Foodie News

Unity & Exhaustion: Johnsonville’s National Temperature Check Survey Uncovers Americans’ Yearning for Connection

New survey reveals Americans’ exhaustion with negativity and desire for connection. Johnsonville’s National Temperature Check uncovers unity amidst divisiveness.



Johnsonville's National Temperature Check survey reveals Americans' exhaustion with negativity and yearning for connection.
Photo by RDNE Stock project on

Johnsonville, a popular sausage brand, has conducted a nationwide survey in partnership with The Harris Poll, to measure the thoughts and desires of Americans during a divisive and negative election year. The survey, titled “Johnsonville’s National Temperature Check,” has revealed some unexpected results that highlight Americans’ desire for unity and connection during a challenging time.

Exhaustion from the Negativity:
The survey reveals that an overwhelming 80% of adult Americans express exhaustion from the pervasive anger and negativity present in the media. With 9 out of 10 Americans desiring less negativity in news and social media platforms, it is clear that a significant majority is craving a more positive and uplifting environment. The survey also highlights that 84% of Americans believe that recent elections have not been bringing out the best behavior in people. These findings underscore the need for a shift towards a more hopeful and harmonious social atmosphere.

Missed Connections:
Despite the prevalence of social media and connectedness through technology, the survey demonstrates that Americans are feeling less connected on a personal level. A staggering 60% of respondents agreed that having fun with others has become harder lately. Furthermore, two-thirds of those polled disagreed with the notion that they are spending more time with others compared to five years ago. Additionally, 80% of Americans yearn to reconnect with individuals they miss dearly. These statistics reveal a deep longing for human connection that is intrinsic to the human experience.

Hanging Out Over Good Food:
Johnsonville’s survey indicates that sharing a meal with others can be a powerful catalyst for bridging gaps and fostering understanding. An impressive 91% of adults agreed that it is not necessary to agree with someone on every issue in order to enjoy a meal together. Moreover, 75% of Americans perceive people as inherently good. Interestingly, 71% also agreed that it is easier to spend time with individuals whose views they don’t necessarily agree with if they are sharing a meal they love. These findings illustrate the unifying power of food and the potential it holds for bringing people together.

Launching the “Keep It Juicy” Campaign:
In light of these survey results, Johnsonville is initiating a new brand campaign called “Keep It Juicy.” The campaign seeks to remind Americans to take a break, lower the temperature on negativity, and relish in good food with good company. By encouraging individuals to prioritize fun, togetherness, and enjoyment of delicious meals, Johnsonville aims to inject positivity back into the social fabric.

The “Keep It Juicy” campaign kicks off today with the launch of a new ad creative which can be viewed HERE, with additional initiatives to be announced at a later date.

To join the “Keep It Juicy” conversation, follow Johnsonville on Instagram, @Johnsonville and use the hashtag #KeepItJuicy.

For “Keep It Juicy” inspiration and more campaign extensions, visit


The Johnsonville’s National Temperature Check survey unveils an important aspect of the American psyche – the desire for unity and connection. Despite the prevailing negativity and exhaustion, the majority of Americans yearn for a more positive, enjoyable, and connected society. Through initiatives like the “Keep It Juicy” campaign, Johnsonville aims to inspire individuals to embrace the joy of shared meals, fostering bonds with loved ones and even those with differing views. By emphasizing the importance of fun, food, and togetherness, Johnsonville seeks to encourage a more harmonious and inclusive America.

About Johnsonville, LLC
Johnsonville, LLC is a Wisconsin-based company that has become the top national sausage brand. They offer more than 80 different varieties of sausage and are present in over 40 countries, as well as over 75 professional, semi-pro, and college sports stadiums in the United States. Johnsonville was founded in 1945 and continues to be a family-owned business that employs and trains approximately 3,500 members across the globe. The company is driven by a team of passionate sausage-makers who are dedicated to their craft.



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