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4 Tips to Plan a Bountiful Garden



(Family Features) Whether you’re a novice just learning to cultivate a magical display or an avid gardener with years of experience, early planning can help bring this year’s garden to life.

These simple tips can help you start planning, and before you know it, you can start putting your plans into action.

Assess your environment. Determine what factors may aid or hinder your garden’s success. What do you know about the soil? Lighting? Exposure to threats such as hungry or curious wildlife? Uncovering potential roadblocks early can help you identify potential solutions or alternatives that may help you bypass issues altogether.

Create a mental image. Look through seed catalogs, magazines and books, and browse the internet for inspiration. Vibrant colors and textures are the hallmarks of a beautiful spring garden, but spend time learning exactly what appeals to you most. Take notes, particularly as you identify new species you may want to introduce. You’ll need to do additional research to ensure their growing requirements are consistent with your environment.

Put it to paper. Transferring your vision to paper can help you plan appropriately and ensure you’re not overfilling or leaving unsightly gaps in your garden. Understanding where each plant will go and how much each needs to flourish before you turn a spade of soil can help make planting a breeze. Remember it is easier to change your mind with a pen and paper in hand than with fragile vegetation.

Create a calendar. Timing is critical to maximizing the time you are able to enjoy your garden. Understand the growing season for each plant and map it all out on a calendar so you can stagger when new varieties emerge and keep your garden active and thriving. Be sure to give yourself some wiggle room for unforeseen circumstances, such as weather, that may prevent you from planting exactly as you’ve planned.

For more tips to safely begin planting, visit eLivingtoday.com.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

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5 Steps to Spruce Up Outdoor Spaces




(Family Features) When spring arrives, days of enjoying your outdoor living space aren’t far away. Getting your yard ready for months of outdoor enjoyment will take a little work, but you’ll quickly see and appreciate the results.

These five steps can have you on your way to a lush, healthy lawn and outdoor area in no time.

  1. Dethatch
    Throughout the winter, dead grass and other debris accumulate on your lawn. This waste, known as thatch, can be quite a hindrance to your spring lawn. It promotes fungi, encourages pests and keeps new grass seed from sprouting. You can use a special dethatching rake or any rake with sturdy tines.
  2. Aerate
    Before spreading grass seed, you’ll want to give the new roots room to spread and grow. Aerating the lawn helps make your soil more welcoming to new growth by allowing moisture, nutrients and air to sink deeper into the soil. Depending on the size of area you need to aerate, two of the easiest options are doing the job by hand or using an attachment on a riding lawn mower.
  3. Prune
    The lawn isn’t the only place debris can pile up. Your flower beds and any other vegetation can become a holding ground for twigs, branches, leaves and other yard waste. Give your plants, shrubs and trees a close look to find broken, damaged or dead material and remove it to make way for new growth.
  4. Weed
    Even the healthiest lawns are susceptible to weeds, but getting a jump start on weeding early in the season can help you keep control. You can manage weeds by treating with an herbicide before the sprout or, if you prefer, there are chemical-free alternatives like vinegar, salt or cornmeal. Be aware that many alternative products don’t distinguish between the vegetation you want (like grass) and weeds, so these remedies are best used along borders and within beds to discourage weed growth.
  5. Seed
    Winter weather and wear can cause uneven patches in the lawn. Seeding in the spring requires more work than the fall (especially if you tend to have hot, dry summers), but with enough nurturing and regular water, you can fill those spots in for a more uniform lawn.

Visit eLivingtoday.com for more advice to make your outdoor living space spectacular.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

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Make a Positive Impact by Planting a Tree

Here are some tips for planting a tree in your yard properly.



Make a Positive Impact by Planting a Tree

(Family Features) There are countless ways you can make your environmental contributions felt. If you’d like to join millions of others in the fight for Mother Earth, consider one of the most popular gifts given back to the world each year: planting a tree.

Consider these tips to properly plant a tree in your own yard.

Choose the Right Tree and Location
Depending on where you live and your desired outcome, choosing the right tree and planting location are critical factors. Larger shade trees help cool homes in warmer climates, evergreens provide privacy and fruit trees offer a grocery store right in your backyard. Consider your available space along with conditions that will impact the tree itself, such as soil conditions, sun exposure, drainage and more.

Dig Safely
Before digging, remember that proper tree placement requires factoring in underground utility lines, overhead power lines and proximity to sidewalks, driveways and homes. Dial 811, the national call-before-you-dig number, to locate underground utilities and consider contacting an arborist or tree care professional to make sure you’ve weighed all the important factors.

Break Ground
Dig a hole that’s roughly 2-3 times wider than the root ball of your tree and equally as deep as the root ball. Be sure the trunk flare (where the trunk expands at the base of the tree) is partially visible when planted. Remove any wrapping or cover from the root ball and trunk. Lift from the root ball, not the trunk, to place in the hole then straighten vertically and firmly backfill soil around the root ball to stabilize.

Add Mulch
Mulching helps maintain moisture and improve soil conditions while controlling weed growth. Place a 2-3-inch layer in a 3-foot radius around the base of the tree without touching the trunk itself.

Keep Soil Moist
Make sure your tree has enough water to grow strong by keeping the soil moist. Typically, this means watering just once per week, barring rain, but may require more frequency during especially hot weather.

Find more tips for giving back to Mother Earth at eLivingtoday.com.

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Make an Impact This Earth Day: 5 steps to plant a tree



(Family Features) There are countless ways you can make your contributions felt this Earth Day. If you’d like to join millions of others in the fight for the environment, consider one of the most popular gifts given back to the world each year: planting a tree.

With hundreds of millions of trees planted since the first celebration in 1970, per earthday.org, you can be part of one of the largest civic events on the planet. Consider these tips to properly plant a tree in your own yard.

Choose the Right Tree and Location
Depending on where you live and your desired outcome, choosing the right tree and planting location are critical factors. Larger shade trees help cool homes in warmer climates, evergreens provide privacy and fruit trees offer a grocery store right in your backyard. Consider your available space along with conditions that will impact the tree itself, such as soil conditions, sun exposure, drainage and more.

Dig Safely
Before digging, remember that proper tree placement requires factoring in underground utility lines, overhead power lines and proximity to sidewalks, driveways and homes. Dial 811, the national call-before-you-dig number, to locate underground utilities and consider contacting an arborist or tree care professional to make sure you’ve weighed all the important factors.

Break Ground
Dig a hole that’s roughly 2-3 times wider than the root ball of your tree and equally as deep as the root ball. Be sure the trunk flare (where the trunk expands at the base of the tree) is partially visible when planted. Remove any wrapping or cover from the root ball and trunk. Lift from the root ball, not the trunk, to place in the hole then straighten vertically and firmly backfill soil around the root ball to stabilize.

Add Mulch
Mulching helps maintain moisture and improve soil conditions while controlling weed growth. Place a 2-3-inch layer in a 3-foot radius around the base of the tree without touching the trunk itself.

Keep Soil Moist
Make sure your tree has enough water to grow strong by keeping the soil moist. Typically, this means watering just once per week, barring rain, but may require more frequency during especially hot weather.

Find more tips for giving back to Mother Earth at eLivingtoday.com.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash



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