Daily News

National Donut Day: Indulge in Delicious Treats on November 5th

close up photo of donuts
Photo by Nishant Aneja on Pexels.com

National Donut Day is a delightful celebration observed by donut enthusiasts across the nation. Falling on November 5th (with another day in June), it’s a time when these delectable treats steal the bakery case spotlight, tempting us to indulge. The history of donuts is as diverse as their shapes. Dutch settlers may have brought donuts to North America, just like they introduced other beloved American desserts. The ring-shaped donut is attributed to American Hanson Gregory, who, at 16 years old, punched a hole in the center of dough while working on a lime-trading ship. Donuts have evolved over time, and today, they come in countless flavors, toppings, and styles. Whether you prefer yeast donuts, French crullers, or cake donuts, there’s a donut for everyone to enjoy on this special day.

National Doughnut Day, or National Donut Day — celebrated in the United States and in some other countries, in june and november…


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