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Tulane expert offers ‘smart’ advice on making and keeping New Year’s resolutions



Newswise — It’s almost 2023, a new year, a new you. You’ve resolved to be thinner, healthier, kinder. You’ve vowed to cook more, read more, exercise more. You’re going to declutter your house, beautify your garden, get out of debt.

There’s only one problem, said Tonya Hansel, PhD, am associate professor of social work at the Tulane University School of Social Work.

“By year’s end, or even February, these personal goals are forgotten, ignored or deemed unattainable,” she said. “The problem with a New Year’s resolution is not lack of will power or self-determination, rather it is with the resolution itself – lofty goals that anyone would find difficult to implement.”

For those making resolutions, Hansel advises to make them SMART — specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound. She uses the example of adopting a healthier lifestyle. A more specific resolution would be to exercise three times a week for at least 30 minutes.

By making it measurable, you can keep track of your progress or setbacks to work on. “Perhaps you measure healthier by three days per week for at least 30 minutes or losing 1 pound per week,” she said.

Making a resolution achievable gets to the attainability of your resolution. “You could join a gym, online workout or weight loss program and identify a friend with similar resolutions to exercise with or to check in with weekly to discuss barriers and successes,” she said.

As for relevance, Hansel said this part of the resolution may change. “Perhaps the relevance is that you want to fit into clothes, receive better health reports or feel or look better,” she said. “If these goals are no longer as important, it may be worth investing your energy into a different resolution.”

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Hansel said realistic timing is one of the most important aspects of the resolution because it involves creating positive habits. She said studies show that 21 days is enough to form a habit. So instead of committing to a full year, take it one month at a time.  “This will allow you to reevaluate whether your resolution was achievable and still relevant.”  

Source: Tulane University


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Child Health

How to Supplement Breastfeeding with Bottle Feeding




(Family Features) For moms who breastfeed, the idea of introducing a bottle can feel like a big change. Whether supplementing for personal reasons, returning to work or ensuring adequate nourishment, the transition between breast and bottle can be eased with the right approach – and the right tools. Here’s how to make this process smooth and stress-free for both you and your baby.

Begin Gradually and Mindfully
When supplementing with a bottle, it’s important to start slowly, ideally once breastfeeding is well-established, usually after the first few weeks. Begin by replacing one breastfeeding session with a bottle feeding and gradually increase as needed. This gradual transition helps your baby adapt to the new experience without feeling overwhelmed or confused. If you have questions or concerns about introducing bottle feeding, your pediatrician is an excellent resource.  

Prioritize the Right Bottle Design
Using a bottle that closely mirrors the breastfeeding experience can make all the difference in a smooth transition. For example, NUK’s Perfect Match Bottle, from the No. 1 hospital-trusted brand (based on industry data) for feeding, is specifically designed to bridge the gap between breast and bottle feeding. Its ultra-soft silicone nipple is shaped to mimic the feel of a mother’s breast, adapting to your baby’s unique palate for a familiar, comforting feeding experience. This breast-like comfort can make the transition seamless and intuitive for babies. Additionally, it features an advanced anti-colic venting system that minimizes air intake, reducing digestive discomfort and keeping your baby comfortable for a calm, enjoyable feeding time – without the hassle of extra parts to clean.

Maintain Familiar Feeding Conditions
Convincing a breastfed baby to take a bottle can take a bit of patience. Ease the transition by creating an environment similar to breastfeeding conditions to provide a comforting and familiar experience for your baby. Hold your baby close, make eye contact and create a quiet environment to establish a sense of security. Also, plan for bottle feedings when you know your baby is ready to eat, but not overly hungry or fussy.

Use a Safe and Convenient Feeding System
One common concern when supplementing is ensuring milk is served at a safe temperature. With a built-in SafeTemp indicator that changes color if the milk is too hot, the NUK Perfect Match bottle gives parents peace of mind. This feature can simplify the feeding process, making it more intuitive for busy caregivers.

Enlist Help with Bottle Feeding
Sometimes, a baby may be more likely to accept a bottle when offered by someone other than the breastfeeding parent. A partner or caregiver can introduce bottle feeding, helping your baby adapt without associating it directly with breastfeeding. Once established, you can alternate who offers the bottle.

Stay Flexible and Patient
Every baby’s journey is unique, and patience is key. If challenges arise during supplementation, such as bottle refusal or digestive changes, seek guidance from your pediatrician or a lactation consultant. They can help tailor the approach to your baby’s needs.

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8 maneras de vivir de manera más saludable en 2025




Tome medidas para limitar el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular

(Family Features) En la última década se ha producido un aumento de factores de riesgo cardiovascular, como la hipertensión arterial no controlada, la diabetes y la obesidad, cada uno de los cuales aumenta el riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades cardíacas y accidentes cerebrovasculares. Estas tendencias están llevando a los investigadores a concluir que la prevalencia de las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) seguirá aumentando.

Más del 60 % de los adultos estadounidenses tendrán algún tipo de ECV para 2050, según las proyecciones previstas de la American Heart Association, que celebra 100 años de servicio salvando vidas como la principal organización mundial sin fines de lucro dedicada a la salud del corazón y el cerebro de todos. Además, se espera que los costos totales relacionados con las ECV casi se tripliquen en ese período hasta alcanzar más de 1.8 trillones de dólares.

El aumento será impulsado por una población más anciana y diversa, pero estos factores de riesgo están aumentando incluso entre niños y adultos.

“Reconocemos que el panorama de la salud cardiovascular cambiará en las próximas tres décadas debido al tsunami que se avecina de aumentos en los costos de la atención médica, una población de mayor edad que vive más tiempo y un número cada vez mayor de personas de poblaciones de pocos recursos”, dijo la voluntaria de la American Heart Association, Karen E. Joynt Maddox, M.D., M.P.H., FAHA. “Aun así, estas siguen siendo las principales causas de muerte y discapacidad en Estados Unidos”.

Si bien se necesitan cambios sistemáticos continuos en la ciencia, las políticas y la atención de salud, la mayoría de las ECV se pueden prevenir a nivel individual. Usted puede ayudar a cambiar el rumbo de las terribles perspectivas de la ECV y, al mismo tiempo, mejorar su propia salud siguiendo y alentando a otros a seguir los “Life’s Essential 8” de la American Heart Association.

Coma mejor. Intente seguir un patrón de alimentación saludable en general que incluya alimentos integrales, frutas y verduras, proteínas magras, frutos secos, semillas y cocinar con aceite de oliva y de canola.

Manténgase activo. Los adultos deben realizar 2 horas y media de actividad física moderada o 75 minutos de actividad física vigorosa por semana. Los niños deben tener 60 minutos cada día, incluidos juegos y actividades estructuradas.

Deje el tabaco. El uso de productos que suministran nicotina por inhalación, que incluyen cigarrillos tradicionales, cigarrillos electrónicos y vaporizadores, es la principal causa de muerte evitable en los EE. UU.

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Duerma bien. La mayoría de los adultos necesitan dormir entre 7 y 9 horas cada noche. Los niños de 5 años o menos necesitan entre 10 y 16 horas, incluidas las siestas; de 9 y 12 horas, en niños de 6 y 12 años, y entre 8 y 10 horas, entre los 13 y 18 años.

Controle el peso. Lograr y mantener un peso saludable tiene muchos beneficios. El índice de masa corporal es un indicador útil. El IMC óptimo es menor de 25, pero menor de 18.5 se considera bajo peso. Puede calcularlo en línea o consultar a un profesional de la salud.

Controle el colesterol. Los niveles altos de colesterol no HDL, o “malo”, pueden provocar enfermedades cardíacas. Su profesional de atención médica puede considerar el colesterol no HDL como el número preferido para monitorear, en lugar del colesterol total, porque se puede medir sin ayuno previo y se calcula de manera confiable entre todas las personas.

Controle el nivel de azúcar en sangre. La mayor parte de los alimentos que consume se convierten en glucosa (o azúcar en sangre) que su cuerpo utiliza como energía. Con el tiempo, los niveles altos de azúcar en sangre pueden dañar el corazón, los riñones, los ojos y los nervios.

Controle la presión arterial. Mantener su presión arterial dentro de rangos aceptables puede ayudarle a mantenerse saludable por más tiempo. Los niveles inferiores a 120/80 mmHg son óptimos. La presión arterial alta se define como una presión sistólica de 130 a 139 mm Hg (el número superior en una lectura) o una presión diastólica de 80 a 89 mm Hg (el número inferior).

Encuentre más formas de cuidar su salud en el nuevo año y más allá en

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Light exercise can yield significant cognitive benefits, new research shows

Everyday physical activity significantly enhances cognitive health, reversing four years of cognitive aging, according to a Penn State study highlighting movement’s importance of exercise for mental benefits.




Jonathan G. Hakun, Penn State


Everyday physical activity, like going for a short walk or playing with the kids, may provide short-term benefits for cognitive health, equivalent to reversing four years of cognitive aging. That was a key finding for my colleagues and me in our new study, which was published in the journal Annals of Behavioral Medicine.

Prior to enrollment into a study of diet and dementia risk, we asked a diverse sample of 204 middle-aged adults to check in five times per day for a period of nine days, via a smartphone application.

Each check-in involved completing a brief survey that asked about their mood, dietary choices and whether they engaged in any physical activity in the roughly three and a half hours leading up to the survey. In addition, participants completed a few brief brain games – meaning performance-based cognitive assessments that lasted about one minute each – to assess mental speed and short-term memory.

My team found that performance on our measure of cognitive processing speed improved during check-ins when participants reported being physically active in the time leading up to the survey. While we didn’t see improvements in our measure of working memory, the time taken to complete the memory task mirrored what we saw for the measure of processing speed.

We observed these improvements in speed regardless of whether the activity was lighter intensity or moderate-to-vigorous intensity. This led us to conclude that movement, whether it took the form of intentional exercise or part of a daily routine, was the essential ingredient for achieving this benefit.

Why it matters

As a rule, we get slower, both physically and mentally, as we age. While research on exercise and living a healthy lifestyle has demonstrated the long-term cognitive and brain health benefits of remaining physically active, much of this work has focused on the moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity – or what most of us think of as exercise – recommended by the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.

Still, these guidelines and other experts recommend that adults move more and sit less.

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My colleagues and I are interested in understanding how moving more can improve our cognitive health or reduce our risk of dementia as we age, at what timescale these benefits show up, and what types of movement qualify. Exercise promotes blood circulation and the growth of neurons.

What still isn’t known

Our study relied on participants to report whether they had been physically active during the time between each check-in. Even though participants were provided training on how to think about the intensity levels, it’s possible that each participant had a slightly different perception of their activities.

For example, a participant may not have believed their recent walk actually qualified as a moderate-intensity activity. Physical activity monitors that can dissociate time and intensity might help future research unravel these associations more clearly.

What’s next

It isn’t yet clear whether these short-term benefits accumulate over time to result in long-term improvements in brain health and dementia risk reduction. Research efforts are underway by our team to better understand these associations over broader timescales.

My research involves data collection via smartphones and wearable devices to help us better understand how health-promoting behaviors and cognitive health interact as we age. This type of digital approach allows my team to pursue questions about how everyday behavior and experience influence cognition in daily life and represents a significant methodological advancement in the dementia risk and prevention research space.

Using these tools, we aim to better identify individuals at risk for negative cognitive outcomes and new targets for dementia prevention.

Jonathan G. Hakun, Assistant Professor of Neurology, Psychology, & Public Health Sciences, Penn State

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This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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