
Innovative Study Unveils New Insights into Asymmetric Particle Collisions



credit: Nuclear Science and Techniques
Centrality dependence of model parameters y0a, y0A, σa and σA in p+Al, p+Au and 3He+Au collision at √sNN= GeV. The lines are the linear fit results to guide the eyes.
« Innovative Study Unveils New Insights into Asymmetric Particle Collisions

Newswise — A study is published in the journal of Nuclear Science and Techniques, researchers led by Prof. Hua Zheng from Shaanxi Normal University, heralding a significant breakthrough in high-energy particle physics. This study sheds new light on the behavior of particles in high-energy collisions, an area of research integral to deepening our understanding of the universe’s origins.

In this comprehensive study, the researchers implemented the Tsallis thermodynamics framework, utilizing the Tsallis distribution—a sophisticated extension of the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution—to analyze the transverse momentum spectrum of particles in high-energy collisions. This innovative method considers particles detected in experiments as being produced by fireballs, which adhere to the Tsallis distribution, thereby providing a more detailed and nuanced understanding of particle dynamics in high-energy collision environments. Focusing on asymmetric collision systems, specifically p+Al, p+Au, and 3He+Au at 200 GeV, the team leveraged the fireball model rooted in Tsallis thermodynamics. This model proved effective in fitting the experimental data from these complex collision systems. A key aspect of the study was examining the total multiplicities of charged particles, particularly their relationship with the centrality of the collisions. The research also highlighted the significant impact of data quality, especially in terms of pseudo-rapidity distributions, on the overall findings. Further, the study delved deeply into the variations in fireball model parameters, analyzing how these parameters change with both the centrality and the size of the collision systems. This approach uncovered the intricate and complex dynamics characteristic of asymmetric collisions, contributing significantly to the field of high-energy particle physics.

This study’s findings confirm that the fireball model with Tsallis thermodynamics can be a universal framework to describe the pseudo-rapidity distribution of charged particles produced in asymmetric collision systems. The success of this model in fitting experimental data paves the way for more detailed studies into the complex dynamics of high-energy particle collisions. These insights are not only significant for theoretical physics but also have practical implications in particle accelerator experiments and the search for new elements and particles physics. The continued exploration of these complex systems will deepen our understanding of the universe’s fundamental processes.




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Funding information

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (11905120, 11947416);
The Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan Province (2023NSFSC1322);
The Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China (2023-JC-YB-012);
The United States Department of Energy (DE-FG02-93ER40773);
The NNSA (DENA0003841 (CENTAUR)).

About Nuclear Science and Techniques

Nuclear Science and Techniques (NST) reports scientific findings, technical advances and important results in the fields of nuclear science and techniques. The aim of this periodical is to stimulate cross-fertilization of knowledge among scientists and engineers working in the fields of nuclear research.

Journal Link: Nuclear Science and Techniques



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