Black History

Moment In History Valerie L Thomas



Valerie L. Thomas (born February 8, 1943) is an American scientist and inventor. Thomas was interested in science as a child, after observing her father tinkering with the television and seeing the mechanical parts inside.

Thomas did not have a lot of support as a young child; her parents did not fight for her right to study a STEM curriculum, but she did have a few teachers who fought for her at a young age.

She attended Morgan State University, where she was one of two women majoring in physics. Thomas excelled in her mathematics and science courses at Morgan State University.

She graduated with highest honors in 1964 with a degree in physics went on to work for NASA.


  • Rod: A creative force, blending words, images, and flavors. Blogger, writer, filmmaker, and photographer. Cooking enthusiast with a sci-fi vision. Passionate about his upcoming series and dedicated to TNC Network. Partnered with Rebecca Washington for a shared journey of love and art.

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