Barry Markovsky, University of South Carolina Most of us still call them UFOs – unidentified flying objects. NASA recently adopted the term “unidentified anomalous phenomena,” or...
In a remarkable demonstration of both the unpredictability of space and the extraordinary capabilities of modern astronomical detection, a small asteroid, designated 2024 UQ, recently made...
Project U.F.O. was a 1978-1979 NBC series about U.S. Air Force investigators examining UFO sightings, inspired by Project Blue Book. Created by Jack Webb, it ran...
Following the downing of several unidentified objects, the U.S. military is focusing on identifying UAPs or UFO, which may include balloons, secret technologies, or atmospheric phenomena.
Renee DiResta, Stanford University; Abhiram Reddy, Georgetown University, and Josh A. Goldstein, Georgetown University Suppose you’ve spent time on Facebook over the past six months. In...
Strategic collaborations above 60,000 feet unlocks new potential for traffic and climate management, earth observation and imaging, methane, storm, and wildfire detection, and more ROSWELL, N.M. /PRNewswire/ — Sceye, a...
Google Cloud AI to enhance Honeywell’s product offerings and help upskill the industrial workforce New solutions will connect to enterprise-wide industrial data from Honeywell Forge, a leading IoT...
Rizwan Virk, Arizona State University ChatGPT In May 2024, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman sparked a firestorm by referencing the 2013 movie “Her” to highlight the novelty...
Arizona is expected to have a warmer, drier winter due to a developing La Niña, though uncertainty remains about precipitation levels, highlighting the complexity of weather...
Roger Bryant and David Fike's research reveals that pyrite sulfur isotopes mainly reflect local conditions, shifting fundamental understanding of oceanic environmental studies.