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Quick and Easy Fourth of July Party Planning Guide



(Family Features) The ultimate summer holiday, the Fourth of July is a perfect opportunity to gather with friends and family to create lasting memories.

From organizing the menu to planning festive activities, this guide can make your red, white and blue event a fun and memorable celebration.

Plan the Menu
When planning your Fourth of July party menu, start with traditional favorites like hamburgers, hot dogs and barbecue. Also consider the preferences and dietary restrictions of your guests and offer vegetarian and gluten-free dishes to accommodate everyone’s needs. Don’t forget to include refreshing summer beverages, such as lemonade or iced tea, to keep your guests hydrated.

Create a Festive Atmosphere
Hang American flags; red, white and blue banners; and string lights to set the mood. Consider placing decorative items like sparklers, pinwheels and balloons around the party area to add a touch of fun. You can also set up a photobooth with props like hats, sunglasses and patriotic accessories.

Set Up Fun Activities for All Ages
To keep your guests entertained, plan a variety of activities. Set up classic backyard games like cornhole, horseshoes or a water balloon toss as well as a craft station where younger guests can create patriotic-themed artwork or make friendship bracelets.

Don’t forget to organize a fireworks display to end the night with a bang. Make sure to follow all safety precautions and check local regulations regarding fireworks. If fireworks aren’t allowed in your area, consider alternatives like glow sticks or sparklers.

Take Safety Precautions with Fireworks
When using fireworks at your party, it’s crucial to prioritize safety. Follow these safety precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience:

  • Read and follow the instructions on the fireworks packaging.
  • Only use fireworks in a designated outdoor area away from buildings, trees and flammable materials.
  • Keep a bucket of water or garden hose nearby for emergencies.
  • Never attempt to relight malfunctioning fireworks.
  • Supervise children closely.
  • Dispose of used fireworks properly by soaking them in water before throwing them away.

Find more party hosting tips and tricks at eLivingtoday.com.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash




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5 Steps to Spruce Up Outdoor Spaces




(Family Features) When spring arrives, days of enjoying your outdoor living space aren’t far away. Getting your yard ready for months of outdoor enjoyment will take a little work, but you’ll quickly see and appreciate the results.

These five steps can have you on your way to a lush, healthy lawn and outdoor area in no time.

  1. Dethatch
    Throughout the winter, dead grass and other debris accumulate on your lawn. This waste, known as thatch, can be quite a hindrance to your spring lawn. It promotes fungi, encourages pests and keeps new grass seed from sprouting. You can use a special dethatching rake or any rake with sturdy tines.
  2. Aerate
    Before spreading grass seed, you’ll want to give the new roots room to spread and grow. Aerating the lawn helps make your soil more welcoming to new growth by allowing moisture, nutrients and air to sink deeper into the soil. Depending on the size of area you need to aerate, two of the easiest options are doing the job by hand or using an attachment on a riding lawn mower.
  3. Prune
    The lawn isn’t the only place debris can pile up. Your flower beds and any other vegetation can become a holding ground for twigs, branches, leaves and other yard waste. Give your plants, shrubs and trees a close look to find broken, damaged or dead material and remove it to make way for new growth.
  4. Weed
    Even the healthiest lawns are susceptible to weeds, but getting a jump start on weeding early in the season can help you keep control. You can manage weeds by treating with an herbicide before the sprout or, if you prefer, there are chemical-free alternatives like vinegar, salt or cornmeal. Be aware that many alternative products don’t distinguish between the vegetation you want (like grass) and weeds, so these remedies are best used along borders and within beds to discourage weed growth.
  5. Seed
    Winter weather and wear can cause uneven patches in the lawn. Seeding in the spring requires more work than the fall (especially if you tend to have hot, dry summers), but with enough nurturing and regular water, you can fill those spots in for a more uniform lawn.

Visit eLivingtoday.com for more advice to make your outdoor living space spectacular.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

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Unique, Hands-Free Ways to Soothe Your Baby

To bring baby from cries to comfort, Graco has introduced the future of innovative soothing with its Soothing Bassinet and Soothing Swing.



(Family Features) Most parents know – or soon will – crying is completely normal for babies. Even once you’ve determined a cause for the cries, finding foolproof ways to soothe baby can be difficult.

While traditional methods of soothing like bassinets and swings are often effective, they typically require parents to always be close by to keep baby calm. Bassinets and swings with innovative, soothing technology can help provide the safest place outside your arms to ensure baby is comforted and secure, allowing busy parents to have peace of mind while managing everyday tasks.

To bring baby from cries to comfort, Graco has introduced the future of innovative soothing with its Soothing Bassinet and Soothing Swing. Using SmartSense technology, they respond to cries with thousands of soothing combinations to help create more peaceful, happy moments for you and your baby.

Find more solutions to help calm and soothe your little ones by exploring the collection at GracoBaby.com.

Soothe Baby Back to Sleep
Bassinets are recommended for newborns until they can roll over or push up (typically around 5 months old). Creating a fully immersive sleep environment, the Graco SmartSense Soothing Bassinet hears baby’s cries and responds by gradually adjusting thousands of soothing combinations to help lull baby back to sleep, including gentle motions, soft vibration, multiple speeds, white noise and calming music. Parents can also directly control the settings or stream songs and sounds via Bluetooth wireless technology. Its sleek aesthetic and woodgrain finish fit seamlessly into home decor while breathable, mesh sides and a firm, flat sleeping surface help create a safe sleep space for baby. Plus, the bassinet offers swaddle compatibility, allowing babies to sleep soundly by adapting to their needs whether swaddled or not.

Rock Your Baby to Comfort
Mimicking the way parents naturally soothe their babies, the Graco SmartSense Soothing Swing offers four unique motions – swing, rock, cradle and glide – as well as combinations of soft vibrations, speeds, white noise and calming sounds to help create more peaceful, happy moments. It boasts technology that hears your baby cry and responds in seconds with calming sound and motion. The swing also features a cozy body support made with organic cotton fabrics, three recline positions and a convertible harness with harness covers to keep your baby comfy and secure while swinging.




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6 Tips for Planning Your Next Road Trip



(Family Features) Warmer weather provides a perfect opportunity to hop behind the wheel of your car and explore breathtaking scenery, cultural experiences and adventures waiting to be discovered both near and far.

To ensure a smooth and memorable journey, consider these planning tips before departing on your road trip adventure.

Set Your Destination
When planning a road trip, the first step is to decide your destination. Consider factors such as the distance you are willing to travel, time available for your trip and attractions or landmarks you want to visit along the way. Also factor in weather conditions and seasonality of your destination as some places may be more enjoyable to visit during certain times of year. Keep in mind any special events or festivals happening you might want to attend.

Determine a Budget
Determine how much you are willing to spend on gas, food, lodging and entertainment. This can help you make informed decisions and avoid overspending. For example, when budgeting for food, plan for a mix of dining out and cooking your own meals. Pack a cooler with snacks and drinks for the road and make use of local grocery stores or farmers markets to buy fresh ingredients.

Plan Your Route
Take some time to map out your journey using online tools or GPS devices, considering the most scenic and interesting routes available. Consider the duration of your trip and how many stops you want to make along the way, finding a balance between driving time and time spent exploring attractions or enjoying the scenery. Also identify any must-see landmarks along your route.

Research Accommodations
Research different accommodation options along your route, such as hotels, motels, campgrounds and vacation rentals. Compare prices, read reviews and consider factors like location, amenities and safety. To save money on accommodations, consider alternatives like camping or staying with friends or family.

Pack the Essentials
Packing for a road trip can be a challenge, but with the right essentials, you can ensure a comfortable and enjoyable journey. Start by making a list of the items you may need during the trip, including clothing, toiletries and any special equipment or gear. Don’t forget essentials like comfortable shoes, swimwear and a jacket or sweater.

Other important items to pack include a first aid kit, snacks and drinks for the road, phone chargers and entertainment options such as books, music or games. It’s also a good idea to pack basic tools and emergency supplies, such as a flashlight, jumper cables, spare tire and a roadside emergency kit.

Take Appropriate Safety Precautions
While road trips are exciting adventures, it’s important to prioritize safety to ensure a smooth and memorable journey. Before hitting the road, share your itinerary with someone you trust and make sure your vehicle is in good condition. Check the tires, brakes, fluids and lights to minimize the risk of breakdowns or accidents. Also plan regular rest stops to avoid driver fatigue and stay updated on weather conditions and road closures along your route.

Find more tips to make the most of your road trip experience at eLivingtoday.com.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash



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