Explore NASA's FY 2025 budget, highlighting investments in lunar exploration, climate science, space technology, aeronautics, and STEM diversity.
The 2024 Oscars: A night of wins, laughter, and elegant fashion. No mentions of past controversies, just a focus on cinematic excellence.
"International Women’s Day celebrates women's achievements, honors the past, and fights for a more equal future. Empower, support, and uplift women!"
The 58th Annual Yuma Air Show wowed attendees with aircraft demos, and music by the Marine Aircraft Wing Band.
"Discover the history and benefits of Daylight Saving Time, a practice that optimizes daylight usage and energy conservation. Learn more here!"
NASA's X-59 project aims for supersonic flight with minimal noise. Recent CarpetDIEM tests refine ground recording systems for silent sonic thumps.
Unveiling the mystery galaxy shape amidst Iceland's northern lights, a celestial spectacle captivates onlookers, blending awe and wonder.
NASA and Boeing's X-66 aircraft: A leap in eco-friendly aviation with 30% less fuel consumption and emissions, shaping a sustainable future.
Arizona Republicans unite against guaranteed-basic-income programs, citing concerns over socialism and unearned payments.
"Wildfires ravage Texas Panhandle, prompting evacuations, power outages, and a nuclear facility shutdown. Community resilience shines amid the chaos."