Daily News

Sonic Boom Shakes Northwest Ohio: Fighter Wing Conducts Functional Flight Test

A recent sonic boom in northwest Ohio, particularly in west Toledo, caused quite a stir among residents on Wednesday. The unexpected noise turned out to be the result of a fighter aircraft breaking the sound barrier during a test flight conducted by the 180th Fighter Wing, an Air National Guard base in Swanton.

The sonic boom, likened to the sound of an explosion, took some by surprise but was later explained by the 180th Fighter Wing as part of a routine functional flight test following heavy maintenance on the aircraft. These tests are essential to ensure that all systems of the aircraft are functioning properly and to guarantee mission readiness before returning the aircraft to operational rotation.

Residents in the area have been informed that they may hear another sonic boom on Thursday morning, as the 180th Fighter Wing announced plans to conduct an additional functional flight test between 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. The test is expected to involve the aircraft reaching supersonic speeds around the Bowling Green and Toledo vicinity, potentially generating another sonic boom.

Sonic booms occur when an aircraft travels faster than the speed of sound, creating a shockwave that can be heard on the ground. These tests are typically conducted at altitudes above 30,000 feet to minimize the impact on residents below.

While the sound of a sonic boom can be alarming, it’s important for residents in the area to be aware that these tests are part of necessary procedures to ensure the safety and operational efficiency of the aircraft. So, if you hear another loud noise on Thursday morning, rest assured that it’s just the sound of a fighter aircraft pushing the limits of speed in the name of readiness.

Check out the story WTOL 11Toledo, Ohio: https://www.wtol.com/article/news/local/loud-boom-heard-across-northwest-ohio-was-fighter-plane-breaking-sound-barrier-wednesday-180th-says/


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