5 pasos para controlar adecuadamente la presión arterial
(Family Features) Nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure, or hypertension, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of those, around 75% do not have it under control, and many may not even realize they have it unless they experience other complications.
De hecho, la hipertensión es una de las principales causas y un factor de riesgo controlable de enfermedades cardíacas y accidentes cerebrovasculares, así como de otros problemas, como insuficiencia renal, pérdida de la visión y problemas sexuales. Sin embargo, la Asociación Americana del Corazón recomienda seguir estos sencillos pasos para ayudar a controlar sus niveles y manejar los riesgos.
1. Conozca sus números
En la mayoría de los casos, la presión arterial normal es de 120/80 mm HG o menos. Las lecturas consistentemente superiores a 130/80 se consideran presión arterial alta. Pida a un profesional de la salud que le mida la presión arterial al menos una vez al año y contrólela regularmente en su casa con un monitor validado y luego discuta las lecturas con su médico. Obtener lecturas precisas puede ayudar a garantizar el tratamiento más adecuado en caso de que surja algún problema.
2. Mantenga un peso saludable
Si tiene sobrepeso u obesidad, tiene un mayor riesgo de hipertensión. Perder solo el 3-5% de su peso corporal puede ayudar a mejorar sus números. Hay una gran cantidad de planes y programas disponibles que pueden ayudar con la pérdida de peso, y tomar medidas positivas con un amigo o familiar puede ayudar con la motivación.
3. Manténgase activo
Para maximizar los beneficios para la salud y ayudar a mantener la presión arterial en el rango normal, la Asociación Americana del Corazón recomienda que los adultos realicen al menos 150 minutos por semana de actividad moderada, 75 minutos de actividad intensa o una combinación de ambas. Pruebe actividades como caminar a paso ligero, nadar, montar en bicicleta o bailar. Por ejemplo, la campaña Get Down with Your Blood Pressure usa música y baile para ayudar a recordar los cuatro sencillos pasos para autocontrolarse la presión arterial:
- Tómelo: tome su dispositivo de autocontrol de la presión arterial (SMBP, por sus siglas en inglés)
- Deslícelo: deslice el brazalete SMBP hacia arriba de su brazo
- Envuélvalo: envuelva el brazalete cómodamente, pero no demasiado apretado
- Compruébelo: compruebe su presión arterial en el dispositivo
4. Aliméntese bien
Hacer cambios pequeños y simples en sus hábitos alimenticios puede ser de gran ayuda para que usted y su familia se mantengan saludables. Comer frutas y verduras, como mangos, aguacates y arándanos, puede reducir la presión arterial con el tiempo. Otras opciones inteligentes incluyen frutos secos y semillas, cereales integrales, proteínas magras y pescado.
5. Disminuya el consumo de alcohol y tabaco
Fumar agrava los factores de riesgo de las enfermedades cardíacas, como la presión arterial alta y la diabetes, y las sustancias químicas del humo del tabaco pueden dañar el corazón y los vasos sanguíneos. Asimismo, el consumo excesivo de alcohol (más de dos copas al día) se asocia con la hipertensión arterial. Limitar el consumo de alcohol y dejar de fumar, o evitar el humo de segunda mano, puede ayudar a reducir el riesgo.
Si desarrolla hipertensión, trabaje con un profesional de la salud para controlarla y visite para encontrar recursos locales para la presión arterial, videos de autocontrol paso a paso y más.
Control de su presión arterial en el hogar
Es importante saber cómo controlar correctamente su presión arterial, especialmente si su médico recomienda un autocontrol regular en casa.
- Quédese quieto. No fume, tome cafeína ni haga ejercicio durante los 30 minutos antes de medir su presión arterial. Vacíe su vejiga y tómese al menos 5 minutos de descanso tranquilo antes de medir.
- Siéntese correctamente. Siéntese con la espalda recta y apoyada. Mantenga los pies apoyados en el suelo y las piernas sin cruzar. Apoye su brazo sobre una superficie plana, como una mesa, con su bíceps al nivel del corazón. Coloque la parte inferior del brazalete directamente sobre el pliegue de su codo. Nunca tome medidas sobre las mangas u otra ropa.
- Mida a la misma hora todos los días. Para una mayor consistencia, tome lecturas a la misma hora todos los días, por ejemplo, a una hora determinada por la mañana y por la noche.
- Tome varias lecturas y registre los resultados. Cada vez que mida, tome 2-3 lecturas con aproximadamente 1 minuto de diferencia y registre los resultados para compartirlos con su médico.
Este proyecto cuenta con el apoyo de acuerdos cooperativos (CPIMP211227 y CPIMP211228) con la Oficina de Salud de las Minorías (OMH) del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS) de EE. UU., como parte de una asignación de asistencia financiera por un total de $14.6 millones de dólares en colaboración con la Administración de Recursos y Servicios de Salud (HRSA). El contenido no necesariamente representa las opiniones oficiales de la OMH, la OASH, el HHS ni del Gobierno de EE. UU., ni estos organismos respaldan dicho contenido. Para obtener mayor información, visita
Fotografías cortesía de Getty Images
American Heart Association
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Combatting Loneliness in Older Adults
(Family Features) The bonds found in friendships and other relationships are an important factor in health and wellness – even science says so.
According to the American Psychological Association, forming and maintaining social connections at any age is one of the most reliable predictors of a healthy, happy and long life. Studies show having strong and supportive friendships can fend off depression and anxiety, lower blood pressure and heart rates in stressful situations and change the way people perceive daunting tasks.
However, statistics show approximately half of U.S. adults lack companionship and feel socially disconnected, according to the U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on the Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community. In fact, 12% don’t have anyone they consider a close friend, per the Survey Center on American Life. This “epidemic of loneliness,” as coined by U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, can take a severe toll on mental and physical health.
As people age, the risks of isolation increase. With America’s older population growing rapidly – the 65 and older population reached more than 55 million in 2020 – discussing how older adults can combat loneliness is relevant to public health and individual well-being.
Consider volunteering, which is one of the best and most rewarding ways to combat loneliness.
Volunteering Combats Loneliness
People often volunteer to find a sense of purpose, learn new skills, improve their communities or establish new routines after retiring or becoming empty nesters. For many, making friends through volunteer work is a welcome bonus. The act of volunteering provides proven benefits for older adults.
Forming connections can make all the difference in a person’s volunteer experience and sense of well-being. People who meet through volunteer work inherently share a common interest and something to bond over. These friendships can carry over outside of volunteer work and lead to bonding over other hobbies and interests.
Connection-Focused Volunteer Opportunities
In addition to making friends with fellow volunteers, many older adults also form relationships with the people they’re serving, especially if those recipients are their peers.
For example, AmeriCorps Seniors is the national service and volunteerism program in the federal agency of AmeriCorps that connects adults aged 55 and up to local service opportunities that match their interests. Its Senior Companion Program pairs volunteers with other older adults or those with disabilities who need companionship or assistance. Volunteers may help with tasks such as paying bills, shopping or getting companions to appointments. In some cases, volunteers may also provide support and respite for family members caring for loved ones with chronic illnesses.
“We often think of volunteering as ‘giving back,’ but we’ve seen firsthand that it often becomes so much more than that,” said Atalaya Sergi, director of AmeriCorps Seniors. “By spending a few hours each week with another older adult in need of support, our volunteers are not only giving back to others, but they’re adding meaning to their own lives and establishing new connections. They’re helping to fight the loneliness epidemic one visit at a time.”
Growing older can come with challenges, but some of those can be minimized with a positive mindset and commitment to remaining connected and engaged – whether with friends, relatives or fellow community members. Fostering relationships is a key ingredient to a healthier and more fulfilling life.
For more information and to find volunteer opportunities near you, visit
Meet Friends Who Connected Through Service
Ray Maestas felt unfulfilled post-retirement and began volunteering with the AmeriCorps Seniors Senior Companion Program. He was connected with Bob Finnerty, a man with blindness looking for assistance a few days each week. They quickly struck up a routine of errands, reading and conversation that’s since become a friendship they both cherish.
“The Senior Companion Program has provided an avenue to enrich the lives of not only the participants but the people who are volunteering,” Maestas said. “Bob and I have gotten to the point where he’s a very important part of my life.”
Finnerty echoed those sentiments and shared his own appreciation for Maestas’ friendship.
“I’ve always relished my independence and I feel Ray is not just a person who reads for me – he’s a friend,” Finnerty said.
In the last few years, Maestas moved and now serves with a different chapter of the Senior Companion Program. He and Finnerty keep in touch. Maestas said they talk about every third day.
AmeriCorps Seniors
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Stuff Those Stockings with Skin Care Solutions
The article suggests adding thoughtful skincare solutions as holiday stocking stuffers, highlighting Herbacin’s natural products that address various skin issues for women of all ages.
(Family Features) Even if you have the perfect gifts picked out for your nearest and dearest, there’s still time to add some stocking stuffers that are sure to please all the favorite ladies in your life.
Stocking Stuffers
The holidays are the perfect time for gifting special skin care solutions they will love. Formulated for all ages and skin types, these curated formulas address multiple skin challenges for a wonderfully healthy glow. Ideal for slipping into a stocking at the last moment, thoughtful skin care products can show just how much you care.
To find solutions for your loved ones this holiday season, visit
7 Skin Care Solutions
Women of all ages and skin types can find a formula that fits their lifestyles from Herbacin’s Skin Solutions Series, which includes seven products formulated with 100% natural, vegan ingredients to combat and alleviate any number of skin issues. Designed to integrate into a daily skin care regimen, they address various challenges such as dry and cracked skin, acne, psoriasis or pigmentation marks. Skin issues that affect external appearance can also lead to mental stress, making it important to address them with dermatologically tested solutions.
Specialty Products to Tackle Skin Issues
Some skin problems are triggered by stress and genetic predisposition while others are caused by an unbalanced lifestyle and diet, hormonal imbalances or environmental influences. It’s important to meet your skin issues head on with products formulated for the challenge like Herbacin Creamy Face Wash, a plant-based cream that provides deep cleansing for the face, neck and decollete for a clean feeling without drying skin. Designed for women who enjoy the sun, Age Spot Primer reduces pigmentation spots with a langsat tree extract.
Photo courtesy of Adobe Stock (stockings on mantel)
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Life After Stroke: 5 tips for recovery and daily living
In the weeks and months immediately following a stroke, an early rehabilitation program offers the best possible recovery outcomes.
(Family Features) In the weeks and months immediately following a stroke, an early rehabilitation program offers the best possible recovery outcomes. While each person’s stroke recovery journey is unique, starting the path toward rehabilitation as soon as it’s medically safe allows stroke survivors to mitigate the lasting effects.
According to the American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association, each year, approximately 800,000 people in the United States have a stroke. Strokes can happen to anyone, at any age. In fact, globally about 1 in 4 adults over the age of 25 will have a stroke in their lifetime.
Early Intervention
The rehabilitation and support a survivor receives can greatly influence health outcomes and recovery. The first three months after a stroke are especially critical. Although recovery may continue for years after a stroke, this time in the immediate aftermath of a stroke is when the brain is most able to adjust to the damage done by the stroke so the survivor can learn new ways to do things.
Physical, Communication and Cognitive Changes
Following a stroke, a survivor may experience physical changes, such as fatigue, seizures, weakness or paralysis on one side of the body or spasticity, stiff or rigid muscles which may cause difficulty with completing daily activities and tasks. If experiencing fatigue, speak with your health care provider about ways to reduce it. Your care team may also be able to provide medications to help with seizures and spasticity. Physical therapy is also an option.
Challenges after a stroke depend on the severity and location of the stroke. In addition to various physical disabilities, stroke survivors may experience aphasia, communication and thought problems related to speaking, listening, understanding or memory. Planning, organizing ideas or making decisions can also be harder.
“Remember to be patient when communicating with a stroke survivor,” said Elissa Charbonneau, M.S., D.O., chief medical officer of Encompass Health and an American Stroke Association national volunteer. “The impact of a stroke on cognitive, speech and language can be significant and isolating. When connecting with a stroke survivor, some helpful practices include demonstrating tasks, breaking actions into smaller steps, enunciating, asking multiple choice questions and repetition.”
Customized Rehabilitation
Once a stroke survivor’s medical condition is stabilized and he or she is ready to leave the hospital, rehabilitation can help restore function and teach new ways to complete everyday tasks. Rehabilitation may take place in an inpatient facility, skilled nursing facility or long-term acute care facility. Outpatient clinics and home health agencies can also provide rehabilitative care in certain circumstances.
One patient’s rehab journey might include therapy to improve balance, strength or mobility while another might need speech or other therapies. A rehabilitation designed for the individual is critical.
Preventing a Recurrence
After a first stroke, nearly 1 in 4 survivors will have another. Stroke survivors can help reduce their risk of having another stroke by working with their health care team to identify what caused the stroke and uncover personal risk factors.
Taking steps such as healthy eating, reducing sedentary time and taking medications as prescribed can help your brain and reduce your risk of a repeat stroke. Controlling conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and sleep apnea also reduce your risk of having another stroke.
Support During Your Journey
Caregivers and other loved ones can provide important long-term support during your recovery and rehabilitation.
Find resources for stroke rehab and recovery including the “Life After Stroke” guide, “Simply Good” cookbook and a support network to connect with other survivors at
Photo courtesy of Getty Images
American Heart Association
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