IceCube Observatory Creates First Map of Milky Way Without Using Electromagnetic Waves
Simulations on PSC’s Bridges-2 System Help Identify Signals in Huge Antarctic Ice Sheet Neutrino Detector

Newswise — We’ve learned a lot about the Universe from telescopes that are sensitive to anything from high-energy gamma waves to visible light to low-energy radio waves. But detecting such electromagnetic waves has limitations. Using PSC’s Bridges-2 system to simulate signals in their Antarctic IceCube detector, an international collaboration of scientists has now made the first map of the Milky Way galaxy using particles called neutrinos — the first map of a cosmic structure that didn’t depend on electromagnetic waves.
As our technology has progressed, we have devised new and more ingenious ways to observe and measure the Universe. Telescopes let us see objects in visible light; radio telescope dishes let us see new objects, as well as different behaviors by previously seen objects. Space launches allowed telescopes to have unprecedented clarity, as well as to see through opaque clouds using infrared light. Each of these leaps in technology literally opened new worlds for us. But they all detected electromagnetic waves, which can be distorted, absorbed, and generally scrambled by stuff in between us and what we’re trying to look at.
The first detection of gravitational waves in 2016 completely changed that. It represented a completely new way of looking. A year later, the IceCube Observatory in Antarctica made an equally momentous detection: the first pinpointing of an object out in space using weird particles called neutrinos. We now had three “messengers” to probe the universe with, each telling us different things about the objects that produced them.
“The original point [for IceCube] was this phenomenon called cosmic rays. [Scientists] discovered them over 120 years ago. But we had no idea where they were coming from … They don’t travel in straight lines. They’re being deflected so we can’t really point back to the sources. And then other messengers like gamma rays get absorbed [by] dust … So at the longest distances and highest energies anything from radio out to the gamma rays is being absorbed. It’s basically dark to us.” — Benedikt Riedel, University of Wisconsin
The IceCube Collaboration scored several firsts. First localization of a source of cosmic neutrinos. With colleagues using traditional telescopes, first co-detection of neutrinos and electromagnetic signals from a neutron star, pinpointing a source of cosmic rays. Simulations on PSC’s supercomputers helped them prepare for these discoveries. For their next step, the team wanted to take their revolutionary detector to a new level. They wanted to map the entire Milky Way galaxy. If successful, it would be the first cosmic map that didn’t depend on electromagnetic waves.
To make this happen, they once again turned to PSC, and the center’s Bridges-2 supercomputer.
To understand how PSC’s NSF-funded, ACCESS-program-allocated Bridges-2 supported IceCube’s work, you first must understand a little about neutrinos.
Neutrinos have mass, but just barely. They also have no electrical charge. So unlike the particles that make up normal matter, they’re what physicists call “weakly interacting.” Neither gravity, electrical charge, nor magnetic fields have much of an effect on them. Because of that, they rarely interact with matter. Right now, 100 trillion neutrinos are passing through your body every second. But if you live to be 80 years old, on average only one of them will have interacted with the matter in your body.
The IceCube neutrino detector, then, had its work cut out for it. Because such an incredibly tiny fraction of neutrinos interacts with matter, the scientists who designed IceCube had to put an immense amount of matter in the detector. They hit on the idea of taking roughly a cubic kilometer of Antarctic ice and drilling it to insert hundreds of detectors, sensitive to the blue Cerenkov radiation light expected from these rare collisions.
First, though, they had to work through a bunch of challenges. In theory, a neutrino could create a line of light as it crashed through the ice, allowing the detectors’ positions and times of detection to trace that line back to the neutrino’s cosmic source. But sometimes, the detection is more of a sphere. The scientists would also have to screen out detections due to backgrounds coming from cosmic ray interactions in the atmosphere. They’d also need to tell the difference between cosmic neutrinos from the Milky Way and ones from other sources.
“We do a lot of simulations. We take an idealized image of our detector and we say, ‘This is the response of our detector to this particle in this interaction.’ We simulate a response and then we compare that with our data … Where Bridges-2 comes in is [that] it simulates the light moving through the south polar ice coming from the neutrino interactions on Bridges-2’s GPUs, and then the spare CPU cycles can be used for anything from data analysis to particle generation.” — Benedikt Riedel, University of Wisconsin
Benedikt Riedel at the University of Wisconsin, a leading scientist in the IceCube Collaboration, oversaw the use of several systems to simulate how imperfections in the ice would affect the patterns of detection. Bridges-2 proved particularly adept at these simulations. Its ability to offer both powerful central processing units, or CPUs, and late-model graphical processing units, or GPUs, helped untangle the crazy particle showers expected, to show how they related to neutrinos passing through the ice sheet. The collaborators also used the large Frontera supercomputer at the Texas Advanced Computing Center, PSC’s partner in the ACCESS network of NSF-funded supercomputers.
Thanks in part to Bridges-2, the team was able to identify what patterns of detector activations in IceCube came from real cosmic neutrinos. The result was a map of our galaxy — the first such map using a new messenger other than electromagnetic waves. While the map is admittedly crude compared with the exquisite maps produced by visible-light- and infrared-detecting space telescopes, it provides the first opportunity to compare what the galaxy looks like using independent messengers. The team reported their results in the prestigious journal Science in July 2023.
Source: Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
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The Mystical Glow of the Night Sky: Exploring Zodiacal Light
Zodiacal light, seen before sunrise, is sunlight scattering off interplanetary dust in the zodiacal cloud. It represents a cosmic connection, best viewed in dark, clear locations during specific times of the year.

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and noticed a faint glow, gracefully extending from the horizon in a triangular shape? This enchanting phenomenon is known as zodiacal light, often referred to as “false dawn” when it’s visible just before sunrise. While it may seem like a mere trick of the light, the zodiacal light holds a fascinating story about the universe surrounding our planet.
The Science Behind Zodiacal Light
Zodiacal light is the result of sunlight scattering off interplanetary dust, creating a delicate illumination in the night sky. This dust resides in a thick, pancake-shaped cloud known as the zodiacal cloud, which orbits in the ecliptic plane of our Solar System. Ranging from 10 to 300 micrometers in size, these tiny particles have masses that can span from one nanogram to several micrograms. Together, they contribute to what we see as a soft glow, complementing the natural light of a moonless night.
Interestingly, zodiacal light can be seen most effectively in dark locations, far away from the interference of city lights or moonlight. When conditions are perfect—a clear night with minimal light pollution—this soft glow stretches from the direction of the Sun, gracefully illuminating the darker parts of the sky. It’s most prominent in the western sky during spring after sunset and in the eastern sky during autumn before dawn.
The Origins of Cosmic Dust
The source of the dust that creates zodiacal light has long been a subject of exploration and debate. Initially thought to originate from active comet tails or collisions among asteroids, recent research suggests that a significant portion of the dust comes from the gradual fragmentation of dormant comets, specifically those in the Jupiter-family category.
When comets break apart, they send tiny fragments scattering through space. As these particles eventually disintegrate further due to collisions and space weathering, they continue to replenish the zodiacal dust cloud. This dynamic relationship ensures that our view of zodiacal light is not just a fleeting moment, but a persistent feature of our cosmic environment.
Viewing Zodiacal Light: Tips and Tricks
To catch a glimpse of this celestial beauty, timing and location are crucial. For those in mid-latitude regions, the ideal times to observe zodiacal light are during the evenings in spring and mornings in autumn. Choose a spot far from city lights, under a clear and moonless sky. As twilight fades, lean back, breathe in the fresh evening air, and let your eyes adjust to the darkness.
The sight will often reveal a column of light that appears brighter near the horizon and tilts at an angle parallel to the ecliptic. Often mistaken for a glimpse of the Milky Way, zodiacal light offers a serene reminder of the intricate cosmos we inhabit.
The Connection to Gegenschein
Zodiacal light isn’t the only celestial phenomenon related to interplanetary dust. There’s also the gegenschein, or “counterglow,” which is a faint oval glow seen directly opposite the Sun. This unique aspect of zodiacal light and gegenschein adds depth to our understanding of celestial phenomena and invites us to ponder our place in the universe.
A Cosmic Invitation
Zodiacal light is not just a backdrop for the stars; it represents a beautiful, cosmic connection between our planet and the infinity beyond. It serves as a gentle reminder of the fleeting moments in nature—moments that encourage us to pause, look up, and marvel at the intricate dance of light and dust that swirls around us.
So next time you find yourself under a dark sky, take a moment to seek out this enchanting glow. The zodiacal light is waiting, inviting you to experience the magic of our universe. Happy stargazing!
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A Celestial Spectacle: Witness the Rare Planetary Parade on February 28
On February 28, 2025, a rare planetary parade will showcase all seven planets aligning in the night sky. This remarkable event won’t occur again until 2040, making it unmissable.

Planetary Parade
Astronomy enthusiasts and casual stargazers alike have something extraordinary to look forward to at the end of February. For one brief moment, on the evening of February 28, 2025, all seven planets—Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, Neptune, Mercury, and Saturn—will align in the night sky, creating a captivating planetary parade. This remarkable event marks the last time such an alignment will be visible until 2040, making it an occasion not to be missed.
What to Expect
The planetary parade will unfold shortly after sunset, with each planet showcasing its brilliance against the backdrop of the evening sky. While most of these celestial bodies will shine brighter than even the brightest stars, Uranus and Neptune will likely require binoculars or a telescope for a better view.
Currently, six of the planets are already aligned, but stargazers will have to wait until February 28 for Mercury to make its debut just above the horizon. Dr. Christopher Barnes, a senior lecturer at the University of Derby, explains the visibility details: “Mars will appear in the east, Jupiter and Uranus in the southeast, and Venus, Neptune, and Saturn in the west.”
Viewing Tips
For those wishing to experience this cosmic event, the best time to observe will be just after sunset when the stars begin to appear. Dr. Barnes suggests that even people in urban areas, where light pollution is often an issue, will be able to see most of the planets. However, seeking a location away from city lights will enhance the viewing experience.
The Benefits of Stargazing
Beyond the thrilling visual spectacle, taking time to gaze upon the stars and planets offers numerous benefits for one’s mental and emotional well-being. Dr. Barnes points out that stargazing encourages mindfulness, allowing individuals to detach from the stresses of daily life. “Engaging with the night sky fosters a sense of peace, restoration, and perspective,” he says.
Future Events
After February 28, the next opportunity to see a planetary alignment of five or more planets will occur in late October 2028 and again in February 2034. However, another seven-planet alignment will not be witnessed for another 15 years, making this February a particularly special occasion.
To cater to those unable to view the parade due to unfavorable weather or light pollution, several observatories will provide live streams of the event. This means everyone can partake in this astral celebration from the comfort of their homes.
As we approach February 28, it’s time to mark your calendars for this rare planetary parade. Whether you grab your telescope, plan a trip to a dark-sky location, or tune in to a live stream, don’t miss your chance to witness this extraordinary alignment of the planets, a spectacle that will be remembered long after it fades from view. Prepare to look up and enjoy the wonders of our solar system!
Who doesn’t love a parade, especially a planet parade? How and when to see up to 7 planets
Planetary Parade will soon be visible in the evening sky
The science section of our news blog STM Daily News provides readers with captivating and up-to-date information on the latest scientific discoveries, breakthroughs, and innovations across various fields. We offer engaging and accessible content, ensuring that readers with different levels of scientific knowledge can stay informed. Whether it’s exploring advancements in medicine, astronomy, technology, or environmental sciences, our science section strives to shed light on the intriguing world of scientific exploration and its profound impact on our daily lives. From thought-provoking articles to informative interviews with experts in the field, STM Daily News Science offers a harmonious blend of factual reporting, analysis, and exploration, making it a go-to source for science enthusiasts and curious minds alike.
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Bennu asteroid reveals its contents to scientists − and clues to how the building blocks of life on Earth may have been seeded
NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission returned samples from asteroid Bennu, revealing insights into life’s ingredients on Earth, paralleling those found in the Revelstoke meteorite’s analysis.

Timothy J McCoy, Smithsonian Institution and Sara Russell, Natural History Museum
A bright fireball streaked across the sky above mountains, glaciers and spruce forest near the town of Revelstoke in British Columbia, Canada, on the evening of March 31, 1965. Fragments of this meteorite, discovered by beaver trappers, fell over a lake. A layer of ice saved them from the depths and allowed scientists a peek into the birth of the solar system.
Nearly 60 years later, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission returned from space with a sample of an asteroid named Bennu, similar to the one that rained rocks over Revelstoke. Our research team has published a chemical analysis of those samples, providing insight into how some of the ingredients for life may have first arrived on Earth.
Born in the years bracketing the Revelstoke meteorite’s fall, the two of us have spent our careers in the meteorite collections of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., and the Natural History Museum in London. We’ve dreamed of studying samples from a Revelstoke-like asteroid collected by a spacecraft.
Then, nearly two decades ago, we began turning those dreams into reality. We joined NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission team, which aimed to send a spacecraft to collect and return an asteroid sample to Earth. After those samples arrived on Sept. 24, 2023, we got to dive into a tale of rock, ice and water that hints at how life could have formed on Earth.
The CI chondrites and asteroid Bennu
To learn about an asteroid – a rocky or metallic object in orbit around the Sun – we started with a study of meteorites.
Asteroids like Bennu are rocky or metallic objects in orbit around the Sun. Meteorites are the pieces of asteroids and other natural extraterrestrial objects that survive the fiery plunge to the Earth’s surface.
We really wanted to study an asteroid similar to a set of meteorites called chondrites, whose components formed in a cloud of gas and dust at the dawn of the solar system billions of years ago.
The Revelstoke meteorite is in a group called CI chondrites. Laboratory-measured compositions of CI chondrites are essentially identical, minus hydrogen and helium, to the composition of elements carried by convection from the interior of the Sun and measured in the outermost layer of the Sun. Since their components formed billions of years ago, they’re like chemically unchanged time capsules for the early solar system.
So, geologists use the chemical compositions of CI chondrites as the ultimate reference standard for geochemistry. They can compare the compositions of everything from other chondrites to Earth rocks. Any differences from the CI chondrite composition would have happened through the same processes that formed asteroids and planets.
CI chondrites are rich in clay and formed when ice melted in an ancient asteroid, altering the rock. They are also rich in prebiotic organic molecules. Some of these types of molecules are the building blocks for life.
This combination of rock, water and organics is one reason OSIRIS-REx chose to sample the organic-rich asteroid Bennu, where water and organic compounds essential to the origin of life could be found.
Evaporites − the legacy of an ancient brine
Ever since the Bennu samples returned to Earth on Sept. 24, 2023, we and our colleagues on four continents have spent hundreds of hours studying them.
The instruments on the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft made observations of reflected light that revealed the most abundant minerals and organics when it was near asteroid Bennu. Our analyses in the laboratory found that the compositions of these samples lined up with those observations.
The samples are mostly water-rich clay, with sulfide, carbonate and iron oxide minerals. These are the same minerals found in CI chondrites like Revelstoke. The discovery of rare minerals within the Bennu samples, however, surprised both of us. Despite our decades of experience studying meteorites, we have never seen many of these minerals.
We found minerals dominated by sodium, including carbonates, sulfates, chlorides and fluorides, as well as potassium chloride and magnesium phosphate. These minerals don’t form just when water and rock react. They form when water evaporates.
We’ve never seen most of these sodium-rich minerals in meteorites, but they’re sometimes found in dried-up lake beds on Earth, like Searles Lake in California.
Bennu’s rocks formed 4.5 billion years ago on a larger parent asteroid. That asteroid was wet and muddy. Under the surface, pockets of water perhaps only a few feet across were evaporating, leaving the evaporite minerals we found in the sample. That same evaporation process also formed the ancient lake beds we’ve seen these minerals in on Earth.
Bennu’s parent asteroid likely broke apart 1 to 2 billion years ago, and some of the fragments came together to form the rubble pile we know as Bennu.
These minerals are also found on icy bodies in the outer solar system. Bright deposits on the dwarf planet Ceres, the largest body in the asteroid belt, contain sodium carbonate. The Cassini mission measured the same mineral in plumes on Saturn’s moon Enceladus.
We also learned that these minerals, formed when water evaporates, disappear when exposed to water once again – even with the tiny amount of water found in air. After studying some of the Bennu samples and their minerals, researchers stored the samples in air. That’s what we do with meteorites.
Unfortunately, we lost these minerals as moisture in the air on Earth caused them to dissolve. But that explains why we can’t find these minerals in meteorites that have been on Earth for decades to centuries.
Fortunately, most of the samples have been stored and transported in nitrogen, protected from traces of water in the air.
Until scientists were able to conduct a controlled sample return with a spacecraft and carefully curate and store the samples in nitrogen, we had never seen this set of minerals in a meteorite.
An unexpected discovery
Before returning the samples, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft spent over two years making observations around Bennu. From that two years of work, researchers learned that the surface of the asteroid is covered in rocky boulders.
We could see that the asteroid is rich in carbon and water-bearing clays, and we saw veins of white carbonate a few feet long deposited by ancient liquid water. But what we couldn’t see from these observations were the rarer minerals.
We used an array of techniques to go through the returned sample one tiny grain at a time. These included CT scanning, electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, each of which allowed us to look at the rock at a scale not possible on the asteroid.
Cooking up the ingredients for life
From the salts we identified, we could infer the composition of the briny water from which they formed and see how it changed over time, becoming more sodium-rich.
This briny water would have been an ideal place for new chemical reactions to take place and for organic molecules to form.
While our team characterized salts, our organic chemist colleagues were busy identifying the carbon-based molecules present in Bennu. They found unexpectedly high levels of ammonia, an essential building block of the amino acids that form proteins in living matter. They also found all five of the nucleobases that make up part of DNA and RNA.
Based on these results, we’d venture to guess that these briny pods of fluid would have been the perfect environments for increasingly complicated organic molecules to form, such as the kinds that make up life on Earth.
When asteroids like Bennu hit the young Earth, they could have provided a complete package of complex molecules and the ingredients essential to life, such as water, phosphate and ammonia. Together, these components could have seeded Earth’s initially barren landscape to produce a habitable world.
Without this early bombardment, perhaps when the pieces of the Revelstoke meteorite landed several billion years later, these fragments from outer space would not have arrived into a landscape punctuated with glaciers and trees.
Timothy J McCoy, Supervisory Research Geologist, Smithsonian Institution and Sara Russell, Professor of Planetary Sciences, Natural History Museum
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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