This past weekend, the skies of Oregon became the backdrop for an extraordinary event that has both puzzled and dazzled observers. At least four commercial pilots...
In recent weeks, New Jersey has found itself at the center of a perplexing enigma—mysterious drones hovering in the night sky over various towns, stirring intrigue...
Beatriz Villarroel, Stockholm University There has been increased interest in unidentified flying objects (UFOs) ever since the Pentagon’s 2021 report revealed what appears to be anomalous...
Andrea Charron, University of Manitoba Four (and counting) air objects have violated North American airspace in less than a week. It began with a Chinese high-altitude...
David Delgado Shorter, University of California, Los Angeles; Kim TallBear, University of Alberta, and William Lempert, Bowdoin College We’re only halfway through 2023, and it feels...
Ben Zeller, Lake Forest College Heaven’s Gate – also known as the “UFO cult” – burst into American consciousness on March 26, 1997 when law enforcement...
Christopher Nichols, The Ohio State University Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question you’d like an expert to...
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. /PRNewswire/ — Pickleball Kingdom, the largest indoor pickleball entity in the world, announces its expansion into Knoxville, Tennessee. This state-of-the-art indoor pickleball facility will be led by...
On November 22, 2024, Blue Origin marked a significant milestone in its spaceflight journey by successfully completing the 28th mission of its New Shepard program. This...
If you’re a fan of pickleball—or simply love inspiring stories of perseverance and teamwork—you won’t want to miss the latest episode of the People of Pickleball...