"Laughing has numerous health benefits - join us in celebrating World Laughter Day and boost your well-being!"
5 ways to keep yours healthy (Family Features) The lungs are the centerpiece of your respiratory system. When you inhale, air enters your lungs and oxygen...
(Family Features) Estudios demuestran que la ansiedad, el estrés y la depresión pueden tener un impacto negativo en la salud física e incluso pueden aumentar el...
New behavioral therapy GET improves self-regulation and reduces depression and anxiety symptoms in testicular cancer survivors.
Researchers at Aalto University are developing a brain-computer interface to help immobilized patients control devices with their thoughts.
Research shows anxiety, stress and depression can have a negative impact on physical health and may even increase the risk for heart disease and stroke.
Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the tubes carrying air in and out of the lungs. For people with asthma, the airways can become inflamed...
Breaking the Stigma: Prioritizing Mental Health and Wellbeing during Mental Health Awareness Month
H2O Therapeutics and AmerisourceBergen collaborate to support the commercialization of FDA-cleared Parky app for Parkinson's Disease.
(Family Features) Obtener atención médica para usted o un ser querido es una gran responsabilidad, especialmente si recién está comenzando con Medicare o tiene cambios en...