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5 hábitos de sueño esenciales para la salud del corazón



(Family Features) En los días posteriores a un cambio de hora debido al horario de verano, las investigaciones muestran un marcado aumento de los ataques cardíacos y accidentes cerebrovasculares. Sin embargo, perder el sueño en cualquier momento puede ser un importante factor de riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular.

Dormir bien todas las noches es vital para la salud cardiovascular”, afirma Donald M. Lloyd-Jones, M.D., Sc.M., FAHA, ex presidente voluntario de la American Heart Association y director del Departamento de Medicina Preventiva, catedrático Eileen M. Foell de investigación cardiovascular y profesor de medicina preventiva, medicina y pediatría en la Facultad de Medicina Feinberg de la Universidad Northwestern. “Los adultos deben aspirar a un promedio de 7 a 9 horas y los bebés y los niños necesitan más dependiendo de su edad. Desafortunadamente, sabemos que 1 de cada 3 personas no duermen la cantidad de sueño recomendada cada noche”.

Según Lloyd-Jones, la cantidad de sueño y la calidad del sueño son importantes, y ambos pueden tener un impacto significativo en la salud cardiovascular, así como en la salud en general. Además de aumentar el riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardiovasculares como ataque cardíaco y accidente cerebrovascular, la falta de sueño también puede poner a las personas en riesgo de sufrir depresión, deterioro cognitivo y obesidad.

La investigación en el “Diario de la American Heart Association” muestra que mantener un patrón de sueño constante puede desempeñar un papel importante en la prevención de enfermedades cardiovasculares. Los investigadores encontraron que quedarse dormido a diferentes horas o dormir una cantidad inconsistente de horas cada noche, incluso variaciones de más de dos horas por noche dentro de la misma semana, estaban relacionados con el desarrollo de endurecimiento de las arterias, lo que se conoce como aterosclerosis.

“Sabemos que las personas que duermen lo suficiente también manejan mejor otros factores de salud, como el peso, el azúcar en la sangre y la presión arterial”, explicó Lloyd-Jones. “La American Heart Association agregó recientemente el sueño a la lista de factores que respaldan una salud cardiovascular óptima. Los llamamos Life’s Essential 8 e incluyen comer una dieta saludable, no fumar ni vapear, estar físicamente activo y dormir lo suficiente, además de controlar su presión arterial y mantener niveles saludables de colesterol y lípidos, niveles saludables de azúcar en la sangre y un peso saludable.”

Considere que estos son pequeños cambios en los hábitos diarios que pueden marcar una gran diferencia en la calidad del sueño:

  • Haga de la vida saludable un hábito: coma una dieta balanceada, realice actividad física regular y controle el estrés para fomentar una noche de sueño más saludable.
  • Establezca alarmas para la mañana y la noche: cumpla con los horarios específicos para acostarse y despertarse todos los días y comprométase con un horario de sueño constante tanto como sea posible. Junto con una alarma para despertarse, pruebe con una alarma para la hora de dormir para indicar que es hora de empezar a relajarse.
  • Establezca hábitos a la hora de acostarse: una vez que suene la alarma de la hora de acostarse, pase a un ritual familiar, como cepillarse los dientes, lavarse la cara o tomar un baño tibio.
  • Relájese y descanse: tómese unos minutos para desestresarse. Considere leer, escribir un diario, meditar o escuchar música para pasar una buena noche de descanso.
  • Tómese un descanso de la tecnología: un dormitorio sin luz ni tecnología equivale a dormir mejor, así que mantenga su teléfono y otros dispositivos alejados de la cama. Intente cerrar sesión en sus dispositivos electrónicos al menos una hora antes de acostarse.

Obtenga más información sobre la importancia del sueño para la salud del corazón en heart.org.

Foto cortesía de Getty Images

American Heart Association



Take a Rest from Stress



5 strategies to combat stressful triggers

(Family Features) Stress, the physical or mental response to external causes like overwhelming work assignments or difficult life moments, can add unnecessary pressure to your day to day. While everyone feels stress from time to time, when left untreated or unrecognized, it can begin to wreak havoc in the form of anxiety.

In honor of National Stress Awareness Month, consider these strategies to combat stress from the National Institutes of Mental Health.

Learn Your Triggers
Different events and situations cause stress for different people. Knowing what triggers your stress to kick in – mounds of office paperwork, important financial decisions or hectic mornings, for example – can help you plan and prepare for stress-inducing moments.

Exercise and Eat Right
Maintaining physical health can be beneficial for mental health, too. Find time to do exercises you enjoy like walking, jogging, yoga or playing a sport. Identifying activities that bring you joy can make it easier to fit 30-60-minute workouts into your schedule without adding even more stress. Complement your workout routine with nutritional meals that help you stay on track with your fitness goals.

Practice Relaxation
Whether you find inner peace through journaling, breathing exercises, reading or some other form of slowing down, find what works for you and prioritize fitting it into your daily schedule. Relaxing activities help you slow down the pace of life, providing a chance to reset by doing something you enjoy.

Get Enough Sleep
A lack of quality sleep can add to stress. Creating a bedtime routine can increase your sleep habits and help you achieve the expert-recommended 7-9 hours per night. Put away electronics, which can interfere with your ability to calm your mind, and find an activity that puts you at ease like reading a book or listening to relaxing music. Ensure your bedroom is optimized for comfort by making it cool, dark and quiet.

Create a Network of Support
Everyone experiences stress. Reach out to family members and close friends you can lean on in stressful and frustrating moments. Share your feelings and encourage others to do the same, which can increase trust and help everyone in your circle cope in a positive way.

Find more ways to combat stress and care for your mental health at eLivingtoday.com.


Photo courtesy of Unsplash


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Managing Asthma Triggers



(Family Features) For those with asthma, understanding what can trigger symptoms is a part of getting the condition under control. Some of the same things that cause allergies can worsen symptoms, but not every allergen is a trigger for everyone with asthma. The places where you live, learn, work and play can expose you to common asthma triggers like pet dander, dust mites, pests like rodents and cockroaches, mold, cigarette smoke, pollen, air pollution and more. Managing triggers is just one part of controlling asthma, however. Work with your health care provider to make an asthma action plan and keep track of your symptoms and where you are when they occur. Learn more at nhlbi.nih.gov/BreatheBetter.

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

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Food and Beverage

The 10 Best Healthiest Seafood Options: Nutrient-Rich and Sustainable Choices

“From sardines to salmon, discover the top 10 healthiest and sustainable seafood options for a nutrient-rich diet. 🐟🌱 #Seafood”



Free seafood boil image. "Selection of fresh and nutritious seafood options on a wooden table"

Seafood is a treasure trove of essential nutrients and beneficial compounds that can significantly contribute to a healthy diet. From the omega-3 fatty acids that promote heart health to the abundance of vitamins and minerals, incorporating seafood into your meals can have a positive impact on your overall well-being. In this blog post, we will delve into the ten best healthiest seafood options, considering their nutritional content, sustainability, and potential contaminants.

  1. Sardines:
    These small fish are incredibly nutritious, packed with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and calcium. Sardines are also low in contaminants and are considered one of the most sustainable seafood options available.
  2. Salmon:
    Salmon is well-known for its impressive omega-3 content. It also provides high-quality protein, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and selenium. Opt for wild-caught Alaskan salmon for the best nutritional benefits and sustainability.
  3. Oysters:
    Oysters are a true nutritional powerhouse, rich in vitamins B12, D, and zinc. They are a sustainable choice and an excellent source of lean protein. Including oysters in your diet not only benefits your health but also supports local marine ecosystems due to their ability to filter water.
  4. Mackerel:
    Mackerel is another fish that boasts high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, along with vitamin D, vitamin B12, and selenium. This flavorful fish is considered a sustainable choice and offers numerous health benefits.
  5. Rainbow Trout:
    Rainbow trout is a deliciously mild-flavored fish that is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin B12, and iron. It is a sustainable choice, particularly when sourced from responsible fish farms.
  6. Clams:
    Clams are an excellent source of protein, vitamin B12, iron, and selenium. They are sustainable, low in contaminants, and make a versatile addition to dishes like pasta, chowders, and stir-fries.
  7. Herring:
    Herring is an oily fish that delivers a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. It is an eco-friendly choice and can be enjoyed smoked, pickled, or grilled.
  8. Cod:
    Cod is a lean white fish that provides protein, vitamin B12, selenium, and phosphorus. It is known for its mild flavor and versatility in cooking methods.
  9. Shrimp:
    Shrimp is low in calories and rich in protein, vitamin D, and selenium. Choose sustainably sourced shrimp to minimize environmental impact and ensure a healthier choice.
  10. Anchovies:
    Anchovies may be small in size, but they are big in nutritional value. These tiny fish deliver omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, and vitamins D and E. They are also a sustainable choice when sourced responsibly.

When it comes to the healthiest seafood options, there is an abundance of choices that offer an array of essential nutrients while also being environmentally responsible. Sardines, salmon, oysters, mackerel, rainbow trout, clams, herring, cod, shrimp, and anchovies are all fantastic choices to boost your overall health while supporting sustainable fishing practices. Incorporate these nutrient powerhouses into your diet and savor the benefits they provide for your well-being and the planet.

What are the Risks of Eating Seafood?

Although seafood is a nutritious option to fulfill dietary nutrient gaps, there are some environmental and health concerns related to its consumption.

Seafood may contain toxins, viruses, parasites, and bacteria that can be harmful if consumed. To avoid getting sick, it is essential to cook fish and shellfish thoroughly. As per the USDA guidelines, most seafood should be cooked to an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit.

Contaminants, including Mercury and Others

Overconsumption of certain seafood varieties can have negative health effects due to the presence of contaminants. For instance, specific fish species contain high levels of mercury, a heavy metal that can be easily absorbed by the body. Mercury accumulation is more common in larger fish, as they consume smaller fish that have ingested mercury-rich plankton. Consequently, larger and older fish are typically the most mercury-contaminated.

Regularly consuming foods high in mercury can result in mercury accumulation in the body, leading to health problems like high blood pressure, heart attack, and developmental delay in offspring. Mercury is toxic and can have detrimental effects on the body.

Mercury can have a greater impact on certain groups, such as pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as children, who are more susceptible to its effects.

To reduce the amount of mercury in your diet, avoid consuming seafood like shark, certain types of tuna, swordfish, tilefish, and king mackerel as they have high mercury levels. Instead, opt for low-mercury options such as trout, cod, oysters, clams, herring, salmon, and sardines.


Recommendations for Incorporating Seafood into Your Eating Plan

Eating seafood can boost the quality of your diet and support and protect your health. However, it’s important to consider the nutrition and environmental impact of seafood when narrowing down options to add to your diet.

Adding seafood to your diet can boost its nutritional quality and promote your overall health. However, it is essential to consider the nutritional composition and environmental impact of various seafood options before including them in your meals.

Read the article in Health titled Healthiest Seafood Options, Ranked for further insight into the topic. https://www.health.com/healthiest-seafood-8630471


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