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Olympic Agenda 2020+5 Midway Report: Paris 2024 and Progress Highlights

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has recently released the Olympic Agenda 2020+5 Midway Report Highlights, marking the halfway point of this strategic roadmap. Adopted in 2021, Olympic Agenda 2020+5 builds upon the achievements of Olympic Agenda 2020, with a focus on five contemporary trends: solidarity, digitalization, sustainable development, credibility, and economic and financial resilience.

Since its adoption, Olympic Agenda 2020+5 has made significant progress in shaping the work of the IOC and the wider Olympic Movement. The report highlights various accomplishments, with a particular emphasis on the upcoming Olympic Games Paris 2024. These games are set to be a blueprint for future editions and other major events, demonstrating the successful implementation of Olympic Agenda 2020+5.

Paris 2024 aims to set new standards in several areas. Notable achievements include gender equality on the field of play, with an equal allocation of quota places for male and female athletes. The games will prioritize sustainability, aligning with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and reducing the carbon footprint by half compared to previous editions. The majority of infrastructure is either existing or temporary, and 100% of the energy used will come from renewable sources.

Paris 2024 also focuses on creating more urban and inclusive games. Competitions will take place at iconic landmarks, and the opening ceremony will be held in the heart of the city. Spectators will have the opportunity to participate through various activities, such as the “Marathon Pour Tous” that allows 40,000 runners to experience the same course as the Olympic marathon runners. The games aim to inspire the population to be active, promoting sports participation in schools and communities.

With its emphasis on youth appeal, Paris 2024 will include sports like breaking, sport climbing, surfing, and skateboarding, which gained recognition at Tokyo 2020. The IOC promotes these games as the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024, showcasing inclusivity and the spirit of Olympism.

As Olympic Agenda 2020+5 progresses, it continues to shape the Olympic Movement and set new standards for sustainability, inclusivity, and youth engagement. The accomplishments highlighted in the Midway Report demonstrate the collaborative efforts of stakeholders and pave the way for the Games of a New Era.

If you require additional details, please click on the provided link: https://www.thenewsmarket.com/news/ioc-releases-olympic-agenda-2020-5-midway-report-highlights/s/f6a30c17-1f74-4bb8-8b58-affac2a62560


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