"The Dink" is a sports comedy film about a washed-up tennis pro, blending humor and pickleball, featuring Jake Johnson, Mary...
History of the World, Part II premiered as a new eight-episode series on Hulu
Redd Foxx was a trailblazing comedian whose irreverent humor and sharp wit entertained audiences for decades.
Closet Cases of the Nerd Kind is a hilarious short film that serves as a direct spoof of the Steven Spielberg film, Close Encounters of the...
On December 9, 2022, I had the fortune of attending A Drag Queen Christmas with a good friend when the show hit the Arizona Financial Theater...
Kevin Conroy, the longtime voice of Batman, has died. (CBS New York
Gallagher, the comedian best known for his watermelon-smashing comedy act during the 1980s, died at 76 years old on Friday. He had previously suffered from multiple...