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mikClean Juice Opens First Store in New Hampshire

Husband and wife team open their first location in the Granite State while purchasing another in neighboring Connecticut



NASHUA, N.H. /PRNewswire/ — Clean Juice®, the first and only USDA-certified organic juice and food bar franchise, announced the opening of its first store in Nashua, New Hampshire, located at 2 Cellu Drive in Amherst Street Village shopping plaza. Franchise owners Marybeth and Chris Fiengo will celebrate a weeklong Grand Opening to introduce the brand’s popular all-organic, hand-made smoothies, wraps, salads, acai bowls, and more beginning Saturday, September 16.

For years, Marybeth and Chris wanted a restaurant of their own. They considered New Haven-style pizza and other popular food concepts. Chris, who coached several community sports teams for young adults, noted how much pizza, burgers, and chicken people consumed and how limited access the community had to legitimate healthy restaurant options.

As the Fiengos started a conscious effort to live and eat healthier post-pandemic, they discovered that preventative health attitudes resonated with many others, including the baseball team Chris was coaching. This inspired them to research a concept that served organic, healthy, fast-casual food options. This was when they discovered Clean Juice.

“We traveled down to North Carolina for our Discovery Day and quickly realized we were aligned with an amazing vibe and mission,” said Chris. “We met with Landon and Kat and immediately connected. They are such great people who truly believe in this brand, and we felt right at home. They truly believe in their mission and the brand’s unrivaled healthy and clean products that so many guests have come to love. We wanted our community to have this!”

The tasting of Clean Juice’s product line-up sealed the deal for Marybeth and Chris, and they knew this was something that the residents of New Hampshire’s Gate City of Nashua would fall in love with.

“There are very few healthy food options in Nashua,” said Marybeth. “Even though considered healthier than the famous burger and chicken brands in our town, the healthy foods could be healthier. And that is Clean Juice!”

The Fiengos were so excited about their New Hampshire Clean Juice that they jumped on the chance to purchase the Simsbury Clean Juice store in Connecticut. Clean Juice opened in Simsbury in 2021 near several high-traffic shopping areas and high schools. Chris and Marybeth saw the opportunity to utilize its location to benefit its community while reaching more people interested in eating healthier while on the go. They are preparing an infrastructure that will enable day-to-day involvement across both locations.

“We are so thrilled for Marybeth and Chris and for the residents of Nashua to have access to truly healthy, fast, and delicious food,” said Landon Eckles, CEO of Clean Juice. “We are inspired by their high-energy and can-do, positive attitudes! While our menu is truly amazing and makes you feel good, the success of Clean Juice relies on its people and their desire to serve others.”


 About Clean Juice®

Landon and Kat Eckles started Clean Juice® in 2016 as the first USDA-certified organic juice and food bar franchise focused on sharing the importance of an organic, plant-based diet. Rooted in the “healthy body and a strong spirit” (3 John 1:2) scripture, Clean Juice® offers only organic cold-pressed fresh and bottled juices, smoothies, wraps, sandwiches, açaí bowls, toasts, salads, and other healthy foods in a warm and welcoming retail experience. The organization has over 100 open stores, with another 50+ in development. For more information about Clean Juice®, its leadership team, core values, and franchising opportunities, please visit www.cleanjuice.com or www.cleanjuicefranchising.com.

SOURCE Clean Juice



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Celebrating the Sweet History and Refreshing Delights of Lemonade Day – August 20, 2024



Lemonade Day

A Twist in the Tale of Traditional Lemonade Days

Just this past Tuesday, we celebrated another Lemonade Day, but let’s not mix it up with the familiar National Lemonade Day in May. While the May event focuses on nurturing young entrepreneurs through the classic lemonade stand experience, August 20th is dedicated purely to the love of lemonade itself. This delightful summer staple has quenched thirsts and sweetened palates since the mid-17th century, proving its timeless appeal.

Lemonade Through the Ages

Tracing its roots back, lemonade has not only served as a refreshing beverage but also played a role in historical commerce, with vibrant scenes of lemonade vendors dotting the streets of Rome and Paris centuries ago. These spirited beginnings highlight the drink’s integral part in social settings and its evolution into a symbol of leisure and refreshment.

The Essence of Lemonade Day

Today, Lemonade Day on August 20 serves to celebrate this iconic drink in all its glory, inviting everyone to savor its sweet, refreshing zest. It’s a day to appreciate lemonade’s simplicity and versatility, perhaps inspiring you to experiment with creating your own perfect blend. Whether you like it still, sparkling, sweet, or tart, lemonade continues to spark joy and creativity.

Beyond Just a Beverage

However, Lemonade Day is more than just about enjoying a delicious drink; it aligns closely with the larger mission of Lemonade.org. This organization is dedicated to preparing youth for life’s adventures through entrepreneurial and experiential learning, primarily by encouraging the traditional act of running a lemonade stand. These activities imbue young minds with crucial skills in business and customer service, cultivating future leaders and innovators.

Lemonade Variations to Explore

While classic lemonade remains a beloved choice, the world of lemonade variations is vast. From the cloudy lemonade favored in North America to the fizzy versions popular in the UK and Australia, this beverage transforms to match regional tastes.

Try This Simple Lemonade Recipe

In celebration of Lemonade Day, why not try making your own batch? Here’s a simple recipe to get you started:

  • Ingredients:
  • 1 3/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 6-9 lemons)
  • 1 3/4 cup sugar (adjust based on your preference)
  • 7 cups cold water
  • Ice cubes
  • Lemon slices for garnish
  • Directions:
  1. In a small saucepan, combine sugar with 1 cup of water and bring to a boil. Stir until sugar is fully dissolved to create a simple syrup.
  2. In a large pitcher, combine the freshly squeezed lemon juice, simple syrup, and remaining water. Adjust sweetness and tartness as desired.
  3. Add ice and lemon slices to the pitcher or serve directly into glasses garnished with lemon slices.
Celebrate the zest of summer on Lemonade Day, Aug 20! 🍋 Sip & savor the history of this timeless drink. #LemonadeDay2024 #RefreshinglySweet

Embrace the Spirit of Lemonade Day

Whether you decide to whip up your own lemonade or support a local lemonade stand, remember every sip celebrates a rich history and a brighter future. So here’s to Lemonade Day—may it be filled with refreshing moments and sweet memories!

Further Reading and Celebrations

Curious about more lemonade facts or how you can participate in next year’s May Lemonade Day event focused on youth entrepreneurship? Visit Lemonade.org for more information, tips, and ways to get involved.


Let’s raise a glass to the sweet simplicity and bright future of lemonade. Cheers to Lemonade Day!


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  • Rod Washington

    Rod: A creative force, blending words, images, and flavors. Blogger, writer, filmmaker, and photographer. Cooking enthusiast with a sci-fi vision. Passionate about his upcoming series and dedicated to TNC Network. Partnered with Rebecca Washington for a shared journey of love and art. View all posts

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Comienzos inteligentes para un corazón sano: Mejore la hidratación y evite los azúcares añadidos con bebidas más saludables



Corazón sano

Corazón sano

(Family Features) La forma de empezar la mañana puede influir en el resto del día. Si quiere incorporar opciones más saludables a su rutina matutina, pruebe un concepto conocido como “habit stacking” (apilar hábitos). Incorporar pequeños hábitos más saludables a las rutinas que ya se tienen, como disfrutar de una bebida matutina o desayunar antes de revisar el correo electrónico en lugar de empezar directamente con las tareas del día, puede hacer más fácil mantener un nuevo hábito cuando se incorpora a una rutina ya existente.

Si ya disfruta de la rutina del desayuno para empezar el día, considere la posibilidad de cambiar las bebidas azucaradas por una bebida más sana como el té verde o negro sin azúcar. Si se incorpora a una dieta sana, el té sin azúcar puede contribuir a la salud del corazón.

Si necesita ayuda para empezar, Lipton, orgulloso patrocinador nacional de la campaña Life is Why de la American Heart Association, ha creado estas recetas de té fáciles de hacer y más saludables.

Con un pequeño puñado de ingredientes, los batidos de té verde, bayas y plátano resultan muy sabrosos, ideales para un desayuno rápido. Para refrescarse a cualquier hora del día, los Spritzers espumosos de té verde y arándanos ofrecen una solución sin azúcares añadidos, mientras que los Mocktails de Mojito de té verde sin alcohol aportan dulzor natural con jugo 100% de fruta.

Elegir bebidas sin azúcares añadidos puede contribuir a un corazón sano, según la American Heart Association, por lo que estas recetas son perfectas para acumular hábitos a diario. Debido a que es predominantemente agua, que es necesaria para que el cuerpo funcione de la mejor manera, el té sin azúcar proporciona una forma deliciosa de hidratarse sin renunciar a esos hábitos más saludables.

Descubra más formas de mejorar las rutinas diarias en Heart.org/eatsmart.

Batidos de plátano, bayas y té verde

Receta cortesía de la American Heart Association
Porciones: 4 (1 1/2 tazas por porción)

  • 3 tazas de agua
  • 8 bolsas de té verde individuales
  • 16 onzas de bayas mixtas congeladas (aproximadamente 3 tazas)
  • 2 plátanos medianos, pelados, cortados por la mitad y congelados
  • 1 taza de yogur griego natural sin grasa
  • 2 cucharadas de raíz de jengibre pelada y rallada (opcional)
  • 2 cucharadas de extracto de vainilla (opcional)
  • 2 cucharadas de semillas de chía o lino (opcional)
  1. En una cacerola pequeña a fuego alto, hierva el agua. Retire la sartén del fuego. Sumerja las bolsitas de té. Deje reposar durante 4 minutos. Deseche las bolsitas de té. Deje que la mezcla de té se enfríe durante 30 minutos. Vierta en la jarra. Refrigere durante 2 horas o hasta que esté frío.
  2. En un procesador de alimentos o licuadora, procese el té, las bayas, los plátanos y el yogur hasta que quede una mezcla homogénea. Agregue raíz de jengibre y vainilla, si lo desea, y procese hasta que la mezcla no tenga grumos. Sirva en cuatro vasos. Espolvoree con semillas de chía, si lo desea.

Información nutricional por ración (sin ingredientes opcionales): 136 calorías; 1 g de grasa total (0 g de grasa saturada, grasa trans, grasa poliinsaturada y grasa monoinsaturada); 3 mg de colesterol; 23 mg de sodio; 29 g de carbohidratos; 5 g de fibra; 18 g de azúcares totales (0 g de azúcares añadidos); 8 g de proteínas.

Cócteles sin alcohol de mojito de té verde

Receta cortesía de la American Heart Association
Porciones: 4 (1 1/2 tazas por porción)

  • 4 tazas de agua
  • 4 bolsitas de té verde individuales
  • 32-40 ramitas de menta fresca, más otras para decorar, divididas
  • 2 tazas de cubitos de hielo
  • 1 taza de jugo de uva 100 % blanca
  • 1/2 taza de jugo de lima fresco (unas 4 limas medianas)
  • 1 lima mediana, cortada en cuatro gajos o ralladura de lima (opcional)
  1. En una cacerola pequeña a fuego alto, hierva el agua. Retire la sartén del fuego. Sumerja las bolsitas de té. Deje reposar durante 4 minutos. Deseche las bolsitas de té. Deje que la mezcla de té se enfríe durante 30 minutos. Vierta en la jarra. Refrigere durante 2 horas o hasta que esté frío.
  2. A la hora de servir, añada hojas de menta a cuatro vasos. Con un machacador o una cuchara de madera, machacar las hojas de menta varias veces para que suelten su jugo. No las triture hasta que se conviertan en pulpa. Agregue hielo.
  3. Agregue el jugo de uva blanca y el jugo de lima a la mezcla de té. Sirva en vasos. Adorne cada uno con una rodaja de lima y una hoja de menta.

Consejo: Para obtener más jugo de los cítricos, antes de cortarlos, caliente la fruta en el microondas a potencia alta durante 30 segundos, o hasta que esté caliente. Cuando esté lo suficientemente frío como para manipularlo, use un escariador de cítricos o un exprimidor de jugo de mano para exprimir los cítricos.

Información nutricional por ración: 45 calorías; 0 g de grasa total (0 g de grasa saturada, grasa trans, grasa poliinsaturada y grasa monoinsaturada); 0 mg de colesterol; 7 mg de sodio; 13 g de carbohidratos; 0 g de fibra; 10 g de azúcares totales (0 g de azúcares añadidos); 1 g de proteínas.


Spritzers espumosos de té verde y arándanos

Receta cortesía de la American Heart Association
Porciones: 4 (1 1/2 tazas por porción)

  • 4 tazas de agua
  • 4 bolsitas de té verde individuales
  • 1 taza de jugo 100 % de arándano o jugo 100 % de arándano y granada
  • 2 tazas de cubitos de hielo
  • 1/2 taza de agua mineral (con o sin sabor) o agua mineral con gas baja en sodio, fría
  • 4 rodajas de naranja o rodajas de lima (opcional)
  1. En una cacerola pequeña a fuego alto, hierva el agua. Retire la sartén del fuego. Sumerja las bolsitas de té. Deje reposar durante 4 minutos. Deseche las bolsitas de té. Deje que la mezcla de té se enfríe durante 30 minutos. Vierta en la jarra. Agregue el jugo de arándano. Refrigere durante 2 horas o hasta que esté frío.
  2. A la hora de servir, ponga cubitos de hielo en cuatro vasos. Vierta la mezcla de té en vasos. Cubra cada porción con agua mineral. Adorne con rodajas de naranja.

Consejo: Para hacer cubitos de hielo con sabor a arándano, llene la bandeja para cubitos de hielo con jugo 100 % de arándano y congélelo.

Información nutricional por ración: 32 calorías: 0 g de grasa total (0 g de grasa saturada, grasa trans, grasa poliinsaturada y grasa monoinsaturada); 0 mg de colesterol; 4 mg de sodio; 8 mg de carbohidratos; 0 g de fibra; 8 g de azúcares totales (0 g de azúcares añadidos); 1 g de proteínas.

American Heart Association

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Food and Beverage

Natural Grocers® Releases Limited-Edition Pecan Caramel Pie Gourmet Coffee to Commemorate Company’s 69th Anniversary

Natural Grocers celebrates its 69th anniversary with the limited-edition Pecan Caramel Pie coffee, organic and Fair Trade Certified, available from August 9 to September 7, 2024.



LAKEWOOD, Colo. /PRNewswire/ — August is a month that inspires everyone to gobble up  the last, tastiest bits of summer. Summer nostalgia seems to burn the brightest in August. From the sounds of kids splashing in a pool, to peaceful nights with starry skies and the calming buzz of insects, to backyard get-togethers with family and friends and sweet summer treats…like pie! To commemorate its 69th anniversary, Natural Grocers® proudly introduces a limited-edition Pecan Caramel Pie coffee to its collection of Natural Grocers® Brand Products. Fair Trade Certified™ and organic, this Always Affordable℠ ground gourmet coffee is on sale ($6.99/10 oz) August 9 – September 7, 2024, while supplies last.[i]  Customers can stock up now and enjoy this toasty addition long after summer has passed.

Pecan Caramel Pie
To commemorate its 69th anniversary, Natural Grocers® proudly introduces a limited-edition Pecan Caramel Pie coffee to its Natural Grocers® Brand Products collection.

Sustainability, quality and community are behind every Natural Grocers Brand Product, including this limited-edition variety of Pecan Caramel Pie flavored coffee. The company is committed to source 100% organic and Fair Trade Certified coffee for its private label brand and was the first national private label grocery line to execute to this high standard challenge since 2018.[ii]

Pecan Caramel Pie

 “Our 2024 Anniversary Coffee is from the same trusted supplier that has provided our entire selection of Natural Grocers Brand Organic Coffee,” said Raquel Isely, Vice President of Marketing at Natural Grocers. “It comes in BPA-free bags, and is certified organic and fair trade, from an employee-owned company which has demonstrated the same enthusiasm for taking care of their neighbors as they do for making great coffee since 1935.”

The 2024 Anniversary coffee blend is one of twelve variations of the company’s decadent, yet affordably-priced house brand coffees, each supporting the effort to expand the Natural Grocers Brand Products line.

  • Roasted in the USA from Globally Sourced Coffee Beans
  • Made from 100 % Arabica Beans
  • Organic and Fair Trade Certified
  • Made with Natural Flavors
  • No Artificial Flavorings, Colors, Additives or Preservatives Added
  • Available in 10 oz.
  • Packaged in BPA-Free Bags

Established in 2016, the house brand presently includes over 800 high-quality products, exclusively available at Natural Grocers stores. Learn more about Natural Grocers’ product standards by clicking here. Recent additions to the Natural Grocers Brand Product Line include items such as three new flavors of Baked Organic Dog Treats, an entire collection of vegan, gluten-free and Fair Trade Certified Castile Soaps and eight scrumptious varieties of Organic Cereal. Customers can expect to see more premium-quality additions at Always Affordable Prices℠ to the house brand line, including three new varieties of frozen pizzas and additional seasonal flavored coffees, expected in stores this fall.

  • Click here for a media kit featuring the new 2024 Anniversary Coffee, courtesy of Natural Grocers.
  • To request media samples, or for any press-related questions, please contact Katie Macarelli: kmacarelli@naturalgrocers.com.

Founded in 1955, Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. (NYSE: NGVC) is an expanding specialty retailer of natural and organic groceries, body care products, and dietary supplements. The products sold by Natural Grocers must meet strict quality guidelines and may not contain artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or sweeteners, or partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils. The Company sells only USDA-certified organic produce and exclusively pasture-raised, non-confinement dairy products, and free-range eggs. Natural Grocers’ flexible smaller-store format allows it to offer affordable prices in a shopper-friendly, clean, and convenient retail environment. The Company also provides extensive free science-based Nutrition Education programs to help customers and Crew make informed health and nutrition choices. Natural Grocers is committed to its 5 Founding Principles—including its “Commitment to Community” and “Commitment to Crew”. In fiscal year 2023, the Company invested $15 million in incremental compensation and discretionary payments for Crew. Headquartered in the Union Square neighborhood of Lakewood, CO, Natural Grocers has 169 stores in 21 states. Visit www.naturalgrocers.com for more information and store locations.  

[i] Offer available from 8/09/2024 to 9/7/2024 and is redeemable only for in-store customer purchases at participating stores. Quantity limited to stock on hand, no rainchecks. Unless otherwise noted, all discounts are on regular prices, cannot be redeemed for store credit or cash and cannot be combined with other offers. Pricing excludes taxes and is subject to change without notice. Natural Grocers reserves the right correct errors. Void where prohibited by law.

[ii] For more information on the Fair Trade™ Certified Sustainable Coffee Challenge, visit https://www.fairtradecertified.org/news/sustainable-coffee-challenge/.

SOURCE Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc.

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