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Food safety expert provides tips for preserving Thanksgiving foods

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« Food safety expert provides tips for preserving Thanksgiving foods

Thanksgiving should be a meal that is safely enjoyed with family and friends and Virginia Tech experts have some tips to ensure holiday classics are safely enjoyed in the days and weeks that follow.

“It’s important to keep food out of the danger zone, which is the temperature between 41 and 135 degrees,” said Alexis Hamilton, a postdoctoral associate and incoming assistant professor  of food processing microbiology in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Department of Food Science and Technology. “It’s important that foods pass through this range as quickly as possible. Basically, keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold.”

Hamilton recommends the following tips to ensure food safety: 

While this isn’t a lot of time, Hamilton has some methods to maximize leftovers.

“One trick I like to use is to put meals onto plates and place the amount for a few days in the fridge and put the rest in the freezer, where the foods will safely keep for a few months,” she said.

The longer that foods are in the freezer, the more moisture evaporation will occur. While the food is safe to eat anywhere from one to three months, the taste will not be the same when stored for that length of time.

“If you like Thanksgiving foods the best after a few weeks, I would suggest that you freeze the meal on Thanksgiving Day and defrost it when you want to eat it,” Hamilton said.

Safe storage times of popular Thanksgiving foods when stored and sealed properly with airtight heavy-duty foil, plastic wrap, or freezer paper; or when placed the package inside a plastic storage bag:

If food has been stored for longer than the FDA-recommended times, there are some warning signs that the food has gone bad:

“When in doubt, throw it out,” Hamilton said. 

For specific safekeeping times, Hamilton suggests the FDA’s refrigerator and freezer storage chart. Hamilton also recommends the USDA’s Foodkeeper app, which provides guidance on the safe handling, preparation, and storage of foods. The app offers specific storage timelines for the refrigerator, freezer, and pantry for various products including meat, poultry, produce, seafood, dairy products and eggs, and more. 

Source: Virginia Tech


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