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Nutre las conexiones familiares con cada bocado: Mejore la salud social, emocional y física con recetas con base en huevos

Cenar juntos semanalmente reduce el estrés, fortalece la autoestima y promueve la conexión familiar. Iniciativa “Together Tuesdays” de la American Heart Association destaca comidas con huevos.



Recetas inspiradas en huevos

(Family Features) Cenar juntos, brillar juntos. Las comidas semanales a la mesa con la familia pueden reducir el estrés, aumentar la autoestima y hacer que todos se sientan más conectados, todo mientras comparten alimentos deliciosos, saludables y fáciles de preparar.

Bríndele a su familia la oportunidad de reponer fuerzas y reconectarse cada semana con recetas que unan a todos. Ya sean 10 personas o dos, las investigaciones muestran que quienes disfrutan de comidas frecuentes con otras personas, particularmente padres con sus hijos, tienen un mejor bienestar social y emocional, según la American Heart Association.

Disfrutar de una buena conversación y de la compañía es la esencia de cada comida, y con los platillos adecuados, puede hacer que cada bocado sea tan delicioso como nutritivo. Los ingredientes como los huevos son asequibles, fáciles de usar y versátiles, lo que los convierte en la opción perfecta en la cocina para ayudarle a generar conversación.

Las yemas de huevo cocidas con delicadeza son el centro de atención en esta receta de raviolis de huevo con salvia y almendras, y los delicados huevos pochados descansan sobre granos integrales en la receta de huevos pochados con bulgur al pesto. Si el desayuno es el mejor momento del día para reunirse con los tuyos, prepare estos tazones de desayuno con quínoa y huevo al estilo del suroeste para añadir proteínas y fibra.

Estas recetas con base en huevos y más son parte de la iniciativa Together Tuesdays y Healthy for Good Eat Smart de la American Heart Association, apoyada a nivel nacional por Eggland’s Best. Ambas iniciativas enfatizan la importancia de reunirse al menos una vez por semana alrededor de la mesa con familiares o amigos para satisfacer los deseos de conexión, una comida deliciosa y una vida saludable en general.

Además de los beneficios sociales y emocionales de comer juntos, las comidas familiares compartidas pueden ayudar a promover opciones más saludables en la mesa.

Según la American Heart Association, los huevos, por ejemplo, pueden incluirse como parte de una dieta saludable para el corazón que enfatice verduras, frutas, nueces y semillas, cereales integrales, proteínas magras y pescado. Recuerde no aislar un alimento, no se trata solo del huevo, sino también de lo que se come junto con él. Por ejemplo, comer huevos junto con alimentos ricos en grasas saturadas, como el tocino, es diferente a comer huevos con verduras al vapor, granos integrales o una guarnición de fruta.

Para obtener más ideas de recetas saludables para el corazón y temas de conversación para hacer de Together Tuesdays una tradición en su casa, visite

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Raviolis de huevo con salvia y almendras

Receta cortesía de la American Heart Association
Raciones: 4

  • 8 tazas de agua
  • 1/2 taza de queso ricotta sin grasa
  • 1 cucharada de queso parmesano rallado
  • 1 1/2 cucharaditas de tomillo fresco picado
  • 1/2 cucharadita de ralladura de naranja
  • 1/4 cucharadita de pimienta negra
  • 8 envoltorios de gyoza, shumai o wonton
  • 4 yemas de huevo grandes, enteras
  • 1 clara de huevo grande, ligeramente batida
  • 2 cucharaditas de aceite de oliva
  • 1/4 taza de almendras en rodajas, picadas
  • 1 cucharada de salvia fresca picada
  • 1 cucharada de pimiento rojo finamente picado (opcional)
  1. Llene una olla grande con agua. Ponga el agua a hervir lentamente a fuego medio-alto.
  2. En un tazón mediano, mezcle el queso ricotta, el queso parmesano, el tomillo, la ralladura de naranja y la pimienta.
  3. Coloque cuatro envoltorios con el lado enharinado hacia abajo sobre una tabla de cortar. Coloque 1 1/2 cucharada de mezcla de queso en el centro de cada envoltorio. Usando el dorso de una cuchara, presione la mezcla de queso para crear un hueco de aproximadamente 1 1/2 pulgada de ancho (el ancho de una yema de huevo grande), dejando al menos 1/2 pulgada de espacio alrededor de los bordes del envoltorio. Sin romperla, coloque con cuidado una yema de huevo en el centro de cada hueco.
  4. Con una brocha de pastelería, unte los bordes de los envoltorios con clara de huevo. Coloque un envoltorio en la parte superior con el lado enharinado hacia arriba sobre cada envoltorio inferior. Usando los pulgares y los índices, presione firmemente los bordes para sellar herméticamente cada ravioli. Poner a un lado.
  5. Con una espátula o cuchara ranurada, vierta con cuidado cada ravioli en el agua hirviendo. Cocine durante 2 1/2 a 3 minutos o hasta que los envoltorios estén al dente (cocidos, no demasiado blandos, pero tampoco demasiado cocidos). Con una cuchara ranurada, retire suavemente los raviolis de la olla, escurriéndolos bien. Colóquelos en los platos. Rocíe con aceite. Espolvorear con almendras, salvia y pimiento morrón, si lo desea.

Consejos: Se prefieren los envoltorios de gyoza (o de shumai) porque son más delgados que los envoltorios de wonton. Busque envoltorios de gyoza en el pasillo de productos lácteos, en el departamento de delicatessen o en la sección de congelados.

Utilice estas pautas para determinar cómo desea que se cocinen los huevos: A los 2 minutos y medio, los huevos están amarillos y ligeramente espesos, pero no duros en los bordes, similares a los fritos. A los 3 minutos, los huevos tienen un color naranja más oscuro y están ligeramente cocidos en los bordes, similares a los que se cocinan a la plancha.

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Huevos pochados con bulgur al pesto

Receta cortesía de la American Heart Association
Raciones: 4

  • 2/3 taza de bulgur instantáneo o de grano fino crudo
  • 1 1/3 tazas, más 2 cucharadas, de caldo vegetal sin grasa y bajo en sodio, dividido
  • 1 taza de albahaca fresca bien compacta
  • 2 cucharadas de nueces picadas, tostadas secas
  • 1 diente de ajo pequeño, picado
  • 1/8 cucharadita de sal
  • 1 pizca de pimienta cayena
  • 1/2 taza de pimiento morrón amarillo o rojo finamente picado
  • 1/4 taza de cebollas verdes cortadas en rodajas finas
  • 4 tazas de agua
  • 1 cucharada de vinagre blanco
  • 4 huevos grandes
  • 1 limón mediano, cortado en 4 gajos
  1. En una cacerola mediana, prepare el bulgur según las instrucciones del paquete, omitiendo la sal y sustituyendo el agua por 1 1/3 tazas de caldo. Mezclar con un tenedor.
  2. En un procesador de alimentos o licuadora, procese la albahaca, las nueces, el ajo, la sal, la cayena y el caldo restante hasta que quede suave. Incorpore la mezcla de albahaca, pimiento morrón y cebollas verdes al bulgur.
  3. En una sartén grande, ponga a hervir el agua y el vinagre a fuego alto. Disminuya el fuego y deje cocinar a fuego lento. Rompa un huevo en una taza y luego deslícelo con cuidado en el agua hirviendo a fuego lento. Repita con los huevos restantes, colocándolos en agua de forma que no se toquen. Cocine a fuego lento durante 3 a 5 minutos o hasta que las claras estén completamente listas y las yemas comiencen a cocinarse pero no estén duras. Con una cuchara con ranuras, escurra bien los huevos y colóquelos sobre la mezcla de bulgur. Servir con rodajas de limón.

Nota: El vinagre blanco ayuda a reafirmar las claras de huevo rápidamente, evitando que se extiendan demasiado.

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Tazones de desayuno con quínoa y huevo al estilo del suroeste

Receta cortesía de la American Heart Association
Raciones: 4

  • 1/4 taza de quínoa cruda, lavada y escurrida
  • 2 tomates medianos (aproximadamente 2 tazas), picados
  • 1 taza de maíz congelado sin sal agregada, descongelado
  • 1/2 aguacate mediano, sin semilla y cortado en cubitos
  • 1/4 taza de cebollas verdes picadas
  • 1/2 taza de cilantro fresco picado (opcional)
  • aerosol antiadherente para cocinar
  • 4 huevos grandes
  • 1/8 cucharadita de sal
  • 1/4 cucharadita de pimienta
  • salsa de pimiento rojo picante, al gusto (opcional)
  1. Cocine la quínoa según las instrucciones del paquete. Retire del calor.
  2. Coloque la quínoa con una cuchara en cuatro tazones. Cubra cada uno con cantidades iguales de tomates, maíz, aguacate, cebollas verdes y cilantro, si lo desea.
  3. Rocíe ligeramente una sartén grande con aceite en aerosol antiadherente y caliéntela a fuego medio-alto. Rompa los huevos en la sartén. Espolvorear con sal y pimienta. Cocine sin tapar durante 3 a 4 minutos o hasta que las claras estén firmes pero las yemas aún estén líquidas. Con una espátula, transfiera con cuidado un huevo, con el lado dorado hacia arriba, a cada recipiente. Espolvorear con salsa picante, al gusto, si se desea.

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American Heart Association


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Butter Wines introduces ButterLight Chardonnay, a lower calorie and alcohol wine option at 85 calories and 8.5% ABV, maintaining quality and taste from the popular Butter Chardonnay lineup.



Best-Selling Butter Wines Debuts Lower Calorie, Lower Alcohol Chardonnay that Doesn’t Compromise on Taste

NAPA, Calif. /PRNewswire/ — Butter Chardonnay—the number two selling premium Chardonnay1—announces the newest addition to its fan-favorite Butter lineup: ButterLight Chardonnay. Following extensive R&D to produce the best-tasting Light wine on the market, ButterLight is now available in wine aisles. Crafted with the same dedication to quality that defines the Butter portfolio, ButterLight offers winelovers an authentic grape-to-bottle, great-tasting glass of wine at just 85 calories—almost a third less than regular wines and 40% less alcohol.


“The demand for lighter wines has clearly been growing, but until we were confident we could truly make a delicious wine at meaningfully lower calories and alcohol levels, we weren’t going to put the Butter label on it,” said Jeff Kandarian, Executive Winemaker of Butter Wines by JaM Cellars. “The R&D process was extensive to retain full control over flavor first. This wine truly delivers on the Butter brand promise of quality for every wine drinking occasion. We’re thrilled to add it to the Butter lineup and offer a delicious alternative to consumers looking for lighter wine.”

Crafted with the same grapes selected for regular Butter Chardonnay at their perfect ripeness, ButterLight has flavors of bright lemon mousse laced with creamy vanilla and shortbread crumbles and comes in at just 8.5% ABV and 85 calories per glass. ButterLight is a terrific choice for those seeking a lighter wine option without sacrificing flavor and quality. Found in grocery stores across the country, the widely-recognizable Butter yellow label has become synonymous with great quality at amazing value. Butter Wines’ expansion into lower-ABV wine sets a new uncompromising standard for light wine.

“As we’ve expanded the Butter line up we have been meticulous in crafting each bottling to exceed quality expectations at accessible price points. ButterLight as our newest addition had a very high bar to meet—reduce calories and alcohol without sacrificing flavor, while staying in Butter’s price point. I think we have gone above and beyond that mandate and created something so great-tasting it’s hard to believe it’s lighter,” said John Truchard, Founder and CEO, JaM Cellars. “I’m grateful for the passion and hard work that has gone into this innovation by our winemaking, sales, and marketing team, and for the exceptional reaction we have received from our retail and distributor partners. I’m excited for wine drinkers everywhere to try it and love it.”

The Butter portfolio now comprises Butter Chardonnay (also in ButterCans), Butter Cab, NEW Butter Sauv Blanc, NEW Butter Pinot Noir, and now NEW ButterLight. Released last year, Butter Sauv Blanc is refreshingly tropical, and Butter Pinot Noir is juicy and lush, both making a splash for wine lovers looking for authentic, well-made wines that are approachably priced. With the continuous addition of new varietals, Butter’s bright yellow labels have become a beacon of quality and deliciousness that everyone can trust and afford in a notoriously fragmented and confusing wine category.

Butter Lineup

“Getting ButterLight just right was a labor of love, so we are excited to be able to start offering it in the New Year, when so many people are looking for lighter versions of their favorite foods and drinks. Nearly a third less calories and 40% less alcohol compared to regular wines are meaningful when you want to make lighter choices, but you won’t make those choices if it doesn’t taste great,” said Michele Truchard, Co-Founder JaM Cellars and the “M” in JaM. “Having a nutrition background, a passion for health and wellness, and a love of wine I’m always seeking balance. For me, ButterLight hits all the right notes.”

In celebration of the ButterLight launch, Butter Wines is hosting a sweepstakes to float over Napa Valley for one lucky winner and a plus one. Beginning January 14 through March 9, the winner will receive complimentary roundtrip flights, hotel stay, hot air ballroom ride, and a signature ButterLight tasting picnic to enjoy over an epic Napa Valley getaway weekend. Consumers are encouraged to enter at (no purchase necessary). All Butter Wines can be found under $20 (MSRP) in local grocery, convenience, and liquor stores as well as online at For more information on the newest Butter addition, visit or follow @JaMCellars on Facebook and Instagram.

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About JaM Cellars
JaM Cellars is all about easy-to-love, every-day wines. Made by Napa Valley vintners John and Michele Truchard (the “J” and “M” in JaM), the JaM Cellars portfolio features Butter by JaM Cellars—including Butter Chardonnay, ButterCans, NEW ButterLight, Butter Sauv Blanc, Butter Pinot Noir, Butter Cabernet, and Butter Bubbles—along with the original JaM Cabernet that started the label. All the wines are distinctively delicious: Butter Chardonnay melts in your mouth, ButterLight is light and creamy, Butter Sauv Blanc is refreshingly tropical, Butter Pinot is fruity and velvety, Butter Bubbles is bright and creamy, Butter Cab is silky smooth, and JaM Cabernet is juicy and berry-licious, Butter Chardonnay is also available in fun, grab-and-go, single-serve 250ml ButterCans—each about a glass and a half, also available in a 4-pack. JaM Cellars wines are meant to be enjoyed anytime—whether it’s a special occasion or every-day celebration. This year, Butter Chardonnay, one of the bestselling chardonnays in the U.S. over $13, was recognized as an Impact Blue Chip Brand award winner for 10 years of consecutive growth. Check out JaM Cellars on Facebook and Instagram @jamcellars, #JaMCellars, or

1Source: Nielsen, Chardonnay, $13+, 750mL, 01.27.24, 52 week, Total US xAOC
2ButterLight per 5 fl oz. Average analysis: 8.5% ABV, 85 Calories, 4g Carbs, 0g Protein, 0g Fat. 40% less alcohol compared to regular Butter Chardonnay.

SOURCE Butter Wines

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Hidden Valley Ranch Teams Up with Pizza Hut and Eli Manning to Launch New Easy Squeeze Bottle and First-Ever Collectible Pizza



Eli Manning to Use the new Hidden Valley Ranch Easy Squeeze Bottle to Autograph Pizza Hut Pizza Creating Crave-worthy Memorabilia

Fans Can Win a Year’s Supply of Hidden Valley Ranch and Pizza Hut Pizza to Create Signature Moments All Year Long

OAKLAND, Calif., Jan. 15, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — Hidden Valley ® Ranch, the nation’s original ranch dressing brand, is changing the game with the launch of its brand-new Easy Squeeze bottle, making it even easier to add ranch flavor to anything. To celebrate the launch and just in time for the Big Game, Hidden Valley Ranch is teaming up with Pizza Hut and football legend, Eli Manning, to create the one-of-a-kind Hidden Valley Ranch Signature Pizza, delivered by Pizza Hut.

This unexpected collectible is a crave-worthy Pizza Hut pepperoni pizza, autographed by Eli Manning using the precision and control of the new Hidden Valley Ranch Easy Squeeze bottle and preserved in resin for eternity. PSA – the largest and most respected third-party authentication and grading company for trading cards and memorabilia – will authenticate the prized pizza. Football, ranch and pizza enthusiasts can learn more about how to win the forever-lasting memorabilia here.  

“Our new bottle design is a game-changer for ranch lovers, making it easier than ever to enjoy every drop of Hidden Valley Ranch without the mess,” said CC Ciafone, marketing director at Hidden Valley Ranch. “We’re thrilled to team up with two icons, Pizza Hut and Eli Manning, to create a one-of-a-kind ranch and pizza experience that combines great food, legendary talent, and our new Easy Squeeze bottle.”

Here’s what’s at stake:

  • Grand Prize: One lucky winner will receive the one-of-a-kind Hidden Valley Ranch Signature Pizza encased in resin, along with a year’s supply of Hidden Valley Ranch and a year’s worth of Pizza Hut pizza.
  • 10 Runners-Up: 10 runners-up will receive a year’s supply of Hidden Valley Ranch and a Pizza Hut pizza to create your own signature moments.

“Pizza Hut is always looking for innovative ways to bring excitement to the table, and partnering with Hidden Valley Ranch to celebrate their Easy Squeeze bottle is the perfect match,” said Melissa Friebe, Chief Marketing Officer at Pizza Hut. “This experience brings this dynamic duo together in a fun and memorable way, celebrating the deep love fans have for both.” 

How to Enter**

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Ranch and football fans alike can enter the sweepstakes via social media starting on January 15, 2025, through kickoff on February 9, 2025. Visit to find step-by-step instructions on how to enter. Submissions will be accepted until 6:30 pm EST on Feb. 9. Don’t miss your chance to savor the excitement and take your ranch game to the next level.

The new bottle will feature several consumer benefits including:

  • Improved Flow Control Cap: No mess, no drips—just clean, controlled pours every time.
  • Inverted Easy-Squeeze Bottle: Enjoy every drop while eliminating ranch waste in this easier-to-hold-and-control design.

The new design, which will be available in both 16oz and 24oz, will be on shelves at retailers nationwide beginning in March 2025.

To learn more about Hidden Valley Ranch, exclusive recipes and more, visit


Founded in 1954, Hidden Valley® Ranch is the nation’s original ranch dressing brand and America’s favorite ranch.*. Bottled Hidden Valley Original Ranch and Hidden Valley Ranch Seasonings & Packets come in a variety of flavors and forms for fans to enjoy the ranch flavor they love across all mealtime and snacking occasions. Hidden Valley Ranch products, including Hidden Valley Original Ranch Seasoning, Dressing & Dip Mix, Hidden Valley Restaurant-Style Ranch Dressing Recipe Mix, Plant Powered Hidden Valley Ranch Topping & Dressing and more, can be found in grocery retailers nationwide and online. Follow us!  and Learn more at

* Based on IRI unit sales data L52WE 08/25/24 for Hidden Valley Original Ranch

About Pizza Hut®
Pizza Hut, a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE: YUM), was founded in 1958 in Wichita, Kansas and since then has earned a reputation as a trailblazer in innovation with the creation of icons like Original Pan® and Original Stuffed Crust® pizzas. In 1994, Pizza Hut pizza was the very first online food order. Today, Pizza Hut continues leading the way in the digital and technology space with over half of transactions worldwide coming from digital orders. Pizza Hut is committed to providing an easy pizza experience – from order to delivery – and has Hut Rewards®, the Pizza Hut loyalty program that offers points for every dollar spent on food any way you order. Hut Rewards is open to U.S. residents 18+. See applicable terms at A global leader in the pizza category, Pizza Hut operates more than 19,500 restaurants in more than 100 countries. Through its enormous presence, Pizza Hut works to unlock opportunity for its team members and communities around the world.

For more information, visit You can remain up to date on what’s happening at Pizza Hut by following us on FacebookTwitterInstagramTikTok and subscribing to our YouTube channel.

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** NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. LEGAL RESIDENTS OF THE 50 U.S. (D.C.) 18 YEARS OR OLDER. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Ends 2/9/25. See Official Rules, for entry req’s, prize details & odds disclosure, at Sponsors: HV Food Products Co., 1221 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94607 & Pizza Hut, Inc., 7100 Corporate Dr., Plano, TX 75024.


SOURCE Hidden Valley® Ranch

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Sensei Debuts World’s Largest Autonomous Supermarket at NRF 2025



Sensei introduces a new customer experience with democratic entry, simplified real-time basket checkout, discrepancy detection and streamlining the grocery experience for customers.

NEW YORK /PRNewswire/ — Sensei (, a global leader in autonomous retail technology, is proud to announce the official debut of its groundbreaking autonomous supermarket at NRF 2025: Retail’s Big Show, taking place in New York City from January 12-14. Sensei introduces real-time basket technology and an autonomous experience with assisted sales; transforming customer convenience and operational efficiency.

Sensei’s technology goes beyond eliminating checkout lines – it enhances the entire shopping journey while providing retailers with invaluable real-time data to optimize their operations,” said Vasco Portugal, CEO and Co-Founder of Sensei. “We’re excited to bring this transformative solution to larger scale supermarkets and challenge the retail industry with what’s possible.

At NRF 2025, Sensei will showcase a live demo of its autonomous store concept at Booth 117 in the FoodService Innovation Zone. Attendees will experience firsthand how Sensei’s technology creates a seamless shopping experience, combining:

  • Autonomous Grocery Solutions: Consumers grab items like cereal, milk, or pasta, and their virtual basket updates in real-time.
  • Assisted Sales Integration: Retailers can redeploy staff from checkout lines to high-value roles, such as supporting bakery or deli operations.
  • Smart Integration: Automated systems like coffee machines can be seamlessly incorporated into the autonomous ecosystem.

Pioneering Retail Innovation
Sensei’s proprietary AI technology combines computer vision, machine learning and sensors to achieve 99% accuracy in tracking consumer interactions with products, a significant improvement over existing autonomous solutions. Shoppers enjoy transparency, as purchases are displayed in real-time, eliminating the friction of scanning and lines.

Exclusive Launch Announcement
Sensei’s presence at NRF coincides with the launch of its 1,200+ square-meter autonomous supermarket in Portugal, in partnership with MC (Sonae Group), the country’s leading grocery retailer. This groundbreaking achievement sets a new benchmark for large-scale autonomous retail environments. Store features include:

  • Democratic Entry: No app, card, or registration is required to enter the store. The entry is open as in any regular supermarket.
  • Diverse and Comprehensive Assortment: The store offers a range of products similar to a traditional supermarket, including solutions like weighable fruits and vegetables, a fish market with service, and bakery and pastry options sold in bulk.
  • Simplified Checkout: Thanks to “real-time basket” technology, customers don’t need to scan products. At checkout, items automatically appear on the screen for confirmation, eliminating the need to remove products from bags or carts.
  • Discrepancy Detection: The technology identifies discrepancies between what the customer picked up (e.g., fruits and vegetables) and what was actually weighted, ensuring greater control and accuracy throughout the shopping journey.

This innovative retail environment integrates AI-powered computer vision, shelf sensors, and real-time inventory tracking to provide unparalleled accuracy and convenience for consumers while delivering valuable behavioral insights and operational efficiencies for retailers.

Visit Sensei at NRF 2025
Sensei will host autonomous store demo at its booth (#117) in the FoodService Innovation Zone at NRF 2025. Explore how autonomous solutions can revolutionize grocery stores, convenience stores, and beyond.

About Sensei
Sensei is the leading European provider of autonomous retail technology, a pioneer in the industry, it was the first technology company to open fully autonomous stores in Europe, Latin America and Brazil. Through an advanced infrastructure that combines AI, computer vision, and sensor fusion, Sensei builds experiences that make shopping more intuitive and generate unprecedented store metrics and performance insights for businesses.

SOURCE Sensei Tech

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