Comienzos inteligentes para un corazón sano: Mejore la hidratación y evite los azúcares añadidos con bebidas más saludables
Corazón sano
(Family Features) La forma de empezar la mañana puede influir en el resto del día. Si quiere incorporar opciones más saludables a su rutina matutina, pruebe un concepto conocido como “habit stacking” (apilar hábitos). Incorporar pequeños hábitos más saludables a las rutinas que ya se tienen, como disfrutar de una bebida matutina o desayunar antes de revisar el correo electrónico en lugar de empezar directamente con las tareas del día, puede hacer más fácil mantener un nuevo hábito cuando se incorpora a una rutina ya existente.
Si ya disfruta de la rutina del desayuno para empezar el día, considere la posibilidad de cambiar las bebidas azucaradas por una bebida más sana como el té verde o negro sin azúcar. Si se incorpora a una dieta sana, el té sin azúcar puede contribuir a la salud del corazón.
Si necesita ayuda para empezar, Lipton, orgulloso patrocinador nacional de la campaña Life is Why de la American Heart Association, ha creado estas recetas de té fáciles de hacer y más saludables.
Con un pequeño puñado de ingredientes, los batidos de té verde, bayas y plátano resultan muy sabrosos, ideales para un desayuno rápido. Para refrescarse a cualquier hora del día, los Spritzers espumosos de té verde y arándanos ofrecen una solución sin azúcares añadidos, mientras que los Mocktails de Mojito de té verde sin alcohol aportan dulzor natural con jugo 100% de fruta.
Elegir bebidas sin azúcares añadidos puede contribuir a un corazón sano, según la American Heart Association, por lo que estas recetas son perfectas para acumular hábitos a diario. Debido a que es predominantemente agua, que es necesaria para que el cuerpo funcione de la mejor manera, el té sin azúcar proporciona una forma deliciosa de hidratarse sin renunciar a esos hábitos más saludables.
Descubra más formas de mejorar las rutinas diarias en
Batidos de plátano, bayas y té verde
Receta cortesía de la American Heart Association
Porciones: 4 (1 1/2 tazas por porción)
- 3 tazas de agua
- 8 bolsas de té verde individuales
- 16 onzas de bayas mixtas congeladas (aproximadamente 3 tazas)
- 2 plátanos medianos, pelados, cortados por la mitad y congelados
- 1 taza de yogur griego natural sin grasa
- 2 cucharadas de raíz de jengibre pelada y rallada (opcional)
- 2 cucharadas de extracto de vainilla (opcional)
- 2 cucharadas de semillas de chía o lino (opcional)
- En una cacerola pequeña a fuego alto, hierva el agua. Retire la sartén del fuego. Sumerja las bolsitas de té. Deje reposar durante 4 minutos. Deseche las bolsitas de té. Deje que la mezcla de té se enfríe durante 30 minutos. Vierta en la jarra. Refrigere durante 2 horas o hasta que esté frío.
- En un procesador de alimentos o licuadora, procese el té, las bayas, los plátanos y el yogur hasta que quede una mezcla homogénea. Agregue raíz de jengibre y vainilla, si lo desea, y procese hasta que la mezcla no tenga grumos. Sirva en cuatro vasos. Espolvoree con semillas de chía, si lo desea.
Información nutricional por ración (sin ingredientes opcionales): 136 calorías; 1 g de grasa total (0 g de grasa saturada, grasa trans, grasa poliinsaturada y grasa monoinsaturada); 3 mg de colesterol; 23 mg de sodio; 29 g de carbohidratos; 5 g de fibra; 18 g de azúcares totales (0 g de azúcares añadidos); 8 g de proteínas.
Cócteles sin alcohol de mojito de té verde
Receta cortesía de la American Heart Association
Porciones: 4 (1 1/2 tazas por porción)
- 4 tazas de agua
- 4 bolsitas de té verde individuales
- 32-40 ramitas de menta fresca, más otras para decorar, divididas
- 2 tazas de cubitos de hielo
- 1 taza de jugo de uva 100 % blanca
- 1/2 taza de jugo de lima fresco (unas 4 limas medianas)
- 1 lima mediana, cortada en cuatro gajos o ralladura de lima (opcional)
- En una cacerola pequeña a fuego alto, hierva el agua. Retire la sartén del fuego. Sumerja las bolsitas de té. Deje reposar durante 4 minutos. Deseche las bolsitas de té. Deje que la mezcla de té se enfríe durante 30 minutos. Vierta en la jarra. Refrigere durante 2 horas o hasta que esté frío.
- A la hora de servir, añada hojas de menta a cuatro vasos. Con un machacador o una cuchara de madera, machacar las hojas de menta varias veces para que suelten su jugo. No las triture hasta que se conviertan en pulpa. Agregue hielo.
- Agregue el jugo de uva blanca y el jugo de lima a la mezcla de té. Sirva en vasos. Adorne cada uno con una rodaja de lima y una hoja de menta.
Consejo: Para obtener más jugo de los cítricos, antes de cortarlos, caliente la fruta en el microondas a potencia alta durante 30 segundos, o hasta que esté caliente. Cuando esté lo suficientemente frío como para manipularlo, use un escariador de cítricos o un exprimidor de jugo de mano para exprimir los cítricos.
Información nutricional por ración: 45 calorías; 0 g de grasa total (0 g de grasa saturada, grasa trans, grasa poliinsaturada y grasa monoinsaturada); 0 mg de colesterol; 7 mg de sodio; 13 g de carbohidratos; 0 g de fibra; 10 g de azúcares totales (0 g de azúcares añadidos); 1 g de proteínas.
Spritzers espumosos de té verde y arándanos
Receta cortesía de la American Heart Association
Porciones: 4 (1 1/2 tazas por porción)
- 4 tazas de agua
- 4 bolsitas de té verde individuales
- 1 taza de jugo 100 % de arándano o jugo 100 % de arándano y granada
- 2 tazas de cubitos de hielo
- 1/2 taza de agua mineral (con o sin sabor) o agua mineral con gas baja en sodio, fría
- 4 rodajas de naranja o rodajas de lima (opcional)
- En una cacerola pequeña a fuego alto, hierva el agua. Retire la sartén del fuego. Sumerja las bolsitas de té. Deje reposar durante 4 minutos. Deseche las bolsitas de té. Deje que la mezcla de té se enfríe durante 30 minutos. Vierta en la jarra. Agregue el jugo de arándano. Refrigere durante 2 horas o hasta que esté frío.
- A la hora de servir, ponga cubitos de hielo en cuatro vasos. Vierta la mezcla de té en vasos. Cubra cada porción con agua mineral. Adorne con rodajas de naranja.
Consejo: Para hacer cubitos de hielo con sabor a arándano, llene la bandeja para cubitos de hielo con jugo 100 % de arándano y congélelo.
Información nutricional por ración: 32 calorías: 0 g de grasa total (0 g de grasa saturada, grasa trans, grasa poliinsaturada y grasa monoinsaturada); 0 mg de colesterol; 4 mg de sodio; 8 mg de carbohidratos; 0 g de fibra; 8 g de azúcares totales (0 g de azúcares añadidos); 1 g de proteínas.
American Heart Association
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Food and Beverage
Butter Wines introduces ButterLight Chardonnay, a lower calorie and alcohol wine option at 85 calories and 8.5% ABV, maintaining quality and taste from the popular Butter Chardonnay lineup.
Best-Selling Butter Wines Debuts Lower Calorie, Lower Alcohol Chardonnay that Doesn’t Compromise on Taste
NAPA, Calif. /PRNewswire/ — Butter Chardonnay—the number two selling premium Chardonnay1—announces the newest addition to its fan-favorite Butter lineup: ButterLight Chardonnay. Following extensive R&D to produce the best-tasting Light wine on the market, ButterLight is now available in wine aisles. Crafted with the same dedication to quality that defines the Butter portfolio, ButterLight offers winelovers an authentic grape-to-bottle, great-tasting glass of wine at just 85 calories—almost a third less than regular wines and 40% less alcohol.
“The demand for lighter wines has clearly been growing, but until we were confident we could truly make a delicious wine at meaningfully lower calories and alcohol levels, we weren’t going to put the Butter label on it,” said Jeff Kandarian, Executive Winemaker of Butter Wines by JaM Cellars. “The R&D process was extensive to retain full control over flavor first. This wine truly delivers on the Butter brand promise of quality for every wine drinking occasion. We’re thrilled to add it to the Butter lineup and offer a delicious alternative to consumers looking for lighter wine.”
Crafted with the same grapes selected for regular Butter Chardonnay at their perfect ripeness, ButterLight has flavors of bright lemon mousse laced with creamy vanilla and shortbread crumbles and comes in at just 8.5% ABV and 85 calories per glass. ButterLight is a terrific choice for those seeking a lighter wine option without sacrificing flavor and quality. Found in grocery stores across the country, the widely-recognizable Butter yellow label has become synonymous with great quality at amazing value. Butter Wines’ expansion into lower-ABV wine sets a new uncompromising standard for light wine.
“As we’ve expanded the Butter line up we have been meticulous in crafting each bottling to exceed quality expectations at accessible price points. ButterLight as our newest addition had a very high bar to meet—reduce calories and alcohol without sacrificing flavor, while staying in Butter’s price point. I think we have gone above and beyond that mandate and created something so great-tasting it’s hard to believe it’s lighter,” said John Truchard, Founder and CEO, JaM Cellars. “I’m grateful for the passion and hard work that has gone into this innovation by our winemaking, sales, and marketing team, and for the exceptional reaction we have received from our retail and distributor partners. I’m excited for wine drinkers everywhere to try it and love it.”
The Butter portfolio now comprises Butter Chardonnay (also in ButterCans), Butter Cab, NEW Butter Sauv Blanc, NEW Butter Pinot Noir, and now NEW ButterLight. Released last year, Butter Sauv Blanc is refreshingly tropical, and Butter Pinot Noir is juicy and lush, both making a splash for wine lovers looking for authentic, well-made wines that are approachably priced. With the continuous addition of new varietals, Butter’s bright yellow labels have become a beacon of quality and deliciousness that everyone can trust and afford in a notoriously fragmented and confusing wine category.
“Getting ButterLight just right was a labor of love, so we are excited to be able to start offering it in the New Year, when so many people are looking for lighter versions of their favorite foods and drinks. Nearly a third less calories and 40% less alcohol compared to regular wines are meaningful when you want to make lighter choices, but you won’t make those choices if it doesn’t taste great,” said Michele Truchard, Co-Founder JaM Cellars and the “M” in JaM. “Having a nutrition background, a passion for health and wellness, and a love of wine I’m always seeking balance. For me, ButterLight hits all the right notes.”
In celebration of the ButterLight launch, Butter Wines is hosting a sweepstakes to float over Napa Valley for one lucky winner and a plus one. Beginning January 14 through March 9, the winner will receive complimentary roundtrip flights, hotel stay, hot air ballroom ride, and a signature ButterLight tasting picnic to enjoy over an epic Napa Valley getaway weekend. Consumers are encouraged to enter at (no purchase necessary). All Butter Wines can be found under $20 (MSRP) in local grocery, convenience, and liquor stores as well as online at For more information on the newest Butter addition, visit or follow @JaMCellars on Facebook and Instagram.
About JaM Cellars
JaM Cellars is all about easy-to-love, every-day wines. Made by Napa Valley vintners John and Michele Truchard (the “J” and “M” in JaM), the JaM Cellars portfolio features Butter by JaM Cellars—including Butter Chardonnay, ButterCans, NEW ButterLight, Butter Sauv Blanc, Butter Pinot Noir, Butter Cabernet, and Butter Bubbles—along with the original JaM Cabernet that started the label. All the wines are distinctively delicious: Butter Chardonnay melts in your mouth, ButterLight is light and creamy, Butter Sauv Blanc is refreshingly tropical, Butter Pinot is fruity and velvety, Butter Bubbles is bright and creamy, Butter Cab is silky smooth, and JaM Cabernet is juicy and berry-licious, Butter Chardonnay is also available in fun, grab-and-go, single-serve 250ml ButterCans—each about a glass and a half, also available in a 4-pack. JaM Cellars wines are meant to be enjoyed anytime—whether it’s a special occasion or every-day celebration. This year, Butter Chardonnay, one of the bestselling chardonnays in the U.S. over $13, was recognized as an Impact Blue Chip Brand award winner for 10 years of consecutive growth. Check out JaM Cellars on Facebook and Instagram @jamcellars, #JaMCellars, or
1Source: Nielsen, Chardonnay, $13+, 750mL, 01.27.24, 52 week, Total US xAOC
2ButterLight per 5 fl oz. Average analysis: 8.5% ABV, 85 Calories, 4g Carbs, 0g Protein, 0g Fat. 40% less alcohol compared to regular Butter Chardonnay.
SOURCE Butter Wines
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Food and Beverage
Smoothie King Launches GLP-1 Support Menu to Enhance Health Journeys
In an exciting development for health-conscious individuals, Smoothie King has unveiled its GLP-1 Support Menu, designed specifically for those incorporating GLP-1 medications into their weight loss and wellness routines. As a leader in the smoothie industry, Smoothie King continues to prioritize the health and fitness journeys of its guests by introducing this tailored smoothie menu, which is readily available in all locations across the U.S., as well as online and through their mobile app.
Supporting Weight Management Goals
For many Americans, the journey toward achieving weight loss or weight management goals can be challenging. With the rise in prescription GLP-1 agonists—medications intended to aid in weight loss—Smoothie King is stepping up to enhance this journey. This new menu positions Smoothie King as the first national quick-service restaurant (QSR) to cater specifically to the nutritional needs of individuals using these medications.
“Every individual’s path is different, and with the growing use of GLP-1 medications, we want to ensure that Smoothie King provides the nutritional resources to match,” said Wan Kim, CEO of Smoothie King. “Our smoothies are more than just a delicious treat—they’re a power-packed meal on-the-go to help our guests stay on track with their goals.”
The GLP-1 Support Menu
The GLP-1 Support Menu features a selection of five nutrient-dense smoothies, each carefully crafted to meet the unique needs of those on a GLP-1 journey. Each smoothie includes high protein levels (20 grams or more) and is enriched with fiber while containing no added sugars. Let’s take a closer look at the options:
- Gladiator® GLP-1
- Ingredients: Protein flavor choice (Chocolate, Vanilla, or Strawberry) with a choice of two add-ins: Almonds, Almond Butter, Wild Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Organic Ginger, Kale, Carrots, or Spinach.
- Nutrition: 45-61g protein, 2-14g fiber, 0g added sugar, 220-560 calories.
- Slim N Trim™ GLP-1 Mango Greens
- Ingredients: Mangoes, Greek Yogurt, Califia Farms® Almond Milk, Slim N Trim™ Blend, Organic Kale, Ginger, Spinach.
- Nutrition: 22g protein, 5g fiber, 0g added sugar, 200 calories.
- Keto Champ GLP-1 (Berry or Chocolate)
- Berry Ingredients: Califia Farms® Almond Milk, Almond Butter, Wild Blueberries, Raspberries, Keto Protein Blend, 100% Cocoa.
- Chocolate Ingredients: Califia Farms® Almond Milk, Almond Butter, 100% Cocoa, Keto Protein Blend, Stevia Plant-Based Sweetener.
- Nutrition: 24g protein, 14-15g fiber, 0g added sugar, 420-450 calories.
- The Activator® Recovery GLP-1 Almond Berry
- Ingredients: Strawberries, Wild Blueberries, Califia Farms® Almond Milk, Coconut Water, Gladiator® Protein Strawberry.
- Nutrition: 24g protein, 5g fiber, 0g added sugar, 200 calories.
- Power Meal Slim™ GLP-1 (Chocolate, Vanilla, or Strawberry)
- Chocolate Ingredients: Bananas, Califia Farms® Almond Milk, Power Slim Protein, 100% Cocoa.
- Vanilla Ingredients: Bananas, Califia Farms® Almond Milk, Power Slim Protein.
- Strawberry Ingredients: Bananas, Strawberries, Power Slim Protein.
- Nutrition: 19-22g protein, 6-10g fiber, 0g added sugar, 190-210 calories.
These smoothies have been crafted in collaboration with registered dietitian Molly Kimball from Ochsner Health, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a thoughtful balance of nutrient-dense ingredients to enhance satiety and muscle mass without added sugars.
Enhancing Overall Wellness
The GLP-1 Support Menu not only supports those experiencing the side effects commonly associated with GLP-1 medications but also prioritizes delicious taste and quality nutrition. Each smoothie is designed to be hydrating and nutrient-dense, providing individuals with the energy they need to thrive.
For over five decades, Smoothie King has committed itself to blending nutritious, great-tasting smoothies. The GLP-1 Support Menu is a continuation of this mission, aiming to simplify healthy eating for everyone, especially those on personalized health journeys.
With the launch of the GLP-1 Support Menu, Smoothie King is setting a precedent for the quick-service restaurant industry, showing that delicious and nutritious options can go hand-in-hand. Whether you’re using GLP-1 medications or simply seeking healthy, protein-rich smoothies for your lifestyle, Smoothie King’s new offerings provide a way to indulge while adhering to your wellness goals.
To explore the GLP-1 Support Menu, visit your nearest Smoothie King location or check it out on their mobile app or website. Cheers to a healthier, happier you!
SOURCE Smoothie King
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Barefoot, The Official Wine Sponsor of the NFL, Teams up With Simone Biles To Offer Fans an Exclusive ‘BandWAGon’ Gameday Experience
One lucky contest winner and three friends will attend the Green Bay @ Chicago game on Nov.
17 alongside Biles
MODESTO, Calif., Oct. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — America’s most awarded wine brand, Barefoot, is teaming up with America’s most awarded gymnast (and WAG), Simone Biles. As the Official Wine Sponsor of the NFL, Barefoot is launching a contest offering fans a chance at an exclusive, once-in-a-lifetime experience to watch the Green Bay vs. Chicago rivalry game on November 17 with Biles. One lucky fan and their three friends will get the opportunity to enjoy the NFL ‘WAG’ (wives and girlfriends) gameday experience alongside Biles, from pregame sideline access to watching the game from Barefoot’s ‘BandWAGon Box’ suite. Launched today on Barefoot’s Instagram channel (@barefootwine), the contest is open to all NFL fans – regardless of team allegiance or their knowledge of the sport.
With more than 10,000 accolades, Barefoot is the most awarded wine brand in America, much like the G.O.A.T Simone Biles, who’s widely regarded as one of the greatest athletes of all time. As an NFL WAG with personal ties to this long-standing rivalry, Biles is the ideal partner to welcome NFL fans to the game, no matter who they are rooting for or how long they’ve been a fan.
“I understand that learning about football and wine can feel very overwhelming, but as a fan of the NFL and Barefoot Wine, I can speak from experience that you don’t need to know every sequence in the playbook or grape variety to enjoy both,” said Biles. “But trust me, the rivalry between Chicago and Green Bay is real and the BandWAGon Box experience is going to be a lot of fun!”
This partnership expands Barefoot’s Bandwagon Box program, launched last year to welcome emerging NFL fans to the sport and included a guided tasting with Jen Wall, Barefoot winemaker. “Last year we were so excited to show people how wine, like football, doesn’t have to be complicated and provided our fans with fun food pairings and our winners with a tasting in the suite,” said Jen Wall. “This year, we’re proud to tout our accomplishments in winemaking alongside one of the most awarded athletes of all time and ensuring our fans know they can find an award-winning wine at a great price point.”
Beth Orozco, Vice President of Marketing at GALLO added “Barefoot believes that football fandom should be as fun and accessible as choosing your favorite wine. Whether you cheer for Green Bay, Chicago, or switch between the two, being a fan doesn’t need to be complicated and we’re proud to partner with Simone to share that message. Learning about the NFL and Barefoot wine in a truly unique gameday experience will allow us to collectively deepen the connection with fans and show how easy both wine and football can be.”
To enter the contest, fans can visit @barefootwine on Instagram to leave a comment about why they want to win the Barefoot ‘BandWAGon Box’ gameday experience with Simone. Enter between 12:00 a.m. (ET) on October 24, 2024, and 11:59 p.m. (ET) on October 31, 2024. Full contest Rules and Regulations can be found at
About Barefoot®
Barefoot® is a California-based wine brand dedicated to making delicious wines that are fun, flavorful, and approachable. Since its inception in 1965, Barefoot has become America’s most loved wine brand, known for its iconic footprint label and unwavering commitment to quality. Barefoot offers a wide range of options to suit every taste and occasion, including over 50 varietals and flavors of still & sparkling wines, Fruitscatos®, and Spritzers, available in multiple size formats. Whether it’s a quiet night in or a celebration with friends, Barefoot Wine is the perfect choice. You can purchase Barefoot Wine at retailers across the country. To find the location nearest you visit To learn more about Barefoot as The Official Wine Sponsor of the NFL, visit or check out the brand on social @BarefootWine.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. Open to legal residents of the United States (excluding UT, VA) and the District of Columbia who are 21 or older. Void where prohibited. Starts at 12:00:00 ET on 10/24/24 and end at 11:59:59 ET on 10/31/24. There is one (1) way to enter: 1) Instagram: To enter via Instagram, visit, find the Barefoot Bandwagon Contest Post and follow the instructions to submit your entry. Your entry must start with the hashtag #BarefootBandWAGonContestEntry. Subject to Official Rules. Official Rules are available at Sponsor: E. & J. Gallo Winery.
SOURCE Barefoot
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