Hackers could try to take over a military aircraft; can a cyber shuffle stop them?
Sandia, Purdue team up to test cyberdefense against an algorithm trained to break it

Newswise — ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A cybersecurity technique that shuffles network addresses like a blackjack dealer shuffles playing cards could effectively befuddle hackers gambling for control of a military jet, commercial airliner or spacecraft, according to new research. However, the research also shows these defenses must be designed to counter increasingly sophisticated algorithms used to break them.
Many aircraft, spacecraft and weapons systems have an onboard computer network known as military standard 1553, commonly referred to as MIL-STD-1553, or even just 1553. The network is a tried-and-true protocol for letting systems like radar, flight controls and the heads-up display talk to each other.
Securing these networks against a cyberattack is a national security imperative, said Chris Jenkins, a Sandia National Laboratories cybersecurity scientist. If a hacker were to take over 1553 midflight, he said, the pilot could lose control of critical aircraft systems, and the impact could be devastating.
Jenkins is not alone in his concerns. Many researchers across the country are designing defenses for systems that utilize the MIL-STD-1553 protocol for command and control. Recently, Jenkins and his team at Sandia partnered with researchers at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, to test an idea that could secure these critical networks.
Their results, recently published in the scientific journal IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, show that done the right way, a technique already known in cybersecurity circles, called moving target defense, can effectively protect MIL-STD-1553 networks against a machine-learning algorithm. Sandia’s Laboratory Directed Research and Development program funded the research.
“When we talk about protecting our computer systems, frequently there are two main pieces we rely on,” said Eric Vugrin, a Sandia cybersecurity senior scientist who also worked on the project. “The first approach is just keeping the bad guy out and never permitting access to the system. The physical analogue is to build a big wall and don’t let him in in the first place. And the backup plan is, if the wall doesn’t work, we rely on detection. Both of those approaches are imperfect. And so, what moving target defense offers as a complementary strategy is, even if those two approaches fail, moving target confuses the attacker and makes it more difficult to do damage.”
Moving target defense must keep cyberattackers guessing
Like a game of three-card monte, in which a con artist uses sleight of hand to shuffle cards side-to-side, moving target defense requires randomness. Without it, the defense unravels. Researchers wanted to know whether a moving target defense would work to constantly change network addresses, unique numbers assigned to each device on a network. They weren’t sure it would work because, compared to other types of networks, MIL-STD-1553’s address space is small and therefore difficult to randomize.
For example, the strategy has proven useful with internet protocols, which have millions or billions of network addresses at their disposal, but 1553 only has 31. In other words, Sandia had to come up with a way to surreptitiously shuffle 31 numbers in a way that couldn’t easily be decoded.
“Someone looked me in the face and said it’s not possible because it was just 31 addresses,” Jenkins said. “And because the number is so small compared to millions or billions or trillions, people just felt like it wasn’t enough randomness.”
The challenge with randomizing a small set of numbers is that “Nothing in computer software is truly random. It’s always pseudorandom,” said Sandia computer scientist Indu Manickam. Everything must be programmed, she said, so there’s always a hidden pattern that can be discovered.
With enough time and data, she said, “A human with an Excel sheet should be able to get it.”
Manickam is an expert in machine learning, or computer algorithms that identify and predict patterns. These algorithms, though beneficial to cybersecurity and many other fields of research and engineering, pose a threat to moving target defenses because they can potentially spot the pattern to a randomization routine much faster than a human.
“We’re using machine-learning techniques to better defend our systems,” Vugrin said. “We also know the bad guys are using machine learning to attack the systems. And so, one of the things that Chris identified early on was that we do not want to set up a moving target defense where somebody might use a machine-learning attack to break it and render the defense worthless.”
Sophisticated algorithms don’t necessarily spell the end for this type of cyberdefense. Cybersecurity designers can simply write a program that changes the randomization pattern before a machine can catch on.
But the Sandia team needed to know how fast machine learning could break their defense. So, they partnered with Bharat Bhargava, a professor of computer science at Purdue University, to test it. Bhargava and his team had been involved previously in researching aspects of moving target defenses.
For the last seven years, Bhargava said, the research fields of cybersecurity and machine learning have been colliding. And that’s been reshaping concepts in cybersecurity.
“What we want to do is learn how to defend against an attacker who is also learning,” Bhargava said.
Test results inform future improvements to cybersecurity
Jenkins and the Sandia team set up two devices to communicate back and forth on a 1553 network. Occasionally, one device would slip in a coded message that would change both devices’ network addresses. Jenkins sent Bhargava’s research team logs of these communications using different randomization routines. Using this data, the Purdue team trained a type of machine-learning algorithm called long short-term memory to predict the next set of addresses.
The first randomization routine was not very effective.
“We were not only able to just detect the next set of addresses that is going to appear, but the next three addresses,” said Ganapathy Mani, a former member of the Purdue team who contributed to the research.
The algorithm had scored 0.9 out of a perfect 1.0 on what’s called a Matthews correlation coefficient, which rates how well a machine-learning algorithm performs.
But the second set of logs, which used a more dynamic routine, resulted in a radically different story. The algorithm only scored 0.2.
“0.2 is pretty close to random, so it didn’t really learn anything,” Manickam said.
The test showed that moving target defense can fundamentally work, but more importantly it gave both teams insights into how cybersecurity engineers should design these defenses to withstand a machine-learning-based assault, a concept the researchers call threat-informed codesign.
Defenders, for example, could “Add fake data into it so that the attackers cannot learn from it,” Mani said.
The findings could help improve the security of other small, cyber-physical networks beyond MIL-STD-1553, such as those used in critical infrastructure.
Jenkins said, “Being able to do this work for me, personally, was somewhat satisfying because it showed that given the right type of technology and innovation, you can take a constrained problem and still apply moving target defense to it.”
Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. Sandia Labs has major research and development responsibilities in nuclear deterrence, global security, defense, energy technologies and economic competitiveness, with main facilities in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Livermore, California.
Journal Link: IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
Source: Sandia National Laboratories
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Biden helped bring science out of the lab and into the community − emphasizing research focused on solutions

Arthur Daemmrich, Arizona State University
President Joe Biden was inaugurated in January 2021 amid a devastating pandemic, with over 24 million COVID-19 cases and more than 400,000 deaths in the U.S. recorded at that point.
Operation Warp Speed, initiated by the Trump administration in May 2020, meant an effective vaccine was becoming available. Biden quickly announced a plan to immunize 100 million Americans over the next three months. By the end of April 2021, 145 million Americans – nearly half the population – had received one vaccine dose, and 103 million were considered fully vaccinated. Science and technology policymakers celebrated this coordination across science, industry and government to address a real-world crisis as a 21st-century Manhattan Project.
From my perspective as a scholar of science and technology policy, Biden’s legacy includes structural, institutional and practical changes to how science is conducted. Building on approaches developed over the course of many years, the administration elevated the status of science in the government and fostered community participation in research.
Raising science’s profile in government
The U.S. has no single ministry of science and technology. Instead, agencies and offices across the executive branch carry out scientific research at several national labs and fund research by other institutions. By elevating the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to a Cabinet-level organization for the first time in its history, Biden gave the agency greater influence in federal decision-making and coordination.
Formally established in 1976, the agency provides the president and senior staff with scientific and technical advice, bringing science to bear on executive policies. Biden’s inclusion of the agency’s director in his Cabinet was a strong signal about the elevated role science and technology would play in the administration’s solutions to major societal challenges.
Under Biden, the Office of Science and Technology Policy established guidelines that agencies across the government would follow as they implemented major legislation. This included developing technologies that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to address climate change, rebuilding America’s chip industry, and managing the rollout of AI technologies.
Instead of treating the ethical and societal dimensions of scientific and technological change as separate from research and development, the agency advocated for a more integrated approach. This was reflected in the appointment of social scientist Alondra Nelson as the agency’s first deputy director for science and society, and science policy expert Kei Koizumi as principal deputy director for policy. Ethical and societal considerations were added as evaluation criteria for grants. And initiatives such as the AI bill of rights and frameworks for research integrity and open science further encouraged all federal agencies to consider the social effects of their research.
The Office of Science and Technology Policy also introduced new ways for agencies to consult with communities, including Native Nations, rural Americans and people of color, in order to avoid known biases in science and technology research. For example, the agency issued government-wide guidance to recognize and include Indigenous knowledge in federal programs. Agencies such as the Department of Energy have incorporated public perspectives while rolling out atmospheric carbon dioxide removal technologies and building new hydrogen hubs.
Use-inspired research
A long-standing criticism of U.S. science funding is that it often fails to answer questions of societal importance. Members of Congress and policy analysts have argued that funded projects instead overly emphasize basic research in areas that advance the careers of researchers.
In response, the Biden administration established the technology, innovation and partnerships directorate at the National Science Foundation in March 2022.
The directorate uses social science approaches to help focus scientific research and technology on their potential uses and effects on society. For example, engineers developing future energy technologies could start by consulting with the community about local needs and opportunities, rather than pitching their preferred solution after years of laboratory work. Genetic researchers could share both knowledge and financial benefits with the communities that provided the researchers with data.
Fundamentally, “use-inspired” research aims to reconnect scientists and engineers with the people and communities their work ultimately affects, going beyond publication in a journal accessible only to academics.
The technology, innovation and partnerships directorate established initiatives to support regional projects and multidisciplinary partnerships bringing together researchers, entrepreneurs and community organizations. These programs, such as the regional innovation engines and convergence accelerator, seek to balance the traditional process of grant proposals written and evaluated by academics with broader societal demand for affordable health and environmental solutions. This work is particularly key to parts of the country that have not yet seen visible gains from decades of federally sponsored research, such as regions encompassing western North Carolina, northern South Carolina, eastern Tennessee and southwest Virginia.
Community-based scientific research
The Biden administration also worked to involve communities in science not just as research consultants but also as active participants.
Scientific research and technology-based innovation are often considered the exclusive domain of experts from elite universities or national labs. Yet, many communities are eager to conduct research, and they have insights to contribute. There is a decades-long history of citizen science initiatives, such as birdwatchers contributing data to national environmental surveys and community groups collecting industrial emissions data that officials can use to make regulations more cost effective.
Going further, the Biden administration carried out experiments to create research projects in a way that involved community members, local colleges and federal agencies as more equal partners.
For example, the Justice40 initiative asked people from across the country, including rural and small-town Americans, to identify local environmental justice issues and potential solutions.
The National Institutes of Health’s ComPASS program funded community organizations to test and scale successful health interventions, such as identifying pregnant women with complex medical needs and connecting them to specialized care.
And the National Science Foundation’s Civic Innovation Challenge required academic researchers to work with local organizations to address local concerns, improving the community’s technical skills and knowledge.
Frontiers of science and technology policy
Researchers often cite the 1945 report Science: The Endless Frontier, written by former Office of Scientific Research and Development head Vannevar Bush, to describe the core rationales for using American taxpayer money to fund basic science. Under this model, funding science would lead to three key outcomes: a secure national defense, improved health, and economic prosperity. The report, however, says little about how to go from basic science to desired societal outcomes. It also makes no mention of scientists sharing responsibility for the direction and impact of their work.
The 80th anniversary of Bush’s report in 2025 offers an opportunity to move science out into society. At present, major government initiatives are following a technology push model that focuses efforts on only one or a few products and involves little consideration of consumer and market demand. Research has repeatedly demonstrated that consumer or societal pull, which attracts development of products that enhance quality of life, is key to successful uptake of new technologies and their longevity.
Future administrations can further advance science and address major societal challenges by considering how ready society is to take up new technologies and increasing collaboration between government and civil society.
Arthur Daemmrich, Professor of Practice in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society, Arizona State University
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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California High-Speed Rail: Progress Amid Challenges in the Central Valley

The California high-speed rail project, a bold vision aimed at transforming transportation across the state, is making strides in the Central Valley, despite facing a rocky road filled with challenges and delays. On January 6, 2025, California Governor Gavin Newsom joined California High-Speed Rail Authority CEO Ian Choudri to celebrate a significant milestone in the construction of the railhead—a staging area for laying down tracks for the future bullet-train route that will connect cities from Merced to Bakersfield.
What’s Happening at the Railhead?
Located between Wasco and Shafter in Kern County, the new railhead site marks the beginning of laying down steel rails for high-speed trains. This pivotal area will serve as the operational hub for transporting materials necessary for track installation, indicating a promising step towards making the high-speed rail a reality.
“Finally, we’re at the point where we’re going to start laying down this track in the next couple of years,” remarked Newsom, emphasizing the significance of this development. The railhead is not just another construction site; it symbolizes the persistent efforts to change the face of transportation in California.
A Journey Full of Hurdles
The high-speed rail project has been no stranger to controversy and challenges. First conceived to provide swift travel across California, the project’s history tells a tale of fluctuating timelines and ballooning costs. Originally initiated in 2013, the construction has continuously faced delays, with the anticipated completion date pushed from 2018 to 2026 for the first segments alone.
In a significant contrast to initial expectations, the financial requirements have surged, with costs for construction packages skyrocketing from a combined estimate of well under $2 billion to an updated total that now exceeds $8 billion across various contracts. This upward shift in expenditure has raised eyebrows and concerns, prompting scrutiny from both political figures and members of the public.
For instance, the first construction package, stretching from north of Madera to Fresno, originally bid at under $1 billion, now faces an anticipated completion at a staggering value of over $3.7 billion. Such changes have led to questions surrounding the project’s management and efficiency.
The Political Landscape
Adding complexity to the situation is the shifting political terrain as federal support has been uncertain. With President-elect Donald Trump slated to take office soon, there is apprehension regarding the potential withdrawal of federal funding that has supported California’s ambitious plans. Historical context reigns as the Federal Railroad Administration canceled nearly $1 billion in previously awarded grants during Trump’s first administration. However, the recent Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, passed in 2021, has provided a glimmer of hope by funneling additional funds towards the project.
State leaders, including Governor Newsom, maintain an optimistic outlook despite the political uncertainties. “We are in a very different place at this sacred moment,” he stated, reminding stakeholders of the project’s momentum.
Looking Ahead
The road ahead remains both exciting and uncertain. The California High-Speed Rail Authority is on the cusp of awarding contracts for track installation, alongside contracts for the purchase of trainsets set for testing operations. The goal is to have the Merced-Bakersfield line operational between 2030 and 2033, a target that promises to reshape commuting experiences in California.
As we move closer to achieving this transformative project, it’s essential to keep in mind that progress in such a complex endeavor requires not only engineering feats but also perseverance amid bureaucratic and fiscal challenges. The upcoming years will undoubtedly be pivotal in determining whether this bold vision of high-speed travel will reach its destination, but for now, California is laying the tracks for a new transit future—one spike at a time.
Stay tuned for more updates as we follow the California high-speed rail project through its journey from ambitious dream to infrastructural reality!
California High-speed Rail Related Links:
California high-speed rail California High-Speed Rail Update ( Fresno Bee)
HSR official website:
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The A Line Light-Rail Extension from Azusa to Pomona: A Significant Milestone for Public Transportation

After a long-awaited journey, the extension of the A Line from Azusa to Pomona is officially complete and set to usher in a new era of public transportation in the San Gabriel Valley. This extensive 9.1-mile extension, which has taken over five years to construct, is positioned to enhance connectivity and mobility for residents and commuters alike.
The A Line extension is set to open to the public this summer!
A Monumental Achievement
As reported in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune on January 3, 2025, the $1.5 billion project was officially handed over to LA Metro last week. This extension includes four new stations in Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne, and Pomona. The construction involved overcoming significant challenges, including health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic and a series of unusual weather patterns. Despite these obstacles, the project was completed within its scheduled timeline, showcasing the dedication of the construction teams from Kiewit-Parsons (KPJV) under the oversight of the Foothill Gold Line Construction Authority.
Improving Accessibility
This extension not only connects the existing light-rail system but also extends the A Line’s total length to a noteworthy 60.8 miles, solidifying its status as the longest light-rail line in the world. Current ridership estimates suggest that the extension could lead to over 11,000 additional weekday boardings, significantly contributing to the overall ridership numbers. As of November 2024, the A Line saw an average of 70,425 daily boardings—a notable increase from the previous year.
City officials and transit advocates view this development as an important asset for the region. “This extension will solidify Los Angeles’ public transit system, providing a viable alternative to those stuck in traffic,” said Eli Lipmen, executive director of Move LA.
A Step Towards Greater Connectivity
The Pomona extension is strategically significant, as it brings the A Line closer to San Bernardino County. While not quite reaching the county line, the Pomona station is sufficiently close for many residents from western San Bernardino cities like Montclair, Ontario, Upland, and Chino to benefit from this light-rail alternative. Many of these residents will find it convenient to park at the Pomona station and travel to key job and entertainment destinations in Los Angeles, Pasadena, and beyond.
Montclair City Councilmember Bill Ruh emphasized the importance of this link, noting how it enables residents to access transportation services more seamlessly than ever before. The extension is paving the way for expanded public transit options, which are essential for families in the Inland Empire.
A New Transportation Hub
The Pomona Station holds particular significance as it will also connect with the Metrolink San Bernardino line, creating a crucial interchange for travelers. This synergy between the two systems is expected to elevate passenger traffic on Metrolink, catering to an approximate increase of over 2,000 daily passengers.
“Connecting these lines gives people more options for accessibility and commuting,” said Habib Balian, CEO of the Foothill Gold Line Construction Authority. “It allows for a travel experience that wasn’t available before.”
Future Prospects
Notably, this extension is just the beginning. Plans are already underway for an additional 3.2-mile extension from Pomona to Claremont and Montclair, anticipated to be completed by 2030. This initiative will broaden the A Line’s reach further into San Bernardino County and provide a meaningful alternative for commuters navigating the busy 210, 10, and 60 freeways.
As residents begin to utilize the new service, the Pomona extension will likely drive demand for additional transit options in the Inland Empire. Bart Reed, executive director of The Transit Coalition, noted the anticipated ripple effect in transportation services in the region.
The upcoming opening of the A Line extension from Azusa to Pomona marks an important step forward for public transportation in Los Angeles and its surrounding areas. By enhancing connectivity, providing more options for commuters, and anticipating future growth, this extension promises to offer significant benefits for communities in the San Gabriel Valley and beyond. As we prepare for the service to commence later this summer, residents can look forward to a more integrated, efficient public transit system that supports their daily travel needs.
Related Links:
Foothill Gold Line from Glendora to Pomona Reaches Substantial Completion The $1.5 Billion Four-Station Light Rail Project is Completed On Time and On Budget Press Release(PDF)
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