaking equipment. With a low price tag that won’t leave your wallet in a pickle, the Wickle Elite 1 promises to elevate your pickleball experience without breaking the bank.

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  • Over the past few years, Mike has become an insane pickleballer (pickler), fortunately for the senior 50+ crowd he started his show, Sleeve's Senior Pickleball Report. He spends the rest of his time speaking on social justice and spending time with his beautiful wife, Karen, and enjoying simple living in his ger/yurt.

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  • Rod: A creative force, blending words, images, and flavors. Blogger, writer, filmmaker, and photographer. Cooking enthusiast with a sci-fi vision. Passionate about his upcoming series and dedicated to TNC Network. Partnered with Rebecca Washington for a shared journey of love and art.

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