Sabrosas recetas para perfeccionar su menú durante las fiestas
En las fiestas de este fin de año, prepare un menú sensacional desde el principio hasta el último bocado con recetas que hacen agua la boca y hacen que sus invitados quieran regresar por más.
(Family Features) En las fiestas de este fin de año, prepare un menú sensacional desde el principio hasta el último bocado con recetas que hacen agua la boca y hacen que sus invitados quieran regresar por más. Todo comienza con la carne de res, un ingrediente versátil y amado que se puede usar en entremeses, guarniciones y platos principales por igual.
Considere estos favoritos de Beef Loving Texans para las fiestas, incluyendo un plato principal imprescindible como el Solomillo Wellington. Perfecto para una reunión familiar, este plato tradicional combina un suave corte chateaubriand con un glaseado casero de deliciosos champiñones, vino tinto y mostaza de Dijon, envuelto en una dorada masa de hojaldre.
Si está sirviendo a un grupo, el Solomillo asado con corteza de hierbas, ajo y pimienta es ideal para compartir y proporciona una llamativa pieza central en la mesa del comedor.
Sin embargo, antes de servir el plato principal, hay un aspecto importante de las fiestas de temporada que llama a todos a la cocina: los sabrosos entremeses. Puede invitar a sus invitados a compartir una opción como los Mini pinchos navideños de albóndigas de res con salsa de barbacoa de arándanos, un favorito de las fiestas, muy fácil de preparar, que puede calmar los antojos de una multitud hambrienta.
Encuentre más platos navideños inspirados en carne de res en
Solomillo Wellington
Receta cortesía de Beef Loving Texans
Tiempo total: 1 hora, 30 minutos
Porciones: 4
- 1 cucharadita de aceite de oliva, dividida
- 1/2 cucharadita de sal
- 1/2 cucharadita de pimienta, dividida
- 1 pieza de solomillo chateaubriand
- 8 onzas de champiñones
- 1 chalote grande
- 2 cucharadas de vino tinto seco
- 2 cucharadas de mostaza Dijon
- 1/2 cucharadita de hojas secas de tomillo
- harina
- 1 masa de hojaldre
- En un sartén antiadherente grande, caliente 1/2 cucharadita de aceite a fuego medio-alto. Combine la sal y 1/4 de cucharadita de pimienta. Presione uniformemente sobre todas las superficies del solomillo. Coloque la carne en el sartén; dore uniformemente. Retire del fuego.
- Precaliente el horno a 425 F.
- En un procesador de alimentos, triture los champiñones y la chalota unas 10 veces hasta que estén finamente picados. No sobre procese.
- Coloque el mismo sartén que usó para asar a fuego medio-alto y caliente el aceite restante. Agregue los champiñones y la chalota; cocine de 4 a 6 minutos hasta que estén tiernos y todo el líquido se evapore, revolviendo con frecuencia. Agregue el vino; cocine 2-3 minutos hasta que todo el líquido se evapore. Agregue la mostaza, el tomillo y la pimienta restante. Cocine de 2 a 3 minutos. Retire del sartén y coloque en un tazón mediano; deje enfriar.
- Cubra una bandeja para hornear con borde con papel aluminio y colóquela en el horno. En una tabla de cortar ligeramente enharinada, despliegue la masa de hojaldre. Estire la masa en un rectángulo de 12 x 9 pulgadas; coloque la masa con el borde más corto hacia usted. Extienda la mezcla de champiñones sobre la masa de hojaldre, dejando un borde de 1/2 pulgada alrededor de los bordes. Coloque el solomillo en el centro de los champiñones. Doble la masa de hojaldre cuidadosamente alrededor del solomillo, estirando la masa si es necesario. Corte el exceso de masa de hojaldre, y presione para sellar los bordes superpuestos, haciendo un rollo.
- Retire la bandeja para hornear del horno y espolvoree ligeramente con harina. Coloque el rollo de solomillo con el doblez hacia abajo en la bandeja para hornear. Corte cuatro orificios de ventilación (2 pulgadas) en la parte superior de la masa.
- Hornee de 35 a 50 minutos, o hasta que la masa esté dorada y el termómetro de lectura instantánea insertado en el centro del rollo registre 135 F para término medio crudo o 150 F para término medio. Transfiera el rollo a la tabla para cortar. Deje reposar por 10 minutos. La temperatura aumentará alrededor de 10 F para llegar a 145 F para término medio crudo o 160 F para término medio.
- Corte en rodajas y sirva.
Solomillo asado con corteza de hierbas, ajo y pimienta
Receta cortesía de Beef Loving Texans
Tiempo Total: 45 minutos
Porciones: 8
- 1carne asada de solomillo de corte central (alrededor de 3 libras)
- 1cucharada de aceite de oliva
- 2 cucharaditas de sal kosher
- 2 cucharadas de perejil fresco, picado
- 2 cucharadas de tomillo fresco, picado
- 5 dientes de ajo picados
- 2 cucharaditas de pimienta en grano mixta molida grueso (negra, blanca, verde y rosada)
- Precaliente el horno a 350 F.
- Frote la carne con aceite de oliva.
- Para hacer el condimento: En un tazón pequeño, combine la sal, el perejil, el tomillo, el ajo y la pimienta en grano; presione uniformemente en la carne.
- Coloque la carne en una bandeja para asar o en una fuente para hornear con una rejilla en el fondo. Hornee 40-60 minutos. Retire el asado cuando el termómetro para carne registre 135 F para término medio crudo o 150 F para término medio.
- Transfiera el asado a la tabla para cortar; cúbralo holgadamente con papel de aluminio. Deje reposar 10-15 minutos. La temperatura aumentará alrededor de 10 F para llegar a 145 F para término medio crudo o 160 F para término medio.
- Corte el asado en rebanadas de manera transversal a la dirección de las fibras.
Mini pinchos navideños de albóndigas de res con salsa de barbacoa de arándanos
Receta cortesía de Beef Loving Texans
Tiempo Total: 50 minutos
Porciones: 12
- 1 libra de carne molida
- 1 taza de calabacín fresco, rallado
- 1 huevo
- 1/2 cucharadita de sal
- 1/4 cucharadita de pimienta
- 1 cebolla amarilla pequeña, cortada en cubitos de 1/2 pulgada
- 2 pimientos rojos, cortados en cubitos de 1/2 pulgada
- 2 pimientos verdes, cortados en cubitos de 1/2 pulgada
- 12 pinchos (6 pulgadas)
Salsa barbacoa de arándanos:
- 1 lata (16 onzas) de salsa de arándanos y bayas enteras
- 3 cucharadas de salsa barbacoa
- Precaliente el horno a 400 F.
- En un tazón mediano, mezcle ligeramente la carne molida, el calabacín, el huevo, la sal y la pimienta hasta que estén bien combinados. Forme 24 albóndigas de 1 pulgada. Coloque las albóndigas, cebollas, pimientos rojos y pimientos verdes en los pinchos de forma alterna. Coloque los pinchos en una bandeja para hornear con bordes poco profundos.
- Hornee de 22 a 25 minutos, o hasta que el termómetro de lectura instantánea insertado en el centro de la albóndiga registre 160 F.
- Para hacer la salsa barbacoa de arándanos: En una cacerola mediana, combine la salsa de arándanos y la salsa barbacoa; cocine a fuego lento durante 5 minutos, o hasta que los sabores se mezclen.
- Rocíe la salsa sobre las brochetas o sirva como salsa para remojar.
Beef Loving Texans
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Combatting Loneliness in Older Adults
(Family Features) The bonds found in friendships and other relationships are an important factor in health and wellness – even science says so.
According to the American Psychological Association, forming and maintaining social connections at any age is one of the most reliable predictors of a healthy, happy and long life. Studies show having strong and supportive friendships can fend off depression and anxiety, lower blood pressure and heart rates in stressful situations and change the way people perceive daunting tasks.
However, statistics show approximately half of U.S. adults lack companionship and feel socially disconnected, according to the U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on the Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community. In fact, 12% don’t have anyone they consider a close friend, per the Survey Center on American Life. This “epidemic of loneliness,” as coined by U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, can take a severe toll on mental and physical health.
As people age, the risks of isolation increase. With America’s older population growing rapidly – the 65 and older population reached more than 55 million in 2020 – discussing how older adults can combat loneliness is relevant to public health and individual well-being.
Consider volunteering, which is one of the best and most rewarding ways to combat loneliness.
Volunteering Combats Loneliness
People often volunteer to find a sense of purpose, learn new skills, improve their communities or establish new routines after retiring or becoming empty nesters. For many, making friends through volunteer work is a welcome bonus. The act of volunteering provides proven benefits for older adults.
Forming connections can make all the difference in a person’s volunteer experience and sense of well-being. People who meet through volunteer work inherently share a common interest and something to bond over. These friendships can carry over outside of volunteer work and lead to bonding over other hobbies and interests.
Connection-Focused Volunteer Opportunities
In addition to making friends with fellow volunteers, many older adults also form relationships with the people they’re serving, especially if those recipients are their peers.
For example, AmeriCorps Seniors is the national service and volunteerism program in the federal agency of AmeriCorps that connects adults aged 55 and up to local service opportunities that match their interests. Its Senior Companion Program pairs volunteers with other older adults or those with disabilities who need companionship or assistance. Volunteers may help with tasks such as paying bills, shopping or getting companions to appointments. In some cases, volunteers may also provide support and respite for family members caring for loved ones with chronic illnesses.
“We often think of volunteering as ‘giving back,’ but we’ve seen firsthand that it often becomes so much more than that,” said Atalaya Sergi, director of AmeriCorps Seniors. “By spending a few hours each week with another older adult in need of support, our volunteers are not only giving back to others, but they’re adding meaning to their own lives and establishing new connections. They’re helping to fight the loneliness epidemic one visit at a time.”
Growing older can come with challenges, but some of those can be minimized with a positive mindset and commitment to remaining connected and engaged – whether with friends, relatives or fellow community members. Fostering relationships is a key ingredient to a healthier and more fulfilling life.
For more information and to find volunteer opportunities near you, visit
Meet Friends Who Connected Through Service
Ray Maestas felt unfulfilled post-retirement and began volunteering with the AmeriCorps Seniors Senior Companion Program. He was connected with Bob Finnerty, a man with blindness looking for assistance a few days each week. They quickly struck up a routine of errands, reading and conversation that’s since become a friendship they both cherish.
“The Senior Companion Program has provided an avenue to enrich the lives of not only the participants but the people who are volunteering,” Maestas said. “Bob and I have gotten to the point where he’s a very important part of my life.”
Finnerty echoed those sentiments and shared his own appreciation for Maestas’ friendship.
“I’ve always relished my independence and I feel Ray is not just a person who reads for me – he’s a friend,” Finnerty said.
In the last few years, Maestas moved and now serves with a different chapter of the Senior Companion Program. He and Finnerty keep in touch. Maestas said they talk about every third day.
AmeriCorps Seniors
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Light exercise can yield significant cognitive benefits, new research shows
Everyday physical activity significantly enhances cognitive health, reversing four years of cognitive aging, according to a Penn State study highlighting movement’s importance of exercise for mental benefits.
Everyday physical activity, like going for a short walk or playing with the kids, may provide short-term benefits for cognitive health, equivalent to reversing four years of cognitive aging. That was a key finding for my colleagues and me in our new study, which was published in the journal Annals of Behavioral Medicine.
Prior to enrollment into a study of diet and dementia risk, we asked a diverse sample of 204 middle-aged adults to check in five times per day for a period of nine days, via a smartphone application.
Each check-in involved completing a brief survey that asked about their mood, dietary choices and whether they engaged in any physical activity in the roughly three and a half hours leading up to the survey. In addition, participants completed a few brief brain games – meaning performance-based cognitive assessments that lasted about one minute each – to assess mental speed and short-term memory.
My team found that performance on our measure of cognitive processing speed improved during check-ins when participants reported being physically active in the time leading up to the survey. While we didn’t see improvements in our measure of working memory, the time taken to complete the memory task mirrored what we saw for the measure of processing speed.
We observed these improvements in speed regardless of whether the activity was lighter intensity or moderate-to-vigorous intensity. This led us to conclude that movement, whether it took the form of intentional exercise or part of a daily routine, was the essential ingredient for achieving this benefit.
Why it matters
As a rule, we get slower, both physically and mentally, as we age. While research on exercise and living a healthy lifestyle has demonstrated the long-term cognitive and brain health benefits of remaining physically active, much of this work has focused on the moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity – or what most of us think of as exercise – recommended by the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.
Still, these guidelines and other experts recommend that adults move more and sit less.
My colleagues and I are interested in understanding how moving more can improve our cognitive health or reduce our risk of dementia as we age, at what timescale these benefits show up, and what types of movement qualify. Exercise promotes blood circulation and the growth of neurons.
What still isn’t known
Our study relied on participants to report whether they had been physically active during the time between each check-in. Even though participants were provided training on how to think about the intensity levels, it’s possible that each participant had a slightly different perception of their activities.
For example, a participant may not have believed their recent walk actually qualified as a moderate-intensity activity. Physical activity monitors that can dissociate time and intensity might help future research unravel these associations more clearly.
What’s next
It isn’t yet clear whether these short-term benefits accumulate over time to result in long-term improvements in brain health and dementia risk reduction. Research efforts are underway by our team to better understand these associations over broader timescales.
My research involves data collection via smartphones and wearable devices to help us better understand how health-promoting behaviors and cognitive health interact as we age. This type of digital approach allows my team to pursue questions about how everyday behavior and experience influence cognition in daily life and represents a significant methodological advancement in the dementia risk and prevention research space.
Using these tools, we aim to better identify individuals at risk for negative cognitive outcomes and new targets for dementia prevention.
Jonathan G. Hakun, Assistant Professor of Neurology, Psychology, & Public Health Sciences, Penn State
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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Stuff Those Stockings with Skin Care Solutions
The article suggests adding thoughtful skincare solutions as holiday stocking stuffers, highlighting Herbacin’s natural products that address various skin issues for women of all ages.
(Family Features) Even if you have the perfect gifts picked out for your nearest and dearest, there’s still time to add some stocking stuffers that are sure to please all the favorite ladies in your life.
Stocking Stuffers
The holidays are the perfect time for gifting special skin care solutions they will love. Formulated for all ages and skin types, these curated formulas address multiple skin challenges for a wonderfully healthy glow. Ideal for slipping into a stocking at the last moment, thoughtful skin care products can show just how much you care.
To find solutions for your loved ones this holiday season, visit
7 Skin Care Solutions
Women of all ages and skin types can find a formula that fits their lifestyles from Herbacin’s Skin Solutions Series, which includes seven products formulated with 100% natural, vegan ingredients to combat and alleviate any number of skin issues. Designed to integrate into a daily skin care regimen, they address various challenges such as dry and cracked skin, acne, psoriasis or pigmentation marks. Skin issues that affect external appearance can also lead to mental stress, making it important to address them with dermatologically tested solutions.
Specialty Products to Tackle Skin Issues
Some skin problems are triggered by stress and genetic predisposition while others are caused by an unbalanced lifestyle and diet, hormonal imbalances or environmental influences. It’s important to meet your skin issues head on with products formulated for the challenge like Herbacin Creamy Face Wash, a plant-based cream that provides deep cleansing for the face, neck and decollete for a clean feeling without drying skin. Designed for women who enjoy the sun, Age Spot Primer reduces pigmentation spots with a langsat tree extract.
Photo courtesy of Adobe Stock (stockings on mantel)
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