(Family Features) The Ardennes Offensive, commonly known as the “Battle of the Bulge,” stands as the single bloodiest battle fought...
Ben Zeller, Lake Forest College Heaven’s Gate – also known as the “UFO cult” – burst into American consciousness on March 26, 1997 when law enforcement...
Mohamed-Slim Alouini, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology and Mariette DiChristina, Boston University About one-third of the global population, around 3 billion people, don’t have...
TikTok Ban? TikTok is challenging a U.S. law that could force it to separate from its Chinese parent company, ByteDance. This legal battle raises concerns about...
Amin Saikal, Australian National University Exploding Pager The alleged Israeli attack on members of Hezbollah via their pagers is another ominous development propelling the Middle East...
On August 6, Italy’s Defense Ministry reported that Eurofighter Typhoons were dispatched to intercept unidentified aircraft flying in the Baltic region. The jets took off from...
In a troubling turn of events early Friday morning, a massive global computer outage wreaked havoc across various sectors, including the Valley’s own Sky Harbor International...
evels of widespread extreme fire risk which used to occur once every 100 years will now occur every 5 MONTREAL /PRNewswire/ — Deep Sky, the Canadian carbon removal...
World Refugee Day Statement by Education Cannot Wait Executive Director Yasmine Sherif NEW YORK /PRNewswire/ — On World Refugee Day, we must stand in solidarity with the 120 million forcibly...
Gaza faces a dire famine crisis, with 50% of households at catastrophic hunger levels.