3 Hábitos Saludables para Proteger La Piel
(Family Features) Como primera línea de defensa contra el mundo exterior, la piel es el órgano más grande del cuerpo y asume un papel importante en el mantenimiento de la salud en general. Si bien los productos como el protector solar y la crema hidratante pueden ayudar a que la piel prospere, una piel saludable comienza desde adentro, donde las opciones de alimentos y bebidas pueden desempeñar una función fundamental.
Un ejemplo son las uvas: Una nueva investigación sugiere que consumir uvas puede ayudar a proteger la piel sana incluso cuando se expone a la luz ultravioleta, que se sabe que es dañina. Un estudio publicado en el diario “Antioxidants”, en el que las personas consumieron 2 1/4 tazas de uvas todos los días durante dos semanas, mostró una mayor resistencia a las quemaduras solares y una reducción de los marcadores de daño UV a nivel celular.
Este estudio reforzó hallazgos anteriores y similares publicados en el “Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology”. Las uvas también son un alimento hidratante, con un contenido de agua del 82 %; La hidratación es esencial para una piel sana.
Para cuidar la piel, considere estos consejos para una piel sana.
Proteja la Piel Mientras Está al Aire Libre
Si bien quizás sea un paso obvio para algunos, una de las formas más directas de proteger la piel es aplicarse protector solar (la mayoría de los expertos recomiendan 30 FPS o superior) antes de salir al aire libre y volver a aplicarlo cada 1- 2 horas. Además, considere usar ropa de protección, como un sombrero lo suficientemente grande para darle sombra en la cara y el cuello. Si planea pasar mucho tiempo bajo el sol, opte por una camisa ligera de manga larga y pantalones para una máxima cobertura de la piel.
Llene su Plato con Alimentos Saludables e Hidratantes
Los alimentos nutritivos, como las frutas y las verduras, pueden desempeñar una función importante para lograr una alimentación balanceada en general con una hidratación adecuada. Disfrutar de las bondades de las uvas frescas o congeladas de California pueden proporcionar una hidratación adicional y un impulso de antioxidantes beneficiosos y otros polifenoles que ayudan a proteger la salud y la función de las células del cuerpo, incluidas las de la piel.
Beba agua a lo largo del día y para darle más sabor, haga una infusión con frutas con uvas congeladas. Simplemente enjuague, seque con cuidado, retire los tallos y congele las uvas por 2 horas en una sola capa en una bandeja, para usarlos como si fueran cubitos de hielo con un sabor delicioso.
Para una manera fácil y refrescante de agregar uvas a su menú y mantenerse hidratado en los días cálidos, pruebe este Granizado Helado de Uva e Hibisco y obtenga un té afrutado sutilmente dulce en forma congelada.
Controlar el Estrés
Ya sea debido a una larga lista de cosas pendientes por hacer o ansiedad en general, el estrés puede tener un impacto negativo en la salud de la piel e incluso agravar ciertas afecciones. Controlar el estrés puede ofrecer alivio de diversas maneras, que también puede favorecer la salud de la piel. Algunas formas simples de aliviar el estrés son hacer ejercicio, dormir lo suficiente, aligerar o limitar la carga de trabajo, reducir las listas de tareas pendientes y dedicar tiempo para las cosas que disfruta.
Visite para más información sobre las uvas y la salud de la piel, y para encontrar recetas deliciosas.
Granizado Helado de Uva e Hibisco
Tiempo de preparación: 15 minutos, más congelación durante la noche
Porciones: 6 (1 taza cada uno)
9 bolsitas de té de hibisco o té de Jamaica
6 tazas de agua hirviendo
3 tazas de puré de uvas de California (verdes, rojas, negras o mixtas)
4 1/2 cucharadas de concentrado de limonada congelado, descongelado
1 1/2 cucharadas de jugo de limón verde (opcional)
Remoje las bolsitas de té en agua hirviendo. Retire las bolsitas de té y agregue el puré de uvas, el concentrado de limonada y el jugo de limón, si lo desea.
Vierta en bandejas de cubitos de hielo y congele durante la noche hasta que esté firme.
En la licuadora, mezcle hasta que quede medio derretido, revolviendo según sea necesario.
Notas: Si no hay bandejas para hielo, congele la mezcla en un recipiente grande de aproximadamente 1 1/2 pulgadas de profundidad. Deje que se ablande un poco y luego rompa en pedazos con un cuchillo antes de mezclar y servir.
Información nutricional por ración: 80 calorías; 1 g de proteína; 21 g de carbohidratos; 0 g de grasa; 0 g de grasa saturada; 0 mg de colesterol; 0 mg de sodio; 1 g de fibra.
California Table Grape Commission
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health and wellness
6 Ways to Build Lasting Healthy Habits
Starting on a path toward healthy habits is often easier than maintaining them long term. This year, you can avoid a major pitfall of healthy resolutions and build healthy habits that stick by working small, positive steps into your daily life.
(Family Features) Starting on a path toward healthy habits is often easier than maintaining them long term. This year, you can avoid a major pitfall of healthy resolutions and build healthy habits that stick by working small, positive steps into your daily life.
In fact, healthy habits are the first suggested treatment strategy for people whose blood pressure and cholesterol levels are creeping higher than normal, according to an American Heart Association scientific statement.
“The current guidelines for managing high blood pressure and cholesterol recognize that otherwise healthy individuals with mildly or moderately elevated levels of these cardiovascular risk factors should actively attempt to reduce these risks, and increasing physical activity is a great place to start,” said Bethany Barone Gibbs, Ph.D., chair of the statement writing group and chair of the department of epidemiology and biostatistics at West Virginia University School of Public Health.
These six ideas from the American Heart Association’s Healthy for Good Habit Coach can help.
Bust Common Habit-Building Myths
You may be surprised to learn the truth about creating and sticking to healthy habits. One myth is getting healthy means doing things you don’t like. Research shows positive emotions make habits stick, so set your intentions on something you enjoy. Another misconception is big results require big changes, which may lead to overly ambitious habits. However, the simpler the routine is, the more likely it is to become habit.
Work with Your “Brain Loops”
Your brain creates “loops” for habits made up of three things: a cue, a routine and a reward. Each time the loop is repeated, it becomes more routine and may become automatic. Knowing this, you can design cues for developing new, healthy habits, such as setting walking shoes by the bed to start a walking habit. The routine is putting on the shoes and walking around the block, and the reward is the pleasant sensations and brighter mood from a morning stroll.
Create Cues That Work for You
Most successful health habits begin with a cue. The cue can be external in your environment or internal in terms of your mindset. The more consistent the cue, the more likely it is to trigger the habit. Hacking your brain’s reminder system can help you remember your cue. Some examples of visual cues are placing a sticky note where you’ll see it often, keeping a water bottle on your desk or refrigerating fresh veggies at eye level.
Build a Routine That Supports Your Goals
Positive and consistent habits are important to achieve your personal goals. Small habits done consistently can add up to big results. To create a new healthy habit, think through the steps that could lead to your desired outcome. Ask yourself whether you want to do it, if it’s easy and if it’s high impact. It’s important to choose habits that make a difference and move you closer to your goals.
For example, if one of your goals is improving your heart health, a meaningful habit might be to move more. Increasing physical activity can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol along with many other health benefits, Gibbs said.
“Every little bit of activity is better than none,” she said. “Even small initial increases of 5-10 minutes a day can yield health benefits.”
Use Rewards to Make Habits Stick
Start by choosing a habit you enjoy that’s rewarding by itself. If you’re more of a dancer than runner, increase your physical activity with an upbeat dance class. You might also look for a more enjoyable version of a new habit, such as getting more fruits and veggies by sipping on a delicious smoothie.
Understand Resets are Part of the Process
New habits are experiments. If they don’t stick, you haven’t failed. Instead, you’ve learned what doesn’t work, which is useful. Get curious and ask yourself which part of the habit didn’t work for you. Maybe the cue was ineffective. Maybe the steps of the routine were too ambitious and you need to split them into smaller, easier steps. If you realize you don’t enjoy the habit, stop doing it and try something else.
Find more inspiration and ideas to jumpstart healthy habits this year at
Photos courtesy of Getty Images
American Heart Association
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Get chronic UTIs? Future treatments may add more bacteria to your bladder to beat back harmful microbes
Researchers developed a biomaterial releasing beneficial E. coli to combat urinary tract infections by outcompeting harmful bacteria, aiming to reduce antibiotic resistance and manage chronic UTIs effectively.
Sarguru Subash, Texas A&M University
Millions of people in the U.S. and around the world suffer from urinary tract infections every year. Some groups are especially prone to chronic UTIs, including women, older adults and some veterans.
These infections are typically treated with antibiotics, but overusing these drugs can make the microbes they target become resistant and reduce the medicines’ effectiveness.
To solve this problem of chronic UTIs and antibiotic resistance, we combined our expertise in microbiology and engineering to create a living material that houses a specific strain of beneficial E. coli. Our research shows that the “good” bacteria released from this biomaterial can compete with “bad” bacteria for nutrients and win, dramatically reducing the number of disease-causing microbes.
With further development, we believe this technique could help manage recurring UTIs that do not respond to antibiotics.
Bringing bacteria to the bladder
For the microbes living in people, nutrients are limited their presence varies between different parts of the body. Bacteria have to compete with other microbes and the host to acquire essential nutrients. By taking up available nutrients, beneficial bacteria can stop or slow the growth of harmful bacteria. When harmful bacteria are starved of important nutrients, they aren’t able to reach high enough numbers to cause disease.
Delivering beneficial bacteria to the bladder to prevent UTIs in challenging, though. For one, these helpful bacteria can naturally colonize only in people who are unable to fully empty their bladder, a condition called urinary retention. Even among these patients, how long these bacteria can colonize their bladders varies widely.
Current methods to deliver bacteria to the bladder are invasive and require repeated catheter insertion. Even when bacteria are successfully released into the bladder, urine will flush out these microbes because they cannot stick to the bladder wall.
Biomaterials to treat UTIs
Since beneficial bacteria cannot attach to and survive in the bladder for long, we developed a biomaterial that could slowly release bacteria in the bladder over time.
Our biomaterial is composed of living E. coli embedded in a matrix structure made of gel. It resembles a piece of jelly about 500 times smaller than a drop of water and can release bacteria for up to two weeks in the bladder. By delivering the bacteria via biomaterial, we overcome the need for the bacteria to attach to the bladder to persist in the organ.
We tested our biomaterial by placing it in human urine in petri dishes and exposing it to bacterial pathogens that cause UTIs. Our results showed that when mixed in a 50:50 ratio, the E. coli outcompeted the UTI-causing bacteria by increasing to around 85% of the total population. When we added more E. coli than UTI-causing bacteria, which is what we envision for future development and testing, the proportion of E. coli increased to over 99% of the population, essentially wiping out the UTI-causing bacteria. Moreoever, the biomaterial continued releasing E. coli for up to two weeks in human urine.
Our findings suggest that E.coli could stick around and survive in the bladder for extended periods of time and successfully decrease the growth of many types of bacteria that cause UTIs.
Improving biomaterials
Our findings show that E. coli can not only control harmful bacteria it’s closely related to but also a broad range of disease-causing bacteria in humans and animals. This means scientists might not need to identify different types of beneficial bacteria to control each pathogen – and there are many – that can cause a UTI.
Our team is currently evaluating how effectively our biomaterial can cure UTIs in mice. We are also working to identify the specific nutrients that beneficial and harmful bacteria compete over and what factors may help beneficial bacteria win. We could add these nutrients to our biomaterial to be released or withheld.
This research is still at an early stage, and clinical uses are not in development yet, so if it does reach patients it will be well in the future. We hope that our technology could be refined and applied to control other bacterial infections and some cancers caused by bacteria.
Sarguru Subash, Assistant Professor of Veterinary Pathobiology, Texas A&M University
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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Does Your Favorite Brand of Dark Chocolate Contain Dangerous Metals?
According to a recent article from Consumer Reports, there are some brands of Dark Chocolate that contain dangerous levels of lead, and cadmium.
Dark Chocolate
According to a recent article from Consumer Reports, there are some brands of Dark Chocolate that contain dangerous levels of lead, and cadmium.
Dark Chocolate has become popular due to studies suggesting that they are rich in antioxidants, which is beneficial to the heart, and it having low sugar properties that positively impact health.
The article, which was posted in mid December, states that 28 popular brands were tested, and that 23 of them contained high levels of the dangerous metals.
For more details, check out the article from Consumer Reports:
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