Food and Beverage
Recetas rápidas y fáciles para tu plan semanal de comidas: Comidas sencillas y nutritivas para dedicar más tiempo a la familia
Dedicar tiempo a comer juntos puede tener un impacto positivo en el bienestar de las familias, incluidos los niños y adolescentes.
(Family Features) Dedicar tiempo a comer juntos puede tener un impacto positivo en el bienestar de las familias, incluidos los niños y adolescentes. De hecho, las comidas regulares en casa pueden ayudar a reducir el estrés y aumentar la autoestima, según una investigación publicada en “Canadian Family Physician”.
Las conversaciones a la hora de comer también son una oportunidad perfecta para conectarse con sus seres queridos. Un estudio publicado en “New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development” demostró que estas conversaciones ayudan a mejorar el vocabulario de los niños más que leerles en voz alta.
Sin embargo, hacer tiempo para comer juntos no debería requerir pasar toda la noche en la cocina. Un ingrediente fácil de preparar como los huevos puede ayudarle a pasar menos tiempo cocinando y más tiempo con la familia.
Por ejemplo, estas recetas saludables para el corazón de tostadas de huevo escalfado con salsa de aguacate y tomate, picadillo de camote con huevos y frittata poblana de la iniciativa Healthy for Good Eat Smart, respaldada a nivel nacional por Eggland’s Best, están listas en 15 minutos o menos. Incluyen una amplia variedad de verduras, frutas, cereales integrales y fuentes de proteínas saludables, recomendadas por la American Heart Association para ayudar a prevenir enfermedades cardíacas y accidentes cerebrovasculares.
Para encontrar más consejos para las comidas familiares e inspiración para recetas, visite
Tostadas de huevo escalfado con salsa de aguacate y tomatillo
Porciones: 4 (1 huevo y 1/2 taza de salsa por porción)
- aceite antiadherente en aerosol
- 4 tortillas de maíz (6 pulgadas cada una)
- 4 tazas de agua
- 1 cucharada de vinagre de vino blanco
- 4 huevos grandes
- 1 aguacate mediano, cortado en cubitos
- 1 Chile Anaheim o poblano mediano, sin semillas ni venas, cortado en cubitos
- 1 tomatillo mediano, sin la cáscara, lavado y cortado en cubos
- 1/2 tomate mediano, cortado en cubitos
- 1/4 taza de cebolla morada, en cubos
- 1/4 taza de cilantro fresco picado
- 2 cucharadas de jugo de lima fresco
- 1 diente de ajo mediano, picado
- 1/8 cucharadita de sal
- Precaliente el horno a 400 F. Cubra una bandeja para hornear con papel de aluminio. Rocíe ligeramente el papel de aluminio con aceite en aerosol antiadherente.
- Coloque las tortillas en una sola capa sobre papel de aluminio. Rocíe ligeramente las tortillas con aceite en aerosol antiadherente. Con un tenedor, pinche las tortillas para evitar que se llenen de aire. Hornee de 5 a 6 minutos por cada lado o hasta que estén doradas. Transfiera a platos para servir.
- En una sartén grande a fuego alto, hierva el agua y el vinagre.
- Una vez que el agua esté hirviendo, reduzca el fuego y cocine a fuego lento. Rompa el huevo en una taza y luego deslícelo con cuidado al agua hirviendo. Repita con los huevos restantes, evitando que los huevos se toquen en el agua. Cocine a fuego lento de 3 a 5 minutos, o hasta que las claras de huevo estén completamente cuajadas y las yemas comiencen a cuajar pero no estén duras. Con una espumadera, escurra los huevos. Coloque cada huevo sobre una tostada.
- Para hacer la salsa: En un tazón mediano, mezcle suavemente el aguacate, el pimiento, el tomatillo, el tomate, la cebolla morada, el cilantro, el jugo de limón, el ajo y la sal. Servir con las tostadas.
Información nutricional por porción: 185 calorías; 11 g de grasa total; 2.5 g de grasa saturada; 3 g de grasa poliinsaturada; 5 g de grasa monoinsaturada; 186 mg de colesterol; 169 mg de sodio; 15 g de carbohidratos; 3 g de fibra; 2 g de azúcares totales; 9 g de proteína.
Frittata Poblana
Porciones: 4 (2 porciones por ración)
- 4 huevos grandes
- 1/4 taza de leche descremada
- 2 cucharadas de cilantro fresco picado
- 1 cucharadita de aceite de oliva
- 2 chiles poblanos medianos, sin semillas y venas, picados
- 2 tazas de maíz entero congelado, descongelado
- 2 cebollas verdes medianas, picadas
- 1/4 taza de queso Cotija finamente rallado o queso fresco desmenuzado
- 1 tomate mediano, picado
- 1/4 taza de crema agria sin grasa
- En un tazón mediano, bata los huevos, la leche y el cilantro.
- En una sartén mediana a fuego medio, caliente el aceite, revolviendo para cubrir el fondo de la sartén. Cocine los chiles poblanos durante 3 minutos o hasta que se doren en los bordes, revolviendo con frecuencia.
- Agregue el maíz y la cebolla verde. Reduzca el fuego a medio-bajo y vierta con cuidado la mezcla de huevo. Cocine, tapado, durante 10 minutos o hasta que la mezcla esté firme en los bordes y aún blanda en el centro. Evite cocinarlo demasiado. Retire del fuego.
- Espolvoree con queso. Cortar en ocho porciones. Coloque dos porciones en cada plato. Cubra con tomates y crema agria.
Información nutricional por porción: 244 calorías; 8.5 g de grasa total; 2.5 g de grasa saturada; 1.5 g de grasa poliinsaturada; 3 g de grasa monoinsaturada; 192 mg de colesterol; 177 mg de sodio; 27 g de carbohidratos; 4 g de fibra; 8 g de azúcares totales; 13 g de proteína.
Picadillo de camote con huevos
Porciones: 4 (1 taza por porción)
- 2 cucharaditas de aceite de canola o maíz
- 1/2 cebolla mediana, picada
- 4 camotes medianos, pelados y cortados en cubos de 1/2 pulgada
- 1/2 pimiento morrón rojo o verde mediano, picado
- 2/3 taza de caldo de verduras sin grasa y bajo en sodio
- 2 cucharadita de ajo picado
- 2 cucharadita de pimentón ahumado
- 1 cucharadita de comino molido
- 1/2 cucharadita de tomillo seco, desmenuzado
- 1/2 cucharadita de pimienta molida gruesa
- 1/8 cucharadita de sal
- 4 huevos grandes
- salsa de pimiento picante (opcional)
- En una olla a presión puesta para saltear, caliente el aceite. Cocine la cebolla durante 3 minutos o hasta que esté suave, revolviendo con frecuencia. Apague la olla a presión.
- Agregue los camotes, el pimiento morrón, el caldo, el ajo, el pimentón, el comino, el tomillo, la pimienta y la sal. Cierre la tapa. Cocine a alta presión durante 3 minutos. Libere rápidamente la presión. Apague la olla a presión.
- Retire la tapa de la olla a presión. Rompa un huevo en un tazón pequeño. Con el dorso de una cuchara, haga pequeños huecos en los camotes. Deslice el huevo en el hueco. Repita la acción con los huevos restantes, haciendo un hueco para cada huevo. Cierre la tapa con la ventilación de presión abierta. Saltee 2 minutos. Deje reposar en “mantener caliente” durante 2 minutos, o hasta que los huevos estén cocidos con la consistencia deseada.
- Si lo desea, puede servir el hash rociado con un chorrito de salsa picante.
Información nutricional por porción: 258 calorías; 7.5 g de grasa total; 2 g de grasa saturada; 1.5 g de grasa poliinsaturada; 3 g de grasa monoinsaturada; 186 mg de colesterol; 244 mg de sodio; 39 g de carbohidratos; 6 g de fibra; 9 g de azúcares totales; 10 g de proteína.
American Heart Association
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Food and Beverage
Find Comfort in Food with Crispy Chicken Strips
(Family Features) Cooler weather brings the joy of comfort food, and it’s hard to find a dish more comforting than fried chicken. This Fried Chicken Tenders recipe makes it easy to cook tasty strips to golden perfection – just pair with your favorite dipping sauce (or none at all) for a classic weeknight meal.
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Fried Chicken Tenders
Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy”
Servings: 4-6
- Oil of choice, for frying
- 1/2 stick butter
- 2 eggs
- 2 cups milk
- 3 pounds chicken breast, cut into strips
- 2 cups flour
- 1/4 cup barbecue seasoning of choice
- 1/4 cup mesquite seasoning
- salt, to taste
- pepper, to taste
- dipping sauce of choice (optional)
- Fill Dutch oven or large frying pan halfway with oil and butter; heat over medium heat.
- In large bowl, mix eggs and milk then place chicken strips in mixture.
- In separate bowl, mix flour, barbecue seasoning and mesquite seasoning. Add salt and pepper, to taste.
- Remove 4-6 chicken strips from milk mixture and cover completely in flour mixture.
- Drop pinch of flour in hot oil; if it crackles, it’s hot enough. Once hot, fry battered chicken 4 minutes then, using tongs or fork, turn over and fry 4 minutes. When done, chicken will be golden and almost float. Remove from frying pan and repeat with remaining chicken.
- Serve with dipping sauce of choice, if desired.
At our core, we at STM Daily News, strive to keep you informed and inspired with the freshest content on all things food and beverage. From mouthwatering recipes to intriguing articles, we’re here to satisfy your appetite for culinary knowledge.
Visit our Food & Drink section to get the latest on Foodie News and recipes, offering a delightful blend of culinary inspiration and gastronomic trends to elevate your dining experience.
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Food and Beverage
McDonald’s USA Launches Another Season of Savings this Fall
McDonald’s extended the $5 Meal Deal into December, along with new fall promotions on the McDonald’s App, to offer more savings and local deals.
Fans can continue to cash in on the $5 Meal Deal, plus even more local and App-exclusive offers
CHICAGO, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Summer might be over, but the savings are here to stay at the Golden Arches.
This past June, we kicked off the Summer of Value, promising you more deals and even more ways to save. From the highly popular $5 Meal Deal to National French Fry Day, to many other promotions available in local markets and on the McDonald’s App, this summer was all about helping you take your dollar further.
And as it turns out, we’ve got a lot more in store for fans.
The Deal that Keeps on Going AND Giving
It’s official – the $5 Meal Deal is sticking around, with a majority of local markets extending it into December. Featuring your choice of a McDouble® or McChicken® sandwich, small fries, 4-piece Chicken McNuggets® and a small soft drink – all for just $5* – it’s just too good of a deal to let go.
So, whether you’re part of team McDouble or team McChicken – you’ve got more time to treat yourself.
“This summer, tens of millions of fans went to their local McDonald’s to enjoy our $5 Meal Deal, and it was so great to welcome them,” said Joe Erlinger, President of McDonald’s USA. “Together with our franchisees, we’re committed to keeping our prices as affordable as possible, which is why we’re doubling down with even more ways to save. Whether you’re stopping by for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a late-night snack, we want everyone to find the food they love at a price that hits the spot. The extension of the $5 Meal Deal, and the other offerings we’re announcing for our fall line-up, are just a few of the ways we’re working hard to offer great meals at a fair price.”
Raking in the Fall Deals
More than 1 million of you celebrated National French Fry Day this July with free any-size Fries, and now fans have even more to look forward to this fall when they order on the McDonald’s App:
- Double the fun with $0.50 Double Cheeseburgers on National Cheeseburger Day (Sept. 18)
- Grab a $2 McCrispy sandwich in honor of National Fried Chicken Sandwich Day (Nov. 9)
- Enjoy $1 10-pc Chicken McNuggets between Nov. 4 – Dec. 2 – valid 1x/week and perfect for sharing with a friend (or not)
- Continue to celebrate Free Fries Fridays – where customers can get free medium Fries with any $1 minimum purchase
- With more than 20 million redemptions so far this year, this is a fan-favorite and will remain available Every. Single. Friday. through the end of 2024
Plus, even more local deals are available at your neighborhood McDonald’s**. You might be starting the day off right in Southern California with a 2 for $3.99 choice of Chicken or Sausage McGriddle, Sausage Biscuit or Any Size Iced Coffee, or splitting a $5 20 pc McNuggets with friends in Dallas. Or you may be adding a $1.99 Any Size Frozen Carbonated Beverage to your favorite McDonald’s meal in New England. No matter where you are, franchisees across the U.S. are offering local deals both in-restaurant and on the McDonald’s App.
We know you know… but we have to say it anyways… download the McDonald’s App and sign up for MyMcDonald’s Rewards for all the latest and greatest deals in your area. The more you spend, the more you earn in redeemable points – giving you even more chances to save on the food you love.
‘Tis (another) season of value at McDonald’s.
*The McDouble meal may be priced at $6 in some markets.
**Local deals and offers will vary, as McDonald’s franchisees are independent business owners who set their own pricing.
McDonald’s USA
McDonald’s USA, LLC, serves a variety of menu options made with quality ingredients to millions of customers every day. Ninety-five percent of McDonald’s approximately 13,500 U.S. restaurants are owned and operated by independent business owners. For more information, visit, and follow us on social: X, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.
At our core, we at STM Daily News, strive to keep you informed and inspired with the freshest content on all things food and beverage. From mouthwatering recipes to intriguing articles, we’re here to satisfy your appetite for culinary knowledge.
Visit our Food & Drink section to get the latest on Foodie News and recipes, offering a delightful blend of culinary inspiration and gastronomic trends to elevate your dining experience.
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Food and Beverage
Chipotle introduces its first meme-inspired Halloween costume collection in collaboration with Spirit Halloween, featuring items like a burrito and to-go bag, launching September 6.
- On September 6, the restaurant brand is dropping its inaugural costume collection featuring a Chipotle napkin, fork, water cup, burrito, and to-go bag, available exclusively at and select Spirit Halloween retail locations
NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. and EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP, N.J. /PRNewswire/ — Chipotle Mexican Grill (NYSE: CMG) today announced a new costume collection in collaboration with Spirit Halloween, North America’s largest Halloween retailer, inspired by popular memes on both brands’ social channels. Chipotle is the first brand to create meme-inspired costumes with Spirit Halloween.
Chipotle’s Costume Collection’s Origin Story
One of the great modern traditions of Halloween is social media users creating their own unique costume ideas, featuring the iconic Spirit Halloween costume bag. Two years ago, Chipotle hopped on the viral trend and posted a fictional “Chipotle Fork” bodysuit (see here). The brand followed up with a “Chipotle Napkin” costume concept (see here), resulting in over 700,000 fan engagements. Now, Chipotle and Spirit Halloween are teaming up to reawaken these two memorable memes and bring them to life along with three entirely new looks for Halloween. The first official Chipotle costumes are sold individually and range in size from adult small to XL. Each bodysuit retails for $39.99 in the U.S. and Canada.
“Our popular Halloween tradition, Boorito, began with a burrito-themed costume contest and now we’re taking it to the next level with the launch of our first-ever costume collection in collaboration with Spirit Halloween,” said Chris Brandt, Chief Brand Officer at Chipotle. “In addition to these bodysuits, we will be treating fans to a scarily great offer next month.”
Starting September 6, the five-costume collection will be available exclusively on for customers in the U.S. and Canada and at select Spirit Halloween retail locations in Chicago, Denver, Egg Harbor Township, N.J., Los Angeles, and New York, while supplies last.
- Chipotle Fork
- Chipotle Napkin
- Chipotle Water Cup
- Chipotle Burrito
- Chipotle To-Go Bag
“We’re no strangers to memes at Spirit Halloween. Year after year, we are blown away by the passion and creativity we see from fans sharing their take on popular Spirit Halloween memes – and we’re beyond thrilled to be teaming up with Chipotle to bring some of those creations to life,” added Kym Sarkos, Executive Vice President at Spirit Halloween.
Fans’ Obsession with Chipotle’s Meme Products
This isn’t the first time Chipotle has turned online conversation into a real product. In August 2022, the brand introduced a limited-edition lemonade-scented soy candle designed to look like a Chipotle water cup. Some Chipotle fans have been known to “accidentally” fill their complimentary water cups with lemonade at the restaurant’s beverage stations. In response to many fan social posts on the topic, Chipotle has acknowledged these “accidents” in a series of tweets over the years (examples here, here, and here) and even published a description of the Chipotle water cup candle on X in December of 2019.
Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. (NYSE: CMG) is cultivating a better world by serving responsibly sourced, classically-cooked, real food with wholesome ingredients without artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. There are over 3,500 restaurants as of June 30, 2024, in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Kuwait and it is the only restaurant company of its size that owns and operates all its restaurants in North America and Europe. Chipotle is ranked on the Fortune 500 and is recognized on Fortune’s Most Admired Companies 2024 list and Time Magazine’s Most Influential Companies. With over 120,000 employees passionate about providing a great guest experience, Chipotle is a longtime leader and innovator in the food industry. Chipotle is committed to making its food more accessible to everyone while continuing to be a brand with a demonstrated purpose as it leads the way in digital, technology and sustainable business practices. For more information or to place an order online, visit
Spirit Halloween is the largest Halloween retailer in North America. With 1,525 seasonal locations in strip centers and malls across North America, Spirit is the one-stop destination for all things Halloween. For more than four decades, Spirit has created immersive and interactive experiences for shoppers, complete with a unique and vast assortment of costumes and accessories for infants, toddlers, children, ‘tweens, teens, and adults, along with exclusive décor and animatronics you won’t find anywhere else. For more information, please visit
SOURCE Chipotle Mexican Grill
At our core, we at STM Daily News, strive to keep you informed and inspired with the freshest content on all things food and beverage. From mouthwatering recipes to intriguing articles, we’re here to satisfy your appetite for culinary knowledge.
Visit our Food & Drink section to get the latest on Foodie News and recipes, offering a delightful blend of culinary inspiration and gastronomic trends to elevate your dining experience.
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