3 pasos hacia un corazón más sano
(Family Features) Cuidar el corazón es fundamental para la salud en general, aunque todos los aspectos de la salud son importantes. Las enfermedades cardíacas son la principal causa de muerte entre los estadounidenses, pero no tiene por qué serlo: las elecciones de estilo de vida desempeñan un papel importante para la salud del corazón y nunca es demasiado pronto para adoptar hábitos saludables.
Considere estos sencillos pasos: desde hacer ejercicio y dormir lo suficiente hasta comer saludable, incluyendo refrigerios buenos para el corazón como las uvas.
Comer bien
Adoptar una dieta equilibrada y nutritiva, rica en frutas, verduras, cereales integrales, proteínas magras y grasas saludables puede tener un impacto en la salud del corazón. Una forma de reducir el riesgo de sufrir enfermedades cardíacas es consumir alimentos bajos en grasas saturadas y colesterol, como las uvas.
Como alimento fácil, conveniente y saludable para el corazón, las uvas son el ingrediente perfecto para un plan de alimentación saludable que incluye recetas como ensalada de uvas, brócoli y aguacate con cobertura de avena tostada. La sabrosa ensalada de brócoli se combina perfectamente con la dulce frescura de las jugosas uvas de California, mientras que la cobertura de avena tostada aporta un toque crujiente.
Las uvas son bajas en sodio y una buena fuente de vitamina K, que promueve la salud del corazón, y contienen el 7% de la ingesta diaria recomendada de potasio, un nutriente fundamental para la salud del corazón. Las uvas son una fuente natural de antioxidantes beneficiosos y otros polifenoles y ayudan a mantener una circulación saludable al promover la relajación de los vasos sanguíneos.
De hecho, según un estudio publicado en el “Journal of Nutrition”, (Diario de la nutrición) los hombres con síndrome metabólico que consumían 1 1/2 tazas de uvas al día mostraron una presión arterial más baja, una mejor función de los vasos sanguíneos y una disminución en un marcador clave de inflamación.
Las mujeres que consumieron 1 1/4 tazas de uvas todos los días como parte de un estudio separado publicado en el “Journal of Nutrition” se beneficiaron y mostraron una reducción en los niveles de triglicéridos en la sangre, los niveles de colesterol LDL, las proteínas inflamatorias y otros marcadores de enfermedades cardíacas.
Dormir bien
El sueño también es fundamental para tener un corazón sano. La mayoría de los expertos recomiendan que los adultos duerman entre 7 a 9 horas por noche. Para ayudar a lograr ese objetivo, crea una rutina a la hora de acostarse despertándose y durmiendo a las mismas horas. También asegúrese de tener un espacio cómodo para dormir apagando los dispositivos electrónicos y ajustando el termostato a una temperatura agradable.
Hacer ejercicio
Mantener una rutina de ejercicio de forma regular es bueno para la salud en general. Puede ser especialmente beneficioso para la salud del corazón al reducir la presión arterial, reducir la inflamación y ayudar a mantener un peso saludable. La Asociación Americana del Corazón recomienda al menos 150 minutos por semana de actividad aeróbica de intensidad moderada o 75 minutos de actividad aeróbica vigorosa. Impulse su entrenamiento y recuperación con alimentos hidratantes y saludables para el corazón, como las uvas.
Encuentre más recetas saludables para el corazón en
Ensalada de uvas, brócoli y aguacate con cobertura de avena tostada
Tiempo de preparación: 30 minutos
Tiempo de cocción: 5 minutos
Porciones: 6
Cobertura de avena tostada:
- 1/2 cucharada de mantequilla
- 1/3 taza de almendras fileteadas, picadas en trozos grandes
- 3 cucharadas de avena de grano entero cortada
- 1/8 cucharadita de sal sazonada
- 1/4 cucharadita de condimento de hierbas italiano
- 6 cucharadas de aceite de oliva extra virgen
- 1/3 taza de uvas rojas o verdes de California en cuartos
- 1/4 taza de vinagre de vino
- 1 cucharada de miel de abeja
- 1/4 cucharadita de sal marina
- pimienta recién molida, al gusto
- 1 bolsa (12 onzas) de ensalada de brócoli finamente picado
- 2 tazas de col rizada desmenuzada, ligeramente compactada
- 1 1/2 tazas de uvas de California partidas a la mitad
- 1/2 taza de cebolla morada finamente picada
- 1/3 taza de higos secos picados
- pimienta recién molida, al gusto
- 1 aguacate grande, firme pero maduro, cortado en cubos
- Para hacer cobertura de avena tostada: En una sartén mediana a fuego medio-bajo, cocine la mantequilla, las almendras, la avena, la sal y el condimento de hierbas italianas por unos 5 minutos, o hasta que estén ligeramente tostados y fragantes, revolviendo con frecuencia.
- Para hacer el aderezo: En una licuadora pequeña, haga puré el aceite de oliva, las uvas, el vinagre de vino, la miel, la sal marina y la pimienta al gusto, hasta que quede de consistencia suave.
- Para hacer la ensalada: En un tazón grande, mezcle la ensalada de brócoli, la col rizada, las uvas, la cebolla morada y los higos; sazone con pimienta al gusto y rocíe con el aderezo; revuelva bien para cubrir. Agregue el aguacate y revuelva ligeramente. Transfiera a seis platos o tazones para servir y espolvoree con cobertura de avena tostada.
Información nutricional por porción: 320 calorías; 5 g de proteína; 29 g de carbohidratos; 22 g de grasa (62% de calorías de grasa); 3.5 g de grasa saturada (10% de calorías de grasa saturada); 5 mg de colesterol; 160 mg de sodio; 7 g de fibra.
California Table Grape Commission
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Mac and Cheese Recall: Potential Spoilage Concerns Affect Products at Major Retailers
Mac and Cheese Recall
In a recent announcement by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), two types of macaroni and cheese products sold at major retailers have been recalled due to concerns over potential spoilage. The recall affects Reser’s American Classics Macaroni & Cheese and Reser’s American Classics Macaroni & Cheese White Cheddar, as part of a broader recall of Reser’s Fine Foods deli salads and refrigerated items.
Scope of the Recall
The affected macaroni and cheese varieties were distributed across five states: California, Illinois, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. The specific “use by” dates for the recalled products are as follows:
- Reser’s American Classics Macaroni & Cheese: Use by dates of September 14 and September 16, 2024.
- Reser’s American Classics Macaroni & Cheese White Cheddar: Use by date of September 11, 2024.
In addition to the macaroni and cheese products, the recall includes a variety of other items such as potato salad, scalloped potatoes, pasta salad, corn, egg salad, spinach dip, gravy, and various desserts.
Cause of the Recall
According to the FDA, the potential spoilage was linked to “temperature abuse” during transportation, specifically due to a malfunctioning refrigeration unit on a trailer. A representative from Reser’s Fine Foods confirmed to FOX Business that the issue was isolated to a single truckload of product delivered to only one distributor location.
“The recall was initiated on July 29, 2024, and no affected products ever made it to the store shelves,” the representative stated. They further reassured consumers that any items purchased from stores are safe to consume.
Retailer Responses
Major retailers, including Safeway, Stop & Shop, and Walmart, which stock Reser’s macaroni and cheese products, have stated that their stores were not impacted by the recall. However, Target, another retailer selling the products, did not provide a comment when contacted by FOX Business.
Consumer Safety First
The FDA and Reser’s Fine Foods have stressed the importance of consumer safety in this situation. While the affected products have not reached store shelves, customers who may have purchased any items from the recalled batch are encouraged to check the packaging for the specified “use by” dates.
As always, consumers are advised to be vigilant about food safety and to report any concerns to their local health department or the FDA. For those who may have questions or require further information regarding this recall, contacting Reser’s Fine Foods directly or checking the FDA’s website can provide additional clarity.
In conclusion, while the recent recall raises concerns over food safety, companies and regulatory agencies are working diligently to ensure that consumers remain informed and protected. As the situation develops, staying updated through reliable sources is essential for maintaining food safety standards in your household.
Read the story on Fox
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health and wellness
The First Suicide and Self-Harm Cross-Industry Signal Sharing Program to be Established Under the Leadership of The Mental Health Coalition
The Mental Health Coalition
NEW YORK, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Mental Health Coalition (MHC) announced today a new program called Thrive, the first cross-industry signal sharing program designed to help stop the spread of suicide and self-harm content across different internet platforms. The goal is to increase industry collaboration, prevent online challenges from spreading virally, and help improve early detection of content that could potentially pose a safety risk.
Suicidal and self-harm content online can manifest in diverse forms, including viral challenges, text posts, visual media (images and livestreams), etc. While approaches employed by internet companies to mitigate harmful content differ, they are crucial for safeguarding user and viewer wellbeing. The expeditious identification and removal of suicide and self-harm content through Thrive will enable companies who are part of Thrive to investigate, take action and prevent similar content from being disseminated on their platforms fostering a safer online environment. While the technological infrastructure underpinning Thrive is not new (provided by Meta, it is already used by the Tech Coalition’s Lantern program), this initiative marks the first industry-wide endeavor to address suicide and self-harm content comprehensively across different platforms.
“We at MHC are excited to work with Thrive; a unique collaborative of the most influential social media platforms that have come together to address suicide and self-harm content. Meta, Snap and TikTok are some of the initial partners to join “the exchange” committing to make an even greater impact and help save lives,” said Kenneth Cole, Founder of The Mental Health Coalition.
“The integration of signal sharing, coupled with cross-industry collaboration and moderated by an independent and neutral intermediary, represents a major breakthrough in industry collaboration and public protection on the global, public health crisis of suicide and ultimately save lives,” said Dr. Dan Reidenberg, Director of Thrive.
Thrive will leverage a centralized technology platform, enabling the aggregation of information from diverse sources (platforms), where participating companies can receive alerts of content that raises concerns or contravenes their respective company policies or community standards against suicide and self-harm. Platforms are then able to independently assess whether to take action on the content. This new signal sharing program will be underpinned by a technical infrastructure provided by Meta which allows tech companies to securely share signals about content that breaks their suicide and self-harm policies. This approach addresses harmful content while respecting the autonomy of each organization’s moderation strategies, reduce the risk of contagion or content becoming viral across platforms and ensure measures exist and only share de-identified signals to protect the users privacy. There will be no personally identifiable information shared through Thrive.
“At Meta, we have strict rules against content that encourages, glorifies or shows graphic suicide or self-harm, and remove it whenever we become aware of it. Unfortunately this content isn’t limited to any one platform – especially when it comes to viral challenges – and it’s imperative that the technology industry works together to help prevent it from spreading. That’s why we’re proud to partner with the Mental Health Coalition and our peers to launch Thrive, and help keep people safe across the many apps they use.” Antigone Davis, VP of Global Safety at Meta.
“The safety and well-being of the Snapchat community is a top priority. Our dedicated teams, technologies, policies, and partnerships help keep our community safe, healthy, and informed, and our well-being features are designed to educate and empower individuals who might be struggling with their own social and emotional well-being. We are honored to be founding members of the Thrive initiative – an opportunity to continue to work industry-wide on approaches that strengthen capabilities to halt the spread of self-harm content.” Jacqueline Beauchere, Global Head of Platform Safety, Snap
“TikTok is an uplifting and entertaining part of many people’s day, and we continually invest in protecting and securing our community’s experience. By becoming a founding member of The Mental Health Coalition’s Thrive, we’re strengthening how we prevent harmful suicide and self-harm content online. Through this important collaboration and collective action, we hope to keep people safe on TikTok and beyond.” Valiant Richey, Global Head of Outreach and Partnerships, Trust and Safety, TikTok
Thrive’s Director will oversee operational aspects of the program, ensuring its effective functioning through convening, facilitating, moderating, and monitoring activities. Participating companies will assume responsibility for uploading, reviewing and taking the appropriate action on the content shared through Thrive and leveraging the platform to share insights and best practices. Dr Reidenberg will collaborate with other signal sharing exchange directors on optimal moderation strategies, lessons learned, and transparency protocols. An annual report will be issued to provide insight into the exchange’s use and impact.
Meta, Snap, and TikTok have pledged their support and participation as founding members, with other companies expected to join.
The Mental Health Coalition relies on donations. If you want to help support Thrive and the lifesaving work of the Coalition, please contact Dr Dan Reidenberg.
About The Mental Health Coalition
The Mental Health Coalition (, is a coalition of the Nation’s leading mental health organizations, brands, and individuals who have joined forces to end the debilitating stigma surrounding mental health and to change the way people talk about, and care for, mental illness. Our mission is to catalyze like-minded communities to work together to destigmatize mental health and empower access to vital resources and necessary support for all.
The Mental Health Coalition was formed with the understanding that the mental health crisis is fueled by a pervasive and devastating stigma, preventing millions of individuals from being able to seek the critical treatment they need. We will not relent until mental health is no longer associated with stigma, shame or judgment and all people feel empowered to openly discuss and address their individual mental health needs.
SOURCE The Mental Health Coalition
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A college course that’s a history of the future
The course “Science Fiction as Intellectual History” explores how sci-fi reflects cultural thoughts and anxieties, using stories to analyze technology, future predictions, and evolving societal ideas.
Adam Jortner, Auburn University
Uncommon Courses is an occasional series from The Conversation U.S. highlighting unconventional approaches to teaching.
Title of course:
Science Fiction as Intellectual History
What prompted the idea for the course?
For most of its history, science fiction was a disreputable, throwaway genre. But sources of culture and thought aren’t just found in classic literature or in the writings of the great thinkers. They’re also in popular entertainment: movies, comics, pulp magazines, TV.
Big thoughts often come in chunks with labels like “The Future” or “Technology” or “Freedom.” And most ideas about these things are shaped by science fiction.
So in this class, my students explore how the theories of Charles Darwin, for example, are reflected in science fiction like “Jurassic Park,” “The Island of Dr. Moreau,” “X-Men” and “The Wrath of Khan.”
I’m lucky to be the third generation of professors teaching this course at Auburn. It’s an old staple here that I inherited.
What does the course explore?
I usually pick three big plot ideas from sci-fi: alien encounters, time travel and superhuman abilities. Then we trace the development of those ideas, primarily through American fiction.
Students might read H.G. Wells’ “The Time Machine,” which was written in the 1890s and tells the story of the Eloi and Morlocks, post-human races from 800,000 years in the future; C.L. Moore’s secret visitors from the future in the 1953 novella “Vintage Season”; and Steven Spielberg’s 1985 escape to an idealized 1950s in “Back to the Future.”
These works all include mind-bending theories about what time travel might look like. But students also see how each of them tells a different story about the anxieties and obsessions of the times in which they were created.
For example, Wells’ novel is a vision of how thousands of years of Victorian class divisions lead to the evolution of a group of cannibalistic underground humans. In “Back to the Future,” Marty McFly leaves the dingy, broken-down 1980s for a clean and shiny version of the 1950s, one that looks much more promising than 1985. The film taps into the 1980s political and cultural nostalgia for so-called “simpler” times. (Of course, in their version of 1955, Biff and Marty never deal with segregation or Cold War nuclear panic.)
Science fiction offers a kind of film negative of history – a back door into what made people worried or scared rather than what was heroic. Sci-fi captures that fear and anxiety.
Rod Serling’s 1960 “Twilight Zone” episode “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” is the story of how neighbors turn on each other when they suspect an alien invasion is taking place. It parallels the American crisis over desegregation and communist subversion.
As Serling concluded, “For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy, and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout of its own – for the children, and the children unborn. And the pity of it is that such things cannot be confined to the Twilight Zone.”
Why is this course relevant now?
New technology, along with endless predictions and prophecies about the future, bombard students.
It’s important to take a moment to step back. How is the way we talk about and use technology influenced by the way we’re trained to think about technology and the future? And how much do past visions of the future dictate the choices of the present?
What’s a critical lesson from the course?
Students often think technology has rules and it will follow those rules. But technology doesn’t work like that.
That’s both terrifying and uplifting, because it means that we can still create and imagine our future as we see fit.
What materials does the course feature?
I anchor the course with a series of novels; the list changes, but it always includes “The Time Machine” and Ursula K. Le Guin’s 1971 novel “The Lathe of Heaven.”
Beyond that, I try to pepper in a mix of pulp stories, TV shows, radio dramas, comic books and films. I assign the 1970s avant-garde sci-fi stories of Brian Aldiss and Joanna Russ, and underground literature from the 1980s, such as the graphic novel “Ed the Happy Clown.”
I shape the course like a traditional “great books” course – those that feature the works of intellectual and literary giants – by assigning a different work every week. I just have a different idea about what makes a great book.
We also spend a delightful week examining the economic and cultural history of “so-bad-its-good” B movies and late-night features, where I have them watch an episode of the Canadian sci-fi show “The Starlost,” considered one of the worst shows in television history. Sometimes you have to learn what not to do.
What will the course prepare students to do?
They learn to read and think. They learn that all stories have ideas and philosophies, whether simple or complex, wise or foolish.
I hope they learn to watch for nonsense in public debates about technology and the future – like how some people assume computer modeling for human language is the same thing as language – and keep an eye out for ideologies masquerading as action films.
I hope they learn to love an author they’ve never read before – and learn to appreciate how much reading and stories make life worth living.
Adam Jortner, Goodwin Philpott Eminent Professor of Religion, Auburn University
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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