(Family Features) While many Americans agree Conventional CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) or Hands-Only CPR (HOCPR) significantly improve a person’s chance of survival from cardiac arrest, less than...
How APOL1-mediated kidney disease can impact you, your kidneys and your family (Family Features) A genetic condition that can cause kidney failure, APOL1-mediated kidney disease (AMKD)...
(Family Features) In the wake of the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are becoming more comfortable getting back in the dental exam chair. More patients...
New Mexico Statewide Cancer Clinical Trials Network reviewed state’s cancer clinical trials and celebrated advances in cancer care at June Scientific Retreat
A difference in the effectiveness against strokes and other blood clots was easily visible in the first year among patients who’d taken the anticoagulant apixaban rather...
A clean and inviting home doesn’t just look tidy, it smells pleasantly refreshing, too. However, running a household can be a stinky business and it may...
Migraines are more than just bad headaches; they represent a complex neurological disorder that can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. According to Dr. Amaal...
(Family Features) Si tiene asma, sabe que los síntomas pueden aparecer rápidamente y luego empeorar. Cómo lidiar con el asma Los factores que impulsan este desarrollo...
(Family Features) While most parents are good at keeping track of vaccines their kids need to stay healthy, many adults don’t realize there are immunizations important...
(Family Features) Una caminata no solo es buena para el cuerpo, sino también para el alma. La actividad física, como caminar, es una de las mejores...