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Revolutionary PRP Fertility Treatment for Improved Ovarian and Uterine Health Offered by New Hope Fertility Center

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Photo by Anna Shvets on

New Hope Fertility Center is proud to offer innovative and effective fertility treatments to individuals and couples struggling with infertility. As part of their mission to help patients achieve their dreams of starting or growing their families, New Hope is utilizing platelet-rich plasma (PRP) fertility treatment. PRP therapy has shown promising results in improving fertility outcomes by boosting egg quality and quantity and enhancing the growth and development of the endometrial lining, which are crucial factors for successful egg implantation and pregnancy.

PRP fertility treatment involves collecting a sample of blood from the patient and processing it to separate the platelet-rich plasma from other cellular components. The PRP is then purified and injected back into the patient. New Hope offers two PRP treatments: ovarian rejuvenation and uterine infusion, both of which are performed on an outpatient basis using a simple three-step technique. The procedure that is best for a patient depends on their unique situation, with ovarian PRP recommended for individuals with low ovarian reserve, recurrent pregnancy loss, failed IVF, or primary or secondary infertility, and uterine PRP recommended for patients with thin endometrial linings, recurrent pregnancy loss, or implantation failures.

While still considered an experimental technique, PRP could be an ideal treatment option for women who are unable to get pregnant through traditional means or who have failed one or more IUI or IVF cycles. New Hope fertility specialists can help patients determine whether PRP is a viable option and if they are a good candidate for one of the procedures. Infertility is a widespread problem that impacts millions of couples worldwide, and success is never guaranteed, even with traditional fertility treatments. PRP fertility treatment offers a minimally-invasive and cost-effective option for those experiencing infertility over a certain age.

New Hope Fertility Center is a trusted provider of customized fertility care in New York City. With a focus on cutting-edge fertility treatments and minimally-invasive procedures, New Hope provides patients with safe and effective options needed on their fertility journey, plus expert clinical guidance to ensure they remain well-informed every step of the way. Those interested in learning more about PRP fertility treatment are encouraged to visit New Hope’s website or schedule a consultation. With PRP fertility treatment, New Hope is helping patients achieve their dreams of starting or growing their families.


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