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Food and Beverage

Llene sus fiestas navideñas de sabor con uva fresca



(Family Features) La elegancia de las fiestas comienza en la mesa con comidas, postres y bebidas compartidas con los seres queridos. Este año, deje que las uvas añadan una elegancia fácil a sus recetas de temporada como un ingrediente exclusivo y perfecto para ocasiones especiales.

Como una adición muy versátil a los aperitivos, refrigerios, platos principales, guarniciones y postres, las uvas son un ingrediente esencial para tener a mano. Gracias a su delicada dulzura y jugosa textura, las uvas de California pueden ser la estrella en el centro de la mesa acompañando comidas especiales y sabrosas, como las chuletas de cerdo estofadas con miel y uvas servidas con sidra de uva con especias para una refrescante bebida para adultos.

Termine la celebración compartiendo una tarta de queso con uvas al estilo vasco, donde se usa un delicioso jugo de uva fresco en la masa de la tarta de queso para darle una dulzura natural que rezalta el sabor. Decore la parte superior con uvas frescas y jugosas para darle un toque final festivo.

Encuentre más ideas dulces para celebrar las fiestas en GrapesfromCalifornia.com.

Un dulce aperitivo para la fiesta

Prepare el ambiente para una reunión deliciosa sirviendo un aperitivo fácil y atractivo como esta bandeja de fiesta de uvas, con uvas frescas, prosciutto, quesos, pistachos y otras delicias favoritas para las fiestas. Las uvas son fáciles de incluir, ya que ofrecen una variedad de diferentes colores, formas, tamaños y texturas, lo que las convierte en un refrigerio ideal y saludable o como ingrediente en sabrosas recetas.

Chuletas de cerdo estofadas con miel especiada y uvas

Porciones: 4

  • 4 chuletas de cerdo gruesas (alrededor de 3 libras)
  • 4 cucharadas de harina
  • 2 cucharadas de mantequilla o margarina, derretida
  • 1 1/2 tazas de uvas de California, rojas o negras, enteras
  • 1/3 taza de miel de abeja
  • 2 palitos de canela pequeños, rotos
  • 3-5 clavos de olor
  • 1/2 cucharadita de jengibre molido seco
  • 1/2 cucharadita de sal
  • 1/4 cucharadita de pimienta negra
  • 1 cucharada de menta fresca picada (opcional)
  1. Precaliente el horno a 325 F.
  2. Caliente una sartén o cazuela pesada con tapa a fuego medio-alto. Espolvoree las chuletas de cerdo con harina y dórelas lentamente en mantequilla derretida. No deje que la harina se queme.
  3. Retire la sartén del fuego y agregue las uvas, la miel, la canela, los clavos de olor, el jengibre, la sal y la pimienta. Cubra y coloque en el horno. Estofar lentamente de 50 a 60 minutos, o hasta que el cerdo esté tierno. Retire la carne de cerdo de la sartén y manténgala caliente. Retire la salsa de la sartén del exceso de grasa. Coloque las chuletas de cerdo en una bandeja de servir, vierta la salsa y espolvoree con menta picada, si lo desea.

Información nutricional por ración: 569 calorías; 54 g de proteína; 41 g de carbohidratos; 21 g de grasa (33% de calorías de grasa); 9 g de grasas saturadas (14% de calorías de grasas saturadas); 33% de calorías de grasa; 165 mg de colesterol; 407 mg de sodio; 1,6 g de fibra.

Tarta de queso con uvas al estilo vasco

Tiempo de preparación: 15 minutos, más enfriamiento y refrigeración
Tiempo de cocción: 40 minutos
Porciones: 12

  • 2 tazas de uvas verdes de California, divididas
  • 1/4 taza, más 2/3 taza, azúcar granulada, dividida
  • 2 1/2 cucharadas de maicena
  • 2 pizcas grandes de sal kosher
  • 21 onzas de queso crema, a temperatura ambiente
  • 1 taza de crema espesa o crema de leche, fría
  • 4 huevos grandes, a temperatura ambiente
  • 2 cucharadas de licor de naranja (opcional)
  1. Caliente el horno a 425 F con la rejilla en el centro. Use una hoja de papel pergamino de 12 por 16 pulgadas para forrar un molde desmontable de 9 pulgadas en el centro. Presione el papel en el borde inferior de molde y alise las arrugas alrededor de los lados. Coloque el molde en una bandeja para hornear poco profunda.
  2. En una mini licuadora o procesador de alimentos, mezcle 1 taza de uvas, 1/4 taza de azúcar, maicena y sal a velocidad alta hasta que quede suave, aproximadamente por 1 minuto.
  3. En un tazón de una batidora eléctrica equipada con paleta, bata el queso crema y el azúcar restante hasta que quede esponjoso, 1-2 minutos. Con la batidora a velocidad media, vierta gradualmente la crema espesa; raspar los lados y batir a alta velocidad hasta que la mezcla parezca crema batida suave, aproximadamente 1 minuto. Batir los huevos, uno a la vez, raspando cada vez que incorporas uno. A velocidad media, agregue gradualmente la mezcla de puré de uva; raspe y mezcle hasta que esté bien mezclado, por 1 minuto.
  4. Vierta la masa en el molde preparado, llévelo al horno y hornee de 38 a 40 minutos hasta que la tarta esté inflada y la parte superior esté dorada como caramelo. Aparecerán grietas alrededor de los bordes y la tarta se tambaleará cuando se toque suavemente con el dedo. Coloque el molde para tartas en una bandeja para hornear sobre una rejilla para que se enfríe. La tarta se hundirá a la mitad de su altura. Enfríe a temperatura ambiente, 1-2 horas, luego refrigere sin tapar. No saque la tarta del molde hasta que esté bien fría, al menos 5 horas o toda la noche.
  5. Corte las uvas restantes en mitades o en rodajas. En un tazón pequeño, combine las uvas con el licor de naranja, si lo desea, y reserve.
  6. Cuando esté listo para servir, retire el lado de la sartén. Retire con cuidado el papel pergamino arrugado del costado de la tarta de queso y luego pásela a un plato para servir quitando el papel del fondo de la tarta y debajo del molde mientras tira suavemente de la tarta hacia el plato y fuera del papel.
  7. Adorne la parte superior de la tarta de queso con la mezcla de licor de uva, si lo desea, o con uvas frescas. Corte la tarta en triángulos con un cuchillo delgado y afilado.

Nota: La tarta de queso se puede preparar hasta con 2 días de anticipación. Una vez que la tarta esté bien fría, cubra el recipiente con una envoltura de plástico hasta que esté lista para servir.

Información nutricional por ración: 350 calorías; 6 g de proteína; 25 g de carbohidratos; 26 g de grasa (67% de calorías de grasa); 15 g de grasas saturadas (39 % de calorías de grasas saturadas); 135 mg de colesterol; 200 mg de sodio; 0 g de fibra.

Sidra caliente de uva con especias

Tiempo de preparación: 20 minutos
Tiempo de cocción: alrededor de 1 hora
Porciones: 4

  • 5 tazas de uvas rojas de California, más adicionales para decorar, cantidad dividida
  • 3 tazas de agua
  • 1 cucharada de miel de abeja
  • 1 canela en rama
  • 2 anís estrellado (opcional)
  • 1 naranja grande
  • 6 onzas de ron ámbar
  1. En una cacerola grande, mezcle 5 tazas de uvas con agua, miel, canela y anís estrellado, si lo desea. Lleve la mezcla a ebullición a fuego medio-alto, reduzca el fuego a medio-bajo, cubra y cocine a fuego lento hasta que las uvas estén tiernas, 50-60 minutos. Deje enfriar por 15 minutos.
  2. Coloque un colador de malla mediana sobre el tazón y vierta la mezcla de uvas. Presione suavemente sobre los sólidos para extraer el jugo de la fruta de aproximadamente 2 tazas de sidra de uva.
  3. Con el pelador, pelar una tira grande de cáscara de naranja y añadirla al zumo caliente. Dejar enfriar, tapar y refrigerar.
  4. Cuando esté listo para servir, caliente suavemente la sidra a fuego medio. Vierta 1/2 taza de sidra en cada taza. Agregue 1 1/2 onzas de ron y decore con un toque de naranja y una brocheta pequeña de uvas.

Información nutricional por ración: 170 calorías; 0 g de proteína; 18 g de carbohidratos; 0 g de grasa (0% de calorías de grasa); 0 g de grasas saturadas (0% de calorías de grasas saturadas); 0 mg de colesterol; 5 mg de sodio; 0 g de fibra.

California Table Grape Commission

Food and Beverage

Nationwide Health Alert for E. coli Contaminated Ground Beef: What You Need to Know

“Nationwide health alert issued for E. coli-contaminated ground beef. Check FSIS website for affected products and disposal instructions.”



A recent national health alert has been issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) regarding Greater Omaha ground beef products potentially contaminated with E. coli O157:H7. This particular strain of E. coli can cause severe gastrointestinal infections in humans. In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need to know about this alert and how to stay safe.

Product Details:
The affected ground beef products were produced and packaged on March 28, 2024, with a “Use/Freeze by” date of April 22, 2024. The packaging will also have “EST.960A” inside the USDA mark of inspection. While the ground beef was distributed to various restaurants and retail locations nationwide, it is important to note that the impacted products are no longer available for sale.

Affected Products:

  • 10-lb. ground beef chub: GROUND BEEF 85 FINE GRIND 10#/6 (Lot codes: 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33; Case code: 263085)
  • 5-lb. ground beef chub: GROUND BEEF GOHERF GB RIB BRISKET CHUCK CRAFT BURGER 5LB (Lot code: 26; Case code: 66500)
  • 5-lb. ground beef chub: Greater Omaha 100% ALL NATURAL 5 LBS. GOURMET BLEND RIB BRISKET CHUCK
  • 5-lb. ground beef chub: GROUND BEEF GOHERF GB 81 FINE GRIND 5#/12 EXACT WEIGHT (Lot code: 26; Case code: 663581)
  • 4-pack 8-oz ground beef patties: GROUND BEEF GOANG GB Patty 8OZ Homestyle Rib/Brisket/CH (Lot code: 34; Case code: 716800)
  • 4-pack 8-oz ground beef patties: LOT 34 Ground Beef GB GOANG 75 PATTY PUCK 8 OZ (Lot code: 34; Case code: 728075)
  • 4-pack 7-oz ground beef patties: LOT 34 GROUND BEEF GOANG Rib/Brisket/Chuck 7OZ HOMESTYLE (Lot code: 34; Case code: 716700)
  • 6-oz ground beef patties: LOT 34 GROUND BEEF GOANG GB PATTY 6 OZ HOMESTYLE RIB/BRISKET/CHUCK (Lot code: 34; Case code: 716600)
  • 5-lb. ground beef chub: GROUND BEEF GOHERF GB 81 FINE GRIND 5LB EXACT WEIGHT (Lot code: 26; Case code: 63581)
  • 6-pack 5.33-oz ground beef patties: Ground Beef GOHERF RIB BRISKET CHUCK 5.33oz HOMESTYLE (Lot code: 27; Case code: 616500)
  • 4-pack 8-oz ground beef patties: LOT 27 Ground Beef GOHERF Homestyle GB PATTY RIB/BRISKET/CHUCK 8 OZ (Lot code: 27; Case code: 616800)
  • 10-lb. ground beef chub: GROUND BEEF 73 FINE GRIND 10#/6 (Lot code: 37; Case code: 263073)
  • 4-pack 8-oz ground beef patties: LOT 51 Ground Beef GB GOANG 75 PATTY PUCK 8OZ (Lot code: 51; Case code: 728075)

If you have any of the above-mentioned ground beef products stored in your freezer, the FSIS advises against consuming them. Instead, it is important to either throw them away or return them to the place of purchase. Doing so will help prevent potential health risks.

Moreover, it is essential to note that no confirmed illness cases have been reported thus far in connection with this specific health alert. However, if you have consumed the ground beef and are experiencing any symptoms of illness, it is recommended to reach out to a healthcare provider immediately.

Ensuring the safety and well-being of consumers is a priority, and that is precisely why this nationwide health alert has been issued concerning E. coli contamination in specific Greater Omaha ground beef products. By taking the necessary precautions and following the FSIS recommendations, we can collectively prevent any potential health risks associated with this incident.

Remember, staying informed and proactive during such situations is crucial for ensuring the health and safety of yourself and your loved ones. Keep up to date with any further developments by visiting the FSIS website or seeking information from reliable sources. Stay safe and healthy!

Check out the article on The Hill regarding the E. Coli warning. https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/prevention-cures/4610002-nationwide-health-alert-issued-for-ground-beef-over-potential-e-coli-risk/


What is E. Coli?

-Escherichia coli is a gram-negative, facultative anaerobic, rod-shaped coliform bacterium. – It is commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms. – Most E. coli strains are harmless, but some can cause food poisoning and contamination incidents. – Some strains of E. coli are beneficial to humans by producing vitamin or preventing the colonization of pathogenic bacteria. – E. coli is expelled through fecal matter and grows rapidly for three days before declining.

E. coli and other bacteria make up only a small part of the gut microbiota, but can cause disease through fecal-oral transmission. They can be used as indicators to test for fecal contamination in the environment, and some strains can survive for days outside a host.

E. coli is a bacterium that has been extensively studied for over 60 years and can be easily and inexpensively grown in a lab. It is a chemoheterotroph and requires carbon and energy. E. coli is the most widely studied prokaryotic model organism and is significant in biotechnology and microbiology. It reproduces quickly, taking as little as 20 minutes under favorable conditions. (Wikipedia)


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Scrumptious Ways to Simplify Springtime Meals: Make weekday dining a breeze with easy, delicious recipes

From everyday weeknight dinners to picnics in the park, warmer weather and longer days mean families want to spend more time together and less time in the kitchen.



(Family Features) From everyday weeknight dinners to picnics in the park, warmer weather and longer days mean families want to spend more time together and less time in the kitchen. This spring, look for kitchen hacks that can make fresh and healthy weeknight seasonal recipes a cinch.

Skipping complicated prep work is the first step toward simplifying springtime meals. Rather than recipes that call for a lot of prep or cooking time, consider easy dishes that require only a handful of steps and use everyday ingredients you may already have in your pantry, fridge or freezer.

For example, these Shrimp, Broccoli and Potato Skewers with Lemon and Thyme can let you put a little spring in your weeknight dinners. Grilled skewers keep the whole family happy and come together in less than 30 minutes, making them perfect for quick and healthy meals without the hassle. The versatility of potatoes means you can grill them, and this version calls for a 5-minute microwave steam first to cut down on grill time.

With easy-to-prepare potatoes, The Little Potato Company makes family dinners like this one a breeze as they come pre-washed, require no peeling and are small enough they don’t need to be cut. This allows for less time in the kitchen and more time for outdoor play to enjoy a little moment of happiness. Plus, the Microwave and Roast or Grill Ready kits come with their own seasoning packs for added convenience.

Grown on family farms, Little Potatoes are a fresh whole food packed with nutrients you can feel good about serving your family and are ideal for this Easy as 1-2-3 Potato Salad. With just three ingredients and minimal prep time, this delightful dish becomes an ultimate springtime solution for busy families. Plus, it’s easy enough that little ones can join in on the fun of preparing it.

Simply pop the tray of Microwave Ready Little Potatoes in the microwave for 5 minutes then add the included Savory Herb seasoning pack, chopped green onions and mayonnaise for a delicious side – no potato boiling or peeling required.

To find more ways to savor springtime meals outdoors with your family, visit littlepotatoes.com.

Shrimp, Broccoli and Potato Skewers with Lemon and Thyme

Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4

  • 1 pound bagged Little Potatoes
  • 1 bunch broccoli
  • 12 large shrimp, peeled and deveined
  • 1 1/2 lemons, juice only
  • 3 tablespoons fresh thyme, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • salt, to taste
  • pepper, to taste
  1. In large, microwave-safe bowl, microwave potatoes on high 5 minutes.
  2. Chop broccoli into large pieces.
  3. Add broccoli and shrimp to bowl once potatoes are steamed.
  4. Add lemon juice, thyme and olive oil; evenly coat potatoes, shrimp and broccoli. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.
  5. Build skewers and grill 10-15 minutes on medium-high heat, until shrimp is cooked through.

Easy as 1-2-3 Potato Salad

Prep time: 2 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Servings: 4

  1. In microwave, cook potatoes 5 minutes according to package directions.
  2. Combine seasoning pack, chopped green onions and mayonnaise or Greek yogurt.
  3. Pour dressing over cooled potatoes. Stir gently and serve.

The Little Potato Company

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health and wellness

100% Grass-Fed Organic Dairy Benefits Consumers, Environment, Cows and Family Farms

Providing dairy as nature intended with high nutritional impact and a rich taste and texture comes from feeding cows a 100% grass diet, free from additives, fillers, GMOs, hormones and antibiotics.



(Family Features) While the difference between dairy alternatives such as oat, almond and other nut milks is easier to decipher, choosing between organic dairy varieties can be more difficult.

Organic milk certified by the United States Department of Agriculture comes from cows that get plenty of time outside and have not been treated with antibiotics or given hormones for growth or reproduction. However, cows that eat a 100% grass-fed organic diet – no grains, corn or other food – are healthier, produce higher quality milk, have greater positive environmental impacts and support small family farms.

Consider these benefits of 100% grass-fed dairy from the experts at Maple Hill, which provides dairy products as nature intended, including milk, kefir, yogurt and butter. This natural way to produce dairy leads to a rich taste and texture, and you can taste the 100% grass-fed difference.

Better for You
Providing dairy as nature intended with high nutritional impact and a rich taste and texture comes from feeding cows a 100% grass diet, free from additives, fillers, GMOs, hormones and antibiotics. This practice results in milk that is more nutrient-dense and flavorful. Research conducted by the University of Minnesota Extension highlights the benefits of consuming organic dairy sourced from 100% grass-fed organic farms, revealing a 50% healthier ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 and 40% higher levels of conjugated linoleic acids fatty acids, which contribute to many health benefits including lowering the risk of heart disease.

While traditional organic dairy includes the organic certification, 100% grass-fed dairy includes a second grass-fed certification, ensuring adherence to the highest standards of regenerative farming practices that lead to rich and artisanal dairy products that are natural and healthier.

Better for the Environment
Producing grass-fed organic dairy necessitates a farm’s dedication to regenerating soil and fostering biodiversity within it, a foundation that sustains all aspects of farm life. Leading with regenerative grazing techniques, Maple Hill farms stimulate microbial activity in the soil, enhance water retention and sequester carbon, which promotes positive environmental impacts.

The grazing herds play a pivotal role in this process. The soil is healthier as a result of the grazing cows, which produces more nutritious grass and leads to healthier cows. This farming system epitomizes the essence of regenerative agriculture and results in nutrient dense dairy products.

Better for the Cow
In traditional organic dairy farming, up to 70% of a cow’s diet can consist of organic grain, whereas 100% grass-fed organic farming eschews grain entirely. Cows naturally thrive on grass, yet recent practices by farmers include feeding them corn, grain and other foods to boost milk production, potentially compromising the cows’ well-being and the milk’s quality. Because grass is a cow’s natural food source, cows with 100% grass-fed organic diets can live more than two times longer compared to cows with traditional organic diets.

Better for the Farmer
Grass-fed organic farming stands out as one of the most viable pathways for small family farms to thrive in the dairy industry, which has become increasingly industrialized. Smaller than a traditional organic dairy herd with an average of just 50 cows, Maple Hill’s 100% grass-fed family farms lead with regenerative practices and produce high product quality control.

Higher milk revenues allow family farms to compete and prosper, ensuring the continuity of their operations for future generations. These farms uphold 100% regenerative farming practices, yielding humane and traceable grass-fed organic dairy – a legacy that endures through the commitment of succeeding generations.


Learn about the 100% grass-fed organic dairy difference at maplehill.com.

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock (mother and daughter)

Maple Hill

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