Barry Markovsky, University of South Carolina Most of us still call them UFOs – unidentified flying objects. NASA recently adopted the term “unidentified anomalous phenomena,” or...
In a remarkable demonstration of both the unpredictability of space and the extraordinary capabilities of modern astronomical detection, a small asteroid, designated 2024 UQ, recently made...
On November 5, 2024, the residents of Petersburg, Virginia, made history by overwhelmingly supporting the casino referendum with more than 80% of votes in favor of...
Inflation remains one of the most discussed and misunderstood economic issues affecting the United States today. With rising prices impacting everything from grocery bills to gas...
Hurricane Relief (Family Features) In the wake of Hurricanes Helene and Milton, entire communities have been torn apart, lives were lost, families displaced and children left...
Quincy Jones: The Musical Legend On November 3, 2024, the world lost an extraordinary talent and visionary, Quincy Delight Jones Jr., at the age of 91....
Renee DiResta, Stanford University; Abhiram Reddy, Georgetown University, and Josh A. Goldstein, Georgetown University Suppose you’ve spent time on Facebook over the past six months. In...
When you think of Arizona, the image of palm trees might come to mind, swaying gracefully against the backdrop of a brilliant sunset. With thousands of...
Arizona is expected to have a warmer, drier winter due to a developing La Niña, though uncertainty remains about precipitation levels, highlighting the complexity of weather...
Los Angeles Dodgers Celebration The Los Angeles Dodgers have done it again! After an exhilarating season filled with ups and downs, the Dodgers have clinched the...