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5 pasos para una diversión segura bajo el sol de verano



(Family Features) Con una gran cantidad de actividades disponibles durante los meses de verano, desde natación y caminatas hasta deportes organizados y juegos espontáneos en el jardín, la luz del sol conduce a la diversión en casi todas partes. Es importante tener en cuenta algunas precauciones de seguridad para ayudar a disfrutar esos momentos al máximo, ya sea que la diversión de su familia tenga lugar cerca del agua, en el estadio de béisbol o en el vecindario.

Considere este consejo de los expertos de la American Heart Association para un verano seguro.

Manténgase hidratado
Los meses calurosos y húmedos conducen a realizar más actividades al aire libre donde las temperaturas cálidas pueden provocar sudoración y pérdida de líquidos y electrolitos. Mantener el cuerpo hidratado es importante para un funcionamiento óptimo, especialmente bajo el calor. Lleve consigo botellas y recipientes de agua recargables para asegurarse de beber mucha agua cuando el verano llama a la diversión en cualquier lugar. Además de beber mucha agua, puede complementar la alimentación comiendo alimentos con alto contenido de agua como melones, lechuga y pepinos. Esté atento a los signos y síntomas de deshidratación leve, que incluyen boca seca o pegajosa, dolor de cabeza, calambres musculares, fatiga o disminución de la micción. Los casos más graves pueden incluir náuseas o vómitos, confusión, mareos, latidos del corazón rápidos o irregulares, respiración rápida, convulsiones o pérdida del conocimiento.

Mantenga la piel saludable
Se debe comenzar a tomar medidas para proteger la piel antes de exponerse al sol, ya que puede ser fácil quedar atrapado en las alegrías del verano y olvidarse de esos rayos dañinos. Evitar pasar tiempo al aire libre en las horas del mediodía ayuda a limitar la exposición, pero también puede no ser una realidad para familias ocupadas con eventos deportivos, compromisos para ir a la piscina y más. El uso de protector solar puede ayudar a reducir el riesgo de quemaduras solares, cáncer de piel y aparición temprana de arrugas; los expertos recomiendan usar un factor de protección solar (SPF, por sus siglas en inglés) 30 o superior al menos 30 minutos antes de salir al sol y volver a aplicar al menos cada dos horas durante largos días al aire libre. También considere usar ropa que proteja la piel, como anteojos de sol, un sombrero de ala ancha y camisas de manga larga y pantalones ligeros.

Aprenda a realizar la RCP
Con el verano llega el descanso, la relajación y la diversión, pero también puede traer un mayor riesgo al pasar más tiempo bajo el calor y cerca del agua. Un promedio de 33 ahogamientos
ocurren en los EE. UU. cada día, según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades, y un tercio de ellos son mortales. Saber realizar la RCP (reanimación cardiopulmonar) podría ser la clave para salvar a alguien de un paro cardíaco o ahogamiento. Si se realiza de inmediato, puede duplicar o triplicar las posibilidades de supervivencia de la víctima de un paro cardíaco, según la American Heart Association. Sin embargo, solo alrededor del 40% de las personas que experimentan un paro cardíaco por fuera del hospital reciben ayuda antes de que lleguen los profesionales.

Debido a que aproximadamente el 72% de los paros cardíacos por fuera del hospital ocurren en los hogares, es probable que intente salvar la vida de un ser querido (un familiar, cónyuge, padre/madre o amigo) si se le pide que realice la RCP. Llame al 9-1-1, o envíe a alguien para que lo haga, luego presione fuerte y rápido en el centro del pecho de la persona hasta que llegue la asistencia médica. Utilice un desfibrilador externo automático (DEA), si está disponible, de acuerdo con las indicaciones. Si ha recibido capacitación, tiene una mascarilla de bolsillo y está dispuesto y es capaz, administre respiraciones, ya que son importantes para los niños y en situaciones como ahogamientos. Puede obtener más información sobre la RCP solo con las manos y la RCP convencional a través de los recursos proporcionados gracias al apoyo nacional de Elevance Health Foundation.

Practique la natación segura
Chapotear y nadar en una piscina, lago, río u océano favorito brinda recuerdos para toda la vida, pero también puede ser peligroso sin las precauciones adecuadas. Uno de los pasos más importantes es asegurarse de que los niños sepan nadar y comprendan que no está bien nadar solos, incluso para los adultos. Usar chalecos salvavidas puede prevenir accidentes, ya sea que esté en un bote o en el agua, y designar a un “vigilante del agua” que no se distraiga puede ayudar a identificar una situación peligrosa antes de que se desarrolle.

Asegure la piscina
Incluso cuando no está en uso, una piscina puede ser un peligro, especialmente para las familias con niños pequeños que pueden tener la tentación de jugar mientras los adultos no están cerca. La instalación de cercas con puertas de cierre automático de al menos 4 pies de altura alrededor de las piscinas de los patios traseros puede ayudar a separar a los niños juguetones de las situaciones peligrosas. Además, asegúrese de guardar los tubos de flotación, juguetes, flotadores y otros accesorios de la piscina una vez que termine el tiempo de bañarse en la piscina para mantenerlos fuera de la vista y de la mente; estos símbolos de diversión pueden tentar a los más pequeños y llevarlos hacia el agua cuando no hay supervisión.

Encuentre más formas de mantener segura a su familia este verano visitando heart.org.

Señales de agotamiento por el calor
Cuando esos brillantes y soleados días de verano los llamen a usted y a sus seres queridos a salir, tenga en cuenta estos signos de enfermedades causadas por el calor, como calambres, agotamiento o insolación. Incluso en los días en que no parecen extremos, el calor y la humedad pueden pasar factura. Si experimenta alguno de estos síntomas, busque sombra, tómese un descanso y beba agua para bajar la temperatura de su cuerpo. Sin embargo, si los síntomas continúan y empeoran o no mejoran con la hidratación y el enfriamiento, busque atención médica.

  • Dolor muscular, calambres o espasmos
  • Sudoración abundante o pérdida de la sudoración
  • Palidez
  • Mareo
  • Dolor de cabeza
  • Náuseas o vómitos
  • Confusión
  • Desmayo o inconsciencia
  • Temperatura corporal alta (más de 100 °F) con piel seca
  • Pulso rápido

Fotos cortesía de Getty Images

American Heart Association


5 Tips to Celebrate May the 4th All Month Long



(Family Features) It’s the time of year when Star Wars fans from across the galaxy gather to celebrate May the 4th, also known as Star Wars Day. Inspired by the iconic catchphrase uttered in the first film of the Skywalker Saga, Star Wars: A New Hope, May the 4th has grown in size and enthusiasm over the years. Fans who don’t want to limit the Star Wars celebrations can keep the festivities going all month long.

To kickstart your Star Wars Day, check out these family-friendly ideas, activities and out of this galaxy adventures that are perfect for every fan.

Movie Marathon Month
You never need an excuse to watch these movies, but what better time than in May? Once a week, friends and families can unwind and have a movie night. Whether it’s in chronological order or picking out your favorite Star Wars movie, spending time together watching the Skywalker Saga is a great highlight to everyone’s week.

Costume Contest
Before you start your movie, host a themed costume contest. Encourage family and friends to break off into teams and dress up as their favorite characters. Each alliance can battle one another in hopes of winning the ultimate title of “Best Dressed in the Galaxy.” 

Drink Blue Milk Straight from the Star Wars Galaxy
Bring the big screen to your home with Star Wars TruMoo Blue Milk. The blue beverage was previously available exclusively at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge in Disney parks, but now fans can enjoy a new take with this vanilla flavored, low-fat milk that harnesses the power of protein-packed, real-dairy milk with 8 grams of protein per 8 fluid ounces to fuel adventures of all kinds, and goes perfectly with any showtime snack.

Try Out Themed Recipes
You can’t watch a movie without something to munch on – especially if you’re going the marathon route. Get creative in the kitchen and bring to life recipes reminiscent of your favorite Star Wars stories. Better yet, grab your blue milk and mix up a blue milkshake or ice cream pie.

Get Crafty
Grab your scissors, glue, boxes, and any other art supplies you have laying around and challenge everyone to make their own starship, drawing or craft from their favorite Star Wars film, series, game, book or more. Display your creations and continue to add more to your collection all month long.

To find interactive trivia, crafts, recipes and Star Wars TruMoo Blue Milk products near you as well as details about Star Wars white milk, both available for a limited time through July 2024 at select retailers in most major markets, visit StarWarsMilk.com.

*The Star Wars milk from TruMoo qualifies for the Star Wars check. To learn more, visit starwarscheck.com.

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock (family watching television)

TruMoo Milk

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child education

Spilling the Secrets to Early Literacy

Reading is critical for young children’s educational journeys, impacting their cognitive abilities, language proficiency, and later academic achievement.



literacy helps build cognitive abilities

(Family Features) For young children, learning to read is a critical step in their educational journeys, as literacy helps build cognitive abilities and language proficiency and has a direct impact on later academic achievement.

While there are no shortcuts to early literacy, there are steps parents can take to promote the development of children’s reading abilities. Dr. Lauren Loquasto, senior vice president and chief academic officer at The Goddard School, and Steve Metzger, award-winning author of more than 70 children’s books, share this guidance for parents.

Get Started Early
It’s never too early to start reading with children. In fact, they respond to being read to prenatally. One of the best ways to encourage early literacy is modeling the act of reading. Young children love to imitate, and if they see their parents reading, they are more likely to want to read themselves. Instead of scrolling on your phone or watching television while your children play, pick up a book or magazine.

Use Conversation to Build Literacy
To help build their vocabularies, consistently engage children in conversation. Literacy is more than reading and writing; it’s also listening and speaking. Children understand words before they can articulate them, so don’t be discouraged if it feels like a one-way conversation.

Expose Children to More Than Books
Make your home environment print-rich, as the more exposure children have to letters and words, the better. For example, keep magnetic letters and words on the fridge, put labels on your toy containers and position books and magazines in different rooms. Also remember reading isn’t limited to books. Words are everywhere, from street signs to restaurant menus. Take advantage of every opportunity to connect with your children through words throughout your day.

Let Them Take the Lead
Children engage with books in different, developmentally appropriate ways. Some children quickly flip through pages or only look at pictures while others might make up stories or their own words or songs. Some only want to read the same book over and over and some want to read a new book every time. Embrace and encourage their interest in books, no matter how they choose to use them.

Establish a Routine
Parents of young children often have busy and hectic lives, so it isn’t always easy to find time to read. Consistency is key, so be intentional about setting aside time for reading every day – perhaps it’s after dinner or before bedtime – and stick to it.

Select the Right Books
Helping young children choose books is an important part of their learning-to-read process. Developmental appropriateness is critical. For infants and toddlers, start with nursery rhymes, which are mini-stories that grasp children’s attention through repetition, rhythm and rhyming. Visuals are also important because they aren’t yet pulling words off the page. For emerging readers, choose books that align with their interests. Focus on books that are printed with text that goes from left to right and top to bottom.

Expose children to both fiction and non-fiction books. Non-fiction provides real-world knowledge children crave and helps them make sense of what they read in fictional stories. For example, the learnings about the life cycle of a bat they read in “Bat Loves the Night,” a non-fiction book, can help them better understand what’s happening in “Stellaluna,” a fiction book about a young bat.

If you’re in doubt about book choices, consult with a teacher or librarian, who can make recommendations based on your children’s interests and reading levels.

Foster a Love of Reading
Children’s early exposure to books can set the stage for a lifetime of reading. Make reading a time for discovery. Take children to a library or bookstore and encourage them to explore and find books on their own. Display genuine interest in their selections and use books as a tool for engaging and connecting with them. Don’t pressure children to learn how to read. Accept, validate and encourage them as they progress on their unique literacy journeys.

To watch a webinar recording featuring Loquasto and Metzger providing additional literacy guidance and recommendations, and access a wealth of actionable parenting insights and resources, visit the Parent Resource Center at GoddardSchool.com.

Photos courtesy of Shutterstock

The Goddard School


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Ways to Make Mom’s Day Extra Special

Whether she’s the culinary expert of the home or cooking is usually a team effort, make sure her morning is one of rest and relaxation while you handle kitchen duties from prep to cleanup.



(Family Features) Don’t let Mother’s Day pass by as just another day on the calendar. Make this year’s celebration a true ode to the moms in your life with some extra special touches at breakfast and beyond.

Give Her the Day Off
Whether she’s the culinary expert of the home or cooking is usually a team effort, make sure her morning is one of rest and relaxation while you handle kitchen duties from prep to cleanup. These Bacon-Wrapped Egg Muffins are easily customizable to suit your family’s favorite tastes with nearly endless possibilities. Just make sure to place a foil-lined cookie sheet under the muffin tin to make cleanup a breeze.

For a sweeter touch on brunch, these Cinnamon Muffins offer a one-ingredient solution that take just 15 minutes to prepare. Serve alongside the egg muffins or let these ooey-gooey bites bake while mom enjoys the main course.

Add Flowers
Flowers are a timeless Mother’s Day gift for a reason. They provide pops of color on dining room tables, kitchen counters, end tables or even nightstands. Consider mom’s favorite spot in the house and place them within eyeshot for a frequent reminder of how much she’s appreciated.

Create a Personalized Card
Add a special final touch to an already memorable morning with a thoughtful card and handwritten message. Get the kiddos involved and create a card from scratch with construction paper, colored pencils, markers and more for a homemade gift she’ll cherish. If you didn’t fall from the artistic tree, don’t fret – a storebought card means all the same when paired with a heartfelt message that conveys your love.

Regardless of how you choose to celebrate, mom will appreciate the extra effort to make her day special. Find more family-friendly recipe ideas at Culinary.net.

Bacon-Wrapped Egg Muffins

Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy”

  • 1 pound regular-sliced bacon (not thick-sliced)
  • 10 eggs
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheese
  • 1/3 cup half-and-half or milk
  • 1 tablespoon garlic pepper
  • 1/3 cup chopped fresh or frozen spinach
  1. Preheat oven to 400 F.
  2. Using muffin tin, wrap bacon around inside of each muffin hole. In bowl, whisk eggs, cheese, half-and-half, garlic pepper and spinach. Pour into each hole, filling about halfway to avoid overflowing while cooking. Cook 40 minutes, or until eggs are golden.

Tips: Place muffin tin on cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil to catch grease and make cleanup easier. If you want bacon taste without lining muffin holes, mix fried bacon pieces into eggs.

Substitutions: Line each hole with hashbrowns then add egg mixture. Use broccoli instead of spinach, if desired.

Cinnamon Muffins

Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy”

  • 2 tubes (8-count each) cinnamon rolls
  1. Preheat oven to 400 F.
  2. Grease muffin tin or line with liners. Using kitchen shears, cut each cinnamon roll into pieces and place in muffin holes.
  3. Bake about 15 minutes, or until golden. Let cool then add provided icing.

Tip: To make icing extra special, add 2 tablespoons creamer and mix well before icing muffins.


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