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How Climate Change Impacts Birds, Their Feeding Habits and How to Help from Home

gray small bird on green leaves

Photo by daniyal ghanavati on

Bird Feeding

(Joan Casanova) Bird feeding is a common practice in the United States, with more than 59 million Americans participating, according to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. In addition to providing aesthetic and recreational benefits, bird feeding can have positive impacts on bird populations.

According to the National Audubon Society, birds provide important ecosystem services, such as pollination, pest control and seed dispersal. In fact, around 87% of flowering plants rely on animal pollinators, including birds, to reproduce and grow, according to a study published in “Science.” Birds also consume fruits and berries then spread the seeds, which helps maintain biodiversity and promotes the growth of new plants.

Considered good indicators of the health of the ecosystem, changes in bird populations and behaviors can signal changes in the environment, such as pollution, habitat loss and climate change. As temperatures, weather patterns and ecosystems change, it can affect the availability of food for birds, which may alter their behavior.

Feeding birds can be a beneficial practice that helps them cope with climate change. Consider these benefits:

To attract more birds this season, it’s important to offer quality feed in a variety of bird feeder types placed at different heights.

Traditional tube feeders are basic, all-purpose, must-have feeders that work well for finches, nuthatches and other small birds that cling. Made with state-of- the-art materials to prevent warping and discoloration, Cole’s Terrific Tube Feeder features a quick-clean removable base.

Simply push a button and the bottom of the feeder comes off for easy access. Rinse well with soapy water, submerge in a 9-1 water-bleach solution, rinse and dry. Then reattach the bottom; there’s no disassembly or assembly of multiple parts necessary. Regular cleaning of feeders is essential, preventing mold, germs and disease.

Another option, bowl feeders, can serve not only seeds, but also dried mealworms, fruit and suet in cake or kibble form. For example, Cole’s Bountiful Bowl Feeder comes with an adjustable dome cover you can raise or lower to protect from rain and prevent larger birds and squirrels from getting to the food.

Popular Foods
In addition to feeders, offering a variety of foods is vital for inviting different species to your backyard.

Don’t forget, birds need water just as much as humans. Drinking water helps regulate body processes, improves metabolism and maintains health. Birds also use water for preening and bathing, and on hot days, standing in cool water or taking a quick splash can help them keep cool.

Find more solutions to bring birds to your backyard at

Photos courtesy of Cole’s Wild Bird Products

Cole’s Wild Bird Products


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