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Self-Care for a Successful New Year



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(Family Features) Resolving to commit to better self-care can happen any time of the year, but there’s something about the calendar flipping to a new year that signals a fresh start. It’s the perfect starting point for new habits and a new approach to protecting your overall wellness.

Self-care takes many forms. Maintaining a well-balanced diet and getting plenty of exercise are some ways to promote your physical health. So is taking good care of your body’s largest organ: your skin. When it comes to mental health, getting organized is a surprisingly effective way to manage stress and keep your goals on track so you feel a sense of accomplishment.

Start working toward a new year where your wellness is front and center with these ideas for simplifying and personalizing your journey. Look for more lifestyle advice and helpful wellness tips at

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Prepare for Healthier Eating Habits

Students (and parents, too) can accomplish more after school like homework, studying and socializing with the Dell Inspiron 14 laptop powered by the Snapdragon 8cx Gen 2 Compute Platform. Equipped with the Qualcomm AI Engine, this processor enhances audio and visual experiences. Effortlessly multitask and shift between apps without sacrificing speed or battery life, given the power-efficient processor that helps deliver long battery life even in thin, light and quiet designs that don’t require a loud, hot fan.

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Add Whole Grains with Ease and Convenience

Eating whole grains has never been this easy or tasty. Convenient and ready in just 10 minutes, Minute Rice’s Instant Brown Rice and Rice & Quinoa are must-haves for busy families. For those in need of an on-the-go option, Minute Rice Cups, including Brown Rice, Brown & Wild Rice, Brown Rice & Quinoa, Multi-Grain Medley and Jasmine Rice & Red Quinoa, are ready in just 60 seconds. Start the year off right and discover more time-saving solutions at

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Put Your Best Foot Forward

If stepping up your fitness game is part of your plan for 2024, be sure to start on the right foot with the right footwear for the job. Runners in particular should be conscious of quality shoes. Look for ample cushion, comfortable ankle support, overall quality construction and a snug fit that gives your toes some wiggle room. Even slight variations can affect your comfort, so trying on different options is likely your best path toward finding the perfect fit.

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Introduce Weights for Your Workout

Whether you’ve hit a plateau or you’re just bored with your workout, adding dumbbells can introduce a whole new dimension by helping build muscle and burn more fat. Rotating muscle groups lets you give your muscles a chance to recover between workouts. The options are nearly endless, so think about how you’ll use them, where you’ll store them, whether shape or color matters and how much you want to spend.

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Make Skin Care a Personal Priority

Your skin tells an important story about your overall health. Protecting it from harsh elements and sun damage can help ensure your skin stays supple and strong, providing the barrier it’s meant to as it protects the rest of your body. Even seemingly minor irritations like dry skin can be problematic as scratching or cracking can lead to wounds and infection. Rely on a regular moisturizer and be conscious of applying sunscreen whenever you’ll be outdoors.

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Plan for Success in the New Year

Give yourself a boost toward tackling this year’s goals by getting organized. A planner can help you keep important information at your fingertips while making it easy to keep tabs on appointments, deadlines and more. You can even track progress against new habits or journal your way toward a heathier diet. Some people prefer physical planners they can write in and update manually while others find a digital version in a smart device is more convenient.

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock (father and daughter cooking)
Photos courtesy of Unsplash (dumbbells, meal prep, planner, shoes, skin care products)

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Why some doctors are prescribing a day in the park or a walk on the beach for good health

Exposure to nature positively impacts health by reducing pain, stress, and anxiety while promoting well-being, encouraging initiatives like Nature Prescriptions for improved health. Walk in the park.



Hanauma Bay, Hawaii. Jason Maddock, CC BY-SA

Jay Maddock, Texas A&M University

Taking a walk on a wooded path, spending an afternoon in a public park, harvesting your backyard garden and even looking at beautiful pictures of Hawaii can all make us feel good. Certainly, for many of us, it’s beneficial to have time outside in natural environments. Being cooped up inside can feel unnatural and increase our desire to get outside. The renowned biologist E.O. Wilson created a theory called the biophilia hypothesis, where he stated that people have an innate relationship to nature.

On an intuitive level, this makes sense. Humans evolved in an open, natural environment and removing us from this environment could have a negative effect on our health. But what does the research say? Is there actually evidence that being in natural environments can promote our well-being, prevent disease and speed recovery?

Nature and healing

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Hospital gardens can help ease pain in some patients, studies suggest. michaeljung/

The pioneering work in this area started in the 1980s with Robert Ulrich, who was a professor at Texas A&M University. His work looked at surgery patients who had a view of trees out of their window compared to those who had the view of a wall. Those with the natural view reported less pain and spent less time in the hospital.

Since then, several studies have shown a reduction in pain both through viewing natural scenes as well looking at nature videos and pictures.

Other studies have looked at the effect of exposure to daylight on patients and found they experienced less pain, stress and use of pain medications than patients who did not have exposure to natural light. There is also preliminary evidence that hospital gardens can alleviate stress in both patients and their families.

In the area of designing health care facilities, there appears to be consistent evidence that exposures to natural environments have a positive effect on pain, stress, anxiety, blood pressure and heart rate. In the Center for Health and Nature, a joint venture between my university Texas A&M, Houston Methodist Hospital and nonprofit Texan by Nature, our new studies are assessing if these effects extend to the virtual world, including immersive VR and virtual windows.

A preventive effect?

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Some doctors in Scotland are encouraging people to learn to like lichen and appreciate the simple pleasures of being outdoors. 4esNook/

While nature appears to be helpful in restoring health after illness, can it actually help us keep healthy? Researchers across the world have been asking this question.

From forest bathing (“shinrin-yoku”) in Japan to the 30 Days Wild campaign in the United Kingdom, which encourages people to connect to wild places, people have been examining the healing powers of nature.

While walking is well established as a health promoting behavior, studies are now examining if walking in natural environments is more beneficial than indoors or in urban environments. Results have shown positive effects for mental health, improved attention, mood, blood pressure and heart rate. Several programs across the country have been formed to expose military veterans to natural spaces to combat symptoms of PTSD. In children, playgrounds with greenspace increased vigorous physical activity and decreased sedentary time and even has led to fewer fights.

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While there is growing evidence that exposure to natural environments is beneficial to health there are still many questions to be answered. What is nature? While this may seem simple at first glance, there are many differences between a national park, an urban pocket park and a picture of waves crashing on the beach. What is the dose of nature needed?

In physical activity, there is scientific consensus that people need 150 minutes a week for good health. How much and how often is exposure to nature needed for better health? How do longer doses – such as a weekend camping in a forest – and shorter doses – such as a walk through a park – affect us? What sensory part of nature is affecting us? Is it sight, sound, smell, touch or a combination of them?

A recent paper proposed enhanced immune function as the central pathway for the variety of positive health outcomes received from nature exposure. This needs to be tested.

Despite the need for more research, the need for more nature exposure is urgent. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that Americans, on average, spend 90% of their time indoors. A study in the U.K. found that children spend only half the time outdoors than their parents used to.

There are signs that a nature movement is beginning to take hold. The 30 Days Wild program run by the Wildlife Trusts in the U.K. encouraged people to engage with nature every day for a month. In its first year, more than 18,000 people signed up. It starts again June 1, 2019.

Doctors in Scotland are now able give Nature Prescriptions to their patients. The educational leaflet they provide describes numerous monthly activities including touching the ocean, taking a dog for a walk and following a bumblebee. In the U.S., the Park Rx America program has been working to connect publicly available outdoor space to physicians to have them prescribe nature.

As spring arrives, it is time to make a commitment to spend more time in nature. Better health could literally be as easy as a walk in the park.

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Jay Maddock, Professor of Public Health, Texas A&M University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Our Lifestyle section on STM Daily News is a hub of inspiration and practical information, offering a range of articles that touch on various aspects of daily life. From tips on family finances to guides for maintaining health and wellness, we strive to empower our readers with knowledge and resources to enhance their lifestyles. Whether you’re seeking outdoor activity ideas, fashion trends, or travel recommendations, our lifestyle section has got you covered. Visit us today at and embark on a journey of discovery and self-improvement.

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Child Health

How to Supplement Breastfeeding with Bottle Feeding




(Family Features) For moms who breastfeed, the idea of introducing a bottle can feel like a big change. Whether supplementing for personal reasons, returning to work or ensuring adequate nourishment, the transition between breast and bottle can be eased with the right approach – and the right tools. Here’s how to make this process smooth and stress-free for both you and your baby.

Begin Gradually and Mindfully
When supplementing with a bottle, it’s important to start slowly, ideally once breastfeeding is well-established, usually after the first few weeks. Begin by replacing one breastfeeding session with a bottle feeding and gradually increase as needed. This gradual transition helps your baby adapt to the new experience without feeling overwhelmed or confused. If you have questions or concerns about introducing bottle feeding, your pediatrician is an excellent resource.  

Prioritize the Right Bottle Design
Using a bottle that closely mirrors the breastfeeding experience can make all the difference in a smooth transition. For example, NUK’s Perfect Match Bottle, from the No. 1 hospital-trusted brand (based on industry data) for feeding, is specifically designed to bridge the gap between breast and bottle feeding. Its ultra-soft silicone nipple is shaped to mimic the feel of a mother’s breast, adapting to your baby’s unique palate for a familiar, comforting feeding experience. This breast-like comfort can make the transition seamless and intuitive for babies. Additionally, it features an advanced anti-colic venting system that minimizes air intake, reducing digestive discomfort and keeping your baby comfortable for a calm, enjoyable feeding time – without the hassle of extra parts to clean.

Maintain Familiar Feeding Conditions
Convincing a breastfed baby to take a bottle can take a bit of patience. Ease the transition by creating an environment similar to breastfeeding conditions to provide a comforting and familiar experience for your baby. Hold your baby close, make eye contact and create a quiet environment to establish a sense of security. Also, plan for bottle feedings when you know your baby is ready to eat, but not overly hungry or fussy.

Use a Safe and Convenient Feeding System
One common concern when supplementing is ensuring milk is served at a safe temperature. With a built-in SafeTemp indicator that changes color if the milk is too hot, the NUK Perfect Match bottle gives parents peace of mind. This feature can simplify the feeding process, making it more intuitive for busy caregivers.

Enlist Help with Bottle Feeding
Sometimes, a baby may be more likely to accept a bottle when offered by someone other than the breastfeeding parent. A partner or caregiver can introduce bottle feeding, helping your baby adapt without associating it directly with breastfeeding. Once established, you can alternate who offers the bottle.

Stay Flexible and Patient
Every baby’s journey is unique, and patience is key. If challenges arise during supplementation, such as bottle refusal or digestive changes, seek guidance from your pediatrician or a lactation consultant. They can help tailor the approach to your baby’s needs.

Discover the future of feeding and learn more at

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Our Lifestyle section on STM Daily News is a hub of inspiration and practical information, offering a range of articles that touch on various aspects of daily life. From tips on family finances to guides for maintaining health and wellness, we strive to empower our readers with knowledge and resources to enhance their lifestyles. Whether you’re seeking outdoor activity ideas, fashion trends, or travel recommendations, our lifestyle section has got you covered. Visit us today at and embark on a journey of discovery and self-improvement.

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8 maneras de vivir de manera más saludable en 2025




Tome medidas para limitar el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular

(Family Features) En la última década se ha producido un aumento de factores de riesgo cardiovascular, como la hipertensión arterial no controlada, la diabetes y la obesidad, cada uno de los cuales aumenta el riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades cardíacas y accidentes cerebrovasculares. Estas tendencias están llevando a los investigadores a concluir que la prevalencia de las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) seguirá aumentando.

Más del 60 % de los adultos estadounidenses tendrán algún tipo de ECV para 2050, según las proyecciones previstas de la American Heart Association, que celebra 100 años de servicio salvando vidas como la principal organización mundial sin fines de lucro dedicada a la salud del corazón y el cerebro de todos. Además, se espera que los costos totales relacionados con las ECV casi se tripliquen en ese período hasta alcanzar más de 1.8 trillones de dólares.

El aumento será impulsado por una población más anciana y diversa, pero estos factores de riesgo están aumentando incluso entre niños y adultos.

“Reconocemos que el panorama de la salud cardiovascular cambiará en las próximas tres décadas debido al tsunami que se avecina de aumentos en los costos de la atención médica, una población de mayor edad que vive más tiempo y un número cada vez mayor de personas de poblaciones de pocos recursos”, dijo la voluntaria de la American Heart Association, Karen E. Joynt Maddox, M.D., M.P.H., FAHA. “Aun así, estas siguen siendo las principales causas de muerte y discapacidad en Estados Unidos”.

Si bien se necesitan cambios sistemáticos continuos en la ciencia, las políticas y la atención de salud, la mayoría de las ECV se pueden prevenir a nivel individual. Usted puede ayudar a cambiar el rumbo de las terribles perspectivas de la ECV y, al mismo tiempo, mejorar su propia salud siguiendo y alentando a otros a seguir los “Life’s Essential 8” de la American Heart Association.

Coma mejor. Intente seguir un patrón de alimentación saludable en general que incluya alimentos integrales, frutas y verduras, proteínas magras, frutos secos, semillas y cocinar con aceite de oliva y de canola.

Manténgase activo. Los adultos deben realizar 2 horas y media de actividad física moderada o 75 minutos de actividad física vigorosa por semana. Los niños deben tener 60 minutos cada día, incluidos juegos y actividades estructuradas.

Deje el tabaco. El uso de productos que suministran nicotina por inhalación, que incluyen cigarrillos tradicionales, cigarrillos electrónicos y vaporizadores, es la principal causa de muerte evitable en los EE. UU.

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Duerma bien. La mayoría de los adultos necesitan dormir entre 7 y 9 horas cada noche. Los niños de 5 años o menos necesitan entre 10 y 16 horas, incluidas las siestas; de 9 y 12 horas, en niños de 6 y 12 años, y entre 8 y 10 horas, entre los 13 y 18 años.

Controle el peso. Lograr y mantener un peso saludable tiene muchos beneficios. El índice de masa corporal es un indicador útil. El IMC óptimo es menor de 25, pero menor de 18.5 se considera bajo peso. Puede calcularlo en línea o consultar a un profesional de la salud.

Controle el colesterol. Los niveles altos de colesterol no HDL, o “malo”, pueden provocar enfermedades cardíacas. Su profesional de atención médica puede considerar el colesterol no HDL como el número preferido para monitorear, en lugar del colesterol total, porque se puede medir sin ayuno previo y se calcula de manera confiable entre todas las personas.

Controle el nivel de azúcar en sangre. La mayor parte de los alimentos que consume se convierten en glucosa (o azúcar en sangre) que su cuerpo utiliza como energía. Con el tiempo, los niveles altos de azúcar en sangre pueden dañar el corazón, los riñones, los ojos y los nervios.

Controle la presión arterial. Mantener su presión arterial dentro de rangos aceptables puede ayudarle a mantenerse saludable por más tiempo. Los niveles inferiores a 120/80 mmHg son óptimos. La presión arterial alta se define como una presión sistólica de 130 a 139 mm Hg (el número superior en una lectura) o una presión diastólica de 80 a 89 mm Hg (el número inferior).

Encuentre más formas de cuidar su salud en el nuevo año y más allá en

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