Los Angeles, a city renowned for its bustling streets and iconic freeways, is taking significant steps towards revolutionizing public transit in the San Fernando Valley. In...
Jay L. Zagorsky, Boston University With the Olympic torch extinguished in Paris, all eyes are turning to Los Angeles for the 2028 Olympics. The host city...
The LAX Automated People Mover project progresses with the arrival of the final train cars, promising a modern, efficient, and sustainable transit solution for travelers and...
If you’re curious about the latest developments in space exploration and sustainable technology, the latest episode of STM Daily News is a must-listen. Hosted by Rod...
Join us on August 18th at CicLAvia: Meet the Hollywoods to celebrate Phase 1 of the Hollywood Boulevard Safety and Mobility Project!
Discover California's new hydrogen-powered trains, a zero-emission solution for a cleaner future.
Los Angeles County has recently made headlines with its strategic move to purchase the Gas Company Tower, one of downtown LA’s most notable skyscrapers, for $215...
Metro's Sepulveda Transit Corridor aims to connect the San Fernando Valley to the Westside, reducing congestion and travel times for commuters.
Amtrak's Borealis route between St. Paul and Chicago turns a profit in just 11 days, setting a new standard for state-supported lines.
Armchair urbanism: Exploring urban areas, their design, and the interaction between people and the built environment. #Urbanism #ArmchairUrbanist