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Stay Ahead of Medicare Fraudsters



(Family Features) Every day, criminals target older Americans with one goal – to steal their Medicare numbers and other protected health information. To fraudsters, this information is just as valuable as credit card information. These criminals steal Medicare numbers and unlawfully bill Medicare for medical services that were never provided to the patient or overbill for provided services.

Medicare Fraudsters

When criminals commit fraud, and falsely bill Medicare, people’s medical records may become inaccurate and they can suffer delayed or even be denied care. In the end, Medicare fraud costs taxpayers billions of dollars every year. Each dollar lost to fraud takes away resources intended for people with Medicare.

Protect Yourself
Fraudsters are getting creative and new scams are continually emerging. The best thing you can do is beware of people who contact you for your Medicare number or other personal information. You may be contacted by phone, text or email by someone posing as a Medicare representative, a health care provider or even a medical equipment company. If someone you don’t know asks for your Medicare number, hang up or delete the message – this is a scam.

Consider these tips to help protect yourself against Medicare fraud and stay one step ahead of fraudsters:

  • Guard your Medicare card just like your Social Security card and credit card.
  • Only share your Medicare information with your trusted health care providers.
  • Be skeptical of free gifts, free medical services, discount packages or any offer that sounds too good to be true.
  • Always check your Medicare claims statements to make sure they are accurate. Call 1-800-MEDICARE if you suspect you or Medicare has been billed for a service you did not receive.

Watch Out for Medicare Hospice Fraud
Beware of scammers offering older Americans in-home perks, like free cooking, cleaning and home health services, while they are unknowingly being signed up for hospice services. The scammers then unlawfully bill Medicare for these services in your name.

Criminals are using every avenue they can to sign you up including door-to-door visits, false advertising, phone, text and email. Hospice care is for people who are terminally ill and only you and your doctor can make this serious decision if you need end-of-life care.

Remember this advice to avoid hospice scams:

  • Your doctor is the only one who can certify you’re terminally ill (with a life expectancy of 6 months or less). If you are not terminally ill, you should not receive hospice care.
  • Never accept perks or gifts in return for signing up for hospice services.
  • Medicare will never provide “free” services like housekeeping.
  • Be suspicious if someone offers you free services like housekeeping or cooking in return for your Medicare number.
  • Medicare will never come to your home.

Report Medicare Fraud
Reporting Medicare fraud protects you and millions of other people with Medicare and those with disabilities. If you or someone you know has experienced Medicare fraud or suspect an offer you’ve received is a scam, report it as soon as possible. You will never be in trouble for reporting fraud.

To learn more, visit Medicare.gov/fraud. To report potential fraud, call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).

Information provided by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.


Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

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Kroger Exec Admits to Inflating Essential Item Prices



Kroger Exec Admits to Inflating Essential Item Prices

Inflating Essential Pricing

In a tense federal courtroom in downtown Portland, the spotlight was on Kroger executives as they faced sharp scrutiny over allegations of inflating prices on essential staples such as eggs and milk. This courtroom drama unfolded against the backdrop of Kroger’s proposed national merger with supermarket behemoth Albertsons — a move Kroger claims is vital for their competitive edge in the retail market.

Outside, the drama resonated, with Kroger-owned Fred Meyer’s workers, represented by UFCW Local 555, actively striking across Portland. Their signs, a vivid display of protest against unfair labor practices, underscored a deepening divide between corporate profits and workers’ lived realities.

The union drew a connecting line, spotlighting Kroger’s courtroom admission as emblematic of a broader corporate disregard for both consumer and employee welfare. “Kroger’s exposed strategy of upping prices on basics like milk and eggs only intensifies our drive for equitable labor terms,” the statement from UFCW Local 555 forcefully articulated.

Central to the courtroom revelations was an internal company email, wielded by FTC lawyers, authored by Kroger’s senior director for pricing, Andy Groff. The email candidly noted that the retail price upticks on milk and eggs were “significantly higher than cost inflation,” laying bare a strategy to offload elevated costs onto consumers. This disclosure stirred a noticeable reaction among courtroom attendees, piercing the veil typically shrouding corporate decision-making.

Kroger countered, urging the email’s context be considered as isolated rather than reflecting their broader price strategy. “The email in question does not define our company’s enduring commitment to compress margins and competitively price our goods,” defended a Kroger spokesperson, emphasizing ongoing responses to erratic pricing landscapes since 2020 and maintaining that their pricing aligns competitively with industry leaders like Walmart.

Simultaneously, the ongoing strike at Fred Meyer accentuated community solidarity and frustration concerning soaring living costs, linking the in-court disputes to palpable systemic issues. “It’s as if there’s ‘big corporations’ on one end and ‘everyone else’ on the other,” voiced Justin Godoy, echoing a common sentiment among shoppers disillusioned by perceived corporate avarice overshadowing basic needs.

From the corporate side, Fred Meyer linked the strike’s timing to the pivotal merger, framing the union as pivotal in safeguarding the fate of unionized grocery stores across America. “The merger underscores our commitment to the future of unionized grocery stores,” the company declared, steering the conversation towards a favorable merger outcome.

With the strike poised to continue until the following Tuesday disrupting operations across 28 stores, and an impending decision on the Kroger-Albertsons merger, the issues of corporate stewardship, labor rights, and consumer advocacy hung in balance — unresolved yet deeply interwoven. Community backing for the strikers was palpable, and the reverberations from these intertwined disputes were set to resonate well beyond Portland, casting a long shadow over the national conversation around corporate integrity and economic justice.

Further reading, check out these links.





STM Daily News is a vibrant news blog dedicated to sharing the brighter side of human experiences. Emphasizing positive, uplifting stories, the site focuses on delivering inspiring, informative, and well-researched content. With a commitment to accurate, fair, and responsible journalism, STM Daily News aims to foster a community of readers passionate about positive change and engaged in meaningful conversations. Join the movement and explore stories that celebrate the positive impacts shaping our world.


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  • Rod Washington

    Rod: A creative force, blending words, images, and flavors. Blogger, writer, filmmaker, and photographer. Cooking enthusiast with a sci-fi vision. Passionate about his upcoming series and dedicated to TNC Network. Partnered with Rebecca Washington for a shared journey of love and art. View all posts


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Understanding Inflation in Today’s US Economy: Causes, Effects, and Policy Responses



Inflation remains one of the most discussed and misunderstood economic issues affecting the United States today. With rising prices impacting everything from grocery bills to gas stations, understanding the underlying causes, ongoing impacts, heresies and speculations, and possible solutions is essential. In this blog, we delve into the complexities of inflation and examine the role of government actions, particularly under the Biden Administration, in managing this economic challenge.

one us dollar banknote on table. Inflation
Photo by Matthias Groeneveld on Pexels.com

What Causes Inflation?

Inflation can arise from several sources, categorized mainly into three types: demand-pull inflation, cost-push inflation, and built-in inflation.

  • Demand-pull inflation occurs when the demand for goods and services exceeds their supply.
  • Cost-push inflation is caused by an increase in the costs of production, such as raw materials and wages.
  • Built-in inflation emerges from the expectation of future price increases, leading workers to demand higher wages, which companies pass on to consumers as higher prices.

Understanding these mechanisms is crucial to addressing inflation effectively, as each type may require different policy responses.

Current Causes of Inflation in the US

Today, the US economy faces inflation driven largely by post-pandemic economic recovery dynamics. Key factors include supply chain disruptions, increased consumer spending, substantial government stimulus measures, and global economic pressures. Each of these factors has combined in unique ways to push prices upward, albeit hopefully temporarily.

Heresies, Speculations, and Truths

A significant point of contention and speculation revolves around the concept that corporations are exploiting these turbulent times to increase prices disproportionately, thereby boosting profits at the expense of consumers. While businesses are indeed facing increased costs, the extent to which these are being passed on to consumers varies by industry and firm, leading to debates over potential price gouging.

This raises an essential question: Are current inflation trends purely the result of macroeconomic factors, or are they exacerbated by strategic corporate pricing behaviors? The truth likely lies somewhere in between, reflecting the complex interplay of cost-driven pricing adjustments and market power.

Policy Responses and Actions by the Biden Administration

Addressing inflation requires a combination of monetary policy, fiscal adjustments, and targeted interventions.

  • Monetary Policy: Traditionally managed by the Federal Reserve, this includes manipulating interest rates and controlling the money supply to temper economic overheating.
  • Fiscal Policy: Here, government spending and taxation play roles—areas where the administration has significant influence.
  • Regulatory Measures: The government can enforce antitrust laws, monitor unfair pricing practices, and ensure a competitive market environment.

Under President Biden, the Inflation Reduction Act represents a broad policy measure ostensibly designed to tackle inflation by making long-term investments in energy infrastructure, healthcare, and tax reforms. While its name suggests an immediate reduction in inflation, its actual impacts are geared more towards future economic stability and growth.

Furthermore, the administration can support the economy through social programs, wage supports, and direct financial aid, which can alleviate the burden on consumers and help stabilize demand.

Something to Think About

While inflation remains a pressing issue, it is clear that no single policy or action can completely address its varied causes. A balanced approach that includes responsible monetary policy, prudent fiscal management, and firm regulatory oversight is essential. Moreover, clear communication and strategic planning by the administration can help set realistic expectations and guide the economy toward a more stable future.


In tackling inflation, understanding its roots, dispelling myths, and implementing a holistic strategy are vital steps forward for the Biden administration and other stakeholders. As we navigate these economic challenges, staying informed and engaged is crucial for all citizens.

References and Resources

Understanding inflation involves a multi-faceted approach, taking into account economic theories, current events, and policy impacts. Here are some resources that can provide a well-rounded view of the ongoing discussions and analyses regarding inflation in the current US economy:

  1. Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) – St. Louis Fed
  • Website: FRED – Economic Data
  • Description: Access a wealth of data on inflation, interest rates, employment, and more. An invaluable tool for analyzing economic trends.
  1. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
  • Website: BEA – U.S. Economic Accounts
  • Description: Find detailed economic analyses and data on GDP, consumer spending, and corporate profits, all of which tie into broader inflation discussions.
  1. The Economist – Finance and Economics Section
  • Website: The Economist
  • Description: Offers insightful articles on global and US economic conditions, including expert analyses on inflation and government policies.
  1. “The Causes and Consequences of Inflation” – Brookings Institution
  • Website: Brookings
  • Description: Brookings provides thorough research articles and papers on economic topics, including detailed discussions on inflation causes and effects.
  1. “Inflation Dynamics and Monetary Policy” by the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • Website: IMF Publications
  • Description: This paper discusses inflation dynamics and the impact of monetary policy, offering a global perspective that can also be applied to the US context.
  1. Wall Street Journal – Economy Section
  • Website: WSJ – Economy
  • Description: Regular updates on economic trends, inflation rates, and Federal Reserve actions, with professional commentary.
  1. “Principles of Economics” by N. Gregory Mankiw
  • Where to find: Amazon or your local bookstore
  • Description: Although not an article, this textbook provides a solid foundation in economic principles, including detailed discussions on how inflation works.
  1. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
  • Website: NBER
  • Description: A wealth of research papers on economic topics, including inflation studies that help explain current trends in the US.

By exploring these resources, you can gain a deeper insight into how inflation is currently affecting the US economy, what the potential future trends could be, and how policy decisions influence the economic outlook.

STM Daily News is a vibrant news blog dedicated to sharing the brighter side of human experiences. Emphasizing positive, uplifting stories, the site focuses on delivering inspiring, informative, and well-researched content. With a commitment to accurate, fair, and responsible journalism, STM Daily News aims to foster a community of readers passionate about positive change and engaged in meaningful conversations. Join the movement and explore stories that celebrate the positive impacts shaping our world.



  • Rod Washington

    Rod: A creative force, blending words, images, and flavors. Blogger, writer, filmmaker, and photographer. Cooking enthusiast with a sci-fi vision. Passionate about his upcoming series and dedicated to TNC Network. Partnered with Rebecca Washington for a shared journey of love and art. View all posts

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6 Steps to Help Teens Plan Financially for the Future



Financially Prepared Teens

(Family Features) For teenagers, retirement may seem like a lifetime away, but it’s never too early to start saving for the future. Because financial habits can be created at a young age, the sooner kids begin to save and learn about investing, the less likely they’ll face worries about money when they eventually stop working.

Teens are already thinking about retirement, according to the Achievement Teens & Retirement Survey conducted by Wakefield Research on behalf of Junior Achievement and MissionSquare Retirement’s Foundation. Among young adults ages 13-18 surveyed, 83% have thought about their retirement and 78% believe they’ll be able to retire comfortably when the time comes. However, only 60% view retirement as living on investments and savings after leaving work, believing instead retirement could mean taking extended time off for travel, study, illness or taking care of family matters.

“This research shows retirement is more top-of-mind for teens than one might think,” said Tim Greinert, president of Junior Achievement USA. “While young people have given retirement planning some thought, it’s apparent they still need information on the best way to go about it.”

Because nearly half of U.S. households (46%) report having nothing saved for retirement, according to the Survey of Consumer Finances, taking steps early to save and invest can help teens get a head start on achieving a successful retirement.

  1. Start now. The sooner you start, the longer you have to save and for investments to grow. Even though contributions may be small during your teens and 20s, it can make a dramatic difference in the long run.
  2. Pay yourself first. Whether through a dedicated savings account or an employer’s retirement plan, set aside a set percentage of each paycheck. Then prioritize spending on what you truly need and want.
  3. Invest what you save. Unless you save a lot, you’ll need to make the most of your savings by investing them to help them increase in value. According to the survey, teens believed investing in stocks and bonds with the help of a financial advisor (45%) or researched online (38%), buying real estate or property (30%) and buying cryptocurrency or non-fungible tokens (15%) are among the best ways to save for retirement.
  4. Find the right balance between investment risk and potential return. The ideal mix is one most likely to help meet investment goals with a level of risk you can handle. The longer you have to invest, the more risk you can likely take.
  5. Spread savings across different types of investments. This helps you manage risk. As some investments go through rough stretches, others are likely to hold steady or grow.
  6. Stick with your investing plan. Avoid making decisions based on emotions or in an attempt to time the ups and downs of the market. Focus instead on meeting goals over time.

“The fact that so many young adults in the early stages of their careers are aware of a variety of investment strategies is encouraging news,” said Deanna Santana, president, MissionSquare Foundation. “Over the course of our lifetimes, investment approaches, the economy and our priorities will change, so planning for life after work is an ongoing necessity – for teens and adults alike.”

Find more advice to plan for the future and achieve economic success at ja.org and missionsq.org.

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

Junior Achievement

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