5 hábitos para ayudar a mantener la salud inmunológica
Para combatir la temporada de resfriados, adopte hábitos saludables como una dieta rica en frutas y verduras, ejercicio y buena higiene.
(Family Features) La temporada de resfriados y gripe ya está aquí. La mejor manera de combatir la temporada de resfriados y gripe es evitar contraer cualquier enfermedad. Si bien es imposible mantenerse completamente a salvo de los gérmenes, los resfriados y la tos, existen algunos hábitos saludables que puede incorporar para protegerse este año.
Junto con la orientación que reciba de su proveedor de atención médica, considere estas recomendaciones dietéticas y de estilo de vida para apoyar su sistema inmunológico de forma natural.
Comprométete a seguir una dieta más saludable: Es esencial para optimizar su sistema inmunológico, los expertos recomiendan llevar una dieta saludable que consista en más alimentos como frutas, verduras, nueces, semillas, legumbres y cereales integrales. Estos alimentos contienen compuestos a base de plantas que están relacionados con beneficios para la salud del cuerpo. Como ejemplo, tenemos las uvas frescas.
Los compuestos naturales de la uva, incluidos los antioxidantes y otros polifenoles, pueden ayudar a proteger la salud y el funcionamiento de las células. En lo fundamental, las células saludables son la base de una buena salud.
Hacer cambios simples, como elegir uvas frescas de California en lugar de bocadillos procesados o agregar uvas a sus recetas favoritas para darle un impulso saludable, son formas sabrosas de agregar estos compuestos beneficiosos.
Los estudios sugieren que algunos compuestos de la uva pueden influir positivamente en la función inmune, como el resveratrol y ciertos flavonoides. Otros estudios demuestran que agregar uvas que son saludables para el corazón a su dieta diaria puede ayudar a mantener la salud del cerebro, el colon y la piel. Las uvas también son una buena fuente de vitamina K, que puede ayudar a mantener la salud pulmonar. Incorpore a su dieta los beneficios de las uvas para la salud con una receta fácil y práctica como ensalada de col con uvas y coles de Bruselas, perfecta para comer sola o acompañar con su proteína favorita, como la pechuga de pollo asada.
Priorizar la higiene básica: Las prácticas preventivas pueden ayudarle a evitar los gérmenes, protegiéndose a sí mismo y a los demás al mismo tiempo. Lávese las manos frecuentemente con agua y jabón, limite el contacto con otras personas que puedan estar enfermas y cúbrase la nariz y la boca con un pañuelo desechable o con el codo al toser o estornudar.
Mantente activo: La temporada de resfriados y gripe coincide con temperaturas elevadas, lo que a menudo dificulta salir a hacer ejercicio. Encuentre una actividad que disfrute, como caminar de intensidad moderada, trotar, andar en bicicleta o practicar un deporte aeróbico. El “Journal of Sport and Health Science” informa que el ejercicio puede ayudar a mejorar la respuesta inmune y reducir la inflamación, lo que lo convierte en una forma clave de preparar el cuerpo para defenderse.
Hidratar, hidratar, hidratar: Mantenerse hidratado ayuda a su sistema inmunológico al mantener las defensas del cuerpo funcionando correctamente. Además de beber agua, puedes aumentar la hidratación comiendo alimentos con alto contenido de agua como las uvas, que contienen aproximadamente un 82% de agua.
Manejar el estrés: Puedes ayudar a controlar el estrés, que tiene un impacto negativo en la salud y el bienestar general, de varias maneras. Practique respiración profunda o meditación, participe en actividades y pasatiempos que le brinden alegría y desarrolle hábitos nocturnos que promuevan un buen sueño. Si come un bocadillo por la noche, elija alimentos como las uvas, que son una fuente natural de melatonina, un compuesto que ayuda a regular los ciclos del sueño. Hable con alguien en quien confíe, como un amigo, un familiar o un profesional de salud mental, para ayudar a aliviar el estrés.
Visite para encontrar más formas de apoyar su salud inmunológica.
Ensalada de coles de Bruselas y uvas
Porciones: 6
- 1 bolsa (12 onzas) de coles de Bruselas ralladas
- 2/3 taza de repollo rojo finamente rallado
- 2 tazas de uvas rojas Grapes from California, cortadas por la mitad a lo largo
- 1/2 taza de cebolla morada finamente picada
- 3 cebollines, recortados y en rodajas finas
- 2 cucharadas de vinagre de arroz
- 1 1/2 cucharadas de miel de abeja
- 1 cucharadita de jugo de lima o limón fresco
- 1 cucharadita de salsa de soja baja en sodio
- 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
- 1 cucharada de aceite de sésamo tostado (oscuro)
- pimienta negra recién molida, al gusto
- 3 cucharadas de semillas de sésamo tostadas
- En un tazón grande, combine los brotes rallados, el repollo, las uvas, la cebolla y las cebolletas.
- En un tazón pequeño, mezcle el vinagre, la miel, el jugo de limón o lima y la salsa de soya. Rocíe con los aceites de oliva y sésamo mientras bate. Mezcle bien con la mezcla de ensalada. Enfríe 45 minutos para incorporar los sabores. Sazone con pimienta al gusto y espolvoree semillas de sésamo por encima.
Información nutricional por ración: 170 calorías; 4 g de proteína; 22 g de carbohidratos; 9 g de grasa (48% de calorías provenientes de grasa); 1.5 g de grasa saturada (8% de calorías provenientes de grasas saturadas); 0 mg de colesterol; 60 mg de sodio; 4 gramos de fibra.
California Table Grape Commission
En esencia, en STM Daily News, nos esforzamos por mantenerlo informado e inspirado con el contenido más fresco sobre todo lo relacionado con alimentos y bebidas. Desde recetas deliciosas hasta artículos intrigantes, estamos aquí para satisfacer su apetito por el conocimiento culinario.
Visite nuestra sección de Alimentos y bebidas para obtener las últimas noticias y recetas gastronómicas, que ofrecen una deliciosa combinación de inspiración culinaria y tendencias gastronómicas para elevar su experiencia gastronómica.
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Food and Beverage
Simplify Family Dinner with a One-Pot Soup
Meatball Tortellini Soup is an easy one-pot meal perfect for family gatherings, featuring beef broth, meatballs, tortellini, and spinach for a hearty winter dish.
(Family Features) After a busy season of groups and gatherings, sometimes a new year calls for easy, filling meals you can enjoy with your nearest and dearest. Warm, hearty Meatball Tortellini Soup can do just that as a delicious one-pot solution. Visit to find more warming winter recipes.
Meatball Tortellini Soup
Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy”
Servings: 6-8
- 4 cups beef broth
- 1 can (14 ounces) diced tomatoes
- 16 ounces frozen meatballs
- 19 ounces tortellini
- 6 ounces frozen spinach
- 1 tablespoon onion powder
- 1 tablespoon garlic powder
- 1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
- 3/4 cup Parmesan cheese, plus additional for serving, divided
- salt, to taste
- pepper, to taste
- 1/4 cup heavy cream
- bread, for serving
- In Dutch oven, pour in beef broth and diced tomatoes. Fill empty diced tomatoes can with water and add to pot. Stir in meatballs, tortellini and spinach. Cook over medium heat then add onion powder, garlic powder, Italian seasoning and 3/4 cup Parmesan cheese. Add salt and pepper, to taste.
- Cook 25 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add heavy cream and cook 5 minutes.
- Serve with bread and additional Parmesan cheese.
At our core, we at STM Daily News, strive to keep you informed and inspired with the freshest content on all things food and beverage. From mouthwatering recipes to intriguing articles, we’re here to satisfy your appetite for culinary knowledge.
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Food and Beverage
Elevated Holiday Entertaining: Fresh sips and apps to celebrate the season
(Family Features) For many, the hallmark of the holiday season is time with cherished loved ones, and there are few better places to spend those special moments together than gathered around a beautiful seasonal spread. By adding a little creative flair to the menu, and a signature ingredient like grapes, you can elevate any dish – from snacks and main courses to sides, desserts and even cocktails.
Compatible with an array of other foods, grapes can add flavor, texture and beauty to dishes and take hosting to the next level thanks to their delicate sweetness and juicy texture.
Available into January and perfect for the holiday season, fresh Grapes from California can add a crisp, juicy burst of flavor to salads like this Lemony Grapes and Greens Salad. Or take advantage of the versatility of grapes by roasting them to intensify the flavor of an appetizer such as Balsamic-Roasted Grape and Burrata Crostini or muddling into a sweet and savory Grape Basil Martini, which highlights their delicate sweetness in a festive manner.
Find more recipes and inspiration to elevate your holiday menu at
Using Grapes as Holiday Decor
Clusters of colorful grapes are beautiful, tasty additions to many holiday tables. However, their use goes well beyond serving as an appealing addition to holiday recipes. Consider these ways you can utilize grapes when setting out your seasonal spread:
- Vase Filler: Use grapes instead of glass gems or foam to hold flowers in place in a vase. Grapes keep floral arrangements completely natural and extend color throughout the vase.
- Trim the Turkey: After placing the turkey on a large platter, decorate with a variety of fresh herbs and small bunches of grapes for friends and family to admire before it’s gobbled up.
- Set the Table: Grapes add color, texture and flavor to dining tables and work well with a wide variety of themes and color palettes.
- Floral Arrangements: Red, green and black grapes pair perfectly with a wide variety of flowers and greenery to add color, texture and depth to floral arrangements.
- Grape and Mint Ice Cubes: Grapes freeze well and make for a perfect replacement for ice cubes in cocktails. Simply freeze sliced grapes and mint in ice cube trays with a bit of water then add to favorite cocktails.
- Chocolate-Dipped Grapes: Dipped in white, milk or dark chocolate varieties, grapes can be paired with desserts like cheesecake or served on their own.
- Cake Decor: Red, green and black grapes are ideal decor for frosted cakes, serving as edible decorations that add color and elegance to each tier.
Balsamic-Roasted Grape and Burrata Crostini
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Servings: 8
- 3 cups red or black Grapes from California
- 1/4 cup white or traditional balsamic vinegar
- 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
- 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
- 8 ounces burrata cheese
- 3 tablespoons roasted, salted pistachio kernels, coarsely chopped
- fresh basil, snipped
- 24 soft or toasted baguette slices
- In mixing bowl, mix cake mix, flour, cocoa powder and sugar. Blend in milk, eggs and butter.
- Grease bundt pan with butter and pour in batter. Bake according to package instructions for bundt cakes then add 10-15 minutes. Let cool before icing.
- To make frosting: In bowl, mix butter, cream cheese and whipping cream. Slowly blend in powdered sugar.
- Ice entire bundt cake or place frosting in piping bag and pipe with back and forth “drip” motion. Sprinkle sanding sugar for sparkly snow appearance, if desired.
Nutritional information per serving: 290 calories; 11 g protein; 35 g carbohydrates; 12 g fat (37% calories from fat); 5 g saturated fat (16% calories from saturated fat); 20 mg cholesterol; 390 mg sodium; 1 g fiber.
Lemony Grapes and Greens Salad
Prep time: 25 minutes
Servings: 6
Lemon Vinaigrette:
- 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
- 3 tablespoons lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 2 teaspoons spicy brown or stone-ground mustard
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- 1/8 teaspoon sea salt
- 1/8 teaspoon pepper
- 10 cups mixed torn greens (endive, watercress, frisee or butter lettuce)
- 1 1/2 cups halved Grapes from California
- 1/2 cup slivered red onion
- 1 large firm but ripe avocado, peeled, pitted and diced
- 1/3 cup roasted, salted pistachio kernels
- To make lemon vinaigrette: In small bowl, whisk olive oil, lemon juice, honey, mustard, garlic, salt and pepper.
- To make salad: In large bowl, mix greens, grapes and onion. Drizzle with dressing and toss well to coat. Add avocado and toss lightly. Sprinkle with pistachios.
Nutritional information per serving: 230 calories; 4 g protein; 19 g carbohydrates; 17 g fat (67% calories from fat); 2.5 g saturated fat (10% calories from saturated fat); 0 mg cholesterol; 130 mg sodium; 5 g fiber.
Grape Basil Martini
Servings: 1
- 3 basil leaves, torn, plus 1 full leaf for garnish
- 5 green Grapes from California, halved, plus 2 whole grapes for garnish
- 2 ounces gin
- 1/4 ounce sweet muscat wine
- 1 ounce lemon juice
- 1 ounce simple syrup
- ice
- In cocktail shaker, muddle basil and grapes with gin. Add sweet wine, lemon juice and simple syrup; shake gently.
- Strain into rocks glass filled with ice. Garnish with basil leaf and float two grapes on top.
Nutritional information per serving: 229 calories; 0 g protein; 24 g carbohydrates; 0 g fat (0% calories from fat); 0 mg cholesterol; 1 mg sodium; 0.3 g fiber.
California Table Grape Commission
At our core, we at STM Daily News, strive to keep you informed and inspired with the freshest content on all things food and beverage. From mouthwatering recipes to intriguing articles, we’re here to satisfy your appetite for culinary knowledge.
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Food and Beverage
Classic Desserts That Combine Christmases Past and Present
(Family Features) If holiday gatherings have started to feel more overwhelming than celebratory, it’s time to go back to the basics with seasonal desserts that are easy yet elegant.
Classic Desserts
Wow your crowd this year with a mouthwatering Hummingbird Cake or Coconut Cake that call to mind holidays past without requiring hours spent in the kitchen (like grandma used to do). Or for a classic take on an old favorite, these Christmas Cinnamon Cookies can even let the kiddos get involved – just make the dough then have your little helpers use their favorite cookie cutters to make festive shapes before the oven does the rest of the work.
Find these recipes and more from “Cookin’ Savvy” at
Hummingbird Cake
Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy“
- 1 spice cake mix
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 cup banana cream Greek yogurt
- 3 eggs
- 1 cup crushed pineapple
- 1 cup crushed pecans
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 2 tablespoons melted butter
- 1 stick butter, softened
- 1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened
- 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
- 5 cups powdered sugar
- 1 package pecans (optional)
- Heat oven to 350 F.
- In mixing bowl, mix spice mix and sugar. Blend in yogurt, eggs and pineapple. In separate bowl, mix pecans, flour and butter then add to cake mixture.
- Grease two 8-inch cake pans with butter. Pour half the mixture into each pan then bake 45 minutes. Cool on rack before icing.
- To make frosting: In mixing bowl, mix butter, cream cheese and heavy whipping cream. Slowly blend in powdered sugar.
- Ice cake then decorate with pecans, if desired.
Coconut Cake
Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy“
- 1 vanilla or white cake mix
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 cup coconut Greek yogurt
- 1 cup milk
- 2 tablespoons melted butter
- 3 eggs
- 1 stick butter, softened
- 1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened
- 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
- 5 cups powered sugar
- 2-4 cups shredded coconut
- Heat oven to 350 F.
- In mixing bowl, mix cake mix, flour and sugar. Blend in yogurt, milk, butter and eggs.
- Grease two 8-inch cake pans with butter. Pour half the mixture into each pan and bake 45 minutes. Cool on rack before icing.
- To make frosting: In mixing bowl, mix butter, cream cheese and heavy whipping cream. Slowly blend in powdered sugar.
- Ice cake then pat shredded coconut gently into icing.
Christmas Cinnamon Cookies
Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy“
- 1 2/3 cups self-rising flour
- 2 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon ginger
- 1/8 teaspoon cloves
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 1 egg
- 2 tablespoons water (optional)
- 1 cup powered sugar (optional)
- In mixing bowl, combine flour, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, sugar, brown sugar and egg to make dough. If dough is too dry to form into ball, add water. Form into log and wrap in parchment paper. Refrigerate 1 hour.
- Heat oven to 350 F.
- Roll dough out and cut into shapes with cookie cutters. Place on cookie sheet covered in parchment paper and bake 8-10 minutes. Let cool on rack then dust with powdered sugar, if desired.
At our core, we at STM Daily News, strive to keep you informed and inspired with the freshest content on all things food and beverage. From mouthwatering recipes to intriguing articles, we’re here to satisfy your appetite for culinary knowledge.
Visit our Food & Drink section to get the latest on Foodie News and recipes, offering a delightful blend of culinary inspiration and gastronomic trends to elevate your dining experience.
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