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International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) Launches New Division, ISSA Yoga & Wellness Academy

and Debuts Yoga 200 Online Teacher Training Program



SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. /PRNewswire/ — ISSA International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), the global leader in online fitness and wellness certifications for over 30 years, is excited to announce the establishment of a new division, ISSA Yoga & Wellness AcademyAlongside this launch, the Academy is introducing Yoga 200, a 200-hour, Yoga Alliance-approved online yoga teacher training course.

ISSA Yoga & Wellness Academy

“At ISSA, we aim to provide individuals aspiring to teach yoga with a top-quality, comprehensive, affordable, and flexible option that offers the esteemed Yoga Alliance accreditation,” says ISSA CEO Andrew Wyant. “Through the establishment of ISSA Yoga & Wellness Academy, we have developed a 200-hour online course led by renowned yoga experts to help people achieve their goal of becoming certified yoga instructors,” Wyant continued.

Yoga 200 is the premier Yoga Alliance-approved 200-hour online yoga teacher training course, designed with flexible scheduling options. This stress-free approach allows participants to gain extensive knowledge in yoga at their own pace, providing them with the confidence to lead yoga classes upon completion.

“As more individuals incorporate yoga into their lives as their primary or complementary form of exercise, or even as a side hustle, we wanted to offer a course with unparalleled education,” says Erika Weiss, General Manager of ISSA Yoga & Wellness Academy. “Our program allows participants to deepen their yoga practice, share their love for yoga with others, and make a meaningful impact in the world on a self-paced schedule,” Weiss continued.

By enrolling in the Yoga 200 course, individuals can establish a strong foundation to pursue a professional career in yoga. The program encourages a deeper connection with oneself, providing participants with the necessary tools to create transformative yoga experiences for their future students.

Thoughtfully divided into ten modules, Yoga 200 covers Teaching & Cueing Principles for Hatha and Vinyasa-style classes, Sequencing, Anatomy & Physiology, Meditation & Pranayama, Yoga History & Philosophy, Ethics, Professional Development, and Yoga Asanas, plus it provides graduates with a Signature 37-pose foundational Yoga Class so that they can begin teaching immediately.

Participants can also interact with Yoga 200’s renowned yoga instructors, Alex Artymiak, E-RYT-200, Angel DeSantis, RYT-500, E-RYT-500Buddy Macuha, E-RYT-500Andrew Sealy, RYT-200, and Vasu Dudakia, Ayurvedic Practitioner, via live weekly Virtual Study Studio sessions allowing for in-depth instruction and feedback. These sessions are recorded and available for on-demand access.

For more information and to register, visit https://yoga.issaonline.com.

About the International Sports Sciences Association:
The International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) is the global leader in online fitness and wellness certifications. For over 30 years, ISSA has been committed to delivering comprehensive, cognitive, and practical education that’s grounded in industry research. Rooted in Certified Personal Training certifications, ISSA offers over 50 fitness and wellness certifications and specializations, including a Yoga Alliance-recognized Yoga 200-Hour Teacher Training Course, Certified Personal Training en Español, Health Coaching, Nutrition, and more. ISSA has educated nearly half a million trainers across 176 countries while driving toward their vision to connect 100 million people to the power of healthy living by 2030.

SOURCE ISSA Yoga & Wellness Academy


Mejore su salud caminando



(Family Features) Una caminata no solo es buena para el cuerpo, sino también para el alma. La actividad física, como caminar, es una de las mejores formas de reducir el estrés y mejorar su estado de ánimo. Sin embargo, los informes revelan que las tasas de caminatas están disminuyendo constantemente en los Estados Unidos.

En promedio, uno de cada cuatro adultos estadounidenses permanece sentado durante más de ocho horas al día, según la investigación de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC). Esto puede tener consecuencias negativas para la salud física y mental. El ejercicio regular mejora el estado de ánimo, aumenta la energía e incluso puede ayudarle a dormir mejor. Estar activo es una de las mejores maneras de mantener la mente y el cuerpo sanos.

Tome esta recomendación de la American Heart Association (la Asociación Americana del Corazón), que ha trabajado durante décadas para promover políticas y estrategias que faciliten que las comunidades estén y se mantengan activas. Un ejemplo es el Día Nacional para Caminar, que lo estableció la organización para incentivar a las personas a moverse más a lo largo del día. para que puedan pensar, dormir, vivir y sentirse mejor.

De hecho, moverse más puede beneficiar a su cuerpo y a su mente de numerosas maneras, como por ejemplo las siguientes:

Reducir el riesgo de sufrir enfermedades. Realizar la cantidad recomendada de actividad física (al menos 150 minutos de actividad moderada, 75 minutos de actividad intensa o una combinación de esas actividades por semana) está relacionado con un menor riesgo de sufrir enfermedades, tener huesos y músculos más fuertes, una mejor salud mental y función cognitiva, y menor riesgo de depresión, según el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los EE. UU.

Estar más al sol. El ejercicio al aire libre es un manera fácil de mantenerse en movimiento y estar al sol, lo que puede mejorar el estado de ánimo, aumentar la inmunidad y ayudarle a obtener un poco de vitamina D. Pasar tiempo al aire libre es una opción que no tiene costo y se ha demostrado que reduce el estrés, promueve el sentido de pertenencia y mejora el estado de ánimo.

Mejorar la función cognitiva y mental. La actividad física mantiene la mente alerta ahora y en el futuro. Los estudios muestran que niveles más altos de condición física están relacionados con una mejor atención, aprendizaje, memoria de trabajo y resolución de problemas. Es más, un estudio publicado en el “British Journal of Sports Medicine” demuestra que las personas que realizan la cantidad recomendada de actividad física tienen menos probabilidades de desarrollar depresión.

Vivir una vida más larga. La esperanza de vida saludable puede verse afectada positivamente por el aumento de la actividad. Según una investigación publicada en el “American Journal of Epidemiology”, cambiar solo 30 minutos de estar sentado por actividad física de baja intensidad reducía el riesgo de muerte en un 17 %.

Manténgase en movimiento para reducir el estrés y mejorar su salud. Amplía la información en heart.org/movemore.

Inspírese para mantenerse en movimiento

Un poco de creatividad puede ser de gran ayuda para que su caminata sea más divertida. Es posible que piense que caminar es una actividad en solitario, pero hacerlo con compañía la hace aún más placentera. Pida a compañeros de trabajo, amigos o familiares que le acompañen.

Una caminata es una excusa perfecta para tomar un descanso después de un largo día sentado en el escritorio. Si trabaja de forma remota, realice una conferencia telefónica mientras se mueve o considere que la caminata es su recompensa por completar un proyecto.

Utilice su caminata como una oportunidad para escuchar un nuevo audiolibro sin culpa o cree una lista de reproducción con su música favorita para salir a caminar.

Experimente con recorridos alternativas. Intente tomar nuevas rutas para hacer sus caminatas más interesantes. Esto también le ayuda a evitar que se aburra si va por el mismo camino de siempre.

Si hay algo más que puede incentivarle a mantenerse en movimiento es sin dudas una mascota. Su mascota puede ayudarle a ponerse en forma. Quienes tienen un perro tienen más probabilidades de alcanzar sus objetivos de acondicionamiento físico respecto de aquellos que no lo tienen. De hecho, según el “Journal of Physical Activity & Health”, las personas que tienen perros tienen un 34 % más de probabilidades de caminar 150 minutos a la semana respecto de quienes no tienen un perro. Las mascotas también pueden ayudar a reducir el estrés, la presión arterial, el colesterol y el azúcar en sangre y a aumentar su felicidad y bienestar general.

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American Heart Association

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Child Health

4 Things Parents and Youth Athletes Should Know About Concussions



(Family Features) Despite the attention drawn to the topic of concussions over the past decade, it can be difficult to find readily available answers about what parents and young athletes should do after sustaining a concussion.

The Katsuyama family started 2023 without a single concussion, even with quite a few hockey and lacrosse seasons under its belt. That changed when Rylan, 11, received two concussions within five months from sports. One week after Rylan’s second concussion, his brother, Brandon, 13, was illegally checked from behind in a hockey game and sustained his first concussion. After clearing protocol in four weeks, he suffered a second concussion six weeks later.

Both boys endured months of headaches, missed school, dizziness, nausea and the added difficulty of navigating a significant injury peers and adults couldn’t see.

Their father, Brad Katsuyama, co-founder of IEX – a disruptive stock exchange featured in the best-selling book by Michael Lewis, “Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt” – sought out expert opinions to guide his family’s decisions and shares some acquired knowledge to help parents and athletes.

1.      Brain injuries should be diagnosed by a concussion specialist.
There is no X-ray, MRI or CT scan that can show the extent of most concussion-related injuries, which makes diagnosing them subjective. Symptoms can also appear days after a hit. For example, Brandon was cleared by the emergency room after his first concussion, but two days later failed every test administered by a doctor specializing in concussions.

2.     Rushing back to play is one of the worst mistakes you can make.
Experts consistently reinforced that coming back from a concussion too soon can significantly increase long-term brain injury risks. There is likely no tournament, playoff game or tryout worth this risk. An example of how to return smartly is Patrice Bergeron of the National Hockey League’s Boston Bruins, who sat out an entire year to properly heal from a concussion.

“Patrice had four more concussions over his career, and each one was less severe than the last,” renowned concussion specialist Dr. Robert Cantu said. “That wouldn’t have happened without recovery from the first one.”

3.       Parents and kids need to be honest about symptoms.
The culture in youth sports praises toughness. Getting your “bell rung” and continuing to play can be viewed as a badge of honor. However, this same mentality can cause athletes to lie to parents, trainers and coaches to get back in the game, which can greatly increase long-term risks. Conversely, the same adults can unduly influence a potentially vulnerable player back on to the field of play. Proper diagnosis requires both adults and athletes to be level-headed and honest in their assessment of concussions.

4.    Every person and every concussion is different.
One person’s history and experience with concussions seldom carries any relevance to the concussions experienced by another. For example, Katsuyama played varsity football, hockey and rugby for four years in high school and football in college.

“For the longest time, my definition of a ‘real’ concussion was blacking out, vomiting or pupils dilating,” Katsuyama said. “My sons had none of those symptoms after their hits, but it turns out the severity of their injuries were far greater than anything I had experienced.”

The Katsuyamas turned to the Concussion Legacy Foundation and the Cantu Concussion Center, in addition to their local concussion specialist, to advise their path forward, which has led them to racquet sports and golf in the near-term and long-term playing no more than one contact sport in a school year. Learn more at concussionfoundation.org.

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Brad Katsuyama

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Milk Hosting EVERY WOMAN’S MARATHON – The Only U.S. Marathon Designed for Women, by Women



SAVANNAH, Ga. /PRNewswire/ — Acknowledging the historically intimidating and male-centric nature of marathons, Milk, the original performance beverage, proudly announces Every Woman’s Marathon, the only U.S. marathon designed by and for women. Scheduled for November 16, 2024, in Savannah, Georgia, this monumental event marks a new chapter in Milk’s commitment to supporting women – creating not only a race, but a movement.

Amanda Gorman’s Inspirational Mantra to Announce Milk’s Every Woman’s Marathon. Join Team Milk in Savannah, Georgia on November 16, 2024, for the only US Marathon for Women by Women. Milk’s unique nutrient package offers high-quality protein, hydration, and electrolytes, providing critical nutrition for runners’ fuel and recovery.

Most women runners feel endurance races cater to men, and nearly 90% want a more inclusive race experience that celebrates all athletic abilities, ages, and body types1. As a solution to this gap in marathon racing, Milk designed the Every Woman’s Marathon to be inclusive, beginner-friendly, and attuned to the unique needs of women at every stage of their marathon journey.

Every Woman’s Marathon is not just about crossing the finish line; it’s about celebrating female strength and empowering every woman’s journey through the transformative power of community. Understanding that every woman has their own reason for running, Milk tapped acclaimed poet Amanda Gorman to create an inspirational mantra designed as a call to action for all women to join the movement. Narrated and penned by Gorman, the mantra highlights women of all sizes, backgrounds, races, and abilities, and why they run.

To help conceptualize Every Woman’s Marathon, Milk enlisted an advisory board comprised of five accomplished female runners, first female marathon finisher Kathrine Switzer, para-triathlon champion Danielle McLaughlin, Olympic Medalist Deena Kastor, trailblazer Alison Mariella Désir and Two-time Olympian and 2018 Boston Marathon Champion Des Linden, who collaborated to create an inclusive experience for women from registration to the finish line. Transcending the traditional race format, this marathon promises participants a comprehensive wellness weekend in the picturesque city of Savannah. The two-day event will include enriching activities such as cooking and yoga classes, live performances, and insightful panels. With thoughtful programming that prioritizes women and families, the event will also feature designated areas for nursing, pumping, play zones, and more, ensuring a welcoming and inclusive experience for all participants.

Beyond providing specialized training advice and nutrition plans tailored for women, backed by the expertise of the advisory board, Milk is further demonstrating its commitment to social impact by donating up to $1 million to charity organizations in support of women and girls across the US. Milk is proud to announce a donation of $100,000 to each of the five Every Woman’s Marathon charity partners, 261 FearlessBlack Girls RUN!Girls on the RunGirl Scouts of Historic Georgia, and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®. Milk is also helping runners amplify the impact by matching Every Woman’s Marathon registration costs in donations to the charity partners, up to $100,000 each.

“Milk has a centuries-old legacy of fueling performance and aiding recovery and can help runners go the distance with its unique nutritional package,” says MilkPEP CEO Yin Woon Rani. “We proudly recognize and champion the unique needs of women, and this marathon, crafted for and by women, will redefine the traditional marathon experience. Together, let’s make Every Woman’s Marathon not just a race but a celebration of women’s empowerment, resilience, and the unstoppable spirit of every woman.”

“Words and representation have the power to inspire change and unite,” says poet Amanda Gorman. “I am proud to partner with Milk on this mantra that speaks to the strength and resilience of women, and I encourage all women to take on this 26.2-mile challenge together.”

In addition to providing women with support, inspiration, and community, Milk also provides the essential nutrition runners seek. Milk’s unique nutrient package offers high-quality protein, hydration, and electrolytes, providing critical nutrition for runners’ fuel and recovery.

Starting January 23, 2024, women of all backgrounds and abilities can sign up for Every Woman’s Marathon to join the most inspiring female tribute of the year at EveryWomansMarathon.com. Signing up costs $65, with current Team Milk members enjoying an even further reduced price. Learn more at EveryWomansMarathon.com or @EveryWomansMarathon across social media.

About the Milk Processor Education Program

The Milk Processor Education Program (MilkPEP), Washington, D.C., is funded by the nation’s milk companies and is dedicated to educating consumers and increasing the consumption of fluid milk. For more information, visit MilkPEP.org.

1Interviews of 1205 runners (880 female, 325 male) in September 2023 on behalf of MilkPEP.


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