The film "This Field Looks Green To Me," set in a 1950s Jim Crow town, will share profits with Kentucky State University and Berea College, highlighting...
"Experience enhanced control and realism in EA SPORTS Madden NFL 24, the ultimate football video game on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC."
"Join The Big Homecoming and Wells Fargo in empowering HBCUs through music, culture, and ongoing impact."
MatchPickle: Revolutionizing Pickleball with an iOS app for scores, videos, and social sharing. #Pickleball #iOSapp #MatchPickle
Discover Tres Palapas Baja Pickleball Resort, the ultimate destination for pickleball enthusiasts and beach lovers in Los Barriles, Baja.
Mike Sliwa reviews the innovative 'Filth' paddle by Bread & Butter in Sleeve's Senior Pickleball Report, highlighting its unique features and appeal to pickleball enthusiasts.
Taylor Taylor: Professional pickleball player and founder of PickleMania, spreading the love of the game in Memphis. #PickleballPassion
"Sleeves Senior Pickleball Report: Taylor Taylor discusses Pickle Mania and her National Pickleball League experiences. Don't miss it! 🥒🏓 #pickleball"
"Join Sleeves as he interviews Amy Yarbrough, pro player and Pickleball instructor from the Austin Ignite team in the National Pickleball League."
Initial Focus on Social Support for Older Adults and Teen Leadership