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5 consejos para viajar de forma segura durante las vacaciones



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(Family Features) La temporada navideña puede ser estresante cuando se agregan viajes a la mezcla. Coordinar los viajes terrestres o aéreos y planificar el alojamiento, incluso si simplemente se hospeda con sus seres queridos, a menudo es solo el comienzo y las preocupaciones de salud y seguridad que pueden quedar en el camino.

Por ejemplo, la tasa de incidencia más alta de mortalidad cardíaca durante todo el año ocurre entre Navidad y Año Nuevo, según la American Heart Association (Asociación Americana del Corazón), y cada año ocurren más de 350,000 paros cardíacos extrahospitalarios en los Estados Unidos.

Si se encuentra entre el 62 % de los estadounidenses que planean viajar en esta temporada navideña, según una investigación realizada por IPX1031, considere estos consejos para proteger su salud y seguridad.

Planifique con anticipación
Una planificación adecuada puede ayudarle a garantizar que esté preparado para afrontar cualquier desafío o retraso inesperado cuando salga. Verifique el clima antes de salir, incluso en su destino, y evite las tormentas anticipadas. Salga temprano para tener en cuenta el tráfico potencialmente pesado y trace su camino con anticipación para asegurarse de estar al tanto de cualquier cierre o construcción de carreteras, lo que puede permitirle encontrar rutas alternativas, si es necesario, en lugar de intentar adaptarse sobre la marcha.

Asegúrese de que su familia esté al día con las vacunas
La vacunación sistemática puede ayudar a protegerlo de enfermedades infecciosas que pueden transmitirse fácilmente cuando se encuentra cerca de un grupo grande de personas. Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recomiendan la vacuna antigripal estacional para todas las personas a partir de los 6 meses de edad. Otras vacunas, como la vacuna contra la COVID-19 o la vacuna de refuerzo y la vacuna contra el sarampión, pueden ayudar a proteger no solo su salud, sino también la de sus seres queridos.

Aprenda CPR
Según la American Heart Association, solo un 40 % de las personas que sufren un paro cardíaco reciben reanimación cardiopulmonar, o CPR, por parte de un transeúnte. Sin embargo, la CPR inmediata puede duplicar o triplicar las posibilidades de supervivencia de una víctima de un paro cardíaco.

Justo a tiempo para la temporada navideña, en aeropuertos, hospitales y otros lugares del país se encuentran disponibles quioscos renovados de capacitación en CPR solo con las manos, que brindan una descripción general de la CPR solo con las manos seguida de una sesión de práctica y una prueba de 30 segundos. Con la ayuda de un maniquí de práctica, los quioscos brindan información sobre la profundidad y la velocidad decompresión, así como la colocación adecuada de las manos (factores que influyen en la efectividad de la CPR) y enseñan los dos sencillos pasos:
1. Llame al 911.
2. Empuje fuerte y rápido en el centro del pecho de la persona que sufre un paro cardíaco hasta que llegue la ayuda.

Muchos de los quioscos de CPR solo con las manos, así como la campaña de CPR solo con las manos, cuentan con el apoyo de Elevance Health Foundation. Para encontrar un quiosco a lo largo de su ruta de viaje, visite

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Prepare su vehículo
Problemas con el auto son un culpable común durante los viajes de vacaciones. Para ayudar a evitar problemas, revise su vehículo antes de emprender en un viaje prolongado. Revise los neumáticos, la batería, los faros, los limpiaparabrisas y cualquier otra pieza que pueda verse afectada negativamente por el clima invernal. También asegúrese de que su vehículo esté equipado con elementos esenciales como una llanta de repuesto o un kit de inflado, un gato, cables de puente, mantas, un botiquín de primeros auxilios y una linterna en caso de una emergencia.

Empaque un botiquín
Si toma medicamentos recetados o de venta libre, puede resultar difícil obtener un resurtido rápidamente en su destino, así que asegúrese de empacar lo suficiente para todo el viaje, además de extras en caso de que experimente algún retraso en el viaje. También puede resultar útil llevar otros elementos esenciales, como desinfectante para manos, un botiquín de primeros auxilios, medicamentos para el resfriado, aspirinas y su tarjeta de seguro médico en caso de lesiones o enfermedades inesperadas durante el viaje.

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American Heart Association


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Child Health

Sesame Workshop and NewYork-Presbyterian Join Forces to Champion Children’s Health



The two organizations will partner to foster healthy habits in young children and their families by offering free resources and videos and “Sesamatized” spaces

Sesame Workshop,

NEW YORK /PRNewswire/ — Today, Sesame Workshop, the global impact nonprofit behind Sesame Street, and NewYork-Presbyterian announced a partnership to improve health outcomes for young children by supporting their physical and emotional well-being through joyful learning moments engaging parents, caregivers, and community providers. Sesame Workshop is collaborating with NewYork-Presbyterian’s physicians and community partners on a social impact and mass media campaign featuring videos, educational materials, and “Sesamatized” physical spaces, to promote children’s health.

The partnership is launching with a six-part video series titled “Ask a Doctor,” featuring Sesame Street Muppets and NewYork-Presbyterian physicians. The videos are designed to educate and empower parents and caregivers on how to help young children stay healthy. They will cover topics including how to develop healthy sleep habits, deal with food allergies, and prepare for wellness visits. The series can be found on Sesame Workshop’s YouTube channel and will be available on NewYork-Presbyterian’s internal patient entertainment system.

“We are delighted to partner with NewYork-Presbyterian in our shared commitment to equity and health justice,” said Jeanette Betancourt, Ed.D., Senior Vice President of U.S. Social Impact at Sesame Workshop. “Our collaboration allows us to combine our expertise in healthcare, child development, and family and community engagement to make an impactful difference in the lives of those who need it most. In fostering healthy practices, especially in the early years, in ways that incorporate the perspectives and needs of parents and caregivers along with their community support networks, we are all working together to pave the way for a healthier, more equitable future.”

“We are thrilled to work with Sesame Workshop to empower parents and caregivers with important health information and meet families where they are,” said Dr. Deepa Kumaraiah, Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of NewYork-Presbyterian. “Through fun learning moments that support the health and well-being of young people in our communities, we can help reduce health disparities and work toward health justice.”

A key focus of the partnership is a collaboration between Sesame Workshop and NewYork-Presbyterian’s neighboring community partners. Sesame Workshop will create educational materials with input from the children and caregivers in the communities NewYork-Presbyterian serves. Among the resources that will be available are bilingual Muppet videos, storybooks, parent guides, and activity books. “Sesamatized” physical spaces including décor featuring Sesame Street Muppets will open in the second half of 2025. The materials will be available where children and their families are, including community centers and NewYork-Presbyterian’s hospitals and clinics.

Additionally, two videos, featuring Elmo, Gabrielle, and other Sesame Street friends, that celebrate everyone of all hair and fur types complement NewYork-Presbyterian’s Dalio Center for Health Justice’s Crown Hair Care program, an initiative to provide inclusive hair care kits for pediatric and obstetric patients with curly, coiled, or tightly textured hair. These are also featured on NewYork-Presbyterian’s patient entertainment system.

About Sesame Workshop 
Sesame Workshop is the global impact nonprofit behind Sesame Street and so much more. For over 50 years, we have worked at the intersection of education, media, and research, creating joyful experiences that enrich minds and expand hearts, all in service of empowering each generation to build a better world. Our beloved characters, iconic shows, outreach in communities, and more bring playful early learning to families in more than 150 countries and advance our mission to help children everywhere grow smarter, stronger, and kinder. Learn more at and follow Sesame Workshop on InstagramTikTokFacebook, and X

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About NewYork-Presbyterian
NewYork-Presbyterian is one of the nation’s most comprehensive, integrated academic healthcare systems, encompassing 10 hospitals across the Greater New York area, nearly 200 primary and specialty care clinics and medical groups, and an array of telemedicine services.

A leader in medical education, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital is affiliated with two renowned medical schools, Weill Cornell Medicine and Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons. This collaboration means patients have access to the country’s leading physicians, the full range of medical specialties, latest innovations in care, and research that is developing cures and saving lives.

Founded 250 years ago, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital has a long legacy of medical breakthroughs and innovation, from the invention of the Pap test to pioneering the groundbreaking heart valve replacement procedure called TAVR.

NewYork-Presbyterian’s 50,000 employees and affiliated physicians are dedicated to providing the highest quality, most compassionate care to New Yorkers and patients from across the country and around the world.

For more information, visit and find us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

SOURCE NewYork-Presbyterian

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Here’s to a Healthy New Year: What your family needs to know about vaccines

Vaccines for flu, COVID-19, and RSV are vital for family health, especially as respiratory viruses increase during colder months. Stay updated to reduce serious illness and hospitalizations.




(Family Features) This year, make a plan to keep your family healthy by helping them get vaccinated for respiratory infections like flu, COVID-19 and RSV. These respiratory illnesses are more likely to become serious for people who are not up to date on their vaccines.

In colder months, respiratory viruses tend to surge, and people spend more time indoors where they are more likely to be exposed. These respiratory infections can cause serious illness and hospitalization. This season’s flu and COVID-19 vaccines, as well as the RSV vaccine, are the best way to help your family risk less serious illness and do more of what they enjoy.

What should your family know?
Vaccines can keep you and your family from getting very sick from respiratory illnesses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends everyone ages 6 months and older get this season’s flu and COVID-19 vaccines.

In addition, all adults ages 75 and older – and those ages 60 and older with certain health conditions or who live in a nursing home – should get one dose of an RSV vaccine if they haven’t before. Pregnant people should also talk to their doctor about getting an RSV vaccine to protect their baby during their first 6 months of life.

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Is your family at high risk?

It’s important to know the risks of getting very sick from flu, COVID-19 or RSV. According to the CDC, some people have a higher risk than others, including:

  • People not up to date on their vaccines: Vaccines cut your risk of needing hospital care for flu or COVID-19 by about half, according to the CDC. In 2023, 90% of adults admitted to the hospital for COVID-19 were not up to date on their COVID-19 vaccine. People who skipped their flu shot were twice as likely to need to see a doctor for the flu.
  • Older adults: Most flu, COVID-19 and RSV deaths are in people ages 65 and older. If you help care for an older family member or friend, let them know vaccines are their best protection from getting very sick.
  • People with underlying health conditions: Heart and lung disease, diabetes, kidney disease and other chronic conditions can cause complications and more severe illness from flu, COVID-19 and RSV.
  • Those who live in long-term care: Respiratory viruses can be a greater threat to older people in long-term care, who often have health issues that raise their risk of severe flu, COVID-19 or RSV.
  • Pregnant people: Pregnancy raises the risk of severe illness from flu and COVID-19. Getting vaccinated during pregnancy helps protects the pregnant person and baby. An RSV vaccine during pregnancy protects the baby from severe RSV in their first 6 months of life.

Get your family vaccinated now for a healthy new year
Join the millions of people who’ve already gotten vaccinated this season. Take your family to get vaccinated now to risk less severe illness and do more of what you enjoy. It’s safe to get flu and COVID-19 vaccines (and an RSV vaccine, if eligible) at the same time.

Visit to learn more about flu, COVID-19 and RSV vaccines. Talk with your doctor about which vaccines are right for you or go to to find a nearby pharmacy. You can order free COVID-19 test kits (up to four per household) at

Know Your Risk 
In the United States, there are additional groups of people who are at higher risk from these respiratory illnesses.

  • People in rural parts of the country: Vaccines matter even more in rural areas where there may be fewer doctors or clinics to help people who get very sick. Yet in these regions, less than half of adults got a flu vaccine last year. Fewer than 1 in 5 got an updated COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Black and Hispanic people: At last year’s respiratory virus peak, Black people were more likely than white and Hispanic people to be in the hospital for flu, COVID-19 or RSV. By the end of last year’s virus season, Hispanic people were more likely than non-Hispanic white people to have been in the hospital for flu.

Photos courtesy of Shutterstock

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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

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How humanities classes benefit students in the workplace and combat loneliness

Humanities majors are declining despite their comparative earning potential and valuable skills like empathy and communication. These courses foster crucial interpersonal abilities, enhancing student engagement and societal connections.



There’s been a sharp drop in the number of students majoring in the humanities. urbazon/E+ via Getty Images

Anna Mae Duane, University of Connecticut

Stereotypes abound about liberal arts degrees leading to low-paying jobs, despite research showing that humanities majors earn salaries comparable to students in many other majors.

Authorities from the White House to high school guidance counselors have encouraged students to prioritize degrees in science and technology over the humanities because of their applicability to the job market. Some legislators have even argued that humanities courses should be defunded entirely.

As a result, enrollment in humanities majors in college has plummeted by 24% since 2012. Lower enrollment also means fewer people are training to teach in this field as well.

But employers value the skills that humanities majors have. Courses in art, literature, history and philosophy can provide students with life skills they can use outside the classroom too. This includes recovering from the current loneliness epidemic afflicting young people.

I’m the director of the University of Connecticut Humanities Institute. Here are three scientifically proven ways that humanities classes benefit students and help them develop social skills within and beyond the classroom.

Development of empathy

As an English professor, I know that when I ask students to discuss the motivations of characters in novels, they inevitably find ways to empathize with the character as well as one another. Both narrative theory and cognitive science back this up. Spending hours immersed in the words and beliefs of other people changes students’ capacity to connect with others.

The same is true of studying history. Students can learn to view the world as a historical figure would have seen it – a concept known as “historical empathy.”

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These benefits are not restricted to those who study these subjects as their majors. Medical students who take humanities courses score higher in terms of empathy than those who didn’t. This is a vital skill for those caring for sick patients.

Enrichment of conversational skills

Research suggests that an increase in technology use has atrophied humanity’s capacity to engage in and benefit from face-to-face conversations and to empathize and respond to people in real time.

Humanities classes give students the opportunity to build and sharpen these skills. As a result, there is increasing attention paid to the importance of students in science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM, taking these courses, too.

For example, students in humanities classes must listen to one another’s interpretations and respond, prompting deeper thinking. In one study, pharmacy students took a humanities course where they interpreted and discussed works of art that touched on themes of health care, patient experience and death. By the end of the course, they demonstrated more critical thinking and interpersonal skills, including better communication, self-awareness and ability to relate to others.

Developing the soft skills of interpersonal communication is necessary for students not only in the workplace but also in their lives as citizens.

Promotion of a sense of community

Because humanities courses engage a wide range of human experiences through reading, writing and conversation, students are able to experience other ways of living and relating. This allows them to feel a greater sense of choice in their own lives and a stronger connection to others, even those who make different choices. By studying the choices that people made long ago, students also reckon with how the actions of a few people can affect whole generations, a powerful indication of how profoundly connected people are to one another.

When students are exposed to literature written by authors from a wide range of backgrounds, they are better able to find common ground as they draw from both the author’s perspective and their teacher’s input to shape their own verbal and written responses.

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Further, because literature classes often involve collaborative discussion between instructors and students as they work together to approach the text, students see their own contributions as a necessary part of the whole.

For students from marginalized and impoverished backgrounds, the invitation to imagine other ways of life has also been shown to enhance confidence in themselves and connection to others. When these students felt that their voices were an essential part of group discussion, they reported increased feelings of self-efficacy and a greater willingness to engage with the world.

Just as educators teach students to code, they can also teach them to connect to others, understand human complexity and read emotions as skillfully as they read data. These are not just soft skills – but survival skills. I believe the greatest tool we have for combating loneliness, fostering empathy and building a more connected society isn’t silicon-based. It’s the age-old practice of engaging deeply with human stories, ideas and experiences.

Anna Mae Duane, Professor of English, University of Connecticut

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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