
Unraveling the Mystery: Strange UFO Sightings in Arizona and California

Unexplained sightings of UFOs spotted over Arizona and California, sparking intense Reddit discussions and fueling curiosity.



Alt text: Image of a night sky with a glowing unidentified object and clouds, representing the mysterious UFO sightings in Arizona and California.
UFO Sightings: Arizona & California Mysteries

On May 22, 2024, around 9:04 PM Phoenix Mountain Time, something unknown was spotted over Arizona and parts of California. Several eyewitnesses took to Reddit to discuss their sightings, providing similar details with slight variations and sharing still frames from recorded videos of this peculiar phenomenon.

There were speculations on Reddit that the object could have been a SpaceX launch from Florida, even though it was launched on the opposite coast earlier that evening. The suggested flight path would have passed over the reported sighting areas in the Southwest after completing a global orbit.


👽✨ Unexplained UFO sightings in Arizona and California! Join the Reddit community to dive into the mystery. 👀💫 #UFOsightings #Arizona #California ♬ original sound – STMDailyNews

I personally witnessed the object as well. As I gazed westward, I noticed a hazy whitish object that initially resembled an aircraft with its bright landing lights on, maneuvering through the clouds. However, the sky was completely clear, and the moon was situated to the southeast behind me. I quickly grabbed my iPhone and began recording. I captured a glowing white circular vapor cloud with a brighter, more solid-looking point of light at its center. It followed a flight path originating from the northwest, gradually shifting towards the southeast. As the object passed directly overhead, the cloudy shroud dissipated, revealing a radiant point of light resembling a star, continuing its trajectory. Eventually, it vanished as it moved towards the slightly behind me heading southeast. I stopped recording a few seconds later and scanned the skies. To my amazement, I then observed a massive glowing crescent-shaped object moving in the same direction and flight path, but it suddenly dissipated before I could resume recording. Astonished by what I had witnessed and its unusual behavior, I momentarily forgot to capture that part of the event.

Immediately after the sighting, I went indoors and searched the internet. I stumbled upon a Reddit community where I discovered a video recorded through a car window, capturing a similar object to what I had witnessed.

Some individuals believed it could be a SpaceX booster rocket expending fuel before its landing. This theory appeared logical to me, and I conducted some research but found no substantial information to confirm or debunk this conclusion.

Upon reading comments from the community, I learned more details. People reported seeing the object when it first appeared, describing color changes, and gaining further insight into the crescent-shaped object that emerged after the initial one vanished. Some even claimed to have spotted military helicopters and a stealthy plane with its lights off. Although I did not personally witness this, if true, it would add to the mystery.

Though I have not entirely dismissed the possibility of the SpaceX booster rocket theory, I now approach it with skepticism after a similar incident occurred the following evening.

On May 23, 2024, at 9:14 PM, according to my phone’s timestamp, I recorded an extremely similar object once again, following the same flight path. It emitted a glowing light but dissipated slightly earlier, leaving behind a solid star-like object that also faded away while traveling towards the southeast. A few seconds later, the crescent-shaped object reappeared, and this time I managed to capture it before its disappearance.


I am currently searching Reddit, other community forums, and news sources in hopes of finding an explanation for these sightings.

The search for an explanation regarding these sightings continues. It is crucial to approach this investigation with a focus on factual evidence rather than dismissive speculation. By actively engaging with platforms like Reddit, community forums, and reliable news sources, we can hope to uncover reliable information and gain a better understanding of these mysterious occurrences. For further exploration of related resources and to stay updated on the latest developments, we encourage you to check out the provided links and references. Together, let us strive for a comprehensive and informed analysis of these sightings.

Check out the links below for Other groups and individuals talking about the object.

Arizona Sky 5 22 2024: Discover videos related to Arizona sky 5 22 2024 on TikTok.

Carrie Konyha: Clairvoyant Psychic talks about what she saw:


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