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5 pasos para una diversión segura bajo el sol de verano



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(Family Features) Con una gran cantidad de actividades disponibles durante los meses de verano, desde natación y caminatas hasta deportes organizados y juegos espontáneos en el jardín, la luz del sol conduce a la diversión en casi todas partes. Es importante tener en cuenta algunas precauciones de seguridad para ayudar a disfrutar esos momentos al máximo, ya sea que la diversión de su familia tenga lugar cerca del agua, en el estadio de béisbol o en el vecindario.

Considere este consejo de los expertos de la American Heart Association para un verano seguro.

Manténgase hidratado
16673 detail image embed1Los meses calurosos y húmedos conducen a realizar más actividades al aire libre donde las temperaturas cálidas pueden provocar sudoración y pérdida de líquidos y electrolitos. Mantener el cuerpo hidratado es importante para un funcionamiento óptimo, especialmente bajo el calor. Lleve consigo botellas y recipientes de agua recargables para asegurarse de beber mucha agua cuando el verano llama a la diversión en cualquier lugar. Además de beber mucha agua, puede complementar la alimentación comiendo alimentos con alto contenido de agua como melones, lechuga y pepinos. Esté atento a los signos y síntomas de deshidratación leve, que incluyen boca seca o pegajosa, dolor de cabeza, calambres musculares, fatiga o disminución de la micción. Los casos más graves pueden incluir náuseas o vómitos, confusión, mareos, latidos del corazón rápidos o irregulares, respiración rápida, convulsiones o pérdida del conocimiento.

Mantenga la piel saludable
Se debe comenzar a tomar medidas para proteger la piel antes de exponerse al sol, ya que puede ser fácil quedar atrapado en las alegrías del verano y olvidarse de esos rayos dañinos. Evitar pasar tiempo al aire libre en las horas del mediodía ayuda a limitar la exposición, pero también puede no ser una realidad para familias ocupadas con eventos deportivos, compromisos para ir a la piscina y más. El uso de protector solar puede ayudar a reducir el riesgo de quemaduras solares, cáncer de piel y aparición temprana de arrugas; los expertos recomiendan usar un factor de protección solar (SPF, por sus siglas en inglés) 30 o superior al menos 30 minutos antes de salir al sol y volver a aplicar al menos cada dos horas durante largos días al aire libre. También considere usar ropa que proteja la piel, como anteojos de sol, un sombrero de ala ancha y camisas de manga larga y pantalones ligeros.

Aprenda a realizar la RCP
Con el verano llega el descanso, la relajación y la diversión, pero también puede traer un mayor riesgo al pasar más tiempo bajo el calor y cerca del agua. Un promedio de 33 ahogamientos
ocurren en los EE. UU. cada día, según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades, y un tercio de ellos son mortales. Saber realizar la RCP (reanimación cardiopulmonar) podría ser la clave para salvar a alguien de un paro cardíaco o ahogamiento. Si se realiza de inmediato, puede duplicar o triplicar las posibilidades de supervivencia de la víctima de un paro cardíaco, según la American Heart Association. Sin embargo, solo alrededor del 40% de las personas que experimentan un paro cardíaco por fuera del hospital reciben ayuda antes de que lleguen los profesionales.

Debido a que aproximadamente el 72% de los paros cardíacos por fuera del hospital ocurren en los hogares, es probable que intente salvar la vida de un ser querido (un familiar, cónyuge, padre/madre o amigo) si se le pide que realice la RCP. Llame al 9-1-1, o envíe a alguien para que lo haga, luego presione fuerte y rápido en el centro del pecho de la persona hasta que llegue la asistencia médica. Utilice un desfibrilador externo automático (DEA), si está disponible, de acuerdo con las indicaciones. Si ha recibido capacitación, tiene una mascarilla de bolsillo y está dispuesto y es capaz, administre respiraciones, ya que son importantes para los niños y en situaciones como ahogamientos. Puede obtener más información sobre la RCP solo con las manos y la RCP convencional a través de los recursos proporcionados gracias al apoyo nacional de Elevance Health Foundation.

Practique la natación segura
Chapotear y nadar en una piscina, lago, río u océano favorito brinda recuerdos para toda la vida, pero también puede ser peligroso sin las precauciones adecuadas. Uno de los pasos más importantes es asegurarse de que los niños sepan nadar y comprendan que no está bien nadar solos, incluso para los adultos. Usar chalecos salvavidas puede prevenir accidentes, ya sea que esté en un bote o en el agua, y designar a un “vigilante del agua” que no se distraiga puede ayudar a identificar una situación peligrosa antes de que se desarrolle.

Asegure la piscina
Incluso cuando no está en uso, una piscina puede ser un peligro, especialmente para las familias con niños pequeños que pueden tener la tentación de jugar mientras los adultos no están cerca. La instalación de cercas con puertas de cierre automático de al menos 4 pies de altura alrededor de las piscinas de los patios traseros puede ayudar a separar a los niños juguetones de las situaciones peligrosas. Además, asegúrese de guardar los tubos de flotación, juguetes, flotadores y otros accesorios de la piscina una vez que termine el tiempo de bañarse en la piscina para mantenerlos fuera de la vista y de la mente; estos símbolos de diversión pueden tentar a los más pequeños y llevarlos hacia el agua cuando no hay supervisión.

Encuentre más formas de mantener segura a su familia este verano visitando


Señales de agotamiento por el calor
Cuando esos brillantes y soleados días de verano los llamen a usted y a sus seres queridos a salir, tenga en cuenta estos signos de enfermedades causadas por el calor, como calambres, agotamiento o insolación. Incluso en los días en que no parecen extremos, el calor y la humedad pueden pasar factura. Si experimenta alguno de estos síntomas, busque sombra, tómese un descanso y beba agua para bajar la temperatura de su cuerpo. Sin embargo, si los síntomas continúan y empeoran o no mejoran con la hidratación y el enfriamiento, busque atención médica.

  • Dolor muscular, calambres o espasmos
  • Sudoración abundante o pérdida de la sudoración
  • Palidez
  • Mareo
  • Dolor de cabeza
  • Náuseas o vómitos
  • Confusión
  • Desmayo o inconsciencia
  • Temperatura corporal alta (más de 100 °F) con piel seca
  • Pulso rápido

Fotos cortesía de Getty Images

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American Heart Association


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Tips for a Safe and Festive Holiday Season




(Family Features) As people prepare to gather with family and friends this holiday season, it’s important to think about health and safety.

“With the holidays just around the corner, now is the perfect time to think about how you can help protect yourself from serious illness from flu, COVID-19 and RSV – and support your loved ones in doing the same,” said Dr. Rachel Levine, assistant secretary for health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). “Vaccination is an important step in having a happy and healthy celebration.”

While preparing for holiday festivities, keep these recommendations in mind to help protect yourself from severe flu, COVID-19 and RSV.

Flu: Flu season usually peaks during the winter months, so now is a great time to get the 2024-25 flu vaccine. It’s recommended for people 6 months and older to lower their risk of infection or serious illness from the flu. In fact, people who skipped their flu shot last year were twice as likely to need medical help for the flu. The best time to get vaccinated is at least a couple of weeks before a holiday gathering. But getting vaccinated later in the season can still help. Encourage your family and friends to get the flu vaccine, too. Together you can create safer holiday celebrations.

COVID-19: Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is also important for everyone ages 6 months and older. The updated COVID-19 vaccines offer the best protection against serious illness from the virus, especially for those at higher risk. This includes people with certain health conditions or older adults, which may include parents, grandparents and great aunts or uncles. By getting vaccinated, people of all ages can lower their risk of getting severely sick. In fact, young adults are at higher risk of developing Long COVID than older adults. However, staying up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines lowers your risk of Long COVID, too.

RSV: RSV can be especially risky for older adults and babies. That’s why everyone 75 and older, people 60-74 with certain health conditions or who live in a nursing home and pregnant people should get the RSV vaccine. Pregnant people should get the RSV vaccine at 32-36 weeks of pregnancy to help protect their newborns from severe RSV during their first six months of life.

As you prepare for the holidays, remember that prevention is the best way to keep from getting seriously sick from flu, COVID-19 and RSV. By getting vaccinated now, you can enjoy the holiday season with greater confidence and less risk of missing time together. Being vaccinated helps keep your symptoms milder if you get infected after vaccination so you can do the things you want to do with less risk of spreading infection.

Talk with your doctor about which vaccines are right for you as well as for any loved ones you help care for. Visit for more information on vaccines, or visit to get started.


The Effects of Flu, COVID-19 and RSV on Different Populations

People who are Black, Hispanic or who live in rural areas may be at higher risk of severe illness from flu, COVID-19 and RSV than others. Getting vaccinated is the best protection from getting seriously sick from these viruses. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  • Last flu season, Black adults were more than twice as likely as white adults to be hospitalized for flu.
  • Last flu season, Hispanic adults were more likely than white adults to be hospitalized for flu.
  • One in 3 adults living in rural areas have never been vaccinated against COVID-19. For people living in rural areas, health services may be far away. That can mean it takes some planning to get vaccinated. But being far from medical care also means it’s even more important to lower your risk of serious illness by getting vaccinated.

Photos courtesy of Shutterstock

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United States Department of Health and Human Services

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Why sending a belated gift is not as bad as you probably think − and late is better than never

Research shows that gift recipients are less concerned about timely delivery than givers believe. Sending a late gift is often perceived more favorably than not sending anything at all.



The thoughtfulness counts more than the timeliness. Maria Korneeva/Moment via GettyImages

Rebecca Walker Reczek, The Ohio State University; Cory Haltman, The Ohio State University, and Grant Donnelly, The Ohio State University

If finding the right present and making sure the recipient gets it on time leaves you feeling anxious, you’re not alone. More than half of Americans say that gift-giving stresses them out.

Concerns about on-time delivery are so common that people share holiday deadlines for each shipping service. And in the event that you can’t meet these deadlines, there are now handy etiquette guides offering advice for how to inform the recipient.

If you’ve sent late gifts thanks to shipping delays, depleted stocks or even good old-fashioned procrastination, our new research may offer some welcome news.

In a series of studies that will soon be published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, we found that people overestimate the negative consequences of sending a late gift.

Trying to follow norms

Why do people tend to overestimate these consequences? Our findings indicate that when people give presents, they pay more attention to norms about gifting than the recipients do.

For example, other researchers have found that people tend to be reluctant to give used products as presents because there’s a norm that gifts should be new. In reality, though, many people are often open to receiving used stuff.

We found that this mismatch also applies to beliefs about the importance of timing. Many people worry that a late gift will signal that they don’t care about the recipient. They then fear their relationship will suffer.


In reality, though, these fears are largely unfounded. Gift recipients are much less worried about when the gift arrives.

Unfortunately, aside from causing unnecessary worry, being overly sensitive about giving a late present can also influence the gift you choose to buy.

A Postal Service worker places packages on a parcel sorting machine.
A U.S. Postal Service worker places packages on a parcel sorting machine on Dec. 12, 2022. Alejandra Villa Loarca/Newsday RM via Getty Images

Compensating for lateness

To test how lateness concerns affect gift choice, we conducted an online study before Mother’s Day in 2021. We had 201 adults participate in a raffle. They could choose to send their mother either a cheaper gift basket that would arrive in time for the occasion or a more expensive one that would arrive late.

Concerns about lateness led nearly 70% of the participants to choose the less expensive and more prompt option.

In another study, we conducted the same kind of raffle for Father’s Day and got similar results.

Aside from finding that people will choose inferior items to ensure speedier delivery, we also found that givers may feel that they can compensate for lateness with effort.

In another online study of 805 adults, we discovered that participants were less likely to expect a late delivery to damage a relationship if they signaled their care for the recipient in a different way. For example, they believed that putting an item together by hand, versus purchasing it preassembled, could compensate for a present being belated.

Better late than never?

If sending something late isn’t as bad as expected, you may wonder whether it’s OK to simply not send anything at all.


We’d caution against going that route.

In another online study of 903 participants, we found that recipients believed that not receiving anything at all was more likely to harm a relationship than receiving something as much as two months late.

That is, late is better than never as far as those receiving gifts are concerned.

You may want to keep that in mind, even if that new gaming console, action figure or virtual reality headset is sold out this holiday season. It could still be a welcome surprise if it arrives in January or February.

Rebecca Walker Reczek, Professor of Marketing, The Ohio State University; Cory Haltman, Ph.D. Candidate in Marketing, The Ohio State University, and Grant Donnelly, Assistant Professor of Marketing, The Ohio State University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.


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Consumer Corner

Helpful Hints for the Holidays




(Family Features) Gift-giving during the holiday season shouldn’t be stressful. In fact, finding gifts for your loved ones should be as much fun as giving (and receiving) them.

Holiday Tips

No matter if you’re shopping for the fashionista, the foodie, the workout warrior, the tech expert, the beauty-focused or nearly anyone else on your list, this helpful guide of gift ideas to match a variety of personalities and interests can make the holiday season extra special for both the giver and recipient.

Find more holiday gift-giving inspiration at

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Give the Gift of Skin Nourishment

This holiday season, give your loved ones the gift of brighter, healthier-looking skin. Clinically formulated by experts and health care professionals for every skin care need, Medline Remedy products combine advanced skin care science with gentle, therapeutic ingredients. The proprietary Remedy Nutrient Complex nourishes, soothes and supports moisture balance while caring for even the most sensitive skin. Find the full product line from the No. 1 skin care brand in health care (according to Clarivate health care market data through December 2023) at and

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Power Productivity and Connection

Perfect for that special someone who’s always connected, fuel his or her productivity with Galaxy AI on the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 powered globally by Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. Enjoy multitasking on up to three windows using multi-active Window, speak with someone in another language with live translations you both can see and experience desktop-level gaming with ray tracing. Plus, your loved one can enjoy ultra-fast connectivity for all that chatting, social networking, gaming and more with Qualcomm FastConnect 7800. Find more information at

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Share Memories with Loved Ones

With sleek designs to fit nearly any decor, a digital picture frame is a thoughtful way to share and display a continuous slideshow of photos on a mantel, bookshelf or desk. Simply upload pictures via USB, SD card, Wi-Fi or a frame-specific app, and your loved one can relive special moments every day. Some models also offer video playback, calendar implementation and automatic cropping, brightness and power-saving functions, making them a multifunctional addition to any home or office space.

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Provide Relief and Relaxation

Ideal for athletes, fitness enthusiasts or anyone with a physically demanding lifestyle, a handheld massage gun can help alleviate muscle tension, improve circulation and speed up recovery after workouts, making one an optimal gift for anyone on your list who could use a well-being boost. Easy to use, these compact devices use percussive therapy to target sore muscles and provide deep tissue massage by using various attachments and adjustable speed settings to target different muscle groups and customize the massage experience.

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Take Tunes Anywhere You Go

Whether your loved ones enjoy outdoor adventures or relaxing at home, Bluetooth speakers are a perfect gift idea to enhance the listening experience no matter where they are. With a variety of sizes and styles available, you can find something that fits every music lover’s taste, from compact and portable options to larger, high-fidelity models for home use. Many speakers also include additional features like waterproofing, floatability, long battery life, power banks for external device charging and voice assistant integration.

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Upgrade Beauty Essentials

Whether you’re shopping for a beauty novice or a seasoned pro, makeup can make for a quick and easy stocking stuffer. Consider a curated set that includes items like mascara, lipstick, brushes, eyeshadow palettes and other tools to complete their beauty routine. Opting for a limited-edition holiday collection can add a festive touch to your gift. For a more personalized approach, create a custom kit tailored to the recipient’s preferences to provide joy and confidence well beyond the holiday season.

Photos courtesy of Shutterstock (family opening gifts, picture frame, massage gun, speaker, makeup)

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Medline Remedy


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