health and wellness
Manténgase seguro y saludable durante y después de las emergencias
4 consejos para prepararse ante desastres naturales que pueden impactar negativamente la salud física y mental
(Family Features) Mientras elabora su lista de verificación de preparación para emergencias, también es importante proteger su corazón y salud general después de un huracán, tornado u otro desastre natural.
Los expertos de la Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica predicen por séptimo año consecutivo una temporada de huracanes en el Océano Atlántico superior al promedio. Las investigaciones muestran que no es sólo la devastación física lo que afecta la salud y la seguridad de las personas en el camino de un desastre natural.
De hecho, en un estudio presentado en las sesiones científicas de Epidemiología, prevención, estilo de vida y salud cardiometabólica de 2021 de la American Heart Association, los investigadores encontraron que existían mayores tasas de presión arterial alta, obesidad y prediabetes entre los sobrevivientes del huracán María en Puerto Rico en 2017, así como una mayor incidencia de enfermedades cardíacas y ataque cerebral dos años después de la tormenta en comparación con dos años antes del huracán.
No son sólo los huracanes los que pueden tener un impacto negativo en la salud cardiovascular. Un estudio publicado en la revista “Hypertension” encontró un aumento significativo en los niveles de presión arterial y la incidencia de presión arterial alta entre las personas que se vieron obligadas a evacuar después del gran terremoto del este de Japón en 2012.
Gustavo E. Flores, M.D., miembro del comité de Atención Cardiovascular de Emergencia de la American Heart Association, dijo que hay varios factores que pueden conducir a un aumento de la enfermedad y el riesgo cardiovascular enfermedad de un desastre natural.
“Durante y después de una tormenta, muchas personas experimentan estrés y traumas extremos, lo que, según las investigaciones, puede provocar un aumento del riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular”, afirmó. “El impacto puede ser más intenso para los pacientes con enfermedades cardíacas y accidentes cerebrovasculares. Además, después de un desastre natural importante, la destrucción de propiedades y las evacuaciones afectan muchos recursos de apoyo básicos. Esto puede dificultar la consulta a un profesional de la salud para controles de rutina o para reabastecer o ajustar medicamentos, especialmente para las poblaciones más vulnerables”.
Flores, presidente e instructor jefe de Emergency & Critical Care Trainings, LLC, dijo que es importante que las personas estén preparadas y planifiquen con anticipación. Considere estos rápidos consejos de Flores y la American Heart Association, que celebra 100 años de servicio para salvar vidas como la principal organización sin ánimo de lucro del mundo centrada en la salud del corazón y el cerebro para todos:
- Tómese el tiempo para anotar cualquier condición médica, alergias y medicamentos, incluidas las dosis y la hora en que toma los medicamentos, junto con el nombre, la dirección y el número de teléfono de su farmacia. Guarde la información con cualquier otro “kit de emergencia” que tenga a mano para una evacuación rápida.
- Si necesita evacuar, aunque sea temporalmente, lleve sus medicamentos e información de salud en una bolsa de plástico con cierre para ayudar a mantenerla seca.
- Si su medicamento se pierde, se daña con el agua o se quedó atrás cuando evacuó, investigue las farmacias abiertas y solicite un resurtido lo más rápido posible. Algunos estados permiten a los farmacéuticos hacer excepciones médicamente necesarias en ciertos tipos de resurtidos de recetas durante una emergencia.
- Utilice el Plan de preparación del paciente si tiene diabetes y usa insulina. Allí encontrará una lista de verificación de suministros y pautas para prepararse para una emergencia.
Otra forma de prepararse para una posible emergencia médica es aprender a realizar reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) con las manos únicamente y a utilizar un desfibrilador externo automático hasta que llegue la ayuda. Si se realiza correctamente, la RCP puede duplicar o triplicar las posibilidades de supervivencia de una persona.
Visite para obtener lo último sobre la salud del corazón y la página de recursos para desastres para obtener una amplia gama de información útil.
Foto cortesía de Shutterstock
American Heart Association
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American Diabetes Month: We Fight for You
ARLINGTON, Va. /PRNewswire/ — November is American Diabetes Month®, a time for the American Diabetes Association® (ADA) and the world to rally behind the fight to end diabetes. Nationwide, over 38 million people have diabetes and nearly 98 million have prediabetes. In the last 20 years, the number of Americans with diagnosed diabetes has more than doubled.
American Diabetes Month
For many, a diagnosis of diabetes brings shock and worry about costs, care and how life will change. The ADA is here with resources to meet people where they are, offering nutrition and diabetes education, mental health encouragement, and evidence-based recommendations for diabetes treatments and technologies.
“While the statistics are stark, this American Diabetes Month we’re reminded that behind every number is a person, likely someone you know or love, with their own story. It’s a friend struggling to afford insulin, a child placing an insulin pump for the first time, or a neighbor who just learned that diabetes is causing their blurred vision. At the American Diabetes Association, we’re fighting for a cure for all of them,” said Charles “Chuck” Henderson, the ADA’s chief executive officer.
The ADA’s vision, life free of diabetes and all its burdens, is more critical than ever before. Through advocacy and education, we’re fighting to improve the quality of life for everyone affected by diabetes. We’re driving discovery and research to treat, manage, and prevent diabetes while working relentlessly for a cure.
This American Diabetes Month, join us in raising awareness about diabetes and the lives it touches. Learn your risk of developing diabetes and encourage friends and family to do the same. Talk to your health care provider. Stay informed. Share your story. And join the fight at
American Diabetes Month is supported by National Sponsor Parodontax.
About the American Diabetes Association
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) is the nation’s leading voluntary health organization fighting to end diabetes and helping people thrive. For 84 years, the ADA has driven discovery and research to prevent, manage, treat, and ultimately cure diabetes. There are 136 million Americans living with diabetes or prediabetes. Through advocacy, program development, and education, we’re fighting for them all. To learn more, visit us at or call 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383). Join the fight with us on Facebook (American Diabetes Association), Spanish Facebook (Asociación Americana de la Diabetes), LinkedIn (American Diabetes Association), and Instagram (@AmDiabetesAssn).
SOURCE American Diabetes Association
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Take the Stress Out of Introducing Solid Foods to Baby: 6 pediatrician-recommended tips
Watching your baby learn and grow can provide some of the most rewarding moments in life, full of emotions from parents and babies alike.
(Family Features) Watching your baby learn and grow can provide some of the most rewarding moments in life, full of emotions from parents and babies alike. Some milestones are more stressful or frustrating than others and, during these moments of newness, seeking guidance from health care professionals can go a long way.
Healthy Baby
As the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recognize, the time period from 6-24 months is when babies begin building healthy eating patterns and experience eating a variety of foods, including vegetables, fruits and whole grains. This journey can be stressful for parents as they begin to navigate what and how much is right to feed their babies. As parents begin to explore this fun and messy milestone, they often question what and how much is right to feed baby and seek guidance from experts.
While every child is different and parents should always defer to their pediatrician to be sure their baby is developmentally ready for solid foods, consider these six tips and tricks based on frequently asked questions for transitioning to solids from Dr. Whitney Casares, MD, MPH, pediatric medical consultant for Gerber.
- Make sure baby is ready: Most babies start solid foods between 4-6 months old. Watch for signs your baby is ready to start solids like good head control, sitting up with support and swallowing food instead of pushing it back out onto his or her chin. Don’t introduce solids to your baby before 4 months old. Your pediatrician can offer guidance about when the time is right for your little one.
- Timing is everything: When you’re first introducing solids, choose a moment in the day when your baby is happy and alert. Weekends tend to be easier times to start solid foods for families than busy weekdays. The more you can be in the moment with your child during those first feeding experiences, the better for you and him or her.
- Feed your baby the rainbow: Offer baby a diverse array of fruits, vegetables, iron-fortified whole grains and meats. Over the first six months of your baby’s feeding journey, iron-fortified cereals and purees can make feeding your baby convenient and simple. From apple and pear to zucchini, butternut squash and parsnips, Gerber’s 1st and 2nd foods lines offer a variety of purees that are just the right consistency for babies to practice tongue movements and advance their eating skills. Your baby’s first tries at swallowing solid foods may be awkward and require practice. Offering a small amount of breastmilk or formula before solids can help ensure he or she is not uncomfortably hungry.
- Supervise baby: Babies should always be supervised and seated in a secured highchair when eating, and parents should avoid choking hazards like whole grapes, nuts or cherry tomatoes. Use a soft, rubber-tipped spoon and start by guiding the spoon to his or her mouth with both your hand and your child’s hand on the spoon.
- Baby-led feeding: Consider baby-led feeding as a way to capitalize on the best aspects of baby-led weaning and spoon-feeding. Offer small amounts of nutritious foods in soft, easy-to-pick-up chunks appropriate for your baby’s developmental stage in addition to purees by pre-loading the spoon with your baby’s favorite puree or infant cereal for him or her to self-feed. As your baby gets older, look for baby-led friendly snacks, such as Gerber Lil’ Crunchies, that are specifically designed for babies to self-feed and fortified with key nutrients.
- Don’t get discouraged: Just because your baby makes a “yuck” face after trying a food for the first time doesn’t mean you should give up on it. Babies often need to try solid foods several times before they grow accustomed to them. Don’t be discouraged if your first attempt with a food seems less than successful; it’s all part of the process.
For more expert tips and resources for introducing solid foods, visit
Photos courtesy of Getty Images
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health and wellness
5 Tips to Keep Kids Healthy During the Holidays
(Family Features) As the year comes to a close, the weather gets colder and indoor festivities ramp up. Keeping children and their families healthy during the holidays should be a priority for everyone.
Healthy Kids
“While gathering with friends and loved ones is an exciting and important part of the holiday season, staying healthy should still be on top of your ‘to-do’ list,” said Drs. Tress Goodwin and Joelle Simpson, KinderCare medical advisors. “Simple actions can be some of the most effective at keeping everyone healthy to ensure this season is a joyous one.”
Consider these five tips from KinderCare’s medical experts to keep in mind throughout the holidays.
- Wash hands regularly. One of the simplest ways to prevent germ spreading is to wash your and your children’s hands often using soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer. Try to remember to wash your hands after leaving public places, before eating and after any diaper change or restroom visit. If someone in your home is not feeling well, wash your hands more often.
- Share joy, not germs. Try to distance yourself from anyone who is sick (like those with coughs and colds) and avoid close contact with others when you or your child are sick. Encourage children to cough or sneeze into their elbows if no tissues are available. As a good at-home practice, regularly clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces such as toys, cabinet and doorknobs, counters and tabletops.
- Keep meals well-balanced. Offer a healthy snack before holiday treats or make healthier versions of holiday favorites. Consider healthy snack options like fresh vegetables, fruits and dip, dried fruits, nuts or roasted sweet potatoes that can boost immunity for children and help balance out sugary treats. It’s also important to remember to eat healthy portion sizes and encourage children to listen to their bodily cues for hunger and fullness. Avoid juices or other sugary drinks and encourage children to drink plenty of water.
- Schedule personal time and get plenty of rest. Festivities can be merry but also overwhelming, especially for young children. Loud music, bright lights, lots of people and changes in schedules can leave them feeling overstimulated, which can lead to emotional outbursts. Make sure to leave some time in your week for simple joys, like cuddling up to read a book together or quiet play with immediate family members, so children have a chance to step out of the hustle and bustle. Remember holidays are meant to be fun, not stressful. While it may be tempting to pack every day with fun-filled activities, try to maintain children’s routines, including nap and bedtime schedules.
- Stay active. No matter what the weather is like, kids still need time to be physically active. Indoor play can be just as effective as time spent on the playground. Get creative with at-home winter fun with activities like dance parties, scavenger hunts and kids’ yoga. You can also visit indoor locations such as malls and museums to get those legs moving.
For more information or tips on holiday eating, indoor exercise and keeping children safe during the holidays, visit
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