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Enjoy a Workday Reset



7 ways to break away from your desk and boost morale

(Family Features) When the sun is shining and comfortable weather is calling you outdoors, focusing on tasks at work can become a challenge. Workdays are often long and strenuous, making that blue sky and fresh air all the more tempting.

Don’t let a full to-do list bog you down. In fact, taking a break from your desk and averting your eyes from the computer may actually help you mentally reset and increase efficiency through the remainder of the day.

Consider these popular ways to disconnect for a short while so you can take on busy days without feeling overwhelmed.

  1. Stretch – After hours of sitting, stretching from head to toe can be a good way to get physically active if you’re short on time and stuck at your desk. Neck, shoulder, arm, back and leg stretches are all easy ways to stand up and disengage from the computer. Another trick:practice wrist exercises to avoid injury or strain from typing.
  2. Go for a Walk – If you have a few minutes to spare, leave the office or your desk at home entirely and head outside for a walk. A stroll through your neighborhood or the city sidewalks can provide the fresh air and physical activity your body craves.
  3. Take Five Outside – On hot days when a mid-workday walk might not be the right refresh, skip it and simply find a shady spot to sit down. You can enjoy the benefits of fresh air and sunlight without getting too hot.
  4. Rest Your Eyes – Follow the rule of 20s. If you’re working a computer job, eyestrain may be a serious concern. Give them a break by looking 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.
  5. Enjoy a Favorite Snack – Push that office chair away from the computer and treat yourself to a bite of something you enjoy. For example, Nestlé rallies nut butter bombs are a perfect cure for those back-to-back video calls, delivering a balance of permissibility and indulgence while helping you rally through your workday. Available in three craveable flavors – raspberry peanut butter, brownie almond butter and salted cashew butter – the chilled delights combine decadent chocolate and smooth nut butter for a rich burst of flavor with no preservatives, artificial flavors or artificial colors.
  6. Check in with Friends – Squeeze in a midday chat to catch up with a friend or coworker. Socializing is a feel-good way to take your mind off work even for just a few minutes.
  7. Sip an Afternoon Coffee – If caffeine gives you that much-needed jolt to finish out the workday, head to your favorite local shop for a refreshing iced beverage. Pair it with a chilled snack like Nestlé rallies nut butter bombs for a perfect sweet and savory afternoon pick-me-up.

Find more delicious ways to rally through the day by visiting nestlerallies.com.

Photo courtesy of Getty Images (woman working from home)

Nestle rallies


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5 Evolving Trends on End-of-Life Matters




(Family Features) One of the most difficult conversations many people have in their lives involves the end of life. While often uncomfortable to think about or discuss with others, talking about and sharing end-of-life wishes should be a common occurrence.

In fact, 91% of Americans believe talking about death and dying is healthy and normal, but 1 in 4 (27%) are uncomfortable actually doing it, according to a first-of-its-kind survey commissioned by the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA), the world’s leading and largest funeral service association.

With nearly one-third (31%) of survey respondents admitting they’re uncomfortable thinking about their own mortality, Remembering A Life, the organization’s online resource for accessing grief resources and funeral planning information, is offering a free downloadable guide, Start the Conversation, to help family and friends have meaningful conversations about loved ones and how they’d like to be remembered. By requesting the free download, you’re eligible to win a deck of Have the Talk of a Lifetime Conversation Cards, which help families start the conversation in a fun, informal setting.

The survey revealed a need for finding healthy ways to discuss death and end-of-life plans with friends and family, as well as new generational trends, highlighting Gen Z’s unique perspective about end-of-life matters. Consider these notable survey insights:

  • Talking about death: While 9 out of 10 Americans surveyed believe talking about death and dying is healthy and normal, Gen Z (18%) is significantly more likely than older adults to believe it’s not healthy and normal – bucking the generation’s reputation as open and willing to discuss difficult and controversial topics. Those uncomfortable with talking about death cited not wanting to upset others (37%) and considering it too depressing (34%).
  • Preferences for burial and cremation: Over the past several years, the U.S. cremation rate has increased steadily (60.5% in 2023) and the trend is forecasted to grow to 81.4% by 2045, according to NFDA’s 2023 Cremation and Burial Report. While cremation is still a top preference for Baby Boomers (66%), Gen X (50%) and Millennials (42%) – and half of all Americans overall – Gen Z stands alone with traditional burial as its top preference (37%).
  • Importance of funerals: Americans strongly agree funerals provide time to reflect on another’s life (59%) and are for the living to help them grieve and heal (57%). What’s more, 68% of Gen Z believe it’s important to commemorate the life of a loved one with a funeral or memorial service compared to 44% of Baby Boomers.
  • Comfort with the idea of death: According to the survey,2 in 3 adults (69%) are at least somewhat comfortable thinking about their own eventual death and 7 in 10 (73%) are at least somewhat comfortable talking with others about death. More Baby Boomers (33%) are comfortable thinking about their mortality than Gen Z (24%) and Millennials (28%).
  • Communicating preferred funeral plans: Nearly two-thirds of adults (62%) have discussed their preferred funeral plans with family members. Similarly, 64% have had family members communicate their preferred plans to them. Baby Boomers (75%) are most likely to have shared plans while Gen Z (59%) are most likely to have not communicated their funeral plans.

To access the free download and additional free resources for discussing end-of-life plans, including checklists and brochures, visit RememberingALife.com.

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

National Funeral Directors Association

Our Lifestyle section on STM Daily News is a hub of inspiration and practical information, offering a range of articles that touch on various aspects of daily life. From tips on family finances to guides for maintaining health and wellness, we strive to empower our readers with knowledge and resources to enhance their lifestyles. Whether you’re seeking outdoor activity ideas, fashion trends, or travel recommendations, our lifestyle section has got you covered. Visit us today at https://stmdailynews.com/category/lifestyle/ and embark on a journey of discovery and self-improvement.


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5 Tips to Simplify Your Workday




(Family Features) Optimizing your workday through careful preparation and effective time management can create a more harmonious balance between your professional and personal life. Finding ways to simplify the day, both at home and on the job, can help you make the most of every minute, so you feel less rushed and better prepared to manage whatever the day throws your way.

Make your workdays more manageable with these tips and find more time-saving ideas at BensOriginal.com.

Wake Up on Time
Starting the day with a bang, setting an alarm and sticking to it can be the secret ingredient to a super productive day. Hitting snooze not only makes you groggy, but it cuts into valuable time you need to start your morning routine. Plan to get up late enough to feel rested but early enough to accomplish important tasks, such as breakfast, which gives your body and mind the energy they need for a busy day. Consistent bed and wakeup times can improve the quality of your sleep, giving you the extra boost you need.

Grocery Shop at the Start of the Week
Use your weekends wisely with a smart strategy and foresight to plan ahead so you can save time when workdays get away from you. Planning and prepping meals and keeping your pantry stocked with easy-prep items ensures you’re fueling your body, keeping burnout at bay. For example, Ben’s Original Ready Rice products can be your go-to lifesavers as a delightful lunch that’s ready to serve in 90 seconds. Even when time’s ticking away, you can still enjoy a satisfying dish and keep your energy soaring high.

Keep Your Calendar Organized
Juggling deadlines, meetings and ongoing tasks can be an organizational hassle, but effectively mastering your calendar can make all the difference. Make it a habit to answer meeting requests and ensure they get logged into your calendar promptly. Then, like a pro, schedule other commitments around the meetings, blocking off time as necessary to ensure you leave adequate time at your desk to get your work done. Use your calendar’s labeling and organization tools to help keep you on track. For example, you might color code priority items differently than tasks or meetings that could be moved if necessary.

Simplify Workday Lunches
Bringing your lunch to work can be an ultimate time-saving hack. Enjoying a tasty dish in the breakroom gives you a change of scenery and lets you reset your brain without losing travel time by heading to the nearest drive thru. An option like Ben’s Original Street Food delivers convenience and is a perfect solution for those days when you’re short on time but craving a tasty lunch. It delivers convenience wrapped in a flavor-packed dish, ready to tantalize your taste buds. Look for flavors like Jamaican Jerk-Style Red Beans and Rice with Chicken, Gumbo with Chicken and Andouille Sausage, Fried Rice with Vegetables or a Bean and Rice Burrito Bowl to transport your taste buds around the world, right from the comfort of your office.

Condense Meetings

Whether scheduled or impromptu, meetings can quickly feel like they’re consuming your entire day. If possible, set your calendar availability so you’re only able to take meetings in the late morning or early afternoon. This nifty trick ensures you have ample time to kickstart and wrap up your day with top-priority tasks. Host standing meetings so participants are focused on the topic at hand and less likely to engage in distracting chatter. Prepare agendas for meetings so you can stay on track and handle off-topic discussions outside of meeting times.

Photos courtesy of Shutterstock (woman waking up, woman shopping, calendar, business meeting)

Ben’s Original

Our Lifestyle section on STM Daily News is a hub of inspiration and practical information, offering a range of articles that touch on various aspects of daily life. From tips on family finances to guides for maintaining health and wellness, we strive to empower our readers with knowledge and resources to enhance their lifestyles. Whether you’re seeking outdoor activity ideas, fashion trends, or travel recommendations, our lifestyle section has got you covered. Visit us today at https://stmdailynews.com/category/lifestyle/ and embark on a journey of discovery and self-improvement.


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8 in 10 Americans Say Inflation Makes It Harder to Pay Medical Bills



Debt.com’s fifth annual medical debt survey found an overwhelming number of Americans struggling with medical debt – forcing many to go into collections.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. /PRNewswire/ — The number of Americans facing medical debt is at its highest level since 2020 – which is when Debt.com began polling 1,000 Americans on the topic each year.

The latest survey findings show more Americans are being crushed by medical debt, forcing more of them into collections while others avoid seeking health care top save money.

The number of Americans struggling with medical debt is at its highest level in five years. Since 2020, Debt.com has polled 1,000 Americans on their medical debt annually. The latest survey findings show more have medical debt, are in collections, and avoid health care due to their debts.
  • This year, 79% say inflation has made it harder to pay their medical bills; a jump from 57% in 2022, the first year the question was asked.
  • The number of people who have outstanding medical debt is up 66% from 46%, five years ago.
  • Half of the people polled have medical debt in collections; an increase from 28%, three years ago.
  • More than half (52%) avoid medical care because of their debt. Only 28% said the same in 2022.

“Other forms of consumer debt fluctuate with the times, but not medical debt,” says Debt.com president Don Silvestri. “Credit cards, mortgages, and auto loans have seen their debt levels rise and fall with recessions and the pandemic. But medial debt is on a steady climb – with no end in sight.”

Dealing with Medical Debt

The data shows one generation in particular is struggling with medical debt more than others, millennials.  Millennials (77%) are most likely to have outstanding medical bills or debt compared to other generations. 

More millennials (62%) than other generations have had medical bills sent to collections, and 62% of millennials avoid medical care because of their debt.

Other key data showed:

  • 36% of Americans owe $250 – $500
  • 26% say that diagnostic tests are the primary source of their medical debt
  • 55% are currently on a payment plan to clear their debt

More than half (55%) of all respondents say medical debt holds them back from future life goals such as marriage, buying a home, and starting a family.  More than 1 in 5 say their medical debt has caused them to go further into debt with credit cards and personal loans.

“With the student loan crisis, national political leaders finally realized that personal debt could bleed into the macroeconomy. They need to understand that medial debt has now approached a similar inflection point,” says Debt.com chairman Howard Dvorkin, CPA. “The longer we wait to heal this particular diseases, the farther it will spread.”

To read the complete survey results visit: https://www.debt.com/research/medical-debt-survey/


About: Debt.com is a consumer website where people can find help with credit card debt, student loan debt, tax debt, credit repair, bankruptcy, and more. Debt.com works with vetted and certified providers that give the best advice and solutions for consumers “when life happens.”

SOURCE Debt.com

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