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Naked Gardening Day is coming soon.

person holding a green plant

Photo by Akil Mazumder on

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Naked Gardening Day is an annual event observed on the first Saturday of May. It was started as a lighthearted way to celebrate the joy of gardening, and to foster a sense of community among gardeners. It is also a great way to raise awareness about the importance of nature conservation.

The origins of Naked Gardening Day can be traced to the early 2000s, when a group of friends decided to try something different and plant a garden while wearing nothing but their birthday suits. Word of their activity spread, and the first official Naked Gardening Day was celebrated in 2008. Since then, it has become an annual event.

You may be surprise by just how many people participate in this day. World Naked Gardening Day is on May 6, 2023. If you feel the urge and are daring enough, go ahead and plant flowers or pull weeds wearing nothing but sunlight, sunblock and your birthday suit.  Charles Elliot

Those who wish to participate are encouraged to celebrate Naked Gardening Day in a safe and legal manner. This may involve gardening in the privacy of one’s own backyard, at an appropriate nudist camp or beach, or at a designated clothing-optional garden. In all cases, it is important to be aware of local laws and regulations, as well as to take all necessary safety precautions to ensure everyone’s safety and comfort.

Naked Gardening Day is a great way to celebrate the joy of gardening, and to raise awareness about the importance of nature conservation. So, why not strip off your clothes and get your hands dirty this coming May?


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