
Why are Arizona Valley Residents Advocating for a Fireworks Ban?

Thousands in the Valley demand a ban on fireworks in Arizona, citing trauma to communities and harm to animals. Change is imperative.



Thousands of Valley residents are uniting to urge state lawmakers to enforce a ban on consumer fireworks in Arizona. The initiative, spearheaded by Phoenix resident Rebecca Plantz, has garnered over 15,000 signatures, highlighting the growing concern among the community. “It can sound like a warzone when you’re in the middle of these neighborhoods,” Plantz emphasized, reflecting the sentiment of many affected individuals.

While the 2019 Senate Bill 1348 permits the use of consumer fireworks on specific days around holidays, the current regulations have led to difficulties in enforcement. The limited window for legal usage coupled with challenges in policing illegal fireworks has resulted in distress for residents and their animals.

Mesa resident Marilyn Crossby expressed the detrimental impact on her horses, noting the physical harm and emotional distress caused by the explosive sounds. The Arizona Equine Rescue Organization (AREO) has also witnessed the consequences, with spooked horses sustaining injuries as a result of fireworks.

The repercussions extend beyond animals, as Maricopa County Animal Care and Control reported an influx of stray dogs following New Year’s, likely due to fireworks-related fear. This surge in stray animals further underscores the need for stricter regulations.

The growing support for the petition signifies a community-driven push for change. Plantz and countless others are advocating for legislative action and municipal intervention, aiming to alleviate the trauma experienced by neighborhoods during festive periods.

The call for a fireworks ban in Arizona reflects a collective desire for safer and more peaceful communities. As the momentum behind this movement continues to swell, it is evident that the well-being of both residents and animals remains a top priority for the Valley.

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Source: AZ Family, 3TV



  • Rod: A creative force, blending words, images, and flavors. Blogger, writer, filmmaker, and photographer. Cooking enthusiast with a sci-fi vision. Passionate about his upcoming series and dedicated to TNC Network. Partnered with Rebecca Washington for a shared journey of love and art. View all posts


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