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Leading FemTech Pioneer’s “The Motherload: The weight of limited postpartum support” Survey Shows That Women Face a Trio of Serious Pregnancy & Postpartum Challenges



NEW YORK /PRNewswire/ — Today, Elvie, the disruptive global FemTech health and wellness brand, releases “The Motherload: The weight of limited postpartum support,” their first-ever report, in partnership with Mother.ly, putting the state of maternal health under the microscope. The study of over 1,000 women with children has uncovered a trio of serious pregnancy and postpartum challenges that mothers currently face. 

Elvie: State of Maternal Health Report

As a female-founded and female-grounded company, Elvie has worked tirelessly to empower women through radical female-first technology that harnesses their incredible biology. The brand is taking this one step further with their newest report, partnering with Mother.ly to unveil research detailing the challenges mothers face when it comes to the fourth trimester, breastfeeding, pelvic floor health and mental health and the intersection between those and technology.

Based on the survey Elvie conducted in February 2024, mothers are finding that they can successfully turn to both family and technology to ease their challenges, but are often left wanting by doctors, employers and their political policy landscape. Findings from the study also uncover that while mothers expect postpartum challenges to occur, they’re often complicated by a lack of strong support and poor maternity leave policies.

“With this new research, we’re demonstrating something those mothers already know: postpartum care in the US is simply not good enough.” says Tania Boler, Founder & President of Elvie. “While they rely on and are comfortable with technology, whether it be a pump, ovulation tracker or pregnancy app, there’s an increase in frustration surrounding unexpected challenges and unknowns when it comes to their maternal health.

“Women are looking to feel as sure in their doctors as they are in their trusted technology. But today’s current maternal health issues – from lack of education and paid leave to physical and mental challenges – are having a tremendous impact on how women navigate both the pre- and post-natal landscape. Better medical, social, and governmental aid are crucial to empower the women raising the next generation.”

Enlisting one of the brand’s largest innovative marketing strategies, Elvie is unveiling their first-ever billboard in Times Square timed to the release of the report, doubling down on its commitment to women and postpartum challenges they face. The billboard’s creative will include an animation flipping through a variety of words relating to challenges that the majority of women in the report faced such as “Baby Blues,” “Bleeding,” “Loneliness,” “Breastfeeding,” and more, to bring to life the often undiscussed issues discussed in the report.

The billboard, as well as additional marketing channels, will lead back to a landing page for the maternal health report featuring different modules of the survey’s findings with a call to action for consumers to download the report and “mama’s game plan,” which includes educational content surrounding fourth trimester challenges.


Majority of new moms feel more prepared to use postpartum technology than to deal with lack of sleep, finding breastfeeding to be the biggest postpartum challenge, alongside untreated pelvic floor issues and compounded mental health & physical health challenges.

Boobie Trapped

  • 83% report breastfeeding for at least 1 month.
  • Breastfeeding or pumping (74%) is the most common need in the postpartum health journey after sleep (82%).
  • The single biggest misconception about postpartum care: thinking breastfeeding would be easier (48%).
  • 84% of moms experienced at least mild breast feeding complications after giving birth; 27% had severe complications.
  • Almost as many mothers stop breastfeeding due to the challenges of breastfeeding than due to natural reasons. 42% stop because of return to work constraints, lack of support, difficulty balancing breastfeeding with other duties, sleep issues, mental health issues, or pain/discomfort. 56% stop because of insufficient supply, a transition to solids, or the baby deciding it’s time.

Let’s (Not) Talk About Pelvic Floor

  • A 56% majority did kegels or pelvic floor exercises before having a baby, but 79% still experienced at least mild pelvic floor issues after giving birth.
  • Only 31% were satisfied with the level of pelvic floor treatment offered after giving birth.
  • Just 19% spoke about their pelvic floor health often with their healthcare provider during their postpartum phase.

Mental vs. Physical

  • 77% of moms experienced at least mild mental health complications after giving birth.
  • Of these, 20% had severe mental health complications.
  • Only 28% say they had good mental health during the postpartum period, but only 31% had professional mental health support.

It’s All About Family

  • 94% felt supported by their partner during their pregnancy experience, and 90% felt supported by their partner during the postpartum experience.
  • 83% considered their partners/family to be supportive to their mental health during their experience.
  • By contrast, only 14% said they felt partner/family support was needed but missing.


Most women understand and rely on technology for postpartum recovery support more than the support from their doctors, but are confused by and lack awareness of postpartum policy solutions.

Technology is Queen

  • 97% relied on technology to support their postpartum recovery. Electric breast pumps (72%) are the most common technology mothers turned to after baby monitors (75%)
  • 75% relied on technology to support their prenatal phase. Smartphone apps (57%) are the most commonly-used technology.
  • 81% say tech products and services made their motherhood journey easier.
  • 68% agree that the tech products/services they used for prenatal and postnatal care played an important role in supporting them. 67% say their tech products were always reliable and 74% say they were well-designed.
  • 26% say the access they had to smart technology, products and services was the most valuable support they received, statistically tied with professional healthcare support (28%).
  • 82% of moms who had access to high tech breastfeeding products say they were effective. By contrast, 77% of those who used a lactation consultant rate the service as effective.
  • 58% felt prepared to take advantage of available tech solutions after their pregnancy, significantly more than the level of preparation for breastfeeding, sleep challenges, childcare and relationship challenges.

What Are The Rules?

  • Only 21% are very familiar with their state’s maternity rights.
  • Only 30% know what the “Pump Act” covers.
  • Most mothers recognize breastfeeding rights, including:
    • 89% the right to a private space (not a bathroom) at work.
    • 84% the right to a break at work long enough to pump.
    • 81% the right to breastfeed in public.
    • 67% believe they have a right to a free electric breast pump.


While mothers understand that postpartum challenges are guaranteed, they’re often complicated by a lack of strong structural support and poor paid maternity leave policies. 

Time Out & Time Off

  • Only 16% expected an easy/quick recovery in the postpartum period, and only 25% felt prepared for this phase as a result of their prenatal care.
  • Only 25% of moms who experienced severe complications predicted they would have significant physical or emotional difficulties in the postpartum period.
  • Only 23% felt very supported by their doctor, midwife, or other healthcare provider.
  • Postpartum challenges were exacerbated by lack of paid maternity leave, which was only available to 59% of moms (64% of those who work full time and 24% who do not)
    • 60% took less than 2 months of paid maternity leave
    • 72% of moms with severe complications were still back to work within 6 months

About Elvie
Elvie is a disruptive global women’s health and wellness brand which uses smart technology to create superior products for women. Founded in 2013 by Tania Boler, Elvie brings together a team of world-class engineers, designers and business minds to develop extraordinary products that improve women’s lives — revolutionizing categories which had been overlooked for many years, including breastfeeding and pelvic floor health.

The first to launch, Elvie Trainer, is an award-winning Kegel trainer and connected app that allows women to take charge of their pelvic floor with expert-designed care from home. Elvie’s second product, Elvie Pump, is the smallest, quietest and smartest (and only Piezo-Powered™) wearable breast pump. Slipping discreetly in-bra, moms can pump, hands-free, whenever and wherever they want.

Elvie now has six products on the market, and continues to expand its product line and innovate new solutions for more women to have access to products that work smarter and harder for their bodies.

In 2021, Elvie launched Elvie Stride, a hands-free, hospital-grade electric pump that allows mothers to express on-the-go without compromising on pumping performance. Stride Plus launched six months later, featuring the award-winning Elvie Stride breast pump, along with a 3-in-1 Carry Bag that includes a wet bag for mess-free travel, and a cool bag and ice pack to keep breast milk fresh. Elvie Curve and Elvie Catch both work to enhance the Elvie breastfeeding range – Elvie Curve is a manual, silicone in-bra breast pump that uses natural suction to optimize milk output, and Elvie Catch is a set of two secure milk collection cups that replace the need for single-use breast pads.

For more information visit www.elvie.com.



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Unique, Hands-Free Ways to Soothe Your Baby

To bring baby from cries to comfort, Graco has introduced the future of innovative soothing with its Soothing Bassinet and Soothing Swing.



(Family Features) Most parents know – or soon will – crying is completely normal for babies. Even once you’ve determined a cause for the cries, finding foolproof ways to soothe baby can be difficult.

While traditional methods of soothing like bassinets and swings are often effective, they typically require parents to always be close by to keep baby calm. Bassinets and swings with innovative, soothing technology can help provide the safest place outside your arms to ensure baby is comforted and secure, allowing busy parents to have peace of mind while managing everyday tasks.

To bring baby from cries to comfort, Graco has introduced the future of innovative soothing with its Soothing Bassinet and Soothing Swing. Using SmartSense technology, they respond to cries with thousands of soothing combinations to help create more peaceful, happy moments for you and your baby.

Find more solutions to help calm and soothe your little ones by exploring the collection at GracoBaby.com.

Soothe Baby Back to Sleep
Bassinets are recommended for newborns until they can roll over or push up (typically around 5 months old). Creating a fully immersive sleep environment, the Graco SmartSense Soothing Bassinet hears baby’s cries and responds by gradually adjusting thousands of soothing combinations to help lull baby back to sleep, including gentle motions, soft vibration, multiple speeds, white noise and calming music. Parents can also directly control the settings or stream songs and sounds via Bluetooth wireless technology. Its sleek aesthetic and woodgrain finish fit seamlessly into home decor while breathable, mesh sides and a firm, flat sleeping surface help create a safe sleep space for baby. Plus, the bassinet offers swaddle compatibility, allowing babies to sleep soundly by adapting to their needs whether swaddled or not.

Rock Your Baby to Comfort
Mimicking the way parents naturally soothe their babies, the Graco SmartSense Soothing Swing offers four unique motions – swing, rock, cradle and glide – as well as combinations of soft vibrations, speeds, white noise and calming sounds to help create more peaceful, happy moments. It boasts technology that hears your baby cry and responds in seconds with calming sound and motion. The swing also features a cozy body support made with organic cotton fabrics, three recline positions and a convertible harness with harness covers to keep your baby comfy and secure while swinging.




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6 Natural Ways to Protect Your Health



(Family Features) Natural and plant-based remedies have been around for centuries, and for everyday treatments like minor cuts, scrapes and rashes, they can have real benefits. In fact, the global herbal medicine market is expected to reach $342 billion by 2030, according to a forecast by Research and Markets.

In North America, a green movement is spurring a large share of this growth, with consumers more inclined toward natural and plant-based medicines. Concerns about side effects, long-term impact and safety also affect the choices people are making when it comes to treating their medical concerns.

“Natural and plant-based remedies have been around for centuries, treating everything from common cold symptoms to dressing wounds and caring for injuries,” said Dr. Billy Goldberg, a New York Times’ bestselling author and emergency room physician. “As people increasingly turn to more natural tried-and-true ingredients, some companies are taking note and beginning to incorporate them into products that provide the healing power of nature.”

Goldberg and the first-aid experts at CURAD, which have made adhesive bandages since 1951, offer these suggestions for natural common ingredients that can help protect your health:

Vitamin E – Studies by the National Institute on Health have shown that vitamin E helps soothe and support skin during the healing process. Vitamin E may also help promote immunity and prevent arterial blood clots.

Aloe Vera – Few things soothe sunburn like aloe vera. With analgesic, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, aloe vera gel helps reduce pain and inflammation. Also helpful in the healing process of cuts and scrapes, the CURAD Naturals line of adhesive bandages are infused with aloe vera in the wound pad and surface of the bandage, which is enriched with the antioxidant vitamin E to help soothe and moisturize skin.

Garlic – Used for centuries for wound healing, garlic extract has been found to improve healing time and decrease rate of infection. Ingesting garlic may also head off symptoms of the common cold and help reduce blood pressure.

Baking Soda – Bicarbonate of soda, commonly known as baking soda, can be used for more than baking. From removing stains to cleaning teeth and more, it can also be used to help treat a variety of wounds. In addition to being an odor absorber, it can be applied to insect stings and bites, such as those from bees or mosquitoes.

Whether making a paste using baking soda and water then applying to the bite or using an option like CURAD Naturals adhesive bandages featuring baking soda, the chemical compound can help soothe skin. In addition to absorbing wound odor, the bandages provide skin-friendly comfort and stretch with a four-sided seal to keep dirt and germs out.

Honey – Sweet and highly acidic, honey’s antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make it a good choice for dressing wounds since it encourages healing and prevents infections. Honey may also help soothe coughs.

Charcoal – Activated charcoal may have an antibacterial effect by absorbing harmful microbes from wounds. Similarly, it can be used to treat poisoning or drug overdose and may help with digestive problems. It’s also thought to play a role in lowering cholesterol and improving kidney function, and some dental care products use it as a whitening agent.

Learn more about natural health care and first-aid products at CURAD.com.

Photos courtesy of Getty Images



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REI Co-op to Opt Outside year-round: Co-op kicks off the summer with 300+ free classes and events across the country

Opt Outside
Nearly 6,000 people are expected to join hiking, paddling, and other programs as they prioritize time outside



Opt Outside
Specialty outdoor retailer REI Co-op is doubling down on its bold commitment to Opt Outside by calling a time out when life feels like it is on autopilot. REI will host 300+ free classes and day tours on Saturday, June 15 to highlight how the co-op supports its members and broader outdoor community with resources, expertise and inspiration. https://www.rei.com/opt-outside REI.com/OptOutsideFreeDay

SEATTLE /PRNewswire/ — Specialty outdoor retailer REI Co-op is doubling down on its bold commitment to Opt Outside by calling a time out when life feels like it is on autopilot. REI will host 300+ free classes and day tours on Saturday, June 15 to highlight how the co-op supports its members and broader outdoor community with resources, expertise and inspiration. Registration opens today at REI.com/OptOutsideFreeDay.

REI Opt Outside: Music credit to @Drdogmusic. Specialty outdoor retailer REI Co-op is doubling down on its bold commitment to Opt Outside by calling a time out when life feels like it is on autopilot. REI will host 300+ free classes and day tours on Saturday, June 15 to highlight how the co-op supports its members and broader outdoor community with resources, expertise and inspiration. Registration at REI.com/OptOutsideFreeDay.

“Opt Outside is much bigger than one day of the year—it’s the way we live. It’s the clearest expression of what REI is all about,” says Ben Steele, REI executive vice president and chief customer officer. “Simply put, time outside is fundamental to the health and happiness of individuals and communities. Today, too many people feel like their time isn’t their own and all of us know we spend too much of our time indoors. We can make a different choice. From our incredible store staff to our professional guides and much more, the co-op is here to be a resource for everyone to have a healthy, active life outside.”

On June 15, REI will host a free curated collection of its most popular in-store workshops and local guided hiking and paddling tours with retail staff, the co-op’s experiences guides and community partners. In a single day, nearly 6,000 people will get outside and learn new outdoor skills and activities. At select stores, REI will be joined by body positivity influencer and yoga instructor Adina Crawford, Adaptive Adventures, All Bodies on Bikes, Black Girls Do Bike, Black Girls RUN!, Latino Outdoors, and The Venture Out Project.

REI’s Opt Outside landing page, REI.com/opt-outside, serves as an easy-to-access tool to learn more about virtual and in-person resources offered year-round by the co-op. For example:

  • More than 38,200 enthusiasts participated in 4,800 day experiences programs across 14 communities last year. REI teaches more people how to ride bikes every year than any other outfitter.
  • REI offers 150 adventure travel trips throughout North America, including three new itineraries launched in partnership with Outdoor Afro, Inc. that celebrate Black joy in nature. 
  • Stores regularly host introductory classes on a wide range of activities for hiking, camping, cycling and more.

REI is also amplifying its partnerships with Hipcamp and Strava to broaden awareness of meaningful ways to prioritize time outside. The world’s leading campsite booking brand and the co-op launched the “Summer of Magic Campout Series” to surprise thousands of people with free campouts during peak weekends throughout the summer. The co-op will also continue to team with Strava, the leading subscription platform at the center of connected fitness, through new challenges that will be announced in the weeks ahead.

As the co-op has done since 2015, REI will continue to pause operations on Thanksgiving and Black Friday so that all employees can spend the day outside. This holiday season marks 10 years of REI calling on the broader community to join the co-op in its action. Over the years, Opt Outside has evolved to a movement that advocates for causes important to the co-op, including environmental welfareinclusivity in the outdoor industry and responsible recreation. Since its inception, hundreds of organizations, state and local parks, and businesses have joined the co-op in opting outside on Black Friday. 

About the REI Co-op
REI is a specialty outdoor retailer, headquartered near Seattle. The nation’s largest consumer co-op, REI is a growing community of 24 million members who expect and love the best quality gear, inspiring expert classes and trips, and outstanding customer service. If you can’t visit one of our many stores, you can shop at REI.comREI Outlet or the REI shopping app. Everyone is welcome to shop REI, but members who join the co-op enjoy a range of benefits. More than a retailer, REI is a purpose-driven and values-led company dedicated to enabling life outside for all. 




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