
Unveiling the Mysteries of Fallstreak Holes in Clouds: A Fascinating Exploration

Fallstreak holes are circular/elliptical gaps in clouds caused by supercooled water suddenly freezing or evaporating. #meteorology #clouds



Fallstreak holes, also known as hole-punch clouds, are a fascinating meteorological phenomenon that occur when supercooled water droplets in high-altitude clouds suddenly freeze or evaporate. This rapid transition can be triggered by airplanes or other disturbances, creating circular or elliptical gaps in the cloud layer. The process not only leads to the formation of distinct, eye-catching shapes but also highlights the delicate balance and dynamic nature of atmospheric conditions.

What Did You See? Back in February of 2015, I saw a series of strange holes that would appear in cloud layers above my house. I took several pictures of this phenomenon and after a bit of research and the help of a friend, I found out what these holes actually are.

These circular or elliptical holes, often observed in cirrocumulus or altocumulus clouds, are fascinating natural phenomena. Known as fallstreak holes, they are typically created by the Wegener-Bergeron-Findeisen process. This process occurs when ice crystals form in the cloud layer and initiate a chain reaction of sublimation. This causes surrounding water droplets to evaporate rapidly, leaving behind a clear hole in the cloud.

Passing aircraft can also contribute to the formation of these holes. When an aircraft flies through a cloud layer, it can introduce ice crystals into the environment. These ice crystals then grow quickly by the Bergeron process, causing adjacent water droplets to evaporate and resulting in a hole within the cloud. This interaction between aircraft and clouds adds a unique element to the phenomenon and demonstrates how human activity can influence meteorological conditions.

Why do Fallstreak Holes look so Strange?

The unusual appearance and rarity of fallstreak holes have led to instances where they have been mistaken for UFOs. Their distinct formation, which sometimes resembles a portal in the sky, can indeed appear otherworldly to observers. However, it is essential to understand that they are entirely natural occurrences caused by specific atmospheric conditions.

Fallstreak holes are not restricted to any particular geographic location. They have been photographed in diverse locations around the world, from North America to Europe and beyond. Whether it’s in a rural landscape or above a bustling city, these captivating holes in the clouds are a reminder of the intriguing and sometimes mysterious processes that occur in our atmosphere.


  • Rod: A creative force, blending words, images, and flavors. Blogger, writer, filmmaker, and photographer. Cooking enthusiast with a sci-fi vision. Passionate about his upcoming series and dedicated to TNC Network. Partnered with Rebecca Washington for a shared journey of love and art. View all posts



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